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Bab 4: Mithril malaikatSaya minta maaf untuk menunggu... Aku log keluar sebelum aku bisa klik pada tombol untuk mempublikasikan (TT ^ TT)... tetapi Anda punya tabel sekarang... <(^~^) >..."Dalam beberapa hari, kita harus mampu menemukan dirinya.""Beberapa hari lagi dan itu akan menjadi lebih dari 3 minggu.""Kami mempersempit daerah, jadi kali ini pasti."Drinpelt dan Griffth yang tim pelacakan terdiri dari pencuri yang mampu mendapatkan data tentang God of War. Kesabaran mereka menunjukkan sementara pelacakan untuk mengikuti Weed adalah benar-benar hilang.Meskipun tim yang datang ke Jigolaths, pembunuh dan pencuri karakter yang cukup baik. Mereka mengubah metode mereka dan 8 pembunuh dan pencuri 4 berpisah pencarian dan setiap informasi yang didapat melalui proses ini tercatat pada peta.Akibatnya, banyak informasi tentang dungeons bawah tanah Jigolaths diperoleh dan juga hampir 23% dari seluruh peta selesai. Hampir 23% dapat dianggap sebagai diabaikan, tapi mereka tidak termasuk jalan dan dungeons bahwa mereka tertentu bahwa tidak akan gulma. Karena ini adalah lebih praktis, mereka mampu hampir memahami gulma di arah."Butuh waktu 4 hari dan bahkan termasuk parameter tambahan, 6 akan cukup."Pembunuh dan pencuri yang cukup percaya diri ketika mereka mempersempit pencarian. Pasukan tempur Hermes persekutuan dan Griffith's bajak laut yang berburu di dalam Liang Tutupan yang terdekat dan mereka juga sepenuhnya siap untuk pertemuan.Seo Yoon was also aware of the trackers who were chasing them, including the thieves and the assassins, were coming.Excluding KMC Media, the other broadcasting companies got some troops to come to look around Jigolaths via the Hermes Guild. On the Internet, they were looking forward already to see the 2nd showdown between that Weed and the Hermes Guild. In the broadcast, Drinpelt didn’t even hide that fact that they were chasing him. In addition, the entire area around Jigolaths was blocked by the Navy and the pirate ships.Seo Yoon, who was standing at the entrance of the Helium mine which Weed went in, moved to another place. She left traces in many ways wanting to draw the assassins and the thieves, who with their tracking skills based on observing the signs, will be able to see through quickly. To reduce the number of enemies, Seo Yoon deliberately made trackable isolated road signs to lure them in.“They went in this place.”“Freshly made footprints. Let’s follow them.”Looking at the signs, the tracking speed was raised. The assassins were distributed to various locations to ensure the security of the troops due to their low number.“I’m sorry.”Seo Yoon, holding her sword, was waiting for them.“The enemy!”An assassin who dashed earlier in the dungeon quickly found someone standing in the darkness and threw a dagger at it.Chou chou syuk!The thrown weapon was flying and pierced through the darkness! Seo Yoon ran forwards at full power. The dagger brushed by her body. Seo Yoon waved her sword."Keuheok!"Si pembunuh cepat mundur dari serangan dan menggunakan kecepatan gerakan yang lebih cepat yang diserang di depannya."Beraninya kamu!""Kita harus memperhitungkan dengan Anda."SEO Yoon mengacungkan pedang nya terus-menerus terhadap si pembunuh. Musuh, dalam pertahanan, menolak dan dinetralisir serangan terus menerus nya. Ksatria dari Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Surga fleet wung pedang mereka terhadap dirinya. Setiap kali ksatria dalam baju besi ' serangan memukul Seo Yoon kesehatan akan turun. Lebih banyak pertarungan terakhir, Berserker adalah lebih bahaya karena kesehatannya menurun. SEO Yoon tidak menyukai aman berburu. Dia telah meninggal berkali-kali sementara berburu monster di hari-hari awal nya di Royal Road.SEO Yoon serangan yang luar biasa ksatria angkatan laut dan membunuh salah satu dari mereka. Penderitaan terus-menerus di bawah serangan Seo Yoon, sisa Angkatan Laut ksatria meninggal dengan mudah. SEO Yoon harus pindah ke tempat lain setelah itu. Pelacak harus menangani hal-hal lain seperti mereka tertunda.***Kkaang! Kkaang! Kkaang! Kkaang! Kkaang! Kkaang!Gulma akan lebih dalam setiap kali dia menggali dengan beliung. Menyamping juga hancur. Dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan vitalitas nya, ia melepas baju besi nya dan mengenakan pakaian sederhana untuk bekerja untuk menemukan Helium. Dirtmen juga dipanggil untuk membantu, tetapi mereka tidak membantu sama sekali."Tidak kompeten bajingan."Helium dimakamkan jauh di dalam tanah dan mungkin dilindungi oleh sihir ilahi atau beberapa logam khusus karena Roh tidak dapat menemukannya.Ding!Your skill level has reached beginner 10 and it will be changed to intermediate mining skill.You will be able to dig without damaging along the margins of special minerals.You will be able to see and feel special properties of minerals.+2 additional points will be given in all stats.Since your profession is not that of a miner, your vitality will be increased by a maximum value of 300 and your rate of recovery of vitality is permanently increased by 0.4%.Your fame has risen by 30.Strength stat has increased by 5.“Finally, I have obtained intermediate mining.”Since he was working hard in silence, the result was that he felt that intermediate mining was still far from reach. A large number of minerals were buried there and he was quietly sweating drops of perspiration in the mine.Kkoreureureug.Your stomach is empty.You are starving.Your movement speed is decreased by more than 25%.Up to 65% of the normal vitality will not be recovered.During a battle, by becoming brutal, Orcs can temporarily exert a strong force.However when the battle is over, you will feel an even greater hunger.Weed finely crushed the barley bread in the water and drank it. Due to the nature of Orcs, he had to eat steadily. Yellowy was ruminating about food while plowing. They were endlessly doing mining operations in the area!Weed would often speak with Yellowy.“When are we going to find Helium?”Every time Weed dug using the pickaxe, the area was greatly increased. He obtained many minerals and gems and even found large monster bones while excavating sometimes. However, no matter what, Helium was not coming out.“You didn’t end here right, Helium?”It was understandable if you think about it. An excellent sculptor of Versailles continent came here trying to find the helium!After coming to Jigolaths to find the legacy of the sculptor, he learned about Helium after witnessing that story. Finally, he became good with the pickaxe with intermediate mining skill. Or course, Orcs could still feel fatigue and had to rest. Weed stopped working and noticed that Yellowy was laying on the ground. Then he looked away carelessly from Yellowy to the wall.Then, he looked away from Yellowy and carelessly looked at the wall. He learned the mining skill and got used to digging the ground. After digging the ground with the pickaxe, a clear difference was showed between the blocks of piled stone and clay. Weed felt like it was deliberately placed there just to prevent something to be seen.“There is something beyond I think.”Weed lightly touched the wall. With intermediate mining skill, just touching the minerals was enough to tell their properties.“Here, there has to be something. There are not only thick walls.”Weed quickly ascertained and chose a reliable method. He was piercing the wall with a pickaxe.Kwareureu Reureung.Beyond that block of clay walls in the inner space, the figure of the sculpture of angels was revealed.“There is a sculpture here.”The gracious sculptured angels were spreading their wings and arms as in welcoming the two visitors.You saw the Advent of the Seven Angels.A sculpture by a sculptor standing at the pinnacle in Versailles Continent! The great sculptor master Daycram made it by using Mithril.The pure Mithril’s crystalline characteristics are fully exposed.The advent of the angels in the new territories is lively carved.A hidden treasure in the Versailles Continent.
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