The tanghla poked head in: „Li Xiao Yao, will your boy have that prett terjemahan - The tanghla poked head in: „Li Xiao Yao, will your boy have that prett Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The tanghla poked head in: „Li Xiao

The tanghla poked head in: „Li Xiao Yao, will your boy have that pretty younger sis­ter? Your boy has grown into this, will your younger sis­ter so be how pretty?”
I stare say­ing: „Which type was I long? The eye­glasses brother your skin was itchy, prac­tices?”
„Ok, I feared that I gave to punch Lin Wan Er to love dearly you have been able to punch me”
„Your younger sis­ter”
Anx­ious going up­stairs, after tak­ing the game hard hel­met, im­me­di­ately goes down­stairs, dis­cov­ered after Li Mengyao is per­fect, dis­cov­ered that does not have the means that my younger sis­ter is too pretty, but when my this elder brother since child­hood has not worked lit­tle as the pro­tec­tor, these try to bribe the bad boys of dream Yao not to be short by me are punched
Vis­its me to be mad to the ap­pear­ance of bull­fight, Li Mengyao is pulling my arm, said with a smile lightly: „Elder brother, should not be angry, you look at your ap­pear­ance, is not grace­ful”
I am speech­less: „Dream Yao, are you in Xi­a­men Uni­ver­sity also this? Con­fessed to the elder brother hon­estly that made boyfriend?”
Li Mengyao can­not bear say with a smile: „No!”
„Does that pur­sue your per­son many cer­tainly also?”
Li Mengyao blinked „for­tu­nately”, says with a smile: „I did not say in high two that year in the sum­mer, only if pre­sented one also to lead com­pared with the elder brother, more­over per­son who can give me com­pared with the elder brother the se­cu­rity sense, oth­er­wise I did not want boyfriend”
I hold the vol­ume: „That was more dif­fi­cult, was oil lamp an­cient, fin­ished the re­main­ing years rhythm”
Li Mengyao hits my shoul­der gen­tly, is angry to say with a smile: „Elder brother necro­sis, knew to tease me, this was in the in­can­ta­tion I!”
„” I have not laughed: „I also hope that my younger sis­ter can meet one to her the se­cu­rity sense, can love his man, al­though such man is very few, this mood you un­der­stand, a man is out­stand­ing, when my this elder brother is not will­ing to hand over in his hand you”
Li Mengyao min lip, said low voice: „Elder brother, I know that I was young have very long Cooldown to ac­com­pany the elder brother that my Level to fol­low, I must join [Zhan Long], the elder brother must pro­tect me”
„Oh, good, does not have issue, I any­thing do not do tonight, spe­cially led you to pro­mote!”
„Good, elder brother” Li Mengyao turns up­wards the tip of the toe, gen­tly a kiss on my cheeks, wet, small girl to my sen­ti­ment as if also sev­eral years ago is the same, has never changed.
Down­stairs the fe­male stu­dents, has met Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month later, re­turns to the hotel that the aunt opens.
Sup­per, is sump­tu­ous, eats meal one after an­other had the lover to come to the room, mostly is pe­riph­ery the stu­dent in uni­ver­sity city, an aunt food has not eaten, but the busi­ness is good, ac­tu­ally is also glad the wrin­kle on face like is the pool of water rip­ple stretches, but, today I and Li Mengyao, Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng month have oc­cu­pied 4 rooms, was doomed lit­tle to do 4 busi­ness.( I write here time in fact wrote lit­tle to do 3 busi­ness then to change, there­fore do not care about these de­tails, an au­thor wrote, you never know that his brain was think­ing any­thing)
The Lin Wan Er room, I helped her spread the bed­ding skilled, the racket the soft bed, said with a smile: „Al­though said that the con­di­tion is in­fe­rior to five-star hotel, but at least is the four-star, aunt's shop is the con­science shop, liv­ing that here all very health safety, Wan Er can feel re­lieved.”
Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „I know that the fool, you are wor­ried about any­thing”
„Does not have, does not have any­thing”
I smile: „That I live the next door, what mat­ter di­rect game there is called me, I di­vide the minute to come, what do you have to plan in the evening?”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The tanghla poked head in: „Li Xiao Yao, will your boy have that pretty younger sis­ter? Your boy has grown into this, will your younger sis­ter so be how pretty?”I stare say­ing: „Which type was I long? The eye­glasses brother your skin was itchy, prac­tices?”„Ok, I feared that I gave to punch Lin Wan Er to love dearly you have been able to punch me”„Your younger sis­ter”Anx­ious going up­stairs, after tak­ing the game hard hel­met, im­me­di­ately goes down­stairs, dis­cov­ered after Li Mengyao is per­fect, dis­cov­ered that does not have the means that my younger sis­ter is too pretty, but when my this elder brother since child­hood has not worked lit­tle as the pro­tec­tor, these try to bribe the bad boys of dream Yao not to be short by me are punchedVis­its me to be mad to the ap­pear­ance of bull­fight, Li Mengyao is pulling my arm, said with a smile lightly: „Elder brother, should not be angry, you look at your ap­pear­ance, is not grace­ful”I am speech­less: „Dream Yao, are you in Xi­a­men Uni­ver­sity also this? Con­fessed to the elder brother hon­estly that made boyfriend?”Li Mengyao can­not bear say with a smile: „No!”„Does that pur­sue your per­son many cer­tainly also?”Li Mengyao blinked „for­tu­nately”, says with a smile: „I did not say in high two that year in the sum­mer, only if pre­sented one also to lead com­pared with the elder brother, more­over per­son who can give me com­pared with the elder brother the se­cu­rity sense, oth­er­wise I did not want boyfriend”I hold the vol­ume: „That was more dif­fi­cult, was oil lamp an­cient, fin­ished the re­main­ing years rhythm”Li Mengyao hits my shoul­der gen­tly, is angry to say with a smile: „Elder brother necro­sis, knew to tease me, this was in the in­can­ta­tion I!”„” I have not laughed: „I also hope that my younger sis­ter can meet one to her the se­cu­rity sense, can love his man, al­though such man is very few, this mood you un­der­stand, a man is out­stand­ing, when my this elder brother is not will­ing to hand over in his hand you”Li Mengyao min lip, said low voice: „Elder brother, I know that I was young have very long Cooldown to ac­com­pany the elder brother that my Level to fol­low, I must join [Zhan Long], the elder brother must pro­tect me”„Oh, good, does not have issue, I any­thing do not do tonight, spe­cially led you to pro­mote!”„Good, elder brother” Li Mengyao turns up­wards the tip of the toe, gen­tly a kiss on my cheeks, wet, small girl to my sen­ti­ment as if also sev­eral years ago is the same, has never changed.Down­stairs the fe­male stu­dents, has met Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month later, re­turns to the hotel that the aunt opens.Sup­per, is sump­tu­ous, eats meal one after an­other had the lover to come to the room, mostly is pe­riph­ery the stu­dent in uni­ver­sity city, an aunt food has not eaten, but the busi­ness is good, ac­tu­ally is also glad the wrin­kle on face like is the pool of water rip­ple stretches, but, today I and Li Mengyao, Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng month have oc­cu­pied 4 rooms, was doomed lit­tle to do 4 busi­ness.( I write here time in fact wrote lit­tle to do 3 busi­ness then to change, there­fore do not care about these de­tails, an au­thor wrote, you never know that his brain was think­ing any­thing)The Lin Wan Er room, I helped her spread the bed­ding skilled, the racket the soft bed, said with a smile: „Al­though said that the con­di­tion is in­fe­rior to five-star hotel, but at least is the four-star, aunt's shop is the con­science shop, liv­ing that here all very health safety, Wan Er can feel re­lieved.”Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „I know that the fool, you are wor­ried about any­thing”„Does not have, does not have any­thing”I smile: „That I live the next door, what mat­ter di­rect game there is called me, I di­vide the minute to come, what do you have to plan in the evening?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tanghla yang menjulurkan kepala di: "Li Xiao Yao, akan anak Anda memiliki adik yang cukup muda? Anak Anda telah tumbuh menjadi ini, akan adik Anda jadi bagaimana cantik "?
Aku menatap mengatakan:" Jenis yang adalah saya lama? Kacamata saudara kulit Anda gatal, praktek? "
" Ok, saya takut bahwa saya berikan meninju Lin Wan Er ke cintai Anda telah mampu memukul saya "
" adik Anda "
Cemas akan ke atas, setelah mengambil permainan keras helm , segera pergi lantai bawah, ditemukan setelah Li Mengyao sempurna, menemukan bahwa tidak memiliki sarana yang adik saya terlalu cantik, tetapi ketika saudara saya ini tua sejak kecil tidak bekerja sedikit sebagai pelindung, ini mencoba untuk menyuap anak laki-laki yang buruk dari mimpi Yao tidak menjadi singkat oleh saya yang menekan
Kunjungan saya untuk menjadi gila untuk penampilan adu banteng, Li Mengyao adalah menarik lenganku, berkata sambil tersenyum ringan: "saudara Elder, tidak boleh marah, Anda melihat penampilan Anda, tidak anggun "
aku berkata-kata:" Mimpi Yao, apakah Anda di Xiamen University juga ini? ? Mengaku kakak jujur ​​yang membuat pacar "
Li Mengyao tidak bisa menanggung mengatakan dengan senyum:" Tidak! "
"? Apakah yang mengejar orang Anda banyak tentu juga "
Li Mengyao berkedip" untungnya ", sambil tersenyum:" Saya melakukan tidak mengatakan di tinggi dua tahun itu di musim panas, hanya jika disajikan satu juga untuk memimpin dibandingkan dengan kakak, apalagi orang yang bisa memberi saya dibandingkan dengan kakak rasa keamanan, kalau tidak saya tidak ingin pacar "
saya pegang volume : "Itu lebih sulit, adalah lampu minyak kuno, selesai tahun ritme yang tersisa"
Li Mengyao memukul bahu saya dengan lembut, marah mengatakan sambil tersenyum: "Elder nekrosis saudara, tahu untuk menggoda saya, ini adalah di mantra saya! "
" "saya tidak tertawa:" saya juga berharap bahwa adik saya bisa bertemu satu padanya rasa keamanan, bisa mencintai pria, meskipun pria tersebut sangat sedikit, suasana hati ini Anda memahami, seorang pria luar biasa, ketika hal ini saya kakak tidak bersedia untuk menyerahkan di tangannya Anda "
Li Mengyao min bibir, kata suara rendah:" saudara Penatua, saya tahu bahwa saya masih muda memiliki Cooldown sangat lama untuk menemani kakak yang Tingkat saya untuk mengikuti, saya harus bergabung [Zhan panjang], kakak harus melindungi saya "
" Oh, baik, tidak memiliki masalah, saya apa pun tidak lakukan malam ini, khusus menyebabkan Anda untuk mempromosikan! "
" baik, kakak "Li Mengyao ternyata atas ujung toe, lembut ciuman di pipi, basah, gadis kecil saya untuk sentimen saya seakan juga beberapa tahun yang lalu adalah sama, tidak pernah berubah.
Lantai bawah siswa perempuan, telah bertemu Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan kemudian, kembali ke hotel bahwa bibi terbuka.
Supper, mewah, makan makanan satu demi satu memiliki kekasih untuk datang ke ruangan, sebagian besar yaitu pinggiran mahasiswa di kota universitas, sebuah makanan bibi belum dimakan, tapi bisnis yang baik, sebenarnya juga senang kerut di wajah seperti adalah kolam renang membentang riak air, tapi, hari ini saya dan Li Mengyao, Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng bulan telah menduduki 4 kamar, ditakdirkan sedikit untuk melakukan 4 bisnis. (saya menulis di sini waktu sebenarnya menulis sedikit untuk melakukan 3 bisnis kemudian berubah, karena itu tidak peduli tentang rincian ini, seorang penulis menulis, Anda tidak pernah tahu bahwa otaknya berpikir apa-apa)
The Lin Wan Er kamar, aku membantunya menyebar tempat tidur terampil, raket tempat tidur yang lembut, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Meskipun mengatakan bahwa kondisi ini kalah dengan hotel bintang lima, tapi setidaknya adalah bintang empat, toko bibi adalah toko nurani, hidup itu di sini semua keselamatan kesehatan yang sangat, Wan Er bisa merasa lega."
Lin Wan Er melempar senyum: "saya tahu bahwa orang bodoh, Anda khawatir tentang apa pun"
"Apakah tidak memiliki, tidak memiliki apa-apa"
aku tersenyum: "itu saya tinggal sebelah, apa masalah permainan langsung ada menelepon saya, saya membagi menit untuk datang, apa yang Anda harus merencanakan di malam hari? "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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