DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMSTo save time and effort in their decision maki terjemahan - DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMSTo save time and effort in their decision maki Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


To save time and effort in their decision making, knowledge workers use several types of decision
support applications. One such type, a decision support system (DSS), is a computerbased
information system designed to help knowledge workers select one of many alternative
solutions to a problem. DSSs can help corporations increase market share, reduce costs, increase profitability, and enhance product quality. By automating some of the decision-making process,
the systems give knowledge workers access to previously unavailable analyses. Technically,
certain analyses could be performed by managers, but it would be prohibitively time-consuming
and would render late, and therefore bad, decisions. DSSs provide sophisticated and fast analysis
of vast amounts of data and information. Although the use of DSSs typically increases with the
level of management, the systems are used at all levels, and often by non-managerial staff.

The Data Management Module
A DSS’s data management module is a database or data warehouse that provides the data for
the intelligence phase of decision making. For example, an investment consultant always needsaccess to current stock prices and those from at least the preceding few years. A data management
module accesses the data and provides a means for the DSS to select data according to certain
criteria: type of stock, range of years, and so on.
A DSS might use a database created specially for that system, but DSSs are usually linked to
databases used for other purposes as well, such as purchasing, shipping, billing, and other daily
transactions. When organizations use a supply chain management (SCM) or customer relationship
management (CRM) system, the databases of such systems provide the data for the DSS. In
fact, the DSS itself might be part of that system. Companies prefer their DSSs to access the data
warehouse rather than the transactional database, to provide substantially more historical data
than is available in transactional databases. This enables the DSS to consider data that covers a
longer time period and/or a larger geographic area. Indeed, the major reason for building data
warehouses is to enhance decision making.

The Model Management Module
To turn data into useful information, the system utilizes its model management module,
which offers a single fixed model, a dynamically modified model, or a collection of models from
which either the DSS or the user selects the most appropriate one. A fixed variable model does
not change. A dynamically modified model is one that is automatically adjusted based on
changing relationships among variables.

Patterns or models might be unique to a certain
industry or even to an individual business. For example:
• In trying to serve bank customers better, operations research experts create a model that
predicts the most efficient positioning and scheduling of tellers.
• In the trucking business, models are developed to minimize the total mileage trucks must
travel and maximize the trucks’ loads, while maintaining satisfactory delivery times. Similar
models are developed in the airline industry to maximize revenue.
• Another model for revenue maximization in the airline industry will automatically price
tickets according to the parameters the user enters: date of the flight, day of the week of the
flight, departure and destination points, and the length of stay if the ticket is for a round-trip
• Car rental companies use similar models to price their services by car class, rental period, and
drop-off options in different countries.

The Dialog Module
For the user to glean information from the DSS, the system must provide an easy way to interact
with the program. The part of the DSS that allows the user to interact with it is called the dialog
module. It prompts the user to select a model, allowing the user to access the database and select
data for the decision process or to set criteria for selecting such data. It lets the user enter
parameters and change them to see how the change affects the result of the analysis. The dialog
might be in the form of commands, pull-down menus, icons, dialog boxes, or any other
approach. In essence, the dialog module is not much different from the user interfaces of other
types of applications. As an increasing number of DSSs are available for use through the Internet,some dialog modules are especially designed to be compatible with Web browsers. Many such
DSSs are accessed through corporate intranets.

Sensitivity Analysis
An outcome is almost always affected by more than one parameter; for instance, the sales volume
of a product is affected by the number of salespeople, the number of regional sales representatives,
the amount spent on national and local television advertising, price, competition, and so
on. However, outcomes rarely respond in equal measure to changes in parameters. For instance,
a small change in price per unit might result in a dramatic increase in sales, which means sales
volume has a high sensitivity to product price. However, the same sales might increase only
slightly in response to a huge investment in advertising dollars, which means that sales have a
low sensitivity to advertising expenditure. It is important to pinpoint the parameters to which
the outcome is highly sensitive, so that an organization can focus efforts where they are most
effective. Sometimes the parameters to which an outcome is most sensitive also affect other
parameters, so these interactions must be carefully tracked as well.

Decision Support Systems in Action
DSSs can be used on demand, when a manager needs help in making an occasional decision, or
they might be integrated into a scheme that enforces corporate policy. In either case, DSSs help
maintain standard criteria in decision making throughout the organization. A growing number
of organizations implement software applications that produce decisions automatically and in
real time. The only labor involved is the entry of relevant parameters, and when the DSS is linked
to the organization’s Web site, even this activity might not be performed by employees but by
clients. Following are some examples of how DSSs are used for various purposes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSANUntuk menghemat waktu dan usaha dalam pengambilan keputusan mereka, pekerja pengetahuan menggunakan beberapa jenis keputusanmendukung aplikasi. Satu jenis seperti, sistem pendukung keputusan (DSS), adalah ajarsistem informasi yang dirancang untuk membantu pengetahuan pekerja memilih salah satu dari banyak alternatifsolusi untuk masalah. DSSs dapat membantu perusahaan meningkatkan pangsa pasar, mengurangi biaya, meningkatkan keuntungan dan meningkatkan kualitas produk. Dengan mengotomatisasi beberapa proses pengambilan keputusan,sistem ini memberikan pengetahuan pekerja, akses ke analisis sebelumnya tidak tersedia. Secara teknis,Analisis tertentu dapat dilakukan oleh manajer, tapi itu akan menjadi mahal memakan waktudan akan membuat keputusan akhir, dan karena itu buruk,. DSSs menyediakan analisis canggih dan cepatdari sejumlah besar data dan informasi. Meskipun penggunaan DSSs biasanya meningkat dengantingkat manajemen, sistem yang digunakan di semua tingkat, dan sering oleh non-manajer staf.Modul manajemen DataDSS data modul manajemen adalah gudang database atau data yang menyediakan data untukfase intelijen pengambilan keputusan. Sebagai contoh, seorang konsultan investasi selalu needsaccess untuk current stock harga dan mereka dari setidaknya sebelumnya beberapa tahun. Manajemen datamodul mengakses data dan menyediakan sarana untuk DSS untuk memilih data menurut tertentukriteria: jenis saham, berbagai tahun, dan seterusnya.DSS mungkin menggunakan database yang dibuat khusus untuk sistem itu, tetapi DSSs biasanya dikaitkan dengandatabase yang digunakan untuk keperluan lain juga, seperti pembelian, pengiriman, penagihan, dan setiaptransaksi. Bila organisasi menggunakan manajemen rantai suplai (SCM) atau hubungan pelanggansistem manajemen (CRM), database dari sistem tersebut menyediakan data untuk DSS. DalamBahkan, DSS itu sendiri mungkin menjadi sebahagian dari sistem itu. Perusahaan lebih suka mereka DSSs untuk mengakses datagudang daripada database transaksional, untuk menyediakan data historis yang lebih substansialdaripada ini tersedia dalam database transaksional. Hal ini memungkinkan DSS untuk mempertimbangkan data yang mencakupjangka waktu lama dan/atau area geografis yang lebih besar. Memang, alasan utama untuk membangun datagudang adalah untuk meningkatkan pengambilan keputusan.Modul manajemen ModelUntuk mengubah data menjadi informasi yang berguna, sistem ini memanfaatkan dengan modul manajemen model,yang menawarkan satu tetap model, model dinamis dimodifikasi atau koleksi model dariyang baik DSS atau pengguna memilih yang paling sesuai. Apakah model variabel tetaptidak berubah. Model dinamis diubah adalah salah satu yang secara otomatis disesuaikan berdasarkanmengubah hubungan antara variabel.Pola atau model mungkin unik tertentuindustri atau bahkan untuk bisnis individu. Sebagai contoh:• Dalam berusaha untuk melayani nasabah bank lebih baik, riset operasi ahli membuat model yangmemprediksi posisi yang paling efisien dan penjadwalan peramal.• Dalam bisnis truk, model yang dikembangkan untuk meminimalkan truk total nilai mileage harusperjalanan dan memaksimalkan beban truk, sambil mempertahankan memuaskan pengiriman kali. Serupamodel yang dikembangkan di industri penerbangan untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan.• Model lain untuk pendapatan maksimalisasi di industri penerbangan akan secara otomatis hargaTiket tergantung pada parameter pengguna memasukkan: tanggal penerbangan, hari Minggupenerbangan, titik keberangkatan dan tujuan, dan lama tinggal jika tiket untuk pulang pergipenerbangan.• Perusahaan Penyewaan Mobil menggunakan model serupa untuk harga layanan mereka oleh mobil kelas, periode sewa, dandrop-off pilihan di negara yang berbeda.Modul DialogBagi pengguna untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari DSS, sistem harus menyediakan cara yang mudah untuk berinteraksidengan program ini. Bagian dari DSS yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan itu disebut dialogmodul. Ia meminta pengguna untuk memilih model, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses database dan pilihdata untuk proses keputusan atau untuk menetapkan kriteria untuk memilih data tersebut. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna masukparameter dan mengubah mereka untuk melihat bagaimana perubahan mempengaruhi hasil analisis. Dialogmungkin dalam bentuk perintah, pull-down menu, ikon, kotak dialog, atau lainnyapendekatan. Pada dasarnya, modul dialog tidak jauh berbeda dari antarmuka pengguna lainjenis aplikasi. Sebagai peningkatan jumlah DSSs tersedia untuk digunakan melalui Internet, beberapa modul dialog terutama dirancang untuk menjadi kompatibel dengan Web browser. Banyak sepertiDSSs diakses melalui intranet perusahaan.Analisis sensitivitasHasil hampir selalu dipengaruhi oleh lebih dari satu parameter; sebagai contoh, volume penjualanProduk dipengaruhi oleh jumlah tenaga penjual, jumlah perwakilan penjualan daerah,jumlah yang dihabiskan untuk iklan televisi lokal dan nasional, harga, kompetisi, dan sebagainyapada. Namun, hasil jarang merespon dalam taraf terhadap perubahan dalam parameter. Misalnya,perubahan kecil dalam harga per unit dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan dramatis dalam penjualan, yang berarti penjualanvolume memiliki kepekaan tinggi harga produk. Namun, penjualan sama mungkin meningkatkan hanyasedikit dalam menanggapi investasi besar di periklanan, yang berarti bahwa penjualan memilikiSensitivitas rendah untuk belanja iklan. Penting untuk menentukan parameter yanghasil sangat sensitif, sehingga organisasi dapat memfokuskan upaya palingefektif. Kadang-kadang parameter yang hasil paling sensitif juga mempengaruhi lainparameter, sehingga interaksi ini harus hati-hati dilacak serta.Sistem dukungan pengambilan keputusan dalam tindakanDSSs dapat digunakan pada permintaan, ketika seorang manajer membutuhkan bantuan dalam membuat keputusan yang kadang-kadang, ataumereka mungkin dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sebuah skema yang memberlakukan kebijakan perusahaan. Dalam kedua kasus, DSSs bantuanmempertahankan kriteria standar dalam pengambilan keputusan seluruh organisasi. Semakin banyakorganisasi menerapkan aplikasi perangkat lunak yang menghasilkan keputusan secara otomatis dan diwaktu nyata. Tenaga kerja hanya terlibat adalah entri parameter yang relevan, dan ketika DSS terkaitke situs Web organisasi, kegiatan ini mungkin tidak akan dilakukan oleh karyawan tetapi olehklien. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh bagaimana DSSs digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
To save time and effort in their decision making, knowledge workers use several types of decision
support applications. One such type, a decision support system (DSS), is a computerbased
information system designed to help knowledge workers select one of many alternative
solutions to a problem. DSSs can help corporations increase market share, reduce costs, increase profitability, and enhance product quality. By automating some of the decision-making process,
the systems give knowledge workers access to previously unavailable analyses. Technically,
certain analyses could be performed by managers, but it would be prohibitively time-consuming
and would render late, and therefore bad, decisions. DSSs provide sophisticated and fast analysis
of vast amounts of data and information. Although the use of DSSs typically increases with the
level of management, the systems are used at all levels, and often by non-managerial staff.

The Data Management Module
A DSS’s data management module is a database or data warehouse that provides the data for
the intelligence phase of decision making. For example, an investment consultant always needsaccess to current stock prices and those from at least the preceding few years. A data management
module accesses the data and provides a means for the DSS to select data according to certain
criteria: type of stock, range of years, and so on.
A DSS might use a database created specially for that system, but DSSs are usually linked to
databases used for other purposes as well, such as purchasing, shipping, billing, and other daily
transactions. When organizations use a supply chain management (SCM) or customer relationship
management (CRM) system, the databases of such systems provide the data for the DSS. In
fact, the DSS itself might be part of that system. Companies prefer their DSSs to access the data
warehouse rather than the transactional database, to provide substantially more historical data
than is available in transactional databases. This enables the DSS to consider data that covers a
longer time period and/or a larger geographic area. Indeed, the major reason for building data
warehouses is to enhance decision making.

The Model Management Module
To turn data into useful information, the system utilizes its model management module,
which offers a single fixed model, a dynamically modified model, or a collection of models from
which either the DSS or the user selects the most appropriate one. A fixed variable model does
not change. A dynamically modified model is one that is automatically adjusted based on
changing relationships among variables.

Patterns or models might be unique to a certain
industry or even to an individual business. For example:
• In trying to serve bank customers better, operations research experts create a model that
predicts the most efficient positioning and scheduling of tellers.
• In the trucking business, models are developed to minimize the total mileage trucks must
travel and maximize the trucks’ loads, while maintaining satisfactory delivery times. Similar
models are developed in the airline industry to maximize revenue.
• Another model for revenue maximization in the airline industry will automatically price
tickets according to the parameters the user enters: date of the flight, day of the week of the
flight, departure and destination points, and the length of stay if the ticket is for a round-trip
• Car rental companies use similar models to price their services by car class, rental period, and
drop-off options in different countries.

The Dialog Module
For the user to glean information from the DSS, the system must provide an easy way to interact
with the program. The part of the DSS that allows the user to interact with it is called the dialog
module. It prompts the user to select a model, allowing the user to access the database and select
data for the decision process or to set criteria for selecting such data. It lets the user enter
parameters and change them to see how the change affects the result of the analysis. The dialog
might be in the form of commands, pull-down menus, icons, dialog boxes, or any other
approach. In essence, the dialog module is not much different from the user interfaces of other
types of applications. As an increasing number of DSSs are available for use through the Internet,some dialog modules are especially designed to be compatible with Web browsers. Many such
DSSs are accessed through corporate intranets.

Sensitivity Analysis
An outcome is almost always affected by more than one parameter; for instance, the sales volume
of a product is affected by the number of salespeople, the number of regional sales representatives,
the amount spent on national and local television advertising, price, competition, and so
on. However, outcomes rarely respond in equal measure to changes in parameters. For instance,
a small change in price per unit might result in a dramatic increase in sales, which means sales
volume has a high sensitivity to product price. However, the same sales might increase only
slightly in response to a huge investment in advertising dollars, which means that sales have a
low sensitivity to advertising expenditure. It is important to pinpoint the parameters to which
the outcome is highly sensitive, so that an organization can focus efforts where they are most
effective. Sometimes the parameters to which an outcome is most sensitive also affect other
parameters, so these interactions must be carefully tracked as well.

Decision Support Systems in Action
DSSs can be used on demand, when a manager needs help in making an occasional decision, or
they might be integrated into a scheme that enforces corporate policy. In either case, DSSs help
maintain standard criteria in decision making throughout the organization. A growing number
of organizations implement software applications that produce decisions automatically and in
real time. The only labor involved is the entry of relevant parameters, and when the DSS is linked
to the organization’s Web site, even this activity might not be performed by employees but by
clients. Following are some examples of how DSSs are used for various purposes.
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