Emotion Rules and Emotional IntelligenceEmotion, then, is a central pa terjemahan - Emotion Rules and Emotional IntelligenceEmotion, then, is a central pa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Emotion Rules and Emotional Intelli

Emotion Rules and Emotional Intelligence
Emotion, then, is a central part of organizational life both in ters of interaction with customer or clients and in terms of interaction with other members of the organization. Soe scholars have recently looked across these areas by trying to understand the “rules” for emotional display in the workplace and by understanding the role that emotional intelligence might play in a wide variety of workplace interactions. For example, Kramer and Hess (2002) recently surveyed a wide range of workers to learn about the perceived rules that govern emotional life in an organization. These rules are summarized in Table 11.1. The fact that workers perceived these rules to exist clearly suggest that there are standards for emotional expression both with coworkers and with customers and clients. For example, the most often cited rule involved the need to be “professional.” This rule suggests standards for emotional control while interacting with clients and coworkers. For example, expressing anger through yelling and cussing would probably be seen as a violation of this rule, as would an expression of frustration or sadness through crying. It should be noted, however, that these emotional display rules are not hard-and-fast laws, but will vary form workplace to workplace and wil change over time. For example, Scott and Myers (2005) describe the ways in which rookie fire-fighters must be socialized into strategies for managing the emotions of their highly stressful jobs, and Morgan and Krone (2001) studied the extent to which “improvisations” in emotional behavior can lead to a bending of the rules of professional display in the workplace.
Finally, it is important to consider the concept of emotional intelligence that has recently become widely known in the popular management press (Goleman, 1995). This concept suggest that there are some people who are naturally better at understanding and managing the emotional content of workplace relationships and that emotional intelligence is also a skill that can be developed through training. Emotional intelligence onvolves both a clear understanding of the emotional needs of the situation and the self-awarness and self-control necessary for using the right emotional display to cope with the situation. In essence, those who have a high “emotional intelligence quotient” (EQ) have a clear understanding of the rules of emotional display and an necability to follow and adapt those rules as necessary. Though the concept of emotional intelligence has been embraced by many practicing managers, it has also been criticized by some scholars (see Dougherty & Krone, 2002; Fineman, 2000) who argue that the concept of emotional intelligence is one more example how organizations are attempting to transform emotion into a markable product that wil enhance organizational profits—perhaps to the detriment of the authentic feelings of organizational members.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aturan emosi dan kecerdasan emosionalEmotion, then, is a central part of organizational life both in ters of interaction with customer or clients and in terms of interaction with other members of the organization. Soe scholars have recently looked across these areas by trying to understand the “rules” for emotional display in the workplace and by understanding the role that emotional intelligence might play in a wide variety of workplace interactions. For example, Kramer and Hess (2002) recently surveyed a wide range of workers to learn about the perceived rules that govern emotional life in an organization. These rules are summarized in Table 11.1. The fact that workers perceived these rules to exist clearly suggest that there are standards for emotional expression both with coworkers and with customers and clients. For example, the most often cited rule involved the need to be “professional.” This rule suggests standards for emotional control while interacting with clients and coworkers. For example, expressing anger through yelling and cussing would probably be seen as a violation of this rule, as would an expression of frustration or sadness through crying. It should be noted, however, that these emotional display rules are not hard-and-fast laws, but will vary form workplace to workplace and wil change over time. For example, Scott and Myers (2005) describe the ways in which rookie fire-fighters must be socialized into strategies for managing the emotions of their highly stressful jobs, and Morgan and Krone (2001) studied the extent to which “improvisations” in emotional behavior can lead to a bending of the rules of professional display in the workplace.Finally, it is important to consider the concept of emotional intelligence that has recently become widely known in the popular management press (Goleman, 1995). This concept suggest that there are some people who are naturally better at understanding and managing the emotional content of workplace relationships and that emotional intelligence is also a skill that can be developed through training. Emotional intelligence onvolves both a clear understanding of the emotional needs of the situation and the self-awarness and self-control necessary for using the right emotional display to cope with the situation. In essence, those who have a high “emotional intelligence quotient” (EQ) have a clear understanding of the rules of emotional display and an necability to follow and adapt those rules as necessary. Though the concept of emotional intelligence has been embraced by many practicing managers, it has also been criticized by some scholars (see Dougherty & Krone, 2002; Fineman, 2000) who argue that the concept of emotional intelligence is one more example how organizations are attempting to transform emotion into a markable product that wil enhance organizational profits—perhaps to the detriment of the authentic feelings of organizational members.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aturan emosi dan Emotional Intelligence
emosi, kemudian, adalah bagian sentral dari kehidupan organisasi baik dalam ters interaksi dengan pelanggan atau klien dan dalam hal interaksi dengan anggota lain dari organisasi. Sarjana soe baru-baru ini tampak di daerah-daerah dengan mencoba memahami "aturan" untuk tampilan emosional di tempat kerja dan dengan memahami peran bahwa kecerdasan emosional mungkin bermain di berbagai interaksi di tempat kerja. Misalnya, Kramer dan Hess (2002) baru-baru disurvei berbagai pekerja untuk belajar tentang aturan-aturan yang dirasakan yang mengatur kehidupan emosional dalam sebuah organisasi. Aturan-aturan ini dirangkum dalam Tabel 11.1. Fakta bahwa pekerja yang dirasakan aturan ini ada jelas menunjukkan bahwa ada standar untuk ekspresi emosional baik dengan rekan kerja dan dengan pelanggan dan klien. Misalnya, aturan yang paling sering dikutip terlibat kebutuhan untuk menjadi "profesional." Aturan ini menunjukkan standar untuk pengendalian emosi saat berinteraksi dengan klien dan rekan kerja. Misalnya, mengekspresikan kemarahan melalui berteriak dan memaki mungkin akan dipandang sebagai pelanggaran aturan ini, seperti yang akan ekspresi frustrasi atau kesedihan melalui menangis. Perlu dicatat, bagaimanapun, bahwa aturan-aturan tampilan emosional hukum tidak sulit-dan-cepat, tapi akan bervariasi bentuk kerja ke tempat kerja dan wil berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Misalnya, Scott dan Myers (2005) menjelaskan cara di mana rookie petugas pemadam kebakaran harus disosialisasikan ke dalam strategi untuk mengelola emosi pekerjaan yang sangat stres mereka, dan Morgan dan Krone (2001) mempelajari sejauh mana "improvisasi" di emosional perilaku dapat menyebabkan pembengkokan aturan tampilan profesional di tempat kerja.
Akhirnya, penting untuk mempertimbangkan konsep kecerdasan emosional yang baru-baru ini menjadi dikenal luas dalam pengelolaan pers populer (Goleman, 1995). Konsep ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa orang yang secara alami lebih baik untuk memahami dan mengelola isi emosional hubungan kerja dan bahwa kecerdasan emosional juga merupakan keterampilan yang dapat dikembangkan melalui pelatihan. Kecerdasan emosional onvolves baik pemahaman yang jelas tentang kebutuhan emosional situasi dan self-awarness dan kontrol diri yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan tampilan emosional yang tepat untuk mengatasi situasi. Pada intinya, mereka yang memiliki tinggi "emosional intelligence quotient" (EQ) memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang aturan tampilan emosional dan necability untuk mengikuti dan beradaptasi aturan-aturan yang diperlukan. Meskipun konsep kecerdasan emosi telah dianut oleh banyak manajer berlatih, juga telah dikritik oleh beberapa sarjana (lihat Dougherty & Krone, 2002; Fineman, 2000) yang berpendapat bahwa konsep kecerdasan emosional adalah salah satu contoh lebih bagaimana organisasi sedang berusaha untuk mengubah emosi menjadi produk markable yang wil meningkatkan keuntungan-mungkin organisasi yang merugikan perasaan otentik dari anggota organisasi.

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