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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1300: kata naungan sisi! Bang!Ledakan darah Meng Hao, tumpang tindih letusan untuk menyerang setelah oleh kekuatan-kekuatan ajaib Tuhan Bai, bang telah ditarik kembali tubuh, telah retret, cedera lebih berat, pemulihan di dalam batas kekal tubuh, tidak dapat mengikuti tingkat terluka jelas.Tetapi bahwa sisi Tuhan Bai, nya kekal biru Kaisar seni rahasia, besar yang mungkin, setelah membuat Meng Hao tampak, jantung terkejut, karena itu hanya seni rahasia, penyebab Bai Tuhan, bahkan jika untuk hadir derajat, bukanlah akhir dari bukit-bukit dan sungai."Tuhan dari gunung dan laut!" Di mata Tuhan Bai niat pembunuh intens, bersembunyi jantung kaget dan ketakutan, terlebih dahulu, mari kita dalam pikirannya kereta pikir serial, dia sudah menebak dengan benar... Status benar orang yang hadir."Hanya Tuhan dari gunung dan laut... Tidak tahu, jika pemogokan untuk membunuh orang ini, apa kerusakan akan menyebabkan ke pegunungan dan laut pesawat, jika menyerang untuk membunuh orang ini, prestasi yang saya melakukan, itu pasti mengerikan!" Dalam Tuhan Bai pembunuh niat seketika ke puncak, setelah bang telah ditarik kembali Meng Hao, tangan kanannya mengangkat tiba-tiba."Gunung dan laut Alkitab!" Ketika rendah mengaum, nya di belakang, gunung dan laut tulisan kitab buku kuno mengubah segera, mengirimkan cahaya indah, Tuhan Bai kanan sengit membuat tinju, kemudian seketika mengendur.„Mountain has three, first, human mountain!” When Lord Bai both hands waves hand, his Mountain and Sea Scripture aura, instantaneous dreadful, human mountain two character exits instant, his speed suddenly suddenly to increase, quick indescribable, appeared in the Meng Hao front instant, both hands mentioned, pressed toward Meng Hao maliciously.This presses, his body, unexpectedly became a mountain, Cultivation erupts, destroys the day to extinguish the strength of place, dispersing, fell on Meng Hao suddenly directly.Does not give the opportunity that Meng Hao dodges slightly, bang, the Meng Hao blowout blood, the chest is hollow, when body rapidly retreats, in the Lord Bai eye the blood light dodges.„Second, mountain!” When his words, the body vanishes once more, appears, in Meng Hao under was impressively void, there, transformed a more boundless mountain, this mountain was astonishing, just a appearance, directly soared Meng Hao rumbling to go against!The rapidness of speed, same keeps Meng Hao from dodging, thunders, the direct bang when Meng Hao, the Meng Hao whole body bone disruption, the blood blowout, the life was weak, he also wants to pass to dodge, resists, may actually without enough time.„Third, Tianshan!” When the Lord Bai sound spreads once more, he appeared in the Meng Hao place above, changed to one compared with first two, but also was astonishing, but also wanted the huge mountain peak!Toward Meng Hao, the direct suppression pounds!Rumbling!The Meng Hao blood blowout, body Cultivation is defeated and dispersed, the mortal body nearly must collapse, Tianshan disruption, Meng Hao here by rumbling such as the kite of line.„Has not died!!” The Lord Bai two eyes contraction, third this mountain, are peak Dao Law in Mountain and Sea Scripture, he little uses extremely, but each use, after Third Mountain, the enemy died surely.But at present, Meng Hao, although the severe wound, may actually not die, lets Lord Bai here, frowned, the murderous intention is stronger.„Sea has the three therapeutic methods ...” Lord Bai same does not feel better, the corners of the mouth overflow blood, this mountain and sea three three therapeutic methods, for him, display are also difficult.Meng Hao heart startled, his coming to a stop body, swallows medicinal pills reluctantly immediately, the eternal boundary in within the body nearly must be defeated and dispersed, the heaviness of injury, Meng Hao thought that the five main internal organs (entrails) has disrupted, if the whole body bone as if no own will to support, will become the smashing, the mortal body will be also good, Cultivation, under that three will strike, such as must perish.But this Third Mountain, makes Meng Hao heart shock similarly extremely, he has not seen so astonishing Dao Law, seems like simple, but big of lethality, lets the human with amazement."Ini adalah gunung dan laut Alkitab..." Meng Hao sesak napas, melihat bahwa Tuhan Bai harus menampilkan serupa Dao hukum, pikiran Meng Hao getar, peregangan waktu singkat sebelum Dao hukum dengan bantuan partai yang berlawanan pada saat ini, langkah tiba-tiba aneh."Api kering!" Ketika item Meng Hao embun menyenangkan cahaya, bergumam membuka mulut, tubuhnya layu tiba-tiba, menyerupai darah pembakaran, telah terbentuk api, melompat di luar tubuh namun membakar.Juga saat ini, di mata Tuhan Bai kilauan pembunuh niat, hukum teknik meluncurkan.
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