Be­cause bright moon Asura is the re­la­tions of stealth, there­fore o terjemahan - Be­cause bright moon Asura is the re­la­tions of stealth, there­fore o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Be­cause bright moon Asura is the r

Be­cause bright moon Asura is the re­la­tions of stealth, there­fore our ad­vance­ment speeds are very slow, must in­ves­ti­gate to begin with the skill first, oth­er­wise one set of skill by bright moon Asura stealth di­rectly car­ried off after very much eas­ily, I and Jian Feng Han, the player of dream Yao this rank said for­tu­nately that the pre­ven­tion and cure of schis­to­so­mi­a­sis has suf­ficed, not by sec­ond, but vig­or­ous and res­olute, Ran Min, white and other pure at­tack de­part­ments the crazy sol­dier dif­fi­cultly to say.
Is good is beau­ti­ful be­cause of the bright moon Asura ap­pear­ance, this kills not to be taste­less.
Fully nearly 4 hours, we kill an in­sight on three cor­ri­dors, as if killed off all bright moon Asura, but Lin Wan Er also at the right mo­ment a bright moon Sawlu's con­tour du­pli­cates the il­lus­trated hand­book to de­posit in own dis­guiser ring, this when where she can con­sume the ap­pear­ance that 100 Rage points will turn into bright moon Asura, is used to sneak at­tack the player or sneak at­tacks NPC is very sharp.
„BOSS where?” Jian Feng Han is grasp­ing the long sword, com­plex­ion pale say­ing.
Fang Geque shakes the head: „Does not know that ap­prox­i­mately BOSS is also the stealth.”
Yanzhao does not have the two roads: „Looks sep­a­rat­edly, mo­men­tar­ily helps sup­ply each other.”
The crowd dis­perses once more, re­la­tions that but be­cause BOSS moves under water, I have Lin Wan Er and dream Yao, Dong Cheng, Li Mu, Wang Jian and other [Zhan Long] core play­ers to form 10 peo­ple of squads, prompts for­ward BOSS that sought for just to ren­o­vate slowly, must ap­proach, oth­er­wise was caught that by BOSS of mov­ing under water mostly is the dead end.
Less than three min­utes, sud­denly in team hears the piti­ful yell sound, is the cold Bei Song voice: „It is not won­der­ful, BOSS here, comes quickly! Co­or­di­nate( 4677,1030 here)!”
I slightly one cold, leads the peo­ple to over­run hur­riedly, is away from we less than two min­utes of trav­el­ing sched­ule, but when we rush, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that cold Bei Song, which fam­ily blue face and other play­ers turned into the corpse com­pletely.
I look to the Dong Cheng month: „Dong Cheng, dark night me­teor!”
The Dong Cheng month arm shakes, the big flame shot up to the sky, has il­lu­mi­nated the stealth tar­get far and near, how­ever has not ac­tu­ally seen ex­is­tence of BOSS, it seems like BOSS has walked away, this un­ex­pect­edly was in­tel­li­gent BOSS that can move, was some­what thorny! Swims the baby law stick to raise, 11 re­ac­ti­vated cold Bei Song, which fam­ily blue face et al., the cold Bei Song com­plex­ion is not quite good, self-ridiculed that said: „NND, was been un­ex­pect­edly cloudy, re­ally can­not bear.”
„What BOSS is, did you see clearly?”
„Just like bright moon Asura, build ba­si­cally al­most, but on time, the chest also greatly, in the hand is tak­ing the red dag­ger, the mur­der speed is fast, one set of skill can give the sec­ond me, as if also the soul ap­pear­ing in­ter­mit­tently skill of meet­ing as­sas­sin, at­tacks one time on the stealth 0.5 sec­ond, can­not pro­ject on.”
„You fol­low us to­gether, do not dis­perse.”
There­fore, 10 peo­ple of squads turned into 20 peo­ple, after we gather re­stored to fin­ish, the dis­tant place once more broad­casts the sound, this time was hun­dred li (0.5km) the squad that if the wind led re­ceived to at­tack, but when we rushed saw 10 corpses as be­fore, com­pletely after re­ac­ti­vat­ing, com­plex­ions ugly aw­fully, every­body has not thought of this BOSS in­tel­li­gently that.
In the team chan­nel, Fang Geque the fruit blocks the way: „Can­not be scat­tered, all peo­ple to the Co­or­di­nate ( 3111,0912 ) here set, I wait for every­body here, hurry up, must be care­ful along the way that this BOSS pos­si­bly hides in any po­si­tion!”
The Mage dark night me­teor CD at least over 40 sec­onds, are un­able the un­remit­ti
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Be­cause bright moon Asura is the re­la­tions of stealth, there­fore our ad­vance­ment speeds are very slow, must in­ves­ti­gate to begin with the skill first, oth­er­wise one set of skill by bright moon Asura stealth di­rectly car­ried off after very much eas­ily, I and Jian Feng Han, the player of dream Yao this rank said for­tu­nately that the pre­ven­tion and cure of schis­to­so­mi­a­sis has suf­ficed, not by sec­ond, but vig­or­ous and res­olute, Ran Min, white and other pure at­tack de­part­ments the crazy sol­dier dif­fi­cultly to say.Is good is beau­ti­ful be­cause of the bright moon Asura ap­pear­ance, this kills not to be taste­less.Fully nearly 4 hours, we kill an in­sight on three cor­ri­dors, as if killed off all bright moon Asura, but Lin Wan Er also at the right mo­ment a bright moon Sawlu's con­tour du­pli­cates the il­lus­trated hand­book to de­posit in own dis­guiser ring, this when where she can con­sume the ap­pear­ance that 100 Rage points will turn into bright moon Asura, is used to sneak at­tack the player or sneak at­tacks NPC is very sharp.„BOSS where?” Jian Feng Han is grasp­ing the long sword, com­plex­ion pale say­ing.Fang Geque shakes the head: „Does not know that ap­prox­i­mately BOSS is also the stealth.”Yanzhao does not have the two roads: „Looks sep­a­rat­edly, mo­men­tar­ily helps sup­ply each other.”„Um!”The crowd dis­perses once more, re­la­tions that but be­cause BOSS moves under water, I have Lin Wan Er and dream Yao, Dong Cheng, Li Mu, Wang Jian and other [Zhan Long] core play­ers to form 10 peo­ple of squads, prompts for­ward BOSS that sought for just to ren­o­vate slowly, must ap­proach, oth­er­wise was caught that by BOSS of mov­ing under water mostly is the dead end.Less than three min­utes, sud­denly in team hears the piti­ful yell sound, is the cold Bei Song voice: „It is not won­der­ful, BOSS here, comes quickly! Co­or­di­nate( 4677,1030 here)!”I slightly one cold, leads the peo­ple to over­run hur­riedly, is away from we less than two min­utes of trav­el­ing sched­ule, but when we rush, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that cold Bei Song, which fam­ily blue face and other play­ers turned into the corpse com­pletely.„Alert!”I look to the Dong Cheng month: „Dong Cheng, dark night me­teor!”The Dong Cheng month arm shakes, the big flame shot up to the sky, has il­lu­mi­nated the stealth tar­get far and near, how­ever has not ac­tu­ally seen ex­is­tence of BOSS, it seems like BOSS has walked away, this un­ex­pect­edly was in­tel­li­gent BOSS that can move, was some­what thorny! Swims the baby law stick to raise, 11 re­ac­ti­vated cold Bei Song, which fam­ily blue face et al., the cold Bei Song com­plex­ion is not quite good, self-ridiculed that said: „NND, was been un­ex­pect­edly cloudy, re­ally can­not bear.”„What BOSS is, did you see clearly?”„Just like bright moon Asura, build ba­si­cally al­most, but on time, the chest also greatly, in the hand is tak­ing the red dag­ger, the mur­der speed is fast, one set of skill can give the sec­ond me, as if also the soul ap­pear­ing in­ter­mit­tently skill of meet­ing as­sas­sin, at­tacks one time on the stealth 0.5 sec­ond, can­not pro­ject on.”„You fol­low us to­gether, do not dis­perse.”„Um!”There­fore, 10 peo­ple of squads turned into 20 peo­ple, after we gather re­stored to fin­ish, the dis­tant place once more broad­casts the sound, this time was hun­dred li (0.5km) the squad that if the wind led re­ceived to at­tack, but when we rushed saw 10 corpses as be­fore, com­pletely after re­ac­ti­vat­ing, com­plex­ions ugly aw­fully, every­body has not thought of this BOSS in­tel­li­gently that.In the team chan­nel, Fang Geque the fruit blocks the way: „Can­not be scat­tered, all peo­ple to the Co­or­di­nate ( 3111,0912 ) here set, I wait for every­body here, hurry up, must be care­ful along the way that this BOSS pos­si­bly hides in any po­si­tion!”The Mage dark night me­teor CD at least over 40 sec­onds, are un­able the un­remit­ti
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Karena bulan terang Asura adalah hubungan siluman, karena kecepatan kemajuan kita sangat lambat, harus menyelidiki untuk memulai dengan keterampilan pertama, jika satu set keterampilan oleh bulan terang Asura siluman langsung diboyong setelah sangat banyak dengan mudah, saya dan Jian Feng Han , pemain mimpi Yao peringkat ini mengatakan untungnya bahwa pencegahan dan penyembuhan schistosomiasis telah mencukupi, bukan oleh kedua, tapi kuat dan tegas, Ran Min, putih dan lainnya departemen serangan murni prajurit gila difficultly mengatakan.
Apakah baik indah karena dari bulan terang Asura penampilan, ini membunuh tidak menjadi hambar.
Sepenuhnya hampir 4 jam, kita membunuh wawasan pada tiga koridor, seakan membunuh semua bulan terang Asura, namun Lin Wan Er juga pada saat yang tepat terang bulan kontur Sawlu ini duplikat buku diilustrasikan untuk deposit di ring Disguiser sendiri, ini saat di mana dia bisa mengkonsumsi penampilan yang 100 poin Kemarahan akan berubah menjadi terang bulan Asura, digunakan untuk menyelinap menyerang pemain atau menyelinap serangan NPC sangat tajam.
"BOSS mana?" Jian Feng Han menggenggam pedang panjang, kulit pucat mengatakan.
Fang Geque getar kepala: "Apakah tidak tahu bahwa sekitar BOSS juga siluman itu."
Yanzhao tidak memiliki dua jalan: "Tampak separatedly, sesaat membantu pasokan sama lain. " "
Um! "
kerumunan menyebar sekali lagi, hubungan itu, tetapi karena BOSS bergerak di bawah air, saya harus Lin Wan Er dan bermimpi Yao, Dong Cheng, Li Mu, Wang Jian dan [Zhan panjang] pemain inti lainnya untuk membentuk 10 orang dari regu, meminta ke depan BOSS yang berusaha untuk hanya untuk merenovasi perlahan-lahan, harus mendekati, jika tidak tertangkap bahwa dengan BOSS bergerak di bawah air sebagian besar adalah buntu.
Kurang dari tiga menit, tiba-tiba dalam tim mendengar suara teriakan menyedihkan, adalah Bei dingin suara lagu: "Hal ini tidak indah, BOSS sini, datang dengan cepat! Koordinat (4677,1030 sini)! "
Aku sedikit satu dingin, memimpin orang-orang untuk diserbu buru-buru, jauh dari kita kurang dari dua menit dari jadwal bepergian, tapi ketika kita terburu-buru, benar-benar menemukan bahwa dingin Bei lagu, yang keluarga wajah biru dan pemain lain berubah menjadi mayat sepenuhnya.
aku melihat ke Dong Cheng bulan: "Dong Cheng, gelap malam meteor!"
Dong Cheng bulan lengan getar, api besar menembak ke langit, telah diterangi target siluman jauh dan dekat, keberadaan namun belum benar-benar melihat dari BOSS, sepertinya BOSS telah berjalan pergi, ini tiba-tiba cerdas BOSS yang dapat bergerak, agak berduri! Berenang bayi hukum tongkat untuk menaikkan, 11 diaktifkan dingin Bei lagu, yang keluarga wajah biru et al, dingin kulit Bei Lagu tidak cukup baik, self-diejek yang mengatakan:. "NND, itu telah tiba-tiba mendung, benar-benar tidak tahan. " "
Apa BOSS adalah, apakah Anda melihat dengan jelas? "
" Sama seperti bulan terang Asura, membangun pada dasarnya hampir, tetapi pada waktu, dada juga sangat, di tangan adalah mengambil belati merah, kecepatan pembunuhan cepat, satu set keterampilan dapat memberikan kedua saya, seolah-olah juga jiwa muncul sebentar-sebentar keterampilan rapat pembunuh, serangan satu waktu pada siluman 0,5 detik, tidak dapat proyek di. "
" Kau mengikuti kami bersama-sama, tidak bubar. "
" Um! "
Oleh karena itu, 10 orang dari regu berubah menjadi 20 orang, setelah kita berkumpul dikembalikan untuk menyelesaikan suara, tempat yang jauh sekali lagi siaran, kali ini seratus li (0.5km) skuad yang jika angin menyebabkan diterima untuk menyerang, tetapi ketika kami bergegas saw 10 mayat seperti sebelumnya, benar-benar setelah mengaktifkan kembali, berkulit jelek sekali, semua orang tidak memikirkan BOSS ini cerdas itu.
dalam saluran tim, Fang Geque blok buah cara: "tidak bisa tersebar, semua orang untuk Koordinasi (3111,0912 ) di sini mengatur, saya tunggu semua orang di sini, cepatlah, harus berhati-hati di sepanjang jalan yang BOSS ini mungkin bersembunyi di posisi apapun! "
The Mage malam yang gelap meteor CD setidaknya lebih dari 40 detik, tidak dapat unremitti yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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