When Claire enters the room where she met Steve for the first time, he terjemahan - When Claire enters the room where she met Steve for the first time, he Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When Claire enters the room where s

When Claire enters the room where she met Steve for the first time, head
to where Rodrigo is. Go into the Graveyard.

Avoid the zombies here (or kill them, whichever you prefer) and head
down the stairs at the very end.

Cellblock Hallway

Run down the hall towards the Cellblock.


Claire will administer the HEMOSTATIC to Rodrigo and subsequently trade
her LIGHTER for the LOCKPICK, which changes the game up a bit. You can
no longer use the LIGHTER, but you can now unlock DURALUMIN CASES,
drawers and cabinets with the LOCKPICK for extra supplies After the
cutscene, go back to the Cellblock Hallway.

- Achievement/Trophy Note -
When you give Rodrigo the HEMOSTATIC, you will earn "Duty and
Cellblock Hallway
Save the game here if you like, and run up the stairs.


Run to the Prison Courtyard.

Prison Courtyard

Head into the Barracks again.

Turn right through the gate you unlocked earlier and head into the door


Inside, past the slick, use the EAGLE PLATE on the door. When it
sideways and reveals a new passage, kill the zombies that emerge
from hiding before they bite you. Go through the door that was behind
the other door that you unlocked with the EAGLE PLATE.
Behind The Guillotine

Kill all the zombies (you can blow them up with the explosive canister
nearby) and head through the left door.

NOTE: If you move ahead through a gate, you'll be in an area with a lot
of crates, an item box and a blocked off door. If you unblock the door
by moving the crates (the solution is obvious just by looking at the
layout), then the newly unblocked door will lead back to the office
where Claire sent the email to Leon. Now that the door's unblocked,
you can take the B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS, FIRST AID SPRAY and other items
that you couldn't take through the security boxes and place them in
the item box. The B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS will be especially useful, and you
can never have too many FIRST AID SPRAYS.
Doctor Room
You are in the Doctor Room. Pass through the room to another door at
the end. Pass through that door, noting the body bag that moves as you
leave the room.

Torture Room 1

More zombies populate this room, so get rid of them. Towards the end of
the room is a DURALUMIN CASE, which we can easily open now that we have
Rodrigo's LOCKPICK. Opening the DURALUMIN CASE yields the HANDGUN PARTS,
which combine with Claire's HANDGUN to form the CUSTOM HANDGUN. The
CUSTOM HANDGUN can fire 3 rounds at once, as well as hold 18 bullets. If
you prefer to conserve ammo, you can set the gun back so it fires one
bullet at a time. Head back to the Doctor Room afterwards.

Doctor Room

As you enter, you'll hear the sound of flesh being chewed on... and then
you'll witness a zombie doctor eating what seems to be another zombie
who is also still alive. The zombie doctor is faster and takes more
rounds than the average zombie (almost as if it were like those Crimson
Heads from the Resident Evil remake, except without the vicious claws),
so get far away from it and kill it with your new CUSTOM HANDGUN or
something stronger like the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Kill the other zombie as

After you deal with them, look on the floor near where the zombie doctor
was and pick up the GLASS EYEBALL. Take it to the side area of the room,
where a plastic model of a human body lies. Place the GLASS EYEBALL in
the eye socket of the human model, and a wall will rise, revealing a
secret staircase. Go down.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When Claire enters the room where she met Steve for the first time, headto where Rodrigo is. Go into the Graveyard.Graveyard---------Avoid the zombies here (or kill them, whichever you prefer) and headdown the stairs at the very end.Cellblock Hallway-----------------Run down the hall towards the Cellblock.Cellblock---------Claire will administer the HEMOSTATIC to Rodrigo and subsequently tradeher LIGHTER for the LOCKPICK, which changes the game up a bit. You canno longer use the LIGHTER, but you can now unlock DURALUMIN CASES,drawers and cabinets with the LOCKPICK for extra supplies After thecutscene, go back to the Cellblock Hallway. - Achievement/Trophy Note - When you give Rodrigo the HEMOSTATIC, you will earn "Duty and Humanity."Cellblock Hallway-----------------Save the game here if you like, and run up the stairs.Graveyard---------Run to the Prison Courtyard.Prison Courtyard----------------Head into the Barracks again.Barrack-------Turn right through the gate you unlocked earlier and head into the doornearby.Guillotine----------Inside, past the slick, use the EAGLE PLATE on the door. When it slidessideways and reveals a new passage, kill the zombies that emergefrom hiding before they bite you. Go through the door that was behindthe other door that you unlocked with the EAGLE PLATE.Behind The Guillotine---------------------Kill all the zombies (you can blow them up with the explosive canisternearby) and head through the left door.NOTE: If you move ahead through a gate, you'll be in an area with a lotof crates, an item box and a blocked off door. If you unblock the doorby moving the crates (the solution is obvious just by looking at thelayout), then the newly unblocked door will lead back to the officewhere Claire sent the email to Leon. Now that the door's unblocked,you can take the B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS, FIRST AID SPRAY and other itemsthat you couldn't take through the security boxes and place them inthe item box. The B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS will be especially useful, and youcan never have too many FIRST AID SPRAYS.Doctor Room-----------You are in the Doctor Room. Pass through the room to another door atthe end. Pass through that door, noting the body bag that moves as youleave the room.Torture Room 1--------------More zombies populate this room, so get rid of them. Towards the end ofthe room is a DURALUMIN CASE, which we can easily open now that we haveRodrigo's LOCKPICK. Opening the DURALUMIN CASE yields the HANDGUN PARTS,which combine with Claire's HANDGUN to form the CUSTOM HANDGUN. TheCUSTOM HANDGUN can fire 3 rounds at once, as well as hold 18 bullets. Ifyou prefer to conserve ammo, you can set the gun back so it fires onebullet at a time. Head back to the Doctor Room afterwards.Doctor Room-----------As you enter, you'll hear the sound of flesh being chewed on... and thenyou'll witness a zombie doctor eating what seems to be another zombiewho is also still alive. The zombie doctor is faster and takes morerounds than the average zombie (almost as if it were like those CrimsonHeads from the Resident Evil remake, except without the vicious claws),so get far away from it and kill it with your new CUSTOM HANDGUN orsomething stronger like the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Kill the other zombie aswell.After you deal with them, look on the floor near where the zombie doctorwas and pick up the GLASS EYEBALL. Take it to the side area of the room,where a plastic model of a human body lies. Place the GLASS EYEBALL inthe eye socket of the human model, and a wall will rise, revealing asecret staircase. Go down.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ketika Claire memasuki ruangan tempat dia bertemu Steve untuk pertama kalinya, kepala
ke tempat Rodrigo adalah. Pergi ke Makam. Makam --------- Hindari zombie sini (atau membunuh mereka, mana yang Anda inginkan) dan kepala menuruni tangga di akhir. cellblock Hallway ---------- ------- Jalankan menyusuri lorong menuju cellblock tersebut. cellblock --------- Claire akan mengelola hemostatik untuk Rodrigo dan kemudian perdagangan nya RINGAN untuk kunci-T, yang mengubah permainan sedikit. Anda dapat tidak lagi menggunakan RINGAN, tapi sekarang Anda dapat membuka duralumin KASUS, laci dan lemari dengan kunci-T untuk persediaan ekstra Setelah cutscene, kembali ke cellblock Hallway. - Prestasi / Trophy Catatan - Bila Anda memberikan Rodrigo hemostatik, Anda akan mendapatkan "Tugas dan Kemanusiaan. " cellblock Hallway ----------------- Simpan permainan di sini jika Anda suka, dan menjalankan menaiki tangga. Makam -------- - Jalankan ke Penjara Courtyard. Penjara Courtyard ---------------- Kepala ke barak lagi. Barrack ------- Belok kanan melalui pintu gerbang Anda membuka sebelumnya dan kepala ke pintu terdekat. Guillotine ---------- Di dalam, melewati licin, gunakan PLATE EAGLE di pintu. Ketika slide ke samping dan mengungkapkan sebuah bagian baru, membunuh zombie yang muncul dari persembunyian sebelum mereka menggigit Anda. Pergi melalui pintu yang berada di balik pintu lain yang Anda membuka dengan PLATE EAGLE. Dibalik Guillotine The --------------------- Membunuh semua zombie (Anda bisa meniup mereka dengan tabung peledak di dekatnya) dan kepala melalui pintu kiri. CATATAN: Jika Anda bergerak maju melalui pintu gerbang, Anda akan berada di daerah dengan banyak peti, kotak barang dan diblokir pintu. Jika Anda membuka blokir pintu dengan memindahkan peti (solusi jelas hanya dengan melihat tata letak), maka pintu baru dibuka akan mengarah kembali ke kantor di mana Claire mengirim email ke Leon. Sekarang pintu itu dibuka, Anda dapat mengambil putaran BOW GAS, PERTAMA AID SPRAY dan item lainnya yang Anda tidak bisa mengambil melalui kotak keamanan dan menempatkan mereka dalam kotak item. The BOW putaran GAS akan sangat berguna, dan Anda tidak pernah memiliki terlalu banyak semprotan PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA. Dokter Room ----------- Anda berada di ruang dokter. Melewati ruang untuk pintu lain di akhir. Melewati pintu itu, mencatat kantong mayat yang bergerak ketika Anda meninggalkan ruangan. Penyiksaan Kamar 1 -------------- Lebih zombie mengisi ruangan ini, sehingga menyingkirkan mereka. Menjelang akhir ruangan adalah KASUS duralumin, yang kita dapat dengan mudah membuka sekarang kita memiliki kunci-T Rodrigo. Membuka duralumin KASUS menghasilkan PARTS pistol, yang menggabungkan dengan pistol Claire untuk membentuk pistol CUSTOM. The CUSTOM Pistol bisa api 3 putaran sekaligus, serta terus 18 peluru. Jika Anda lebih memilih untuk menghemat amunisi, Anda dapat mengatur pistol kembali sehingga kebakaran satu peluru pada suatu waktu. Kepala kembali ke Ruang Dokter setelah itu. Dokter Room ----------- Ketika Anda masuk, Anda akan mendengar suara dari daging yang mengunyah ... dan kemudian Anda akan menyaksikan dokter zombie makan apa tampaknya zombie lain yang juga masih hidup. Dokter zombie lebih cepat dan memakan waktu lebih putaran dari zombie rata-rata (hampir seolah-olah itu seperti yang Crimson Kepala dari Resident Evil remake, kecuali tanpa cakar setan), sehingga mendapatkan jauh dari itu dan membunuhnya dengan Anda baru CUSTOM Pistol atau sesuatu yang lebih kuat seperti granat peluncur. Membunuh zombie lain juga. Setelah Anda berurusan dengan mereka, terlihat di lantai dekat tempat dokter zombie itu dan mengambil KACA bola mata. Bawa ke daerah sisi ruangan, di mana model plastik dari tubuh manusia terletak. Tempatkan KACA bola mata di dalam rongga mata dari model manusia, dan dinding akan naik, mengungkapkan tangga rahasia. Turun.

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