SUMMARYDefine what management is.Management is the process of coordina terjemahan - SUMMARYDefine what management is.Management is the process of coordina Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

SUMMARYDefine what management is.Ma


Define what management is.
Management is the process of coordinating people and other
resources to achieve an organization’s goals. Managers are
concerned with four types of resources—material, human,
financial, and informational.
Describe the four basic management functions:
planning, organizing, leading and motivating, and
Managers perform four basic functions. Management functions
do not occur according to some rigid, preset timetable, though.
At any time, managers may engage in a number of functions
simultaneously. However, each function tends to lead naturally
to others. First, managers engage in planning—determining
where the firm should be going and how best to get there.
One method of planning that can be used is SWOT analysis,
which identifies and evaluates a firm’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. Three types of plans, from the
broadest to the most specific, are strategic plans, tactical plans,
and operational plans. Managers also organize resources and
activities to accomplish results in an efficient and effective
manner, and they lead and motivate others to work in the best
interests of the organization. In addition, managers control
ongoing activities to keep the organization on course. There
are three steps in the control function: setting standards,
measuring actual performance, and taking corrective action.
Distinguish among the various kinds of managers
in terms of both level and area of management.
Managers—or management positions—may be classified
from two different perspectives. From the perspective of
level within the organization, there are top managers, who
control the fortunes of the organization; middle managers,

who implement strategies and major policies; and first-line
managers, who supervise the activities of operating employees.
From the viewpoint of area of management, managers most
often deal with the areas of finance, operations, marketing,
human resources, and administration.
Identify the key management skills of successful
Managers need a variety of skills in order to run a successful
and efficient business. Conceptual skills are used to think
in abstract terms or see the “big picture.” Analytic skills
are used to identify problems correctly, generate reasonable
alternatives, and select the “best” alternatives to solve
problems. Interpersonal skills are used to deal effectively
with other people, both inside and outside an organization.
Technical skills are needed to accomplish a specialized
activity, whether they are used to actually do the task or used
to train and assist employees. Communication skills are used
to speak, listen, and write effectively.
Explain the different types of leadership.
Managers’ effectiveness often depends on their styles of
leadership—that is, their ability to influence others, either
formally or informally. Autocratic leaders are very task
oriented; they tell their employees exactly what is expected
from them and give them specific instructions on how to
do their assigned tasks. Participative leaders consult their
employees before making decisions and can be classified
into three groups: consultative, consensus, and democratic.
Entrepreneurial leaders are different depending on their
personalities, but they are generally enthusiastic and
passionate about their work and tend to take initiative.
Discuss the steps in the managerial decisionmaking
Decision making, an integral part of a manager’s work, is the
process of developing a set of possible alternative solutions to
a problem and choosing one alternative from among the set.
Managerial decision making involves four steps: Managers
must accurately identify problems, generate several possible
solutions, choose the solution that will be most effective
under the circumstances, and implement and evaluate the
chosen course of action.
Describe how organizations benefit from total
quality management.
Total quality management (TQM) is the coordination
of efforts directed at improving customer satisfaction,
increasing employee participation, strengthening supplier
partnerships, and facilitating an organizational atmosphere
of continuous quality improvement. Another tool used
for TQM is benchmarking, which is used to evaluate the
products, processes, or management practices of another
organization that is superior in some way in order to
improve quality. The five basic steps in benchmarking
are identifying objectives, forming a benchmarking team,
collecting data, analyzing data, and acting on the results.
To have an effective TQM program, top management must
make a strong, sustained commitment to the effort and must
be able to coordinate all the program’s elements so that
they work in harmony. Overall financial benefits of TQM
include lower operating costs, higher return on sales and on
investment, and an improved ability to use premium pricing
rather than competitive pricing.


management the process of
coordinating people and other
resources to achieve the goals of
an organization

planning establishing
organizational goals and deciding
how to accomplish them

mission a statement of the
basic purpose that makes an
organization different from others

strategic planning process the
establishment of an organization’s
major goals and objectives and the
allocation of resources to achieve

goal an end result that an
organization is expected to achieve
over a one- to ten-year period

objective a specific statement
detailing what an organization
intends to accomplish over a
shorter period of time

SWOT analysis the
identification and evaluation of
a firm’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats

core competencies approaches
and processes that a company
performs well that may give it an
advantage over its competitors

plan an outline of the actions
by which an organization intends
to accomplish its goals and

strategic plan an organization’s
broadest plan, developed as a
guide for major policy setting and
decision making

tactical plan a smaller scale plan
developed to implement a strategy

operational plan a type of plan
designed to implement tactical

contingency plan a plan that
outlines alternative courses of
action that may be taken if an
organization’s other plans are
disrupted or become ineffective

organizing the grouping
of resources and activities to
accomplish some end result in an
efficient and effective manner

leading the process of influencing
people to work toward a common

motivating the process of
providing reasons for people to
work in the best interests of an

directing the combined processes
of leading and motivating

controlling the process of
evaluating and regulating ongoing
activities to ensure that goals are

top manager an upperlevel
executive who guides and
controls the overall fortunes of an

middle manager a manager
who implements the strategy and
major policies developed by top

first-line manager a manager
who coordinates and supervises
the activities of operating

financial manager a manager
who is primarily responsible for an
organization’s financial resources

operations manager a manager
who manages the systems that
convert resources into goods and

marketing manager a manager
who is responsible for facilitating
the exchange of products between
an organization and its customers
or clients

human resources manager a
person charged with managing an
organization’s human resources

administrative manager a
manager who is not associated
with any specific functional
area but who provides overall
administrative guidance and

conceptual skills the ability to
think in abstract terms

analytic skills the ability to
identify problems correctly,
generate reasonable alternatives,
and select the “best” alternatives
to solve problems

interpersonal skills the ability
to deal effectively with other

technical skills specific
skills needed to accomplish a
specialized activity

communication skills the
ability to speak, listen, and write

leadership the ability to
influence others

autocratic leadership taskoriented
leadership style in which
workers are told what to do and
how to accomplish it; workers
have no say in the decision-making

leadership leadership style in
which all members of a team are
involved in identifying essential
goals and developing strategies to
reach those goals

leadership personality-based
leadership style in which the
manager seeks to inspire workers
with a vision of what can be
accomplished to benefit all

decision making the act of
choosing one alternative from a
set of alternatives

problem the discrepancy
between an actual condition and a
desired condition

total quality management
(TQM) the coordination of
efforts directed at improving
customer satisfaction, increasing
employee participation,
strengthening supplier
partnerships, and facilitating an
organizational atmosphere of
continuous quality improvement

benchmarking a process used to
evaluate the products, processes,
or management practices of
another organization that is
superior in some way in order to
improve quality
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SUMMARYDefine what management is.Management is the process of coordinating people and otherresources to achieve an organization’s goals. Managers areconcerned with four types of resources—material, human,financial, and informational.Describe the four basic management functions:planning, organizing, leading and motivating, andcontrolling.Managers perform four basic functions. Management functionsdo not occur according to some rigid, preset timetable, though.At any time, managers may engage in a number of functionssimultaneously. However, each function tends to lead naturallyto others. First, managers engage in planning—determiningwhere the firm should be going and how best to get there.One method of planning that can be used is SWOT analysis,which identifies and evaluates a firm’s strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats. Three types of plans, from thebroadest to the most specific, are strategic plans, tactical plans,and operational plans. Managers also organize resources andactivities to accomplish results in an efficient and effectivemanner, and they lead and motivate others to work in the bestinterests of the organization. In addition, managers controlongoing activities to keep the organization on course. Thereare three steps in the control function: setting standards,measuring actual performance, and taking corrective action.Distinguish among the various kinds of managersin terms of both level and area of management.Managers—or management positions—may be classifiedfrom two different perspectives. From the perspective oflevel within the organization, there are top managers, whocontrol the fortunes of the organization; middle managers,who implement strategies and major policies; and first-linemanagers, who supervise the activities of operating employees.From the viewpoint of area of management, managers mostoften deal with the areas of finance, operations, marketing,human resources, and administration.Identify the key management skills of successfulmanagers.Managers need a variety of skills in order to run a successfuland efficient business. Conceptual skills are used to thinkin abstract terms or see the “big picture.” Analytic skillsare used to identify problems correctly, generate reasonablealternatives, and select the “best” alternatives to solveproblems. Interpersonal skills are used to deal effectivelywith other people, both inside and outside an organization.Technical skills are needed to accomplish a specializedactivity, whether they are used to actually do the task or usedto train and assist employees. Communication skills are usedto speak, listen, and write effectively.Explain the different types of leadership.Managers’ effectiveness often depends on their styles ofleadership—that is, their ability to influence others, eitherformally or informally. Autocratic leaders are very taskoriented; they tell their employees exactly what is expectedfrom them and give them specific instructions on how todo their assigned tasks. Participative leaders consult theiremployees before making decisions and can be classifiedinto three groups: consultative, consensus, and democratic.Entrepreneurial leaders are different depending on theirpersonalities, but they are generally enthusiastic andpassionate about their work and tend to take initiative.45Discuss the steps in the managerial decisionmakingprocess.Decision making, an integral part of a manager’s work, is theprocess of developing a set of possible alternative solutions toa problem and choosing one alternative from among the set.Managerial decision making involves four steps: Managersmust accurately identify problems, generate several possiblesolutions, choose the solution that will be most effectiveunder the circumstances, and implement and evaluate thechosen course of action.Describe how organizations benefit from totalquality management.Total quality management (TQM) is the coordinationof efforts directed at improving customer satisfaction,increasing employee participation, strengthening supplierpartnerships, and facilitating an organizational atmosphereof continuous quality improvement. Another tool usedfor TQM is benchmarking, which is used to evaluate theproducts, processes, or management practices of anotherorganization that is superior in some way in order toimprove quality. The five basic steps in benchmarkingare identifying objectives, forming a benchmarking team,collecting data, analyzing data, and acting on the results.To have an effective TQM program, top management mustmake a strong, sustained commitment to the effort and mustbe able to coordinate all the program’s elements so thatthey work in harmony. Overall financial benefits of TQMinclude lower operating costs, higher return on sales and oninvestment, and an improved ability to use premium pricingrather than competitive pricing.KEYYTERMSSmanagement the process ofcoordinating people and otherresources to achieve the goals ofan organizationplanning establishingorganizational goals and decidinghow to accomplish themmission a statement of thebasic purpose that makes anorganization different from othersstrategic planning process theestablishment of an organization’smajor goals and objectives and theallocation of resources to achievethemgoal an end result that anorganization is expected to achieveover a one- to ten-year periodobjective a specific statementdetailing what an organizationintends to accomplish over ashorter period of timeSWOT analysis theidentification and evaluation ofa firm’s strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threatscore competencies approachesand processes that a company
performs well that may give it an
advantage over its competitors

plan an outline of the actions
by which an organization intends
to accomplish its goals and

strategic plan an organization’s
broadest plan, developed as a
guide for major policy setting and
decision making

tactical plan a smaller scale plan
developed to implement a strategy

operational plan a type of plan
designed to implement tactical

contingency plan a plan that
outlines alternative courses of
action that may be taken if an
organization’s other plans are
disrupted or become ineffective

organizing the grouping
of resources and activities to
accomplish some end result in an
efficient and effective manner

leading the process of influencing
people to work toward a common

motivating the process of
providing reasons for people to
work in the best interests of an

directing the combined processes
of leading and motivating

controlling the process of
evaluating and regulating ongoing
activities to ensure that goals are

top manager an upperlevel
executive who guides and
controls the overall fortunes of an

middle manager a manager
who implements the strategy and
major policies developed by top

first-line manager a manager
who coordinates and supervises
the activities of operating

financial manager a manager
who is primarily responsible for an
organization’s financial resources

operations manager a manager
who manages the systems that
convert resources into goods and

marketing manager a manager
who is responsible for facilitating
the exchange of products between
an organization and its customers
or clients

human resources manager a
person charged with managing an
organization’s human resources

administrative manager a
manager who is not associated
with any specific functional
area but who provides overall
administrative guidance and

conceptual skills the ability to
think in abstract terms

analytic skills the ability to
identify problems correctly,
generate reasonable alternatives,
and select the “best” alternatives
to solve problems

interpersonal skills the ability
to deal effectively with other

technical skills specific
skills needed to accomplish a
specialized activity

communication skills the
ability to speak, listen, and write

leadership the ability to
influence others

autocratic leadership taskoriented
leadership style in which
workers are told what to do and
how to accomplish it; workers
have no say in the decision-making

leadership leadership style in
which all members of a team are
involved in identifying essential
goals and developing strategies to
reach those goals

leadership personality-based
leadership style in which the
manager seeks to inspire workers
with a vision of what can be
accomplished to benefit all

decision making the act of
choosing one alternative from a
set of alternatives

problem the discrepancy
between an actual condition and a
desired condition

total quality management
(TQM) the coordination of
efforts directed at improving
customer satisfaction, increasing
employee participation,
strengthening supplier
partnerships, and facilitating an
organizational atmosphere of
continuous quality improvement

benchmarking a process used to
evaluate the products, processes,
or management practices of
another organization that is
superior in some way in order to
improve quality
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
RINGKASAN Tentukan apa yang manajemen. Manajemen adalah proses mengkoordinasikan orang dan lainnya sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Manajer prihatin dengan empat jenis sumber-material, manusia, keuangan, dan informasi. Jelaskan empat fungsi manajemen dasar: perencanaan, pengorganisasian, memimpin dan memotivasi, dan. Pengendalian manajer melakukan empat fungsi dasar. Fungsi manajemen tidak terjadi menurut beberapa kaku, yang telah ditetapkan jadwal, meskipun. Setiap saat, manajer mungkin terlibat dalam sejumlah fungsi secara bersamaan. Namun, setiap fungsi cenderung mengarah secara alami kepada orang lain. Pertama, manajer terlibat dalam perencanaan-menentukan mana perusahaan harus pergi dan bagaimana cara terbaik untuk sampai ke sana. Salah satu metode perencanaan yang dapat digunakan adalah analisis SWOT, yang mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi sebuah perusahaan kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman. Tiga jenis rencana, dari luas ke yang paling spesifik, rencana strategis, rencana taktis, dan rencana operasional. Manajer juga mengatur sumber daya dan kegiatan untuk mencapai hasil yang efisien dan efektif cara, dan mereka memimpin dan memotivasi orang lain untuk bekerja di terbaik kepentingan organisasi. Selain itu, manajer mengendalikan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung untuk menjaga organisasi di lapangan. Ada tiga langkah dalam fungsi kontrol: menetapkan standar,. Mengukur kinerja aktual, dan mengambil tindakan korektif Membedakan antara berbagai jenis manajer baik dari segi level dan bidang manajemen. Manajer-atau manajemen posisi-dapat diklasifikasikan dari dua yang berbeda perspektif. Dari perspektif tingkat dalam organisasi, ada manajer puncak, yang mengontrol nasib organisasi; manajer menengah, yang menerapkan strategi dan kebijakan utama; dan lini pertama manajer, yang mengawasi kegiatan karyawan operasi. Dari sudut pandang bidang manajemen, manajer paling sering berurusan dengan bidang keuangan, operasi, pemasaran, sumber daya manusia, dan administrasi. Mengidentifikasi keterampilan manajemen kunci sukses manajer . Manajer membutuhkan berbagai keterampilan untuk menjalankan sukses bisnis dan efisien. Keterampilan konseptual digunakan untuk berpikir secara abstrak atau melihat "gambaran besar." Keterampilan analitik digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dengan benar, menghasilkan wajar alternatif, dan pilih "terbaik" alternatif untuk memecahkan masalah. Keterampilan interpersonal yang digunakan untuk menangani secara efektif dengan orang lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar organisasi. Keterampilan teknis yang diperlukan untuk mencapai khusus aktivitas, apakah mereka digunakan untuk benar-benar melakukan tugas atau digunakan untuk melatih dan membantu karyawan. Keterampilan komunikasi yang digunakan untuk berbicara, mendengarkan, dan menulis secara efektif. Jelaskan jenis kepemimpinan yang berbeda. Keefektifan Manajer sering tergantung pada gaya mereka dari kepemimpinan-yang, kemampuan mereka untuk mempengaruhi orang lain, baik secara formal maupun informal. Pemimpin otokratis sangat tugas berorientasi; mereka memberitahu karyawan mereka persis apa yang diharapkan dari mereka dan memberi mereka petunjuk khusus tentang cara untuk melakukan tugas-tugas mereka ditugaskan. Pemimpin partisipatif berkonsultasi mereka karyawan sebelum membuat keputusan dan dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga kelompok:. Konsultatif, konsensus, dan demokratis pemimpin Wirausaha yang berbeda tergantung pada mereka kepribadian, tetapi mereka umumnya antusias dan bergairah tentang pekerjaan mereka dan cenderung untuk mengambil inisiatif. 4 5 membahas langkah-langkah dalam pengambilan keputusan manajerial proses. Pengambilan keputusan, merupakan bagian integral dari pekerjaan seorang manajer, adalah proses pengembangan seperangkat solusi alternatif yang mungkin untuk masalah dan memilih salah satu alternatif dari antara set. pengambilan keputusan manajerial melibatkan empat langkah: Manajer harus secara akurat mengidentifikasi masalah, menghasilkan beberapa kemungkinan solusi, memilih solusi yang paling efektif dalam situasi, dan melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi tindakan yang dipilih. Jelaskan bagaimana organisasi mendapatkan keuntungan dari keseluruhan manajemen mutu. Jumlah manajemen mutu (TQM) adalah koordinasi upaya diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, meningkatkan partisipasi karyawan, penguatan pemasok kemitraan, dan memfasilitasi suasana organisasi perbaikan mutu berkelanjutan. Alat lain yang digunakan untuk TQM adalah pembandingan, yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi produk, proses, atau praktek manajemen lain organisasi yang lebih unggul dalam beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas. Lima langkah dasar dalam benchmarking yang mengidentifikasi tujuan, membentuk tim benchmarking, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, dan bertindak atas hasil. Untuk memiliki program TQM yang efektif, manajemen puncak harus membuat kuat, komitmen berkelanjutan untuk usaha dan harus mampu untuk mengkoordinasikan semua elemen program sehingga mereka bekerja secara harmonis. Manfaat keuangan secara keseluruhan TQM mencakup biaya operasi yang lebih rendah, pengembalian yang lebih tinggi pada penjualan dan investasi, dan kemampuan ditingkatkan untuk menggunakan harga premium daripada harga yang kompetitif. KEYYTERMSS manajemen proses koordinasi orang dan lainnya sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi perencanaan pendirian tujuan organisasi dan memutuskan bagaimana untuk mencapai mereka misi pernyataan dari tujuan dasar yang membuat organisasi yang berbeda dari orang lain proses perencanaan strategis pembentukan organisasi tujuan utama dan tujuan dan alokasi sumber daya untuk mencapai mereka tujuan hasil akhir bahwa organisasi adalah diharapkan untuk mencapai lebih dari satu sampai sepuluh tahun periode Tujuan pernyataan spesifik merinci apa organisasi bermaksud untuk mencapai lebih dari waktu yang lebih singkat analisis SWOT yang identifikasi dan evaluasi suatu perusahaan kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman pendekatan inti kompetensi dan proses yang perusahaan berkinerja baik yang dapat memberikan sebuah keuntungan lebih dari pesaing yang berencana garis besar tindakan oleh organisasi yang bermaksud untuk mencapai tujuan dan yang tujuan rencana strategis organisasi rencana luas, dikembangkan sebagai panduan untuk pengaturan kebijakan utama dan pengambilan keputusan rencana taktis rencana skala yang lebih kecil dikembangkan untuk menerapkan strategi rencana operasional jenis rencana yang dirancang untuk melaksanakan taktis rencana kontingensi merencanakan sebuah rencana yang menguraikan program alternatif tindakan yang dapat diambil jika organisasi rencana lain yang terganggu atau menjadi tidak efektif mengorganisir pengelompokan dari sumber daya dan kegiatan untuk mencapai beberapa hasil akhir dalam cara yang efisien dan efektif memimpin proses mempengaruhi orang untuk bekerja ke arah umum tujuan memotivasi proses memberikan alasan bagi orang untuk bekerja demi kepentingan terbaik dari organisasi mengarahkan proses gabungan terkemuka dan memotivasi mengendalikan proses mengevaluasi dan mengatur berkelanjutan kegiatan untuk memastikan bahwa tujuan yang dicapai manajer puncak sebuah upperlevel eksekutif yang memandu dan mengontrol nasib keseluruhan dari suatu organisasi manajer menengah manajer yang menerapkan strategi dan kebijakan utama yang dikembangkan oleh top manajemen lini pertama manajer seorang manajer yang mengkoordinasikan dan mengawasi kegiatan operasi karyawan manajer keuangan manajer yang terutama bertanggung jawab untuk sumber daya keuangan organisasi manajer operasi manajer yang mengelola sistem yang mengkonversi sumber daya menjadi barang dan jasa manajer pemasaran manajer yang bertanggung jawab untuk memfasilitasi pertukaran produk antara organisasi dan pelanggannya atau klien sumber daya manusia manajer orang didakwa dengan mengelola sebuah sumber daya manusia organisasi program manajer administrasi sebuah manajer yang tidak terkait dengan fungsional tertentu daerah tetapi yang menyediakan keseluruhan bimbingan administrasi dan kepemimpinan keterampilan konseptual kemampuan untuk berpikir dalam hal abstrak keterampilan analitik kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dengan benar, menghasilkan alternatif yang masuk akal, dan pilih "terbaik" alternatif untuk memecahkan masalah keterampilan interpersonal kemampuan untuk menangani secara efektif dengan lainnya orang keterampilan teknis khusus keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan aktivitas khusus keterampilan komunikasi kemampuan untuk berbicara, mendengarkan, dan menulis secara efektif kepemimpinan kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi orang lain otokratis kepemimpinan taskoriented gaya kepemimpinan di mana pekerja diberitahu apa yang harus dilakukan dan bagaimana mencapainya; pekerja telah ada mengatakan dalam pengambilan keputusan proses partisipatif gaya kepemimpinan kepemimpinan di mana semua anggota tim yang terlibat dalam mengidentifikasi penting tujuan dan mengembangkan strategi untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan kewirausahaan kepemimpinan berbasis kepribadian gaya kepemimpinan di mana manajer berusaha untuk menginspirasi para pekerja dengan visi dari apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk menguntungkan semua pemangku kepentingan pengambilan keputusan tindakan dari memilih salah satu alternatif dari set alternatif masalah perbedaan antara kondisi aktual dan kondisi yang diinginkan manajemen kualitas total (TQM) koordinasi upaya diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan , meningkatkan partisipasi karyawan, penguatan pemasok kemitraan, dan memfasilitasi suasana organisasi peningkatan mutu berkelanjutan pembandingan proses yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi produk, proses, atau praktek pengelolaan organisasi lain yang unggul dalam beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas

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