#1988: The female of Xi Emperor two Stands in the front line, is a mid terjemahan - #1988: The female of Xi Emperor two Stands in the front line, is a mid Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1988: The female of Xi Emperor two

#1988: The female of Xi Emperor two

Stands in the front line, is a middle-aged man, wears the 9 dragons Sovereign robe, on the resolute face, is having an unquestionable dignity, although his aura is completely reserved, has not been assigned away from the capital tiny bit, but along with his appearance, as if this stretch of world was stepped on by him under foot results.
In behind of this middle-aged man, is two females, one of them seems more than 30 has, elegant, is old yet still graceful, similarly is bringing on several points of dignified face, actually filled was anxious and excited.
Another female, seems over 20 years old, is long the outstandingly beautiful woman, the body is having a noble aura, has a high and respected position, making the human look that was the birth is then uncommon.
In behind, is two cranes sends the old man of young face, has restrained all aura, letting the human is unable to realize that their existence, is hard to see their cultivation is.
This line, surmounted the remote distance, comes Xi Emperor and the others who from Northern Territory travel-worn.
Just arrived at sky over Tianyuan Clan, Xi Emperor and Empress two people of vision then looked to below Tianyuan Clan.
Present Tianyuan Clan, although collected numerous people, but Xi Emperor their husband and wife is Beginning Boundary Expert, Xi Emperor has visited the Great Primal Beginning boundary, they just arrived here, then came from in echoing of bloodline, incomparably clear spread to the hearts of their husband and wife, this lets their husband and wife two people, is mood one surges, came from following this in the induction of bloodline, vision simultaneously has locked Xi Yu.
When their husband and wife two people see clearly the following scene, is item of zi wants to crack, the binocular flash becomes red incomparable, dreadful murderous intent, such as the Tsunami eruption, having made the world fall into a darkness, making the heavenly bodies of space shiver, the entire Peaceful Heavenly God Country temperature, suddenly drops in this moment.
During remote beyond the heavens is void, Peaceful Heavenly God Emperor and Heavenly Demon Saint Religion vice- founder fights very intense.
However at this time, made them probably for it heart startled fearful murderous intent pass on, was startled they cannot help but to stop the battle in abundance, simultaneously turned the head to look to the Dong An County direction.
„Great Primal Expert!”
Peaceful Heavenly God Emperor and Huai An vice- founder simultaneously calls out in alarm, complexion was becomes has all enforced. Southern Territory presented Great Primal Boundary, and this Great Primal Boundary in Peaceful Heavenly God Country Dong An County, this kept Peaceful Heavenly God Emperor from being calm, immediately could not attend to continue constrain Huai An, hurried back to Peaceful Heavenly God Country by quickest speed directly.
Heavenly Moon Dynasty, in Earth Spirit Sect, in 3000 Spiritual Mountain highest that Earth Spirit Sect Old Ancestor Sang Tu opened the eye suddenly, on the face has revealed startled accommodates, vision prudent looked to the Peaceful Heavenly God Country direction.
„strong powerful big murderous intent, this murderous intent, came from Great Primal Expert, ... Is that female?” Earth Spirit Sect Old Ancestor Sang Tu complexion becomes the unprecedented dignity, Peaceful Heavenly God Country suddenly presented Great Primal Boundary, this lets under him consciousness with submerges that white clothing female who in oneself secret room initially was quietly to link.
„It is not right, is not that person, the aura does not look like, that actually where Expert appears in Peaceful Heavenly God Country, and murderous intent such.” Sang Tu could not sit still, immediately sets out to rush to Peaceful Heavenly God Country.
At the same time, the Heavenly Moon Dynasty imperial family, as well as shares the honor with Earth Spirit Sect, Peaceful Cloud Principle School of compound Heavenly Moon Dynasty two big sects, has Everlasting Boundary Expert to be alarmed, broken off, rushes to Peaceful Heavenly God Country in abundance.
Peaceful Heavenly God Country presented Great Primal Beginning boundary Expert, this matter no small matter, they must go to search.
murderous intent that in Dong An County Tianyuan Clan, this transmits suddenly, lets below nine prince facial color big changes, turns the head to look broadmindedly to the upper air, on the face reveals unbelievable gaze.
In front of this murderous intent, he feels one from trembling of soul. This murderous intent, annihilation this stretch of world, is makes nine prince feel that sufficiently own soul must be frozen.
Cultivation to continually achieve God King peak nine prince in addition so, that several God King that follows nine prince to come, naturally was needless saying that at this moment among gaze revealed the panic-stricken color.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1988: laki-laki dari Kaisar Xi dua Berdiri di garis depan, seorang pria setengah baya, memakai jubah berdaulat 9 naga, pada wajah tegas, adalah memiliki martabat perlu dipertanyakan, meskipun aura nya benar-benar reserved, tidak telah ditetapkan dari sedikit modal, tetapi dengan penampilan, seolah-olah peregangan ini dunia menginjak oleh-nya di bawah kaki hasil.Di belakang pria paruh baya ini, adalah dua yang betina, salah satu dari mereka tampaknya lebih dari 30 memiliki, elegan, tua namun masih anggun, demikian pula membawa pada beberapa poin yang bermartabat wajah, benar-benar diisi cemas dan bersemangat.Lain perempuan, tampaknya lebih dari 20 tahun, adalah panjang wanita luar biasa indah, tubuh memiliki aura yang mulia, memiliki posisi tinggi dan dihormati, membuat tampilan manusia itu kelahiran ini kemudian biasa.Di belakang, adalah dua Crane mengirim orang tua muda wajah, telah menahan semua aura, membiarkan manusia tidak mampu menyadari bahwa keberadaan mereka, sulit untuk melihat penanamannya.Baris ini, diatasi jarak jauh, datang Xi Kaisar dan lain-lain yang dari Northern Territory dikenakan di perjalanan.Baru saja tiba di langit atas Tianyuan klan, Xi Kaisar dan Permaisuri dua orang visi kemudian melihat ke bawah Tianyuan klan.Present Tianyuan Clan, although collected numerous people, but Xi Emperor their husband and wife is Beginning Boundary Expert, Xi Emperor has visited the Great Primal Beginning boundary, they just arrived here, then came from in echoing of bloodline, incomparably clear spread to the hearts of their husband and wife, this lets their husband and wife two people, is mood one surges, came from following this in the induction of bloodline, vision simultaneously has locked Xi Yu.When their husband and wife two people see clearly the following scene, is item of zi wants to crack, the binocular flash becomes red incomparable, dreadful murderous intent, such as the Tsunami eruption, having made the world fall into a darkness, making the heavenly bodies of space shiver, the entire Peaceful Heavenly God Country temperature, suddenly drops in this moment.During remote beyond the heavens is void, Peaceful Heavenly God Emperor and Heavenly Demon Saint Religion vice- founder fights very intense.However at this time, made them probably for it heart startled fearful murderous intent pass on, was startled they cannot help but to stop the battle in abundance, simultaneously turned the head to look to the Dong An County direction.„Great Primal Expert!”Kaisar Tuhan surgawi damai dan Huai wakil-pendiri secara simultan panggilan keluar di alarm, kulit adalah menjadi memiliki semua ditegakkan. Wilayah selatan disajikan besar Primal batas, dan batas Primal ini besar di damai surgawi Allah negara Dong County, ini terus damai surgawi Allah Kaisar dari yang tenang, langsung tidak dapat menghadiri terus membatasi Huai kembali, bergegas ke negara Tuhan surgawi damai dengan cepat langsung.Dinasti bulan surgawi, di bumi Roh sekte, di 3000 Spiritual gunung tertinggi bahwa bumi Roh sekte tua leluhur Sang Tu membuka mata tiba-tiba, pada wajah telah mengungkapkan kaget dapat menampung, visi bijaksana memandang ke arah negara Tuhan surgawi damai."kuat kuat besar pembunuh maksud, maksud pembunuh ini, datang dari ahli Primal besar... Apakah itu perempuan?" Bumi Roh sekte tua leluhur Sang Tu kulit menjadi martabat belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, negara Tuhan surgawi damai tiba-tiba disajikan besar Primal batas, ini memungkinkan bawahnya kesadaran dengan submerges bahwa perempuan pakaian putih yang dalam diri kamar rahasia awalnya itu diam-diam untuk link."Hal ini tidak benar, bukan orang itu, aura tidak terlihat seperti, yang benar-benar mana ahli muncul di negara Tuhan surgawi damai, dan pembunuh niat seperti itu." Bernyanyi Tu tidak bisa duduk masih, segera menetapkan untuk terburu-buru untuk negara Tuhan surgawi damai.At the same time, the Heavenly Moon Dynasty imperial family, as well as shares the honor with Earth Spirit Sect, Peaceful Cloud Principle School of compound Heavenly Moon Dynasty two big sects, has Everlasting Boundary Expert to be alarmed, broken off, rushes to Peaceful Heavenly God Country in abundance.Peaceful Heavenly God Country presented Great Primal Beginning boundary Expert, this matter no small matter, they must go to search.murderous intent that in Dong An County Tianyuan Clan, this transmits suddenly, lets below nine prince facial color big changes, turns the head to look broadmindedly to the upper air, on the face reveals unbelievable gaze.In front of this murderous intent, he feels one from trembling of soul. This murderous intent, annihilation this stretch of world, is makes nine prince feel that sufficiently own soul must be frozen.Cultivation to continually achieve God King peak nine prince in addition so, that several God King that follows nine prince to come, naturally was needless saying that at this moment among gaze revealed the panic-stricken color.
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