The growth of Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura is still continuin terjemahan - The growth of Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura is still continuin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The growth of Murong Qianxue Profou

The growth of Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura is still continuing, not only does not have to slow down gradually, instead is getting quicker and quicker, the quarter, had surrounded the Murong Qianxue Profound Strength air current is becoming relaxes suddenly, the little stagnation, then suddenly is leading then the entire Frozen End Divine Hall air current, is reverse her within the body to well up crazily.
„What's the matter?” Chu Yueli surprised [say / way].
The profound air/Qi surges is getting quicker and quicker, as if entire space, even Profound Strength aura of entire world in centralized to Murong Qianxue. The eye eyelash of Murong Qianxue starts to shiver, the body performance reappears slowly ice blue brilliance, under brilliance, her flesh becomes such as the purest busy white snow crystal is bright gradually, even faintly is mobile only then the thousand years thick ice can have the beautiful ice glow that she was jet black such as the long hair of black ink, turns into the ice blue color gradually.???? Novel ; As if her body in this moment, changed to the genuine snow-white skin.
„This ... This is ...” The Frozen Cloud females tarry completely ... The mutation of Murong Qianxue body, they are not strange. Xia Qingyue when starting the Frozen End Divine Art seventh boundary, the body will have this change, the ice Profound Strength might that under this condition, she releases meets suddenly Zengdan also only to see on the body of Xia Qingyue, other people never have, even has not appeared in the record of Frozen Cloud Asgard.
At this time, an ice blue ray released on the body of Murong Qianxue suddenly, sparkling stone blue one piece that entire Frozen End Divine Hall shone, silent , a layer upon layer thick ice layer in the Frozen End Divine Hall wall and ground fast congealment, in an instant turned into an icehouse the stone chamber that this Heavenly Firm Jade built, in the air, a Pak Mong appeared, then changed to waving ice spirit. But these ice spirit are by far different from ice spirit that they know very well, Profound Strength aura that each ice spirit releases, life aura is very rich, looks like has the complete life independent life, indistinct, but can also hear them when the laughter sound that waving exudes.
These ice spirit dance in the air in Frozen End Divine Hall willfully, sprinkles the snowflake that waves piece by piece, then such as was attracted by anything, all flew to Murong Qianxue, integrated in her ice myo- luster of the skin. Blue of Murong Qianxue sends to fly upwards, ice blue brilliance in this moment was rich to peak, was obviously gentle, actually nearly dazzling.
„Senior Master Murong ... completed the breakthrough of big boundary!” Feng Xue'er calling gently said.
If did not fear that alarms Yun Che, their mood already thorough out-of-control. Achieves the apex in Murong Qianxue ice blue brilliance that moment, each of them clearly feels that Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura had the thorough qualitative change, is still most familiar Frozen Cloud aura, is rich, profound and vast inconceivable, must go far beyond first palace master Gong Yuxian, even before must be far in excess, has achieved half step Tyrant Profound Realm Xia Qingyue ... their this life, never feels plane/level high to so boundary Frozen Cloud aura.
„Is Tyrant Profound Realm ... in our Frozen Cloud Asgard history first Overlord!” Mu Lanyi makes an effort to cover the lip, did not lose control to shout by oneself the pupil light that the oversized sound, in the beautiful pupil shivers almost must concentrate the tears to fall.
„Inconceivable miracle ... palace master achieved.”
The Chu Yueli jade referred to strokes lightly, has made a movement of keeping silent, let the person of female hastily syllabic final, bearing stubbornly did not make a sound, but the facial expression as before was excited being unable to restrain oneself.
Even if they to Yun Che are the incomparable trust and respect, but regarding can promote a big boundary not to be still able not to suspect in a short time directly ... In the past, Xia Qingyue because of bodhi emperor heart lotus, but achievement Throne, is Profound Sky Continent never had the miracle, promoted Overlord from Throne directly, this in the entire Profound Sky Continent range, was really extremely fantasy story.
He shouted in the past compared with it can make a connection with all Profound Entrances also to want unthinkable a lot of times for them.
Three years ago, he brings the miracle for entire Frozen Cloud Asgard. Let Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies Profound Strength soar in this in several years, the future achievement will be also inestimable.
At the present, he was Frozen Cloud Asgard has brought the miracle above miracle!
They also think that Grand Mistress Feng Qianhui has said that if Frozen Cloud Asgard can cross the thousand years great misfortune, will certainly ten thousand years of prosperity.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The growth of Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura is still continuing, not only does not have to slow down gradually, instead is getting quicker and quicker, the quarter, had surrounded the Murong Qianxue Profound Strength air current is becoming relaxes suddenly, the little stagnation, then suddenly is leading then the entire Frozen End Divine Hall air current, is reverse her within the body to well up crazily.„What's the matter?” Chu Yueli surprised [say / way].The profound air/Qi surges is getting quicker and quicker, as if entire space, even Profound Strength aura of entire world in centralized to Murong Qianxue. The eye eyelash of Murong Qianxue starts to shiver, the body performance reappears slowly ice blue brilliance, under brilliance, her flesh becomes such as the purest busy white snow crystal is bright gradually, even faintly is mobile only then the thousand years thick ice can have the beautiful ice glow that she was jet black such as the long hair of black ink, turns into the ice blue color gradually.???? Novel ; As if her body in this moment, changed to the genuine snow-white skin.„This ... This is ...” The Frozen Cloud females tarry completely ... The mutation of Murong Qianxue body, they are not strange. Xia Qingyue when starting the Frozen End Divine Art seventh boundary, the body will have this change, the ice Profound Strength might that under this condition, she releases meets suddenly Zengdan also only to see on the body of Xia Qingyue, other people never have, even has not appeared in the record of Frozen Cloud Asgard.At this time, an ice blue ray released on the body of Murong Qianxue suddenly, sparkling stone blue one piece that entire Frozen End Divine Hall shone, silent , a layer upon layer thick ice layer in the Frozen End Divine Hall wall and ground fast congealment, in an instant turned into an icehouse the stone chamber that this Heavenly Firm Jade built, in the air, a Pak Mong appeared, then changed to waving ice spirit. But these ice spirit are by far different from ice spirit that they know very well, Profound Strength aura that each ice spirit releases, life aura is very rich, looks like has the complete life independent life, indistinct, but can also hear them when the laughter sound that waving exudes.These ice spirit dance in the air in Frozen End Divine Hall willfully, sprinkles the snowflake that waves piece by piece, then such as was attracted by anything, all flew to Murong Qianxue, integrated in her ice myo- luster of the skin. Blue of Murong Qianxue sends to fly upwards, ice blue brilliance in this moment was rich to peak, was obviously gentle, actually nearly dazzling.„Senior Master Murong ... completed the breakthrough of big boundary!” Feng Xue'er calling gently said.If did not fear that alarms Yun Che, their mood already thorough out-of-control. Achieves the apex in Murong Qianxue ice blue brilliance that moment, each of them clearly feels that Murong Qianxue Profound Strength aura had the thorough qualitative change, is still most familiar Frozen Cloud aura, is rich, profound and vast inconceivable, must go far beyond first palace master Gong Yuxian, even before must be far in excess, has achieved half step Tyrant Profound Realm Xia Qingyue ... their this life, never feels plane/level high to so boundary Frozen Cloud aura.„Is Tyrant Profound Realm ... in our Frozen Cloud Asgard history first Overlord!” Mu Lanyi makes an effort to cover the lip, did not lose control to shout by oneself the pupil light that the oversized sound, in the beautiful pupil shivers almost must concentrate the tears to fall.„Inconceivable miracle ... palace master achieved.”The Chu Yueli jade referred to strokes lightly, has made a movement of keeping silent, let the person of female hastily syllabic final, bearing stubbornly did not make a sound, but the facial expression as before was excited being unable to restrain oneself.Even if they to Yun Che are the incomparable trust and respect, but regarding can promote a big boundary not to be still able not to suspect in a short time directly ... In the past, Xia Qingyue because of bodhi emperor heart lotus, but achievement Throne, is Profound Sky Continent never had the miracle, promoted Overlord from Throne directly, this in the entire Profound Sky Continent range, was really extremely fantasy story.He shouted in the past compared with it can make a connection with all Profound Entrances also to want unthinkable a lot of times for them.Three years ago, he brings the miracle for entire Frozen Cloud Asgard. Let Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies Profound Strength soar in this in several years, the future achievement will be also inestimable.At the present, he was Frozen Cloud Asgard has brought the miracle above miracle!They also think that Grand Mistress Feng Qianhui has said that if Frozen Cloud Asgard can cross the thousand years great misfortune, will certainly ten thousand years of prosperity.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pertumbuhan Murong Qianxue Mendalam Kekuatan aura masih terus dilakukan, tidak hanya tidak harus memperlambat secara bertahap, bukan semakin cepat dan lebih cepat, kuartal, telah mengepung Murong Qianxue Mendalam Kekuatan udara saat ini menjadi merilekskan tiba-tiba, stagnasi kecil, kemudian tiba-tiba memimpin maka seluruh Frozen End Ilahi Balai udara saat ini, adalah membalikkan dirinya dalam tubuh untuk baik sampai ayun.
"Ada apa?" Chu Yueli terkejut [katakanlah / cara].
Udara yang mendalam / Qi lonjakan semakin cepat dan lebih cepat, seolah-olah seluruh ruang, bahkan Mendalam Kekuatan aura seluruh dunia dalam terpusat untuk Murong Qianxue. Bulu mata mata Murong Qianxue mulai menggigil, kinerja tubuh muncul kembali kecemerlangan biru perlahan es, di bawah kecemerlangan, dagingnya menjadi seperti murni sibuk kristal salju putih cerah secara bertahap, bahkan samar-samar adalah ponsel hanya maka seribu tahun es tebal dapat memiliki cahaya es yang indah yang dia jet hitam seperti rambut panjang dari tinta hitam, berubah menjadi warna biru es secara bertahap. ???? Novel ; Seakan tubuhnya pada saat ini, berubah menjadi kulit putih salju asli.
"Ini ... ini adalah ..." The Frozen Cloud betina tinggal hidup sepenuhnya ... Mutasi tubuh Murong Qianxue, mereka tidak aneh. Xia Qingyue ketika memulai Frozen End Divine Art batas ketujuh, tubuh akan memiliki perubahan ini, es Kekuatan Mendalam mungkin bahwa di bawah kondisi ini, dia melepaskan bertemu tiba-tiba Zengdan juga hanya untuk melihat pada tubuh Xia Qingyue, orang lain tidak pernah, bahkan tidak muncul dalam catatan Frozen Cloud Asgard.
Pada saat ini, sebuah sinar biru es dirilis pada tubuh Murong Qianxue tiba-tiba, berkilau batu biru satu bagian yang seluruh Frozen End Ilahi Balai bersinar, diam, lapisan demi lapisan lapisan es tebal di dinding Frozen End Ilahi Hall dan tanah pembekuan cepat , dalam sekejap berubah menjadi simpangan es ruang batu yang ini Heavenly Firm Jade dibangun, di udara, sebuah Pak Mong muncul, kemudian berubah menjadi melambaikan semangat es. Tapi semangat es ini jauh berbeda dari semangat es yang mereka tahu dengan sangat baik, mendalam aura Kekuatan bahwa setiap roh es rilis, aura hidup sangat kaya, seperti memiliki hidup mandiri hidup lengkap, tidak jelas, tetapi juga dapat mendengar mereka ketika suara tawa yang melambai memancarkan.
Semangat es tari ini di udara di Frozen End Ilahi Balai sengaja, taburan salju bahwa gelombang sepotong demi sepotong, maka seperti tertarik dengan apa-apa, semua terbang ke Murong Qianxue, terintegrasi dalam kilau es nya myo kulit. Biru Murong Qianxue mengirimkan terbang ke atas, es kecemerlangan biru pada saat ini adalah kaya ke puncak, jelas lembut, sebenarnya hampir menyilaukan.
"Senior Guru Murong ... menyelesaikan terobosan batas besar!" Memanggil kata Feng Xue'er lembut.
Jika tidak takut bahwa alarm Yun Che, suasana hati mereka sudah menyeluruh out-of-control. Mencapai puncak di Murong Qianxue es kecemerlangan biru saat itu, masing-masing dari mereka jelas merasa bahwa Murong Qianxue Mendalam Kekuatan aura memiliki perubahan kualitatif menyeluruh, masih paling akrab Frozen Cloud aura, kaya, mendalam dan luas tak terbayangkan, harus pergi jauh melampaui pertama istana tuan Gong Yuxian, bahkan sebelum harus jauh melebihi, telah mencapai setengah langkah Tyrant Mendalam Realm Xia Qingyue ... mereka kehidupan ini, tidak pernah terasa pesawat / tingkat tinggi untuk jadi batas Frozen Cloud aura.
"Apakah Tyrant Realm Mendalam ... dalam sejarah Frozen Cloud Asgard pertama kami Overlord!" Mu Lanyi membuat upaya untuk menutupi bibir, tidak kehilangan kontrol berteriak oleh diri sendiri cahaya pupil bahwa suara besar, dalam murid indah menggigil hampir harus berkonsentrasi air mata jatuh.
"Keajaiban Tak terbayangkan ... istana tuan dicapai."
The Chu Yueli giok disebut stroke ringan, telah membuat gerakan diam, membiarkan orang perempuan buru-buru suku kata akhir, bantalan keras kepala tidak membuat suara, tapi ekspresi wajah sebagai sebelum itu gembira karena tidak mampu menahan diri.
Bahkan jika mereka ke Yun Che adalah kepercayaan tak tertandingi dan rasa hormat, tapi mengenai dapat mempromosikan batas besar untuk tidak masih mampu untuk tidak menduga dalam waktu singkat langsung ... Di masa lalu, Xia Qingyue karena bodhi kaisar lotus jantung, tetapi Throne prestasi, adalah Mendalam Sky Benua pernah memiliki keajaiban, dipromosikan Overlord dari Throne langsung, ini di seluruh mendalam berbagai Sky Benua, benar-benar cerita yang sangat fantasi.
Dia berteriak di masa lalu dibandingkan dengan itu dapat membuat koneksi dengan semua Pintu masuk Mendalam juga ingin terpikirkan banyak kali untuk mereka.
Tiga tahun lalu, ia membawa keajaiban untuk seluruh Frozen Cloud Asgard. Mari Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies Mendalam Kekuatan melambung dalam beberapa tahun, prestasi masa mendatang akan juga tak ternilai.
Saat ini, ia Frozen Cloud Asgard telah membawa keajaiban di atas keajaiban!
Mereka juga berpikir bahwa Grand Mistress Feng Qianhui mengatakan bahwa jika Frozen Cloud Asgard dapat menyeberangi ribu tahun kemalangan besar, tentu akan sepuluh ribu tahun kemakmuran.
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