Late at night, the cold wind strokes the armed forces to be firm, in t terjemahan - Late at night, the cold wind strokes the armed forces to be firm, in t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Late at night, the cold wind stroke

Late at night, the cold wind strokes the armed forces to be firm, in the war in­sti­tute of dis­tant place a si­lence.
„Kills, kills them com­pletely!”
A shout re­sounded sud­denly, has raised thou­sand over­lap­ping waves, Cooldown war cries rose from all di­rec­tions, de­fend one group of peo­ple con­demned to death in prison cell to think fished the cushy job, ac­tu­ally does not think that dis­as­ter is im­mi­nent, Rong Di Jun cap­tives have al­lo­cated the weapon com­pletely, more­over many peo­ple have fought many bat­tles and kill peo­ple such as the ser­vice­man of hemp, the hand had the blade to fall, sev­eral hun­dred num­bers of peo­ple fell to the ground, was less than 20 min­utes, 7000 + peo­ple of cap­tives left the bat­tal­ion in abun­dance, di­rectly soared the di­rec­tion of Lin­hai city to go.
In the thick patch of grass, my form is partly vis­i­ble, Situ Xin has a look at me, the cor­ners of the mouth have twitched, said: „Li Mas­ter can the stealth in thick patch of grass, re­ally be a per­son of high skill un­ex­pect­edly!”
My cor­ners of the mouth one: „Young peo­ple are quite dili­gent.”
Situ Xin is also cracks into a smile: „End knows that we are this pre­sent pur­sue?”
„Did not worry, mak­ing them run for a half hour to say first again that they did not have the cav­alry sol­dier in any case, makes the warhawk rode to search from afar in the space good, by them should not be dis­cov­ered.”
Re­sult group of cap­tives but ac­tu­ally also in­tel­li­gent, knows that in Tian Ling Em­pire wants to go to the Lin­hai city to through Wu Shenhe, ask the Tian­feng snowy moun­tain, there­fore de­tours from Ba Huang City, grabs, what­ever we also going, until after they walked for a half hour, the jun­gle dis­tant place that we am­bush, the se­ri­ous hoof­beat trans­mits, one crowd lifts the heavy cav­alry of palace guard flag to graze to come, is palace guard 5000 heavy cav­al­ries who Han Yuan com­mands.
„Han Yuan, how did you come?” I went out of the thick patch of grass.
The South Ko­rean deep pool laughs fool­ishly one, stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Gen­eral, I wor­ried that this group of crazed flee­ing crim­i­nals will en­dan­ger to the life of gen­eral, there­fore leads the heavy cav­alry of palace guard to come the pro­tect guard, will also look at the gen­eral to for­give end will not have com­plied with the gen­eral to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial Wu Shenhe order.”
„Ok, next time do not vi­o­late again.”
Al­though mil­i­tary com­mands are strictly obeyed, but Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Xia Ye et al. are not the fool, Ming knows that Wu Shenhe the bateau-bridge af­firmed in the sit­u­a­tion of se­cu­rity dis­patches troops to reen­force me, pours also in­dis­putable, after is good for me, prob­a­bly Han Yuan this goods got used to see­ing the mur­der and are killed, there­fore was wor­ried that my this com­manded chop­ping the head under the one per­son alone, al­though I was a player, was care­less to the mat­ter, but Han Yuan was ac­tu­ally re­gards as im­por­tant to my life tightly, many mat­ters he will be does not un­der­stand that does not need to un­der­stand.
Pur­sues with the flee­ing crim­i­nals, when we rush to Ba Huang City to set up in the im­por­tant pass in na­tional bound­ary, here sev­eral hun­dred de­fend­ing sol­diers also killed off, it seems like we let go these cap­tives to owe An­gela in­ten­tion­ally a human sen­ti­ment.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the King will hunt for the ac­tiv­ity to open of­fi­cially, pro­ceeds again, we ar­rived in a piece of ice­field, is held re­spon­si­ble the ask­ing day ice­field map under Tian­feng, is one of as­sign­ing maps the King can hunt , the front also one after an­other pre­sented the corpse of cap­tive, many peo­ple froze to death on the ice­field di­rectly, but only in mi­nor­ity.
I ride the god fierce fine horse to skice, Situ Xin and Han Yuan are fol­low­ing close on me, Han Yuan has 5
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Late at night, the cold wind strokes the armed forces to be firm, in the war in­sti­tute of dis­tant place a si­lence.„Kills, kills them com­pletely!”A shout re­sounded sud­denly, has raised thou­sand over­lap­ping waves, Cooldown war cries rose from all di­rec­tions, de­fend one group of peo­ple con­demned to death in prison cell to think fished the cushy job, ac­tu­ally does not think that dis­as­ter is im­mi­nent, Rong Di Jun cap­tives have al­lo­cated the weapon com­pletely, more­over many peo­ple have fought many bat­tles and kill peo­ple such as the ser­vice­man of hemp, the hand had the blade to fall, sev­eral hun­dred num­bers of peo­ple fell to the ground, was less than 20 min­utes, 7000 + peo­ple of cap­tives left the bat­tal­ion in abun­dance, di­rectly soared the di­rec­tion of Lin­hai city to go.In the thick patch of grass, my form is partly vis­i­ble, Situ Xin has a look at me, the cor­ners of the mouth have twitched, said: „Li Mas­ter can the stealth in thick patch of grass, re­ally be a per­son of high skill un­ex­pect­edly!”My cor­ners of the mouth one: „Young peo­ple are quite dili­gent.”Situ Xin is also cracks into a smile: „End knows that we are this pre­sent pur­sue?”„Did not worry, mak­ing them run for a half hour to say first again that they did not have the cav­alry sol­dier in any case, makes the warhawk rode to search from afar in the space good, by them should not be dis­cov­ered.”„Yes!”Re­sult group of cap­tives but ac­tu­ally also in­tel­li­gent, knows that in Tian Ling Em­pire wants to go to the Lin­hai city to through Wu Shenhe, ask the Tian­feng snowy moun­tain, there­fore de­tours from Ba Huang City, grabs, what­ever we also going, until after they walked for a half hour, the jun­gle dis­tant place that we am­bush, the se­ri­ous hoof­beat trans­mits, one crowd lifts the heavy cav­alry of palace guard flag to graze to come, is palace guard 5000 heavy cav­al­ries who Han Yuan com­mands.„Han Yuan, how did you come?” I went out of the thick patch of grass.The South Ko­rean deep pool laughs fool­ishly one, stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Gen­eral, I wor­ried that this group of crazed flee­ing crim­i­nals will en­dan­ger to the life of gen­eral, there­fore leads the heavy cav­alry of palace guard to come the pro­tect guard, will also look at the gen­eral to for­give end will not have com­plied with the gen­eral to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial Wu Shenhe order.”„Ok, next time do not vi­o­late again.”„Yes!”Al­though mil­i­tary com­mands are strictly obeyed, but Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Xia Ye et al. are not the fool, Ming knows that Wu Shenhe the bateau-bridge af­firmed in the sit­u­a­tion of se­cu­rity dis­patches troops to reen­force me, pours also in­dis­putable, after is good for me, prob­a­bly Han Yuan this goods got used to see­ing the mur­der and are killed, there­fore was wor­ried that my this com­manded chop­ping the head under the one per­son alone, al­though I was a player, was care­less to the mat­ter, but Han Yuan was ac­tu­ally re­gards as im­por­tant to my life tightly, many mat­ters he will be does not un­der­stand that does not need to un­der­stand.Pur­sues with the flee­ing crim­i­nals, when we rush to Ba Huang City to set up in the im­por­tant pass in na­tional bound­ary, here sev­eral hun­dred de­fend­ing sol­diers also killed off, it seems like we let go these cap­tives to owe An­gela in­ten­tion­ally a human sen­ti­ment.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the King will hunt for the ac­tiv­ity to open of­fi­cially, pro­ceeds again, we ar­rived in a piece of ice­field, is held re­spon­si­ble the ask­ing day ice­field map under Tian­feng, is one of as­sign­ing maps the King can hunt , the front also one after an­other pre­sented the corpse of cap­tive, many peo­ple froze to death on the ice­field di­rectly, but only in mi­nor­ity.
I ride the god fierce fine horse to skice, Situ Xin and Han Yuan are fol­low­ing close on me, Han Yuan has 5
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Larut malam, angin dingin stroke angkatan bersenjata harus tegas, di lembaga perang tempat yang jauh diam.
"Tewaskan, membunuh mereka benar-benar!"
Sebuah teriakan terdengar tiba-tiba, telah mengangkat ribu tumpang tindih gelombang, teriakan perang Cooldown bangkit dari semua arah, membela satu kelompok orang dihukum mati di sel penjara untuk berpikir memancing pekerjaan enak, sebenarnya tidak berpikir bahwa bencana sudah dekat, Rong di Juni tawanan telah dialokasikan senjata sepenuhnya, apalagi banyak orang telah berjuang banyak pertempuran dan membunuh orang-orang seperti sebagai reparasi dari rami, tangan memiliki pisau jatuh, beberapa ratus jumlah orang jatuh ke tanah, kurang dari 20 menit, 7000 + orang tawanan meninggalkan batalion dalam kelimpahan, langsung melonjak ke arah kota Linhai untuk pergi .
dalam patch rumput tebal, bentuk saya sebagian terlihat, Situ Xin memiliki menatapku, sudut-sudut mulut telah berkedut, mengatakan: "Li Guru dapat siluman dalam patch rumput tebal, benar-benar menjadi orang yang tinggi keterampilan tiba-tiba "!
sudut saya dari mulut satu:". orang-orang muda yang cukup rajin "
Situ Xin juga retak tersenyum:" End tahu bahwa kita sekarang ini mengejar "?
" tidak perlu khawatir, membuat mereka berjalan selama setengah jam untuk mengatakan pertama lagi bahwa mereka tidak memiliki tentara kavaleri dalam hal apapun, membuat warhawk berkuda untuk mencari dari jauh dalam ruang yang baik, oleh mereka tidak harus ditemukan. "
" Ya! "
kelompok Hasil tawanan tetapi sebenarnya juga cerdas , tahu bahwa di Tian Ling Empire ingin pergi ke kota Linhai untuk melalui Wu Shenhe, meminta gunung Tianfeng bersalju, karena itu jalan memutar dari Ba Huang City, diperebutkan, apa pun kami juga akan, sampai setelah mereka berjalan selama setengah jam, hutan tempat yang jauh yang kita menyergap, yang mentransmisikan hoofbeat serius, salah satu penonton mengangkat kavaleri berat istana penjaga bendera untuk merumput untuk datang, adalah pengawal istana 5000 cavalries berat yang memerintahkan Han Yuan.
"Han Yuan, bagaimana kau datang?" aku pergi keluar . patch tebal rumput
kolam mendalam Korea Selatan tertawa bodoh satu, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan menahan tinju di sisi lain mengatakan: "Jenderal, saya khawatir bahwa kelompok penjahat melarikan diri gila akan membahayakan bagi kehidupan umum, oleh karena itu memimpin kavaleri berat pengawal istana untuk datang penjaga melindungi, juga akan melihat umum memaafkan akhir tidak akan mematuhi umum untuk mempertahankan kekaisaran agar Wu Shenhe. "
" Ok, kali tidak melanggar lagi . "
" Ya! "
Meskipun perintah militer secara ketat dipatuhi, tapi Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Xia Ye et al. tidak bodoh, Ming tahu bahwa Wu Shenhe yang bateau-jembatan ditegaskan dalam situasi pasukan kiriman keamanan untuk reenforce saya, menuangkan juga terbantahkan, setelah baik bagi saya, mungkin Han Yuan barang ini terbiasa melihat pembunuhan itu dan dibunuh Oleh karena itu khawatir bahwa saya ini diperintahkan memotong kepala di bawah satu orang saja, meskipun saya adalah seorang pemain, ceroboh untuk masalah ini, tapi Han Yuan benar-benar menganggap penting untuk hidup saya erat-erat, banyak hal dia akan tidak mengerti yang tidak perlu memahami.
Kejar dengan penjahat melarikan diri, ketika kita terburu-buru untuk Ba Huang Kota untuk mengatur dalam lulus penting dalam batas nasional, di sini beberapa ratus tentara membela juga membunuh, sepertinya kita melepaskan tawanan ini untuk berutang Angela sengaja sentimen manusia.
Persilangan pertemuan lagi, Raja akan berburu untuk kegiatan untuk membuka secara resmi, hasil lagi, kami tiba di sepotong icefield, yang bertanggung jawab yang meminta peta hari icefield bawah Tianfeng, adalah salah satu menugaskan peta yang Raja bisa berburu, depan juga satu demi satu disajikan mayat tawanan, banyak orang mati beku di padang es secara langsung, tetapi hanya minoritas.
aku naik dewa sengit kuda baik untuk skice, Situ Xin dan Han Yuan mengikuti dari dekat saya, Han Yuan memiliki 5
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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