Individual-level Antecedents of International Assignee SuccessPersonal terjemahan - Individual-level Antecedents of International Assignee SuccessPersonal Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Individual-level Antecedents of Int

Individual-level Antecedents of International Assignee Success
Personality Characteristics
Researchers have found that successful and well-adjusted international assignees tend to share certain personality traits (e.g., Black, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; 2000b; Church, 1982; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985, Stening, 1979). Certain personality characteristics enable international assignees to be open and receptive to learning the norms of new cultures, to initiate contact with host nationals, to gather cultural information, and to handle the higher amounts of stress associated with the ambiguity of their new environments (Black, 1990; Church, 1982; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) – all important for international assignee success. While many personality characteristics exist, research has found that five factors provide a useful typology or taxonomy for classifying them (Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987, 1989; McCrae & John, 1992). These five factors have been found repeatedly through factor analyses and confirmatory factor analyses across, time, contexts, and cultures (Buss, 1991; Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987; McCrae & John, 1992) and are labeled "the Big Five." The Big Five personality factors are: (1) extroversion, (2) agreeableness, (3) conscientiousness, (4) emotional stability, and (5) openness or intellect. Each of the Big Five personality characteristics has some relationship to international assignee success (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b).
Some personality characteristics predispose international assignees to form stronger social bonds, which can encourage a higher level of cross-cultural adjustment (Caligiuri, 2000a). International assignees who are able to assert themselves enough to establish some interpersonal relationships with both host nationals and other international assignees tend to be more likely to effectively learn the social culture of the host country (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Dinges, 1983; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985; 1988; Searle & Ward, 1990), therefore, extroversion is important to help international assignees learn the work and non-work social culture in the host country relates to international assignee success. Agreeableness may also be important given that the ability to form reciprocal social alliances is achieved through this personality characteristic of (Buss, 1991). Expatriates who are more agreeable (i.e., deal with conflict collaboratively, strive for mutual understanding, and are less competitive) report greater cross-cultural adjustment -- and greater adjustment on the assignment (Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Black, 1990; Tung, 1981).
Other personality characteristics may also predispose international assignee for success. For example, trusted and conscientious employees are more likely to become leaders, gain status, get promoted, earn higher salaries, etc. In the domestic context, this has been supported through studies demonstrating a positive relationship between conscientiousness and work performance among professionals (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991; Day & Silverman, 1989). This finding has been generalized to international assignee performance (Caligiuri, 2000a; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997) and has been found to be a predictor of those who will be effective in international assignments.
In addition to the three personality characteristics described above, emotional stability may also be important for international assignee success. Emotional stability is the universal adaptive mechanism enabling humans to cope with stress in their environment (Buss, 1991). Given that stress is often associated with living and working in an ambiguous and unfamiliar environment (Richards, 1996), emotional stability is an important personality characteristic for international assignees’ adjustment to the host country (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1988; Gudykunst, 1988; Gudykunst & Hammer, 1984; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) and completion of an international assignee assignment (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997).
Perhaps the most intuitively useful personality characteristic, as it relates to international assignee success, is the characteristic of openness or intellect. For an international assignee, the ability to correctly assess the social environment is more complicated given that the host country may provide ambiguous social cues (Caligiuri & Day, 2000). Successful international assignees will likely need to possess cognitive complexity, openness, and intuitive perceptual acuity to accurately perceive and interpret the host culture (Caligiuri, Jacobs, & Farr, 2000; Dinges, 1983; Finney & Von Glinow, 1987; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997). Openness is related to international assignee success because individuals higher in this personality characteristic will have fewer rigid views of right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, etc. and are more likely to be accepting of the new culture (e.g., Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1990; Cui & Van den Berg, 1991; Hammer, Gudykunst, & Wiseman, 1978).
Collectively, these personality characteristics could be included in a valid selection system for prospective international assignees. It is important to note however, that the absolute level of each personality characteristic would be contingent upon the type of international assignment under consideration. For example, the necessary level of openness and extroversion would be much higher for an executive in a networking role than it would be for a technician working predominantly with a system or machine. A better understanding of the level of necessary characteristics for given international contexts would be useful focus for future research studies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Individual-level Antecedents of International Assignee Success
Personality Characteristics
Researchers have found that successful and well-adjusted international assignees tend to share certain personality traits (e.g., Black, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; 2000b; Church, 1982; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985, Stening, 1979). Certain personality characteristics enable international assignees to be open and receptive to learning the norms of new cultures, to initiate contact with host nationals, to gather cultural information, and to handle the higher amounts of stress associated with the ambiguity of their new environments (Black, 1990; Church, 1982; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) – all important for international assignee success. While many personality characteristics exist, research has found that five factors provide a useful typology or taxonomy for classifying them (Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987, 1989; McCrae & John, 1992). These five factors have been found repeatedly through factor analyses and confirmatory factor analyses across, time, contexts, and cultures (Buss, 1991; Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987; McCrae & John, 1992) and are labeled "the Big Five." The Big Five personality factors are: (1) extroversion, (2) agreeableness, (3) conscientiousness, (4) emotional stability, and (5) openness or intellect. Each of the Big Five personality characteristics has some relationship to international assignee success (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b).
Some personality characteristics predispose international assignees to form stronger social bonds, which can encourage a higher level of cross-cultural adjustment (Caligiuri, 2000a). International assignees who are able to assert themselves enough to establish some interpersonal relationships with both host nationals and other international assignees tend to be more likely to effectively learn the social culture of the host country (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Dinges, 1983; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985; 1988; Searle & Ward, 1990), therefore, extroversion is important to help international assignees learn the work and non-work social culture in the host country relates to international assignee success. Agreeableness may also be important given that the ability to form reciprocal social alliances is achieved through this personality characteristic of (Buss, 1991). Expatriates who are more agreeable (i.e., deal with conflict collaboratively, strive for mutual understanding, and are less competitive) report greater cross-cultural adjustment -- and greater adjustment on the assignment (Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Black, 1990; Tung, 1981).
Other personality characteristics may also predispose international assignee for success. For example, trusted and conscientious employees are more likely to become leaders, gain status, get promoted, earn higher salaries, etc. In the domestic context, this has been supported through studies demonstrating a positive relationship between conscientiousness and work performance among professionals (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991; Day & Silverman, 1989). This finding has been generalized to international assignee performance (Caligiuri, 2000a; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997) and has been found to be a predictor of those who will be effective in international assignments.
In addition to the three personality characteristics described above, emotional stability may also be important for international assignee success. Emotional stability is the universal adaptive mechanism enabling humans to cope with stress in their environment (Buss, 1991). Given that stress is often associated with living and working in an ambiguous and unfamiliar environment (Richards, 1996), emotional stability is an important personality characteristic for international assignees’ adjustment to the host country (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1988; Gudykunst, 1988; Gudykunst & Hammer, 1984; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) and completion of an international assignee assignment (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997).
Perhaps the most intuitively useful personality characteristic, as it relates to international assignee success, is the characteristic of openness or intellect. For an international assignee, the ability to correctly assess the social environment is more complicated given that the host country may provide ambiguous social cues (Caligiuri & Day, 2000). Successful international assignees will likely need to possess cognitive complexity, openness, and intuitive perceptual acuity to accurately perceive and interpret the host culture (Caligiuri, Jacobs, & Farr, 2000; Dinges, 1983; Finney & Von Glinow, 1987; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997). Openness is related to international assignee success because individuals higher in this personality characteristic will have fewer rigid views of right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, etc. and are more likely to be accepting of the new culture (e.g., Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Black, 1990; Cui & Van den Berg, 1991; Hammer, Gudykunst, & Wiseman, 1978).
Collectively, these personality characteristics could be included in a valid selection system for prospective international assignees. It is important to note however, that the absolute level of each personality characteristic would be contingent upon the type of international assignment under consideration. For example, the necessary level of openness and extroversion would be much higher for an executive in a networking role than it would be for a technician working predominantly with a system or machine. A better understanding of the level of necessary characteristics for given international contexts would be useful focus for future research studies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anteseden Individu-tingkat Diberi Tugas Sukses International
Karakteristik Kepribadian
Para peneliti telah menemukan bahwa sukses dan assignees internasional yang disesuaikan cenderung untuk berbagi ciri-ciri kepribadian tertentu (misalnya, Black, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; 2000b; Gereja, 1982; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985, Stening, 1979). Karakteristik kepribadian tertentu memungkinkan assignees internasional untuk terbuka dan reseptif untuk belajar norma-norma budaya baru, untuk memulai kontak dengan warga negara tuan rumah, untuk mengumpulkan informasi budaya, dan untuk menangani jumlah yang lebih tinggi dari stres yang berhubungan dengan ambiguitas lingkungan baru mereka (Black, Gereja, 1982;; 1990 Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) - semua penting untuk keberhasilan pengalihan internasional. Sementara banyak karakteristik kepribadian yang ada, penelitian telah menemukan bahwa lima faktor memberikan tipologi yang berguna atau taksonomi untuk mengklasifikasikan mereka (Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987, 1989; McCrae & John, 1992). Kelima faktor telah ditemukan berulang kali melalui faktor analisis dan analisis faktor konfirmatori seluruh, waktu, konteks, dan budaya (Buss, 1991; Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1992, 1993; McCrae & Costa, 1987; McCrae & John, 1992) dan diberi label "Big Five." The Big Five faktor kepribadian adalah: (1) keterbukaan, (2) Keramahan, (3) kesadaran, (4) stabilitas emosi, dan (5) keterbukaan atau intelek. Setiap Lima Besar karakteristik kepribadian memiliki beberapa hubungan dengan keberhasilan pengalihan internasional (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b).
Beberapa karakteristik kepribadian mempengaruhi assignees internasional untuk membentuk ikatan yang lebih kuat sosial, yang dapat mendorong tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari salib penyesuaian -cultural (Caligiuri, 2000a). Assignees internasional yang mampu menyatakan diri cukup untuk membangun beberapa hubungan interpersonal dengan baik warga negara tuan rumah dan assignees internasional lainnya cenderung lebih mungkin untuk secara efektif mempelajari sosial budaya negara tuan rumah (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Hitam, 1990; Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Dinges, 1983; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985; 1988; Searle & Ward, 1990), oleh karena itu, keterbukaan penting dalam membantu assignees internasional mempelajari kerja dan non-kerja sosial budaya di negara tuan rumah berkaitan dengan internasional keberhasilan pengalihan. Keramahan juga mungkin penting mengingat bahwa kemampuan untuk membentuk aliansi sosial timbal balik dicapai melalui karakteristik kepribadian ini (Buss, 1991). Ekspatriat yang lebih menyenangkan (yaitu, menangani konflik secara kolaboratif, berusaha untuk saling pengertian, dan kurang kompetitif) melaporkan penyesuaian yang lebih besar lintas budaya - dan penyesuaian yang lebih besar pada tugas (Caligiuri, 2000a; Caligiuri, 2000b; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997; Hitam, 1990;. Tung, 1981)
karakteristik kepribadian lain juga dapat mempengaruhi pengalihan internasional untuk sukses. Sebagai contoh, karyawan yang terpercaya dan teliti lebih mungkin untuk menjadi pemimpin, mendapatkan status, dipromosikan, mendapatkan gaji yang lebih tinggi, dll Dalam konteks domestik, ini telah didukung melalui studi menunjukkan hubungan positif antara kesadaran dan kinerja kalangan profesional (misalnya , Barrick & Mount, 1991; Day & Silverman, 1989). Temuan ini telah digeneralisasi untuk kinerja pengalihan internasional (Caligiuri, 2000a; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997). Dan telah ditemukan untuk menjadi prediktor yang akan efektif dalam tugas internasional
Selain tiga karakteristik kepribadian yang dijelaskan di atas, kestabilan emosi mungkin juga penting untuk keberhasilan pengalihan internasional. Kestabilan emosi adalah mekanisme adaptif yang universal memungkinkan manusia untuk mengatasi stres di lingkungan mereka (Buss, 1991). Mengingat bahwa stres sering dikaitkan dengan hidup dan bekerja di lingkungan yang ambigu dan asing (Richards, 1996), kestabilan emosi merupakan ciri kepribadian yang penting untuk penyesuaian assignees internasional untuk negara tuan rumah (Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Hitam, 1988; Gudykunst , 1988; Gudykunst & Hammer, 1984; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985) dan penyelesaian tugas pengalihan internasional (Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997).
Mungkin karakteristik kepribadian yang paling intuitif berguna, karena berkaitan dengan keberhasilan pengalihan internasional, adalah karakteristik keterbukaan atau intelek. Untuk penerima hak internasional, kemampuan untuk benar menilai lingkungan sosial lebih rumit mengingat bahwa negara tuan rumah dapat memberikan isyarat-isyarat sosial ambigu (Caligiuri & Day, 2000). Assignees internasional yang sukses mungkin akan perlu memiliki kompleksitas kognitif, keterbukaan, dan intuitif ketajaman persepsi untuk secara akurat memahami dan memaknai budaya host (Caligiuri, Jacobs, & Farr, 2000; Dinges, 1983; Finney & Von Glinow, 1987; Ones & Viswesvaran, 1997). Keterbukaan berkaitan dengan keberhasilan pengalihan internasional karena individu yang lebih tinggi dalam karakteristik kepribadian ini akan memiliki pandangan yang kaku sedikit dari benar dan salah, pantas dan tidak pantas, dll dan lebih mungkin untuk menerima budaya baru (misalnya, Abe & Wiseman, 1983; Hitam, 1990; Cui & Van den Berg, 1991;. Hammer, Gudykunst, & Wiseman, 1978)
Secara kolektif, karakteristik kepribadian tersebut dapat dimasukkan dalam sistem seleksi berlaku untuk assignees internasional prospektif. Hal ini penting untuk dicatat bagaimanapun, bahwa tingkat absolut setiap karakteristik kepribadian akan bergantung pada jenis tugas internasional dalam pertimbangan. Misalnya, tingkat yang diperlukan keterbukaan dan keterbukaan akan jauh lebih tinggi untuk seorang eksekutif dalam peran jaringan dari itu akan teknisi bekerja terutama dengan sistem atau mesin. Pemahaman yang lebih baik dari tingkat karakteristik yang diperlukan untuk konteks internasional yang diberikan akan fokus berguna untuk studi penelitian masa depan.
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