-o When you first leave the hospital make a | | right and run South do terjemahan - -o When you first leave the hospital make a | | right and run South do Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

-o When you first leave the hospita

-o When you first leave the hospital make a
| | right and run South down the street. At the
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | corner make a right turn West onto Rendell
| Health Drink..........._____ | Street. As you go forward you'll reach a
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | couple of items on the ground behind a car,
| Ampoule................_____ | they include 'First-Aid Kit' and 'Health
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | Drink.' Further West at the left side of
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | the blockade are 'Handgun Bullets' and
| Rifle Shells..........._____ | 'Ampoule.' Now make your way East on
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | Rendell Street, past the corner. Stay on
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | the North sidewalk as you run East,
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | eventually the fence will open up into a
| Health Drink..........._____ | small parking area, here you can find two
| Health Drink..........._____ | sets of 'Shotgun Shells' and 'Rifle
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | Shells.' Further East from here still in
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | the same area are more 'Rifle Shells' and
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | 'Handgun Bullets.' Now follow the road East
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | and turn South onto Munson. At the South
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | end of the street are two sets of 'Handgun
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | Bullets' as well as a dead end. Go back
| Rifle Shells..........._____ | North a bit and make a right (East) onto
| Rifle Shells..........._____ | Saul Street. Just as you start down this
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | street check the Southern sidewalk by the
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | door for two 'Health Drink.' Continue East
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | through the tunnel, and into the chain link
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | gate. There are some new enemies in here
| Health Drink..........._____ | than hang from the grating on the ground and
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | move hand over hand along, they're perfectly
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | happy minding their own business and won't
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | pose a threat to you unless you happen to
| Wrench................._____ | stop for some reason. In the next area
| Health Drink..........._____ | you'll find a motorhome on your right with a
| Health Drink..........._____ | 'First-Aid Kit' right beside it. Enter and
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | save your game here, leave the motorhome.
| Handgun Bullets........_____ |
| Rifle Shells..........._____ | There are a number of things to pick up
| Health Drink..........._____ | here, nothing required but it will really
| Handgun Bullets........_____ | help out, skip to the next paragraph for
| Health Drink..........._____ | your actual real destination. Head East
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | from the motorhome, almost immediately on
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | your right you'll find two sets of 'Shotgun
| Ampoule................_____ | Shells.' Follow the road East, stay on the
| Health Drink..........._____ | South sidewalk to find two sets of 'Handgun
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | Bullets' beside some newspaper dispensers.
| Shotgun Shells........._____ | Turn North onto Neely Street, when you start
| Ampoule................_____ | up Neely Street look on the West sidewalk
| Old Bronze Key........._____ | for a 'First-Aid Kit' near the corner. When
| First-Aid Kit.........._____ | you reach the Happy Burger you should find
| | some 'Rifle Shells' just at the corner, and
o------------------------------o more 'Rifle Shells' on the other side of the
building. Cross Neely Street to the West
and there's a 'First-Aid Kit' in front of one of the stores there. Go
Northeast to Neely's Bar and pick up the 'Handgun Bullets
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
-o ketika Anda pertama kali meninggalkan rumah sakit membuat | | South kanan dan berjalan menyusuri jalan. Di | Pertolongan pertama Kit... ___ | membuat sudut kanan belok Barat ke Rendell | Kesehatan minum... ___ | Street. Seperti Anda maju Anda akan mencapai | Peluru pistol... ___ | beberapa item di tanah di belakang mobil, | Ampul... ___ | mereka termasuk 'Pertolongan pertama Kit' dan ' Kesehatan | Senapan kerang... ___ | Minum.' Lebih lanjut Barat di sisi kiri | Senapan kerang... ___ | blokade adalah 'Peluru pistol' dan | Senapan kerang... ___ | 'Ampul.' Sekarang membuat jalan Timur pada | Peluru pistol... ___ | Rendell Street, dari sudut. Tetap di | Peluru pistol... ___ | trotoar Utara sebagai Anda menjalankan Timur, | Peluru pistol... ___ | akhirnya pagar akan membuka ke | Kesehatan minum... ___ | kecil area parkir, di sini Anda dapat menemukan dua | Kesehatan minum... ___ | set 'Senapan kerang' dan ' senapan | Pertolongan pertama Kit... ___ | Kerang.' Lebih jauh ke Timur dari sini masih dalam | Senapan kerang... ___ | daerah yang sama yang lebih 'senapan kerang' dan | Senapan kerang... ___ | 'Peluru pistol.' Sekarang Ikuti jalan Timur | Peluru pistol... ___ | dan berbelok ke Selatan ke Munson. Di sebelah Selatan | Peluru pistol... ___ | ujung jalan itu adalah dua set ' pistol | Pertolongan pertama Kit... ___ | Peluru serta jalan buntu. Kembali | Rifle Shells..........._____ | North a bit and make a right (East) onto | Rifle Shells..........._____ | Saul Street. Just as you start down this | First-Aid Kit.........._____ | street check the Southern sidewalk by the | Handgun Bullets........_____ | door for two 'Health Drink.' Continue East | Shotgun Shells........._____ | through the tunnel, and into the chain link | Shotgun Shells........._____ | gate. There are some new enemies in here | Health Drink..........._____ | than hang from the grating on the ground and | Shotgun Shells........._____ | move hand over hand along, they're perfectly | Shotgun Shells........._____ | happy minding their own business and won't | Handgun Bullets........_____ | pose a threat to you unless you happen to | Wrench................._____ | stop for some reason. In the next area | Health Drink..........._____ | you'll find a motorhome on your right with a | Health Drink..........._____ | 'First-Aid Kit' right beside it. Enter and | Handgun Bullets........_____ | save your game here, leave the motorhome.| Handgun Bullets........_____ | | Rifle Shells..........._____ | There are a number of things to pick up | Health Drink..........._____ | here, nothing required but it will really | Handgun Bullets........_____ | help out, skip to the next paragraph for | Health Drink..........._____ | your actual real destination. Head East | First-Aid Kit.........._____ | from the motorhome, almost immediately on | First-Aid Kit.........._____ | your right you'll find two sets of 'Shotgun | Ampoule................_____ | Shells.' Follow the road East, stay on the | Health Drink..........._____ | South sidewalk to find two sets of 'Handgun | Shotgun Shells........._____ | Bullets' beside some newspaper dispensers. | Shotgun Shells........._____ | Turn North onto Neely Street, when you start | Ampoule................_____ | up Neely Street look on the West sidewalk | Old Bronze Key........._____ | for a 'First-Aid Kit' near the corner. When | First-Aid Kit.........._____ | you reach the Happy Burger you should find | | some 'Rifle Shells' just at the corner, and o------------------------------o more 'Rifle Shells' on the other side of the building. Cross Neely Street to the West and there's a 'First-Aid Kit' in front of one of the stores there. Go Northeast to Neely's Bar and pick up the 'Handgun Bullets
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
-o Ketika Anda pertama kali meninggalkan rumah sakit membuat
| | kanan dan lari Selatan di jalan. Pada
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | sudut membuat berbelok ke kanan Barat ke Rendell
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | Jalan. Ketika Anda pergi ke depan Anda akan mencapai
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | beberapa item di tanah di belakang mobil,
| Ampul ................_____ | mereka termasuk 'Pertama-Aid Kit' dan 'Kesehatan
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | Minum.' Lanjut Barat di sisi kiri
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | blokade yang 'Pistol Peluru' dan
| Kerang Rifle ..........._____ | 'Ampul.' Sekarang membuat jalan Timur pada
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | Rendell Street, melewati sudut. Tetap di
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | trotoar Utara sebagai Anda menjalankan East,
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | akhirnya pagar akan membuka menjadi
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | area parkir kecil, di sini Anda dapat menemukan dua
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | set 'Shotgun Shells' dan 'Rifle
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | Kerang. ' East lanjut dari sini masih dalam
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | daerah yang sama lebih 'Shells Rifle' dan
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | 'Peluru pistol. " Sekarang ikuti Timur jalan
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | dan mengubah Selatan ke Munson. Pada Selatan
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | ujung jalan dua set 'Pistol
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | Peluru 'serta jalan buntu. Kembali
| Kerang Rifle ..........._____ | Utara sedikit dan membuat hak (East) ke
| Kerang Rifle ..........._____ | Saul Street. Sama seperti Anda mulai turun ini
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | jalan memeriksa trotoar Southern oleh
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | Pintu untuk dua 'Minum Kesehatan.' Lanjutkan East
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | melalui terowongan, dan ke link rantai
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | gerbang. Ada beberapa musuh baru di sini
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | dari menggantung dari kisi-kisi di tanah dan
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | menggerakkan tangan di atas tangan bersama, mereka benar-benar
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | senang mengurus bisnis mereka sendiri dan tidak akan
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | menimbulkan ancaman bagi Anda kecuali Anda kebetulan
| Wrench ................._____ | berhenti untuk beberapa alasan. Di area berikutnya
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | Anda akan menemukan motorhome di kanan Anda dengan
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | 'Pertama-Aid Kit' tepat di samping itu. Masukkan dan
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | save game Anda di sini, meninggalkan motorhome.
| Peluru pistol ........_____ |
| Kerang Rifle ..........._____ | Ada beberapa hal untuk mengambil
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | di sini, tidak ada yang diperlukan tapi akan benar-benar
| Peluru Pistol ........_____ | membantu, melompat ke paragraf berikutnya untuk
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | tujuan nyata yang sebenarnya Anda. Kepala East
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | dari motorhome, hampir segera di
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | kanan Anda akan menemukan dua set 'Shotgun
| Ampul ................_____ | Kerang. ' Ikuti jalan Timur, tinggal di
| Minuman kesehatan ..........._____ | Trotoar selatan untuk menemukan dua set 'Pistol
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | Peluru 'di samping beberapa dispenser koran.
| Kerang Shotgun ........._____ | Belok Utara ke Neely Street, ketika Anda mulai
| Ampul ................_____ | up Neely Jalan terlihat di trotoar Barat
| Old Bronze Key ........._____ | untuk 'Pertama-Aid Kit' dekat sudut. ketika
| Pertama-Aid Kit .........._____ | Anda mencapai Happy Burger Anda harus menemukan
| | beberapa 'Rifle Shells' hanya di sudut, dan
o ------------------------------ o lebih 'Rifle Kerang' pada sisi lain dari
bangunan. Menyeberangi Neely Jalan ke Barat
dan ada 'Pertama-Aid Kit' di depan salah satu toko di sana. Pergi
Northeast ke Neely Bar dan mengambil 'Pistol Peluru
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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