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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
The History of Jack and the Beanstalk In the days of King Alfred there lived a poor woman. She was a widow and had an only child name Jack, whom she indulged to a fault. The consequence of her blind partiality was that Jack did not pay the least attention to anything she said. His follies were not owing to a bad disposition, but his mother had never checked on him. The poor woman one day talked with Jack with tears in her eyes. Her distress was great, and for the first time in her life, she had not enough money to purchase even a bit of bread for another day. Nothing now remains to sell but her poor cow. Jack began asking his mother to let him sell the cow in the next village and she at last consented. As he was going along, Jack met a butcher. The butcher inquired why he was taking the cow from home. Jack replied that he was going to sell it. The butcher held some curious beans in his hat that were of various color and attracted Jack’s notice. The butcher asked what was the price of the cow, offering at the same time all the beans in his hat for it. The bargain was struck instantly and the cow exchanged for the beans. Soon after that, Jack hurried home and calling aloud to his mother before he reached the house, thinking to surprise her. When she saw the beans and heard Jack’s account, she became very angry. She fiercely kicked the beans away and the flew in all directions with some being scattered in the garden. Keesokan paginya, Jack bangun pagi-pagi dan melihat sesuatu yang luar biasa dari jendela kamar tidur nya. Cepat, ia berlari turun ke kebun, dimana ia segera menemukan bahwa beberapa kacang telah diambil akar dan bermunculan mengejutkan. Batang adalah ketebalan besar dan begitu terjalin bahwa mereka membentuk pemimpin hampir seperti jaringan dalam penampilan. Tanpa berpikir dua kali, ia mulai memanjat pohon kacang. Up dan sampai dia naik, sampai ia mencapai puncak. Jack melihat jalan yang mengarah ke benteng besar. Kastil punya pintu besar dan Jack mendorong dengan semua kekuatannya untuk membukanya. Kemudian ia masuk ke dalam. Jack melihat sekeliling heran. Dia berada di ruang yang besar. Dia melihat tumpukan koin perak dan emas. Dia juga melihat tabel terbesar yang ia pernah dilihat. Di meja ada kursi yang besar. Tabel itu ditutupi dengan banyak lezat mencari makanan. Merasa sangat lapar, Jack naik kepada kursi dan kemudian ke meja. Dia mulai makan makanan lezat. Tiba-tiba, ia mendengar gemuruh suara yang datang dari sudut kamar. Jack melihat ke sudut gelap dan menyadari bahwa suara datang dari raksasa yang sedang tidur. Dia sudah mendengkur keras, Jack benar-benar takut. Jack cepat melompat turun dari tabel dan meraih beberapa koin dari lantai. Kemudian ia berlari secepat dia bisa dan naik kembali ke pohon kacang. Keesokan paginya, Jack merasa berani dan memanjat sampai pohon kacang lagi. Kali ini ia melihat angsa dengan dua telur emas di raksasa yang sedang tidur. Jack tiptoed across the room toward the goose. Suddenly, he tripped and fell onto the floor with a crash. The giant woke up and saw Jack. He was very angry and shouted: “Fee, fi, fo, fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.” As Jack ran out of the castle he grabbed the goose and then hurried down the beanstalk. He was much faster than the big clumsy giant and quickly reached the ground. Jack called out, “Help! Help! Mother, quick, bring the axe!’ on hearing Jack’s cries, his mother came running with the axe. Using all his strength Jack chopped down the beanstalk. The beanstalk was down tumbled and so did the giant. The giant laid dead on the ground. In the end, Jack and his mother were never poor again. They used some of the gold coins to buy another cow. The goose continued to lay golden eggs and they lived happily ever after.
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