The hand of Wa­ter­loo raises the eye­brow say­ing: „Broth­ers who the terjemahan - The hand of Wa­ter­loo raises the eye­brow say­ing: „Broth­ers who the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The hand of Wa­ter­loo raises the e

The hand of Wa­ter­loo raises the eye­brow say­ing: „Broth­ers who the com­pen­sa­tion hangs well, do not stay, con­tinue to go for­ward, should not be im­peded our ap­proach­ing speeds by these tur­tle drag­ons!”
One side of Wa­ter­loo, wears the black armor, in the hand is grasp­ing a player of golden lion shield, is in high spir­its, is the set­ting sun knight, about 25 -year-old high and low young player, the cor­ners of the mouth reap­pear­ing happy ex­pres­sion, said: „guild­mas­ter, the front reed, has the human prob­a­bly, cer­tainly is these Chi­nese?”
„Hey, do they am­bush us in the plan?”
The hand of Wa­ter­loo uses the pub­lic pat­tern to speak in­ten­tion­ally, raises the long sword to shout to clear the way loudly: „Comes ashore to me, sweeps clean the reed place, pro­tects the good set­ting sun knight, the Chi­nese player who cleans up the shore, the triv­ial dozens peo­ple also wants to be in sight Wolseong-ri to turn out any spray un­ex­pect­edly to come, brings about own de­struc­tion sim­ply, too does not pay at­ten­tion to the per­son who we looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate.”
Play­ers of one crowd of dawn trade unions ad­vance boldly to come, to progress to gal­lop, the warhorse swats water splash in the water, quick, at least over a hun­dred peo­ple dis­em­barked, bran­dishes the pointed weapons to bully near reed marsh, close has not wielded the long sword, the sword air/Qi of im­pe­r­ial carte and tierces sweep across the reed marsh, cuts off with­ered and yel­low reeds, si­mul­ta­ne­ously ac­tu­ally also „clang clang clang” falling, wipes the tea, dream Yao and other MM knight on in the month mon­ster face the shields, re­fracts Mars, was equal to de­clar­ing war.
I think will bat­tle, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the hand of Wa­ter­loo so 20 will not ride to pay at­ten­tion to our [Zhan Long], un­ex­pect­edly made the set­ting sun knight grasp coun­try on own ini­tia­tive to seek bat­tle, thinks that looks the per­son who the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate ranked among the best truly to have such bold­ness and strong mak­ings, faced 100 + peo­ple of dawn trade union to fight, I did not have what choice, drew out the dou­ble sword di­rectly, said: „Fixed goal, points mas­sacre, slightly a con­tact im­me­di­ately retro­cedes, Li Mu, Wang Jian, wipe the tea and month mon­ster face and I to­gether, five peo­ple bring up the rear, other peo­ple lis­ten to me to order, pre­pares to re­treat to enter our west­ern forests at any time.”
The peo­ple replied I ran out of the reed marsh, raised the Longchi sword, the im­pos­ing sword air/Qi en­tered the crowd, rum­bled one pile to sur­pass the 1 W in­jury fig­ure, the fire Yao Son of Heaven ejected, the spi­ral brac­ing cold waved in the crowd, di­rectly three dawn play­ers front line strik­ing to have mas­sa­cred, but be­hind, the Dong Cheng month and Lin Xi­aowu, the snow ter­ri­tory Qianyang and Xing Lie and other long-dis­tance the long-dis­tance bang under a shield pro­tec­tion killed, in an in­stant was more than ten peo­ple pours under our fire­power net­works.
„Kills, kills them, the charge pen­e­trates!” The hand of Wa­ter­loo waves the long sword, the charge, this goods truly do not fear death out­ra­geously, shield of in ad­di­tion star flame holds, raises the star flame to cut cut down to chop above my shoul­der!
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The hand of Wa­ter­loo raises the eye­brow say­ing: „Broth­ers who the com­pen­sa­tion hangs well, do not stay, con­tinue to go for­ward, should not be im­peded our ap­proach­ing speeds by these tur­tle drag­ons!”One side of Wa­ter­loo, wears the black armor, in the hand is grasp­ing a player of golden lion shield, is in high spir­its, is the set­ting sun knight, about 25 -year-old high and low young player, the cor­ners of the mouth reap­pear­ing happy ex­pres­sion, said: „guild­mas­ter, the front reed, has the human prob­a­bly, cer­tainly is these Chi­nese?”„Hey, do they am­bush us in the plan?”The hand of Wa­ter­loo uses the pub­lic pat­tern to speak in­ten­tion­ally, raises the long sword to shout to clear the way loudly: „Comes ashore to me, sweeps clean the reed place, pro­tects the good set­ting sun knight, the Chi­nese player who cleans up the shore, the triv­ial dozens peo­ple also wants to be in sight Wolseong-ri to turn out any spray un­ex­pect­edly to come, brings about own de­struc­tion sim­ply, too does not pay at­ten­tion to the per­son who we looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate.”„Yes!”Play­ers of one crowd of dawn trade unions ad­vance boldly to come, to progress to gal­lop, the warhorse swats water splash in the water, quick, at least over a hun­dred peo­ple dis­em­barked, bran­dishes the pointed weapons to bully near reed marsh, close has not wielded the long sword, the sword air/Qi of im­pe­r­ial carte and tierces sweep across the reed marsh, cuts off with­ered and yel­low reeds, si­mul­ta­ne­ously ac­tu­ally also „clang clang clang” falling, wipes the tea, dream Yao and other MM knight on in the month mon­ster face the shields, re­fracts Mars, was equal to de­clar­ing war.I think will bat­tle, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the hand of Wa­ter­loo so 20 will not ride to pay at­ten­tion to our [Zhan Long], un­ex­pect­edly made the set­ting sun knight grasp coun­try on own ini­tia­tive to seek bat­tle, thinks that looks the per­son who the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate ranked among the best truly to have such bold­ness and strong mak­ings, faced 100 + peo­ple of dawn trade union to fight, I did not have what choice, drew out the dou­ble sword di­rectly, said: „Fixed goal, points mas­sacre, slightly a con­tact im­me­di­ately retro­cedes, Li Mu, Wang Jian, wipe the tea and month mon­ster face and I to­gether, five peo­ple bring up the rear, other peo­ple lis­ten to me to order, pre­pares to re­treat to enter our west­ern forests at any time.”„Good!”The peo­ple replied I ran out of the reed marsh, raised the Longchi sword, the im­pos­ing sword air/Qi en­tered the crowd, rum­bled one pile to sur­pass the 1 W in­jury fig­ure, the fire Yao Son of Heaven ejected, the spi­ral brac­ing cold waved in the crowd, di­rectly three dawn play­ers front line strik­ing to have mas­sa­cred, but be­hind, the Dong Cheng month and Lin Xi­aowu, the snow ter­ri­tory Qianyang and Xing Lie and other long-dis­tance the long-dis­tance bang under a shield pro­tec­tion killed, in an in­stant was more than ten peo­ple pours under our fire­power net­works.„Kills, kills them, the charge pen­e­trates!” The hand of Wa­ter­loo waves the long sword, the charge, this goods truly do not fear death out­ra­geously, shield of in ad­di­tion star flame holds, raises the star flame to cut cut down to chop above my shoul­der!„Clang!”„10127!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tangan Waterloo menimbulkan alis mengatakan: "! Saudara yang kompensasi hang baik, tidak tinggal, terus maju, tidak harus terhambat kecepatan mendekati kami dengan naga penyu tersebut"
Satu sisi Waterloo, memakai baju besi hitam, di tangan yang menggenggam pemain dari perisai singa emas, dalam semangat yang tinggi, adalah pengaturan ksatria matahari, sekitar 25 -tahun-tua tinggi dan rendah pemain muda, sudut-sudut mulut muncul kembali ekspresi bahagia, mengatakan: "Guildmaster, depan buluh, memiliki manusia mungkin, tentu adalah Cina ini "?
" Hei, apakah mereka menyergap kita dalam rencana? "
tangan Waterloo menggunakan pola umum untuk berbicara sengaja, menimbulkan pedang panjang berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras:" datang ke darat dengan saya, menyapu bersih tempat buluh, melindungi baik matahari terbenam ksatria, pemain Cina yang membersihkan pantai, puluhan sepele orang juga ingin menjadi terlihat Wolseong-ri untuk berubah semprot setiap tiba-tiba datang, membawa kehancuran sendiri sederhana, terlalu tidak memperhatikan orang yang kita melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama. "
" Ya! "
Pemain dari satu kerumunan fajar serikat pekerja muka berani untuk datang, untuk maju ke gallop, kuda perang yang swats percikan air di dalam air, cepat, setidaknya lebih dari seratus orang turun, mengacung-acungkan senjata tajam menggertak dekat buluh rawa, dekat belum memegang pedang panjang, udara pedang / Qi dari carte kekaisaran dan tierce menyapu di buluh rawa, memotong alang-alang layu dan kuning, bersamaan sebenarnya juga "dentang dentang dentang" jatuh, tisu teh, mimpi Yao dan ksatria MM lain di dalam rakasa bulan menghadapi perisai, membias Mars, sama dengan menyatakan perang.
saya pikir akan pertempuran, tidak benar-benar berpikir bahwa tangan Waterloo sehingga 20 tidak akan naik memperhatikan kami [Zhan panjang], tiba-tiba membuat negara pegang matahari ksatria pengaturan atas inisiatif sendiri untuk mencari pertempuran, berpikir yang terlihat orang yang dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama di antara yang terbaik peringkat yang benar-benar memiliki keberanian seperti itu dan bakat yang kuat, menghadapi 100 + orang fajar serikat buruh untuk melawan, aku tidak punya apa pilihan, menarik keluar pedang ganda langsung, kata : "tujuan Tetap, menunjukkan pembantaian, sedikit kontak langsung retrocedes, Li Mu, Wang Jian, menyeka teh dan bulan rakasa wajah dan saya bersama-sama, lima orang membawa belakang, orang lain mendengarkan saya untuk memesan, bersiap untuk mundur ke masukkan hutan barat kami setiap saat. "
" Baik! "
orang-orang menjawab aku berlari keluar dari buluh rawa, mengangkat pedang Longchi, udara pedang mengesankan / Qi memasuki kerumunan, bergemuruh satu tumpukan melampaui angka cedera 1 W, api Yao Putra Langit dikeluarkan, spiral menguatkan dingin melambai di keramaian, langsung tiga pemain fajar garis depan mencolok telah dibantai, tapi di belakang, Dong Cheng bulan dan Lin Xiaowu, wilayah salju Qianyang dan Xing Lie dan panjang lainnya menjauhkan bang jarak jauh di bawah perlindungan perisai tewas, dalam sekejap lebih dari sepuluh orang menuangkan bawah jaringan senjata kami.
"Tewaskan, membunuh mereka, menembus biaya!" tangan Waterloo gelombang pedang panjang, biaya, ini barang yang benar-benar tidak takut mati penghinaan, perisai di bintang selain api memegang, menimbulkan api bintang untuk memotong ditebang untuk memotong di atas bahu saya!
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