„Bang!”Roar­ing flame flam­ing, sky rose blade edge of the lava counte terjemahan - „Bang!”Roar­ing flame flam­ing, sky rose blade edge of the lava counte Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Bang!”Roar­ing flame flam­ing, sky

Roar­ing flame flam­ing, sky rose blade edge of the lava counter gave to hit Ran Min's star­tled day, her sword blade edge hung down, sud­denly was the ef­fect that a time Jian­feng ad­vanced, the in­ten­tion was too ob­vi­ous, Ran Min's star­tled day counter one van­ished, she must con­clude Ran Min's jour­ney of the slaugh­ter­ing.
I speed­ily retro­cede, the sword blade edge kills strong gale to ride, got up to keep off town Yue Dao­heng in Ran Min Qian­fang!
The flame spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, I and sky rose retro­ceded one step, sky rose is our time com­pletely asked for ad­vice, be­sides me, with­out a close com­bat of Chi­nese war zone was the player dares with her to spelling, even is not will­ing alone to face the sky rose on Q Sword, but Fang Geque can only the dis­tant magic at­tack, same not dare to ap­proach, the ef­fect that if the sky rose ad­vanced three times Jian­feng left him, per­haps Fang Geque was also dif­fi­cult the run­ning away killer.
„Is you!”
Fi­nally, in the blue pupil of sky rose showed for sev­eral points to kill in­tent, I have en­raged her fi­nally, not and she said any­thing, I lifted the hand am one time tie up the beastly lock, she moved to fend hur­riedly, once tied up the beastly lock to hold her also in­evitably to hang, dur­ing the sky rose dis­place­ments, on the paper the pic­ture demon has raised the water deity hal­berd to kill to rush, the long hal­berd raised, di­rect armor pierc­ing sword skill.
The sky rose nat­u­rally can­not pull rank to with­stand­ing armor pierc­ing sword the skill of stiffly, the body sinks to below left the warhorse, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to tum­ble out two me­ters far, the lon­g­leg sweeps away, „bang”, on the paper the pic­ture demon body one slant­ing tum­bles, but the speed of sky rose was too fast, fights the boots to tram­ple fiercely, on the paper the pic­ture demon rolled out, hits on a mon­ti­cle, lava bro­ken skill that the sky rose sum­moned!
The flame as­cends, on paper pic­ture demon di­rect move, and un­ex­pect­edly the lava broke trig­gered the three times of in­juries of keel sword, killed to the sec­ond the [Leg­end] first fe­male war-god di­rectly!
Looks at the big in­jury fig­ure, my slightly heart star­tled, Ran Min of rem­nant blood catches from the morass, said: „A bit faster re­turns to the blood, you can­not die!”
Ran Min is stunned, on the face is hav­ing the tired look: „Why can't I die?”
I said lightly: „Your 72 hours did not have the wind­ing, the greed ef­fect of greed hydra at least folded sev­eral times of knock rat­ing, one can need you to kill a per­son, blew out equip­ment to come!”
„Whom kills?” Even if he 72 hours did not rest also came the in­ter­est.
„In rain the rhythm, fol­lows me!”
The sky rose went to the [Leg­end] crowd to ask Fang Geque to go all out, but I was lead­ing Ran Min, con­tin­ued to im­pact the po­si­tion of iron skull city player along with sev­eral hun­dred melt god cav­al­ries, in the rain the rhythm was not dif­fi­cult to kill, es­pe­cially this melt god cav­alry ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally and every­where was the fly­ing gen­eral + in the speed­ing away dizzi­ness ef­fect sit­u­a­tion, fi­nally after an op­por­tu­nity, I and Yue Qing Qian, a Lin Wan Er co­or­di­na­tion en­cir­cled, the long-dis­tance bang killed, in rhythm the poly spirit shield the rain broke.
„Doesn't kill?” The thun­der in Dong Cheng month hand re­ferred to sav­ing.
I shake the head hur­riedly: „No, old K!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Bang!”Roar­ing flame flam­ing, sky rose blade edge of the lava counter gave to hit Ran Min's star­tled day, her sword blade edge hung down, sud­denly was the ef­fect that a time Jian­feng ad­vanced, the in­ten­tion was too ob­vi­ous, Ran Min's star­tled day counter one van­ished, she must con­clude Ran Min's jour­ney of the slaugh­ter­ing.I speed­ily retro­cede, the sword blade edge kills strong gale to ride, got up to keep off town Yue Dao­heng in Ran Min Qian­fang!The flame spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, I and sky rose retro­ceded one step, sky rose is our time com­pletely asked for ad­vice, be­sides me, with­out a close com­bat of Chi­nese war zone was the player dares with her to spelling, even is not will­ing alone to face the sky rose on Q Sword, but Fang Geque can only the dis­tant magic at­tack, same not dare to ap­proach, the ef­fect that if the sky rose ad­vanced three times Jian­feng left him, per­haps Fang Geque was also dif­fi­cult the run­ning away killer.„Is you!”Fi­nally, in the blue pupil of sky rose showed for sev­eral points to kill in­tent, I have en­raged her fi­nally, not and she said any­thing, I lifted the hand am one time tie up the beastly lock, she moved to fend hur­riedly, once tied up the beastly lock to hold her also in­evitably to hang, dur­ing the sky rose dis­place­ments, on the paper the pic­ture demon has raised the water deity hal­berd to kill to rush, the long hal­berd raised, di­rect armor pierc­ing sword skill.The sky rose nat­u­rally can­not pull rank to with­stand­ing armor pierc­ing sword the skill of stiffly, the body sinks to below left the warhorse, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to tum­ble out two me­ters far, the lon­g­leg sweeps away, „bang”, on the paper the pic­ture demon body one slant­ing tum­bles, but the speed of sky rose was too fast, fights the boots to tram­ple fiercely, on the paper the pic­ture demon rolled out, hits on a mon­ti­cle, lava bro­ken skill that the sky rose sum­moned!„Whish”The flame as­cends, on paper pic­ture demon di­rect move, and un­ex­pect­edly the lava broke trig­gered the three times of in­juries of keel sword, killed to the sec­ond the [Leg­end] first fe­male war-god di­rectly!„243762!”Looks at the big in­jury fig­ure, my slightly heart star­tled, Ran Min of rem­nant blood catches from the morass, said: „A bit faster re­turns to the blood, you can­not die!”Ran Min is stunned, on the face is hav­ing the tired look: „Why can't I die?”I said lightly: „Your 72 hours did not have the wind­ing, the greed ef­fect of greed hydra at least folded sev­eral times of knock rat­ing, one can need you to kill a per­son, blew out equip­ment to come!”„Whom kills?” Even if he 72 hours did not rest also came the in­ter­est.„In rain the rhythm, fol­lows me!”The sky rose went to the [Leg­end] crowd to ask Fang Geque to go all out, but I was lead­ing Ran Min, con­tin­ued to im­pact the po­si­tion of iron skull city player along with sev­eral hun­dred melt god cav­al­ries, in the rain the rhythm was not dif­fi­cult to kill, es­pe­cially this melt god cav­alry ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally and every­where was the fly­ing gen­eral + in the speed­ing away dizzi­ness ef­fect sit­u­a­tion, fi­nally after an op­por­tu­nity, I and Yue Qing Qian, a Lin Wan Er co­or­di­na­tion en­cir­cled, the long-dis­tance bang killed, in rhythm the poly spirit shield the rain broke.„Doesn't kill?” The thun­der in Dong Cheng month hand re­ferred to sav­ing.I shake the head hur­riedly: „No, old K!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Roaring api menyala, langit naik tepi pisau dari counter lava berikan kepada memukul Ran Min hari kaget, tepi pisau pedangnya menjuntai, tiba-tiba adalah efek yang waktu Jianfeng maju, niat itu terlalu jelas, Ran Min mengagetkan hari kontra satu menghilang, ia harus menyimpulkan Ran perjalanan Min dari penyembelihan.
aku cepat retrocede, tepi pedang pisau membunuh puting beliung naik, bangkit untuk menahan kota Yue Daoheng di Ran Min Qianfang!
api spatters segala arah, saya dan langit naik retroceded satu langkah, langit naik adalah waktu kita benar-benar meminta saran, selain saya, tanpa pertempuran jarak dekat dari zona perang Cina adalah pemain berani dengan dia untuk ejaan, bahkan tidak bersedia sendirian menghadapi langit naik pada Q Pedang , tapi Fang Geque hanya serangan sihir yang jauh, sama tidak berani mendekati, yang menyatakan bahwa jika langit naik canggih tiga kali Jianfeng meninggalkannya, mungkin Fang Geque juga sulit pembunuh melarikan diri.
"Apakah Anda!"
Akhirnya, di murid biru langit naik menunjukkan selama beberapa poin untuk membunuh niat, saya marah padanya akhirnya, tidak dan dia berkata apa-apa, aku mengangkat tangan saya satu waktu mengikat kunci jijik, ia pindah untuk menangkis buru-buru, setelah diikat jijik mengunci memeluknya juga pasti untuk menggantung, selama langit naik perpindahan, di atas kertas setan gambar telah mengangkat tombak dewa air untuk membunuh terburu-buru, yang tombak panjang mengangkat, armor langsung keterampilan pedang menusuk.
langit naik secara alami tidak bisa menarik peringkat untuk menahan pedang armor piercing keterampilan kaku, tubuh tenggelam ke bawah kiri kuda perang, mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk jatuh dua meter jauh, longleg yang menyapu, "bang", di atas kertas gambar setan tubuh seseorang miring Tumbang, namun kecepatan langit naik terlalu cepat, perkelahian sepatu untuk menginjak-injak keras, di atas kertas setan gambar digulirkan, hits di monticle sebuah, lava yang rusak keterampilan yang langit mawar dipanggil!
api naik, pada gambar kertas langkah setan langsung, dan tiba-tiba lava pecah dipicu tiga kali cedera pedang keel, tewas dengan kedua [Legenda] wanita pertama perang-dewa langsung!
Tampak sosok cedera besar, sedikit hati saya kaget, berlari Min tangkapan darah sisa-sisa dari lumpur, mengatakan: "kembali sedikit lebih cepat untuk darah, Anda tidak bisa mati!"
berlari Min tertegun, pada wajah adalah memiliki tampilan lelah: "Mengapa aku tidak bisa mati"
aku mengatakan ringan: "Anda 72 jam tidak memiliki berkelok-kelok, efek keserakahan keserakahan hydra setidaknya dilipat beberapa kali dari ketukan, satu dapat perlu Anda untuk membunuh seseorang, meniup peralatan untuk datang!"
"Siapa membunuh" Bahkan? jika ia 72 jam tidak beristirahat juga datang bunga.
"dalam hujan irama, berikut saya!"
langit naik pergi ke kerumunan [Legenda] untuk meminta Fang Geque untuk pergi keluar semua, tapi aku Ran terkemuka Min, terus mempengaruhi posisi besi pemain kota tengkorak bersama dengan beberapa ratus cavalries meleleh dewa, dalam hujan irama itu tidak sulit untuk membunuh, terutama ini mencair dewa kavaleri secara vertikal dan horizontal dan di mana-mana terbang + umum dalam ngebut pergi situasi efek pusing, akhirnya setelah kesempatan, saya dan Yue Qing Qian, koordinasi Lin Wan Er dikelilingi, jarak jauh Bang tewas, dalam irama semangat poli melindungi hujan pecah.
"Apakah tidak membunuh?" gemuruh di bulan tangan Dong Cheng disebut . untuk menyelamatkan
aku menggeleng cepat-cepat: "Tidak, tua K!"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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