Will can get in a lot of trouble if you repeat what you said. I mean i terjemahan - Will can get in a lot of trouble if you repeat what you said. I mean i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Will can get in a lot of trouble if

Will can get in a lot of trouble if you repeat what you said. I mean it."
They both nod as I leave the room. I pull my notebook out of my bag and throw it on the bed, plopping down next to it to start on my homework, but I can’t. The thought of anything getting out about Will and I distracts me. As much as I hate the fact that we can't be together, I hate the thought of him getting fired even more. He needs this job. Will was only one year older than me when his parents died, and he essentially became a parent himself. The more thought I give it, the guiltier I feel for being so hard on Will and the decision he's made. The pain I'm feeling as a result of us not being together pales in comparison to what Will must be going through. I feel less and less like Will's peer every day and more like his student.
I decide to work on the poem I’ve yet to start, but after half an hour I’m still staring at a blank page when my mother walks in.
"Where's your jeep?"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. It won't crank, alternator or something. It's parked at school."
"How can you forget to mention that?" she says, obviously frustrated.
"I'm sorry. You were sleeping when I got home. I know you’ve been sick this week so I didn’t want to wake you up."
She sighs as she sits on my bed. "I don’t know when I'll be able to get it fixed. I work the next few days. Do you mind just keeping it at the school for a couple days until I can work it out?"
"I'll ask tomorrow. I doubt they would even notice it’s there."
"Okay. Well, I've got to get to work.” She stands up to leave.
“Wait. Your shift doesn’t start for a few more hours."
"I need to run errands." She shuts the door, leaving me to question the validity of her response.
I'm drying my hair after my shower when I think I hear the doorbell. I turn the dryer off and listen for a moment and it eventually rings again.
"Kel, get the door!" I yell as I pull on my sweats. I pile my still-wet hair into a band and double it up on top of my head as I throw on a tank top. The doorbell rings again.
"Kel!" I yell as I make my way to the front door. I check the peep hole and see Will standing outside, his arms crossed as he trembles. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him and I turn to check my reflection in the entryway mirror. Sure enough, I look like I just got out of the shower. At least I'm not wearing Kel's house shoes. Ugh. Why do I even care?
I open the door and motion for him to come inside. He steps in far enough for me to shut the door behind him but doesn't come any further inside.
“I just need Caulder. Bath time.”
His arms are still crossed and his speech is curt. I take this as a sign that I'm not going to get any confessions out of him right now, so I tell him to give me a sec as I go fetch Caulder.
I check Kel's room, my mother's room and eventually my room when I run out of rooms to check.
"They aren't here, Will." I say as I walk back into the living room.
"Well, they have to be. They aren't at my house." He makes his way down the hallway and checks the rooms as he calls for them. I open the patio door, flick on the outdoor switch and make a quick scan of the small backyard.
"They aren't out back," I say as we meet back in the living room.
"I'll check my house again," he says.
Will makes his way across the street as I follow behind him. It's dark outside and the temperature has dropped since earlier in the day. I become increasingly concerned as we make our way to Will's house. I know Kel and Caulder wouldn't be outside this time of night. If they aren’t in one of the houses, I don't know where they could be.
Will makes a quick run of his house. I don't feel comfortable walking through it since I’ve never really been further than the kitchen, so I stand in the doorway and wait.
"They aren't here," he says, unable to hide the uncertainty in his voice. My hands go to my mouth as I gasp, fully realizing the seriousness of the situation. Will can see the fear in my eyes and he puts his arms around me.
"We'll find them. They’re just off playing somewhere." His reassurance is brief as he lets go and heads back out the front door. "Check the backyard; I'll meet you out front," he says.
We are both calling the boys’ names when the panic rises up in my chest. It reminds me of the time I was babysitting Kel when he was four, and I thought I had lost him. I searched the entire house for twenty minutes before finally breaking down and calling my mother. She immediately called the police who arrived within minutes. They were still searching when she finally made it home-the panic in her eyes when she walked through the door cut through me and we both started to cry. After searching for over fifteen minutes, an officer found Kel passed out on the folded towels in the bathroom cabinet. Apparently he had been hiding from me when he fell asleep.
I’m hoping to find the same sense of relief when I look through Will’s backyard,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Akan dapat mendapatkan dalam banyak masalah jika Anda mengulang apa yang Anda katakan. Maksudku itu." Mereka berdua mengangguk sebagai saya meninggalkan kamar. Aku menarik notebook saya keluar dari tas saya dan membuangnya di tempat tidur, plopping turun di samping untuk memulai pada pekerjaan rumah saya, tapi aku tidak bisa. Memikirkan apa-apa keluar akan dan mengalihkan perhatian saya. Sama seperti aku benci kenyataan bahwa kita tidak bisa bersama-sama, aku benci berpikir dia dipecat bahkan lebih. Dia butuh pekerjaan ini. Akan adalah hanya satu tahun lebih tua dari saya ketika orangtuanya meninggal, dan ia pada dasarnya menjadi orangtua sendiri. Semakin banyak pikir saya memberikan, guiltier aku merasa untuk menjadi begitu keras pada kehendak dan keputusan yang ia buat. Rasa sakit yang saya merasa karena kita tidak sedang bersama-sama artinya jika dibandingkan dengan apa akan harus pergi melalui. Aku merasa sedikit seperti rekan Will setiap hari dan lebih seperti murid. Saya memutuskan untuk bekerja di puisi saya belum memulai, tapi setelah setengah jam saya 'm masih menatap sebuah halaman kosong ketika ibu saya berjalan di. "Mana yang jip Anda?" "Oh, aku lupa untuk memberitahu Anda. Itu tidak akan engkol, alternator atau sesuatu. Itu diparkir di sekolah." "Bagaimana bisa Anda lupa untuk menyebutkan bahwa?" katanya, jelas frustrasi. "Saya minta maaf. Anda sedang tidur ketika aku pulang. Aku tahu Anda sudah sakit minggu ini jadi saya tidak ingin untuk membangunkan Anda." Dia menghela napas ketika dia duduk di tempat tidurku. "Aku tidak tahu kapan aku akan bisa mendapatkannya tetap. Saya bekerja beberapa hari berikutnya. Apakah Anda keberatan hanya menjaga di sekolah selama beberapa hari sampai aku bisa bekerja it out?" "I'll ask tomorrow. I doubt they would even notice it’s there." "Okay. Well, I've got to get to work.” She stands up to leave. “Wait. Your shift doesn’t start for a few more hours." "I need to run errands." She shuts the door, leaving me to question the validity of her response. *** I'm drying my hair after my shower when I think I hear the doorbell. I turn the dryer off and listen for a moment and it eventually rings again. "Kel, get the door!" I yell as I pull on my sweats. I pile my still-wet hair into a band and double it up on top of my head as I throw on a tank top. The doorbell rings again. "Kel!" I yell as I make my way to the front door. I check the peep hole and see Will standing outside, his arms crossed as he trembles. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him and I turn to check my reflection in the entryway mirror. Sure enough, I look like I just got out of the shower. At least I'm not wearing Kel's house shoes. Ugh. Why do I even care? I open the door and motion for him to come inside. He steps in far enough for me to shut the door behind him but doesn't come any further inside. “I just need Caulder. Bath time.” His arms are still crossed and his speech is curt. I take this as a sign that I'm not going to get any confessions out of him right now, so I tell him to give me a sec as I go fetch Caulder. I check Kel's room, my mother's room and eventually my room when I run out of rooms to check. "They aren't here, Will." I say as I walk back into the living room. "Well, they have to be. They aren't at my house." He makes his way down the hallway and checks the rooms as he calls for them. I open the patio door, flick on the outdoor switch and make a quick scan of the small backyard. "They aren't out back," I say as we meet back in the living room. "I'll check my house again," he says. Will makes his way across the street as I follow behind him. It's dark outside and the temperature has dropped since earlier in the day. I become increasingly concerned as we make our way to Will's house. I know Kel and Caulder wouldn't be outside this time of night. If they aren’t in one of the houses, I don't know where they could be. Will makes a quick run of his house. I don't feel comfortable walking through it since I’ve never really been further than the kitchen, so I stand in the doorway and wait. "They aren't here," he says, unable to hide the uncertainty in his voice. My hands go to my mouth as I gasp, fully realizing the seriousness of the situation. Will can see the fear in my eyes and he puts his arms around me. "We'll find them. They’re just off playing somewhere." His reassurance is brief as he lets go and heads back out the front door. "Check the backyard; I'll meet you out front," he says. We are both calling the boys’ names when the panic rises up in my chest. It reminds me of the time I was babysitting Kel when he was four, and I thought I had lost him. I searched the entire house for twenty minutes before finally breaking down and calling my mother. She immediately called the police who arrived within minutes. They were still searching when she finally made it home-the panic in her eyes when she walked through the door cut through me and we both started to cry. After searching for over fifteen minutes, an officer found Kel passed out on the folded towels in the bathroom cabinet. Apparently he had been hiding from me when he fell asleep. I’m hoping to find the same sense of relief when I look through Will’s backyard,
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