Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
requirement. Because it is one of the few college-level sciencecourses required of these students, it offers rare educationalopportunity to shape their science attitudes, correctmisconceptions and develop skills involving the processes ofscience.In the Philippines, where education remains to be the mostpromising agent of social transformation, the challenge toimprove and upgrade the quality of education is always includedamong its top developmental goals5. Public Colleges andUniversities and Private Higher Learning Institutions arehowever similarly granted with autonomy and academicfreedom to develop their own curricula, introduce competitiveinstructional programs and award their own degrees6. Althoughit allows for flexibility and independence against bureaucraticinterventions, it compromises the quality of learning due to theabsence of rigid monitoring and feedback system. In fact,despite the trust given by the government to these institutions ofhigher learning, their graduates remain below par byinternational standards in terms of science process skills, amongother learning outcomes.
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