80101:00:27,632 --> 01:00:28,530By the way...80201:00:29,300 --> 01:00 terjemahan - 80101:00:27,632 --> 01:00:28,530By the way...80201:00:29,300 --> 01:00 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

80101:00:27,632 --> 01:00:28,530By

01:00:27,632 --> 01:00:28,530
By the way...

01:00:29,300 --> 01:00:31,461
...I forgot to ask
when you ate last.

01:00:31,669 --> 01:00:33,603
You'd know
if I had a big breakfast.

01:00:34,105 --> 01:00:35,003
Want to see me...

01:00:35,206 --> 01:00:36,264

01:00:43,981 --> 01:00:46,176
Now I'm really
starting not to like you.

01:00:47,952 --> 01:00:49,146
Head over to the range.

01:00:49,420 --> 01:00:50,648
Yes, sir, Colonel, sir.

01:00:52,456 --> 01:00:55,948
Comlng up to lt.
I want you to clrcle around low.

01:00:56,294 --> 01:00:59,957
Go north. Take out those
two vertlcal targets up ahead.

01:01:00,464 --> 01:01:01,362

01:01:01,899 --> 01:01:03,332
The simulator's different.

01:01:03,801 --> 01:01:05,826
Just got to feel your way.

01:01:06,470 --> 01:01:08,836
I want you to concentrate.

01:01:10,808 --> 01:01:12,173
Cut off that stuff!

01:01:12,577 --> 01:01:13,601
Lt'll ruin my rhythm.

01:01:13,811 --> 01:01:15,403
If you don't,
I'll ruin something else!

01:01:27,458 --> 01:01:28,322

01:01:28,593 --> 01:01:29,582
I told you.

01:01:30,161 --> 01:01:31,025
This time...

01:01:31,262 --> 01:01:35,494
... I want you to drop a Mark 82
to that horlzontal up ahead.

01:01:42,506 --> 01:01:45,907
We can't go in there
with you shooting like this!

01:01:46,510 --> 01:01:49,502
Turn this thing around.
Let's head back to base.

01:01:49,747 --> 01:01:51,237
Damn it,
I'll do it my way.

01:02:28,219 --> 01:02:29,379
Nice piece of work!

01:02:33,391 --> 01:02:34,551
Are we going for it?

01:02:34,859 --> 01:02:36,417
There's still some things...

01:02:42,566 --> 01:02:44,796
All right!
Sounds like we're going!

01:02:46,737 --> 01:02:49,467
Get your Eagles.
There's still details to work out.

01:02:49,807 --> 01:02:51,104
Yes, sir, Colonel, sir.

01:03:10,094 --> 01:03:13,586
I figure you can do
your first 500 miles at Mach.6...

01:03:13,931 --> 01:03:17,264
...and your last 180 at Mach.9
after your last refuel.

01:03:17,601 --> 01:03:20,764
- Did you account for wind current?
- I got the face winds.

01:03:22,606 --> 01:03:26,599
When we get back, we're going to
have to go into business together.

01:03:34,118 --> 01:03:38,452
In a dogfight, you must always
remember to keep the angle on them.

01:03:38,789 --> 01:03:43,123
Attack them either from
the side, the top or the back.

01:03:43,461 --> 01:03:45,952
If they come at you straight,
like this...

01:03:46,297 --> 01:03:49,630
You better eject,
and start doing some backstroking!

01:03:55,406 --> 01:03:58,967
Most important is to watch
your air speed as they talk you in.

01:03:59,310 --> 01:04:02,541
Be careful. Use a deep voice
or they'll know you're a kid.

01:04:03,013 --> 01:04:04,446
Let me hear you talk.

01:04:04,782 --> 01:04:05,771
This is Bluebird...

01:04:06,117 --> 01:04:09,951
No, it's got to be deeper. Put some
bass in your voice, like Slappy.

01:04:10,154 --> 01:04:10,813
Do it again.

01:04:13,924 --> 01:04:15,551
This is the Bluebird.

01:04:15,960 --> 01:04:18,087
I be ready to refuel.

01:04:19,663 --> 01:04:24,498
Doug, move that control tower
about 10 degrees to the north.

01:04:25,336 --> 01:04:27,497
No, that's the oil refinery.

01:04:28,005 --> 01:04:30,838
That's the detention center
where he's being held.

01:04:32,209 --> 01:04:34,837
That's what's left of my lunch.
Get that out of there.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
80101:00:27,632 --> 01:00:28,530By the way...80201:00:29,300 --> 01:00:31,461...I forgot to askwhen you ate last.80301:00:31,669 --> 01:00:33,603You'd knowif I had a big breakfast.80401:00:34,105 --> 01:00:35,003Want to see me...80501:00:35,206 --> 01:00:36,264...turn?80601:00:43,981 --> 01:00:46,176Now I'm reallystarting not to like you.80701:00:47,952 --> 01:00:49,146Head over to the range.80801:00:49,420 --> 01:00:50,648Yes, sir, Colonel, sir.80901:00:52,456 --> 01:00:55,948Comlng up to lt.I want you to clrcle around low.81001:00:56,294 --> 01:00:59,957Go north. Take out thosetwo vertlcal targets up ahead.81101:01:00,464 --> 01:01:01,362Remember!81201:01:01,899 --> 01:01:03,332The simulator's different.81301:01:03,801 --> 01:01:05,826Just got to feel your way.81401:01:06,470 --> 01:01:08,836I want you to concentrate.81501:01:10,808 --> 01:01:12,173Cut off that stuff!81601:01:12,577 --> 01:01:13,601Lt'll ruin my rhythm.81701:01:13,811 --> 01:01:15,403If you don't,I'll ruin something else!81801:01:27,458 --> 01:01:28,322Shit!81901:01:28,593 --> 01:01:29,582I told you.82001:01:30,161 --> 01:01:31,025This time...82101:01:31,262 --> 01:01:35,494... I want you to drop a Mark 82to that horlzontal up ahead.82201:01:42,506 --> 01:01:45,907We can't go in therewith you shooting like this!82301:01:46,510 --> 01:01:49,502Turn this thing around.Let's head back to base.82401:01:49,747 --> 01:01:51,237Damn it,I'll do it my way.82501:02:28,219 --> 01:02:29,379Nice piece of work!82601:02:33,391 --> 01:02:34,551Are we going for it?82701:02:34,859 --> 01:02:36,417There's still some things...82801:02:42,566 --> 01:02:44,796All right!Sounds like we're going!82901:02:46,737 --> 01:02:49,467Get your Eagles.There's still details to work out.83001:02:49,807 --> 01:02:51,104Yes, sir, Colonel, sir.83101:03:10,094 --> 01:03:13,586I figure you can doyour first 500 miles at Mach.6...83201:03:13,931 --> 01:03:17,264...and your last 180 at Mach.9after your last refuel.83301:03:17,601 --> 01:03:20,764- Did you account for wind current?- I got the face winds.83401:03:22,606 --> 01:03:26,599When we get back, we're going tohave to go into business together.83501:03:34,118 --> 01:03:38,452In a dogfight, you must alwaysremember to keep the angle on them.83601:03:38,789 --> 01:03:43,123Attack them either fromthe side, the top or the back.83701:03:43,461 --> 01:03:45,952If they come at you straight,like this...83801:03:46,297 --> 01:03:49,630You better eject,and start doing some backstroking!83901:03:55,406 --> 01:03:58,967Most important is to watchyour air speed as they talk you in.84001:03:59,310 --> 01:04:02,541Be careful. Use a deep voiceor they'll know you're a kid.84101:04:03,013 --> 01:04:04,446Let me hear you talk.84201:04:04,782 --> 01:04:05,771This is Bluebird...84301:04:06,117 --> 01:04:09,951No, it's got to be deeper. Put somebass in your voice, like Slappy.84401:04:10,154 --> 01:04:10,813Do it again.84501:04:13,924 --> 01:04:15,551This is the Bluebird.84601:04:15,960 --> 01:04:18,087I be ready to refuel.84701:04:19,663 --> 01:04:24,498Doug, move that control towerabout 10 degrees to the north.84801:04:25,336 --> 01:04:27,497No, that's the oil refinery.84901:04:28,005 --> 01:04:30,838That's the detention centerwhere he's being held.85001:04:32,209 --> 01:04:34,837That's what's left of my lunch.Get that out of there.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
01: 00: 27.632 -> 01: 00: 28.530
By the way ... 802 01: 00: 29,300 -> 01: 00: 31.461 ... Aku lupa bertanya ketika Anda makan terakhir. 803 01:00 : 31669 -> 01: 00: 33.603 Anda akan tahu jika saya memiliki sarapan besar. 804 01: 00: 34.105 -> 01: 00: 35.003 Ingin melihat saya ... 805 01: 00: 35.206 - > 01: 00: 36.264 ... berpaling? 806 01: 00: 43.981 -> 01: 00: 46.176 Sekarang aku benar-benar mulai tidak menyukai Anda. 807 01: 00: 47.952 -> 01: 00: 49.146 kepala ke kisaran. 808 01: 00: 49.420 -> 01: 00: 50.648 Ya, Pak, Kolonel, Pak. 809 01: 00: 52.456 -> 01: 00: 55.948 Comlng hingga lt. aku ingin kau untuk clrcle sekitar rendah. 810 01: 00: 56.294 -> 01: 00: 59.957 Pergi ke utara. Mengambil mereka dua target vertlcal di depan. 811 01: 01: 00.464 -> 01: 01: 01.362 ! Ingat 812 01: 01: 01.899 -> 01: 01: 03.332 Simulator ini berbeda. 813 01: 01: 03.801 - -> 01: 01: 05.826 Baru saja merasakan jalan. 814 01: 01: 06.470 -> 01: 01: 08.836 saya ingin Anda untuk berkonsentrasi. 815 01: 01: 10.808 -> 01: 01: 12.173 Potong bahwa hal! 816 01: 01: 12.577 -> 01: 01: 13.601 Lt'll merusak ritme saya. 817 01: 01: 13.811 -> 01: 01: 15.403 Jika Anda tidak, aku akan merusak sesuatu yang lain ! 818 01: 01: 27.458 -> 01: 01: 28.322 Sial! 819 01: 01: 28.593 -> 01: 01: 29.582 saya bilang. 820 01: 01: 30.161 -> 01: 01: 31.025 ini waktu ... 821 01: 01: 31.262 -> 01: 01: 35.494 ... aku ingin kau menjatuhkan Mark 82 untuk horlzontal yang di depan. 822 01: 01: 42.506 -> 01: 01: 45.907 Kami tidak bisa masuk ke sana dengan Anda menembak seperti ini! 823 01: 01: 46.510 -> 01: 01: 49.502 Aktifkan hal ini sekitar. Mari kita kembali ke dasar. 824 01: 01: 49.747 -> 01:01: 51.237 Sialan, aku akan melakukannya dengan cara saya. 825 01: 02: 28.219 -> 01: 02: 29.379 yang bagus bagian dari pekerjaan! 826 01: 02: 33.391 -> 01: 02: 34.551 Apakah kita akan untuk itu ? 827 01: 02: 34.859 -> 01: 02: 36.417 masih beberapa hal ... 828 01: 02: 42.566 -> 01: 02: 44.796 ! Baiklah ! Kedengarannya seperti kita akan 829 01:02 : 46737 -> 01: 02: 49.467 Dapatkan Anda Eagles. masih ada detail untuk bekerja keluar. 830 01: 02: 49.807 -> 01: 02: 51.104 Ya, Pak, Kolonel, Pak. 831 01: 03: 10.094 - -> 01: 03: 13.586 saya pikir Anda dapat melakukan 500 mil pertama di Mach.6 ... 832 01: 03: 13.931 -> 01: 03: 17.264 ... dan Anda lalu 180 di Mach.9 setelah Anda refuel lalu. 833 01: 03: 17.601 -> 01: 03: 20.764 - Apakah Anda memperhitungkan saat angin? - saya mendapat angin wajah. 834 01: 03: 22.606 -> 01: 03: 26.599 Ketika kita kembali , kita akan harus pergi ke bisnis bersama. 835 01: 03: 34.118 -> 01: 03: 38.452 dalam pertempuran udara, Anda harus selalu ingat untuk menjaga sudut pada mereka. 836 01: 03: 38.789 - > 01: 03: 43.123 Serang mereka baik dari sisi, atas atau belakang. 837 01: 03: 43.461 -> 01: 03: 45.952 Jika mereka datang pada Anda lurus, seperti ini ... 838 01:03: 46.297 -> 01: 03: 49.630 Anda lebih baik mengeluarkan, dan mulai melakukan beberapa backstroking! 839 01: 03: 55.406 -> 01: 03: 58.967 yang paling penting adalah untuk menonton . kecepatan udara Anda saat mereka berbicara Anda di 840 01: 03: 59.310 -> 01: 04: 02.541 hati-hati. Gunakan suara berat atau mereka akan tahu Anda seorang anak. 841 01: 04: 03.013 -> 01: 04: 04.446 Biarkan aku mendengar Anda berbicara. 842 01: 04: 04.782 -> 01: 04: 05.771 Ini adalah Bluebird ... 843 01: 04: 06.117 -> 01: 04: 09.951 Tidak, itu harus lebih dalam. Taruh beberapa bass dalam suara Anda, seperti Slappy. 844 01: 04: 10.154 -> 01: 04: 10.813 Lakukan lagi. 845 01: 04: 13.924 -> 01: 04: 15.551 ini adalah Bluebird. 846 01: 04: 15.960 -> 01: 04: 18.087 saya siap untuk mengisi bahan bakar. 847 01: 04: 19.663 -> 01: 04: 24.498 Doug, langkah yang menara kontrol . sekitar 10 derajat ke utara 848 01: 04: 25.336 -> 01: 04: 27.497 Tidak, itu kilang minyak. 849 01: 04: 28.005 -> 01: 04: 30.838 Itulah pusat penahanan di mana dia ditahan. 850 01: 04: 32.209 -> 01:04 : 34.837 . itu apa yang tersisa dari makan siang Dapatkan bahwa keluar dari sana.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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