Tears weld up her eyes; She could not take it anymore. The pain... It  terjemahan - Tears weld up her eyes; She could not take it anymore. The pain... It  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tears weld up her eyes; She could n

Tears weld up her eyes; She could not take it anymore. The pain... It was not bearable. Her body was aching. But she could not give up so easily. She had to save Her baby or as her husband calls "IT" Blood was gushing out of her body. The doctors were screaming out to her "PUSH" her body was weak. She was sweating profusely. She began to cry "Please save my baby. Please... Don't give up." She remembered her husband's worried face. He was in pain. He could not see his wife dying because of IT.' He went up to the doctor and said, "No matter what happens Jodha has to live. Jodha would have to live. I don't care if IT dies or not but save my Jodha." he ordered the doctor.

Jalal was very scared at that point of time. Everything happened so quickly. Jodha collapsed right in front of his eyes. Her blood was all over the floor and was now all over his shirt.

He entered the room where Jodha was. Lying down on the bed, in pain. Tears flowed down his eyes... He was the Shehensha of Hindustan. He had so much power but did not have the power to save his dying wife and baby. Jalal held Jodha's baby and said "Jodha I wont let anything happen to you." "Promise me Jalal that nothing would happen to her baby." She said in pain. "Jodha I can't promise you that." The doctor spoke out "Shehensha pardon me, but we cannot continue the Queen's treatment until and unless you leave." Jalal slowly got up from the bed and exited the room. He sat on a couch near the room. Everyone around him consoled him that everything is going to be alright.. But Jalal was lost in his world of thoughts. He remembered Jodha breaking the news of her pregnancy to him.


Jalal had just returned from the war with the Bhagalpur people. It was confirm that Jalal had won the battle. There was no doubt in that. He felt more refreshed because after a month he was back in Agra. His true home Agra. Agra felt more like home when he had realized his love for Jodha and both of them had confessed their love for each other and united that night. But it was really sad that he had to leave her after two days of their reunion. She did the aarti for him and wished him all the luck in the world so he victors in the battlefield. He rushed to Jodha's room where he saw her adorning herself with jewelleries. There was a different glow in her face. Sure she was happy that her husband had won the battle but there was something more to it. Jalal cleared his throat to draw Jodha's attention. Jodha turned around and in split second Jalal found Jodha around his arms. She wrapped her hands tightly against him. "Shehensha! Aap kaise hai??" "Jodha why seem so happy today. What's the reason behind it?" "I have two reasons to be happy. One is that you are back and the other one is that..." "That??" Jodha blushed a little. "Aap pita banne wale hai." She then digs her face in Jalal's chest. Jalal was surprised. This was the best gift anyone had given to him. OH! How much he wanted that he had his own child. "Jodha you're telling me the truth right? Thank you sooo much Jodha. You have filled my life with happiness!" Jalal was teary-eyed. He kissed Jodha on the forehead. "Let me break the news to everyone. Finally! I am going to be a father."Jalal held Jodha's hand and was about to leave the room when Jodha spoke out "Shehensha, let me go and get my duppata first." Jalal was so excited that he forgot Jodha wasn't wearing a duppatta. Suddenly Jodha's head was heavy and her vision became blurry. She held her head and was about to hit the ground when Jalal caught her. He became tensed. He carried Jodha to the bed and carefully placed her on the bed. He called the Hakim Sahiba to treat Jodha. He stood outside the room waiting for the Hakim to tell him what was wrong with Jodha. After about half an hour the Hakim came out with a worried expression. Jalal asked the Hakim "Saab thik hai na?? Is everything alright?? Is Jodha alright? And my baby?? Please doctor answer me.." "Shehensha the thing is... Mallika E hind is alright for now.. But..." "What do you mean???" "I mean to say that Shehensha Jodha Begum's body is weak to handle this pregnancy. There is a high chance that if she gives birth to this child she might... she might..." "SHE MIGHT WHAT???" "She might die Shehensha... So it would be better if she aborts this child." These word were enough to break his heart into small pieces. "Why Allah??? You gave me happiness and just right after that You ruined it... Why do You punish me always?? What harm did I ever cause anyone that You always snatch away my loved ones from me???" "Shehensha control yourself... You are the one who has to be strong in this.. You have to stand by Jodha Begum. I will prepare the medicine, which will abort your child. Shehensha I told Mallika about the baby" then the Hakim went away Jalal entered the room. He was devasted after he saw Jodha. The glow in her face gone. She lay there like a statue. Frozen and all the life sucked out. Jalal tried to stay strong so he went up to Jodha. "Jodha look at me.. You don't have to be sad.. Everything is going to be alright. Jodha lets abort this child. We will try again.. But now your health is more important then this baby??" Tears flowed down her eyes and she gave an angry look to Jalal "You want to abort our child?? How could you even think that I would agree with you. I will die but not let anything happen to MY baby." This triggered Jalal's anger "Do you think that if IT kills you I would be able to love it?? Never! I can't risk your life because of IT!" Jodha shouted out "This baby is not a thing that you're saying IT! it's your Baby.. Our baby... If you try to kill it Jalal then I swear on God that I would end my life at that very second!" Jalal "I will not let anything happen to you Jodha... I will never ever accept It if IT kills you.. THAT IS JALLALLUDDIN'S PROMISE."


It was time for the Fajr prayer (morning prayer) Jalal did the Wajoo and started praying to The Almighty. He finished up his prayers and raised his hands in front of God. "Oh Allah! Please save my wife and the love of my life Jodha. She is the one who taught me how to live and she is the reason behind my happiness. Please don't take away my happiness away from me. Allah if possible then please save my child as well. In front of Jodha I act that I hate my child but only you and I know how much I want this child. The sign of OUR LOVE.. Please Allah don't take away my child away from me..." He bow hid head down and finished up his prayer..

Still no news had come of his baby and Jodha. He could only hear her screams the pain and the suffering in her voice. Jalal could not bear it any longer.Jalal sat on the couch yet again and slipped into a flashback of what had happen few hours ago.


Jodha was sleeping peacefully on the bed and Jalal was sitting beside Jodha looking through maps of his areas. Suddenly Jodha opened her eyes and slowly got up from the bed.. "Jodha are you alright" said Jalal in a tensed voice.. Jodha spoke softly "I need some fresh air. I am going to the balcony." Jodha stepped out of the room "Let me accompany you Jodha." Just when Jalal got up from the bed he heard a shrill scream given out by Jodha "AAAHHH!" Jodha dropped on the ground and she was holding her tummy. Blood was all over the floor. Jalal immediately ran to Jodha "JODHA! Don't worry I am calling the doctor." Jalal placed Jodha on the bed.. By this time everyone arrived in the room. The doctors immediately started their treatments on her. The doctors told Jalal to leave the place and Jalal obeyed them.


Suddenly Jalal heard a baby's cry.. His heart melted.. HIS BABY had entered the world But Jodha's scream stopped for awhile and then it began again. Hamida came out of the room. His baby was in Hamida's arms. Jalal's heart skipped a beat. Hamida had tears in her eyes "Congratulations Jalal you are blessed with a son... But that's not it.. There is another one .It's true Jalal.. There is another baby.. You are blessed with twins.." Jalal's eyes were filled up with tears... "Ammi can I please go inside?? Please Ammi Jaan my wife needs me." Hamida nodded. Jalal dashed inside the room. Jodha lay on the bed with tears and pain. All the energy inside her was drained out of her body. "Jodha you can do this. Push!" said Jodha. All the time Jalal held Jodha's hand. After a couple of minutes came another cry. "Congratulations you are blessed with a healthy baby girl." Jodha smiled and kissed her baby on the forehead. Her vision became blurry. Jalal had called up the best doctor of the Sultanate for her treatment. They started their treatment on Jodha. It took about a week for the doctors to declare that Jodha was finally out of danger. Jalal was relieved... He ran to Jodha's chambers.

This week had brought Jalal and his kids more close to each other. When the babies had cried out for their mother Jalal had calmed them down. He had sleepless nights. He sang lullaby for them. He took great care of them.

Jodha hugged Jalal at once he came close to her. Jalal returned the hug. They were lost in each other when Jodha broke the hug and said "Jalal where are my babies?" "Don't worry Marium uz Zamani they are sleeping peacefully in Ammi's chamber." "Please can you go bring them??" Jalal ordered the bandhis to bring their babies. They brought in the babies. Jodha kissed them again and again.. "They are beautiful!" A tear of happiness escaped her eyes. "No more tears Jodha... From now on we both will always smile." Jalal then spoke "Do you have any names in your mind??" "For our son Salim after the Great Salim Chishti." said Jodha..

Jalal "And for our daughter I would like to keep the name Shehnaz."

"Salim and Shehnaz perfect."

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Air mata mengelas atas matanya; Ia tidak bisa tahan lagi. Rasa sakit... Itu tidak tertahankan. Tubuhnya sakit. Tapi dia tidak bisa menyerah begitu mudah. Ia harus menyelamatkan bayi atau sebagai suaminya panggilan "IT" darah memancar keluar dari tubuhnya. Dokter berteriak untuk "Mendorong" tubuhnya lemah. Dia berkeringat deras. Dia mulai menangis "Silakan Simpan bayi saya. Mohon... Jangan menyerah." Dia teringat wajah khawatir suaminya. Dia adalah sakit. Dia tidak bisa melihat istrinya mati karena itu.' Dia pergi ke dokter dan berkata, "apa pun yang terjadi Jodha harus hidup. Jodha akan harus hidup. Saya tidak peduli jika itu meninggal atau tidak tetapi menyelamatkan saya Jodha."ia memerintahkan dokter. Jalal ini sangat takut pada titik waktu. Semuanya terjadi begitu cepat. Jodha runtuh tepat di depan matanya. Darah di lantai dan sekarang seluruh kemejanya.He entered the room where Jodha was. Lying down on the bed, in pain. Tears flowed down his eyes... He was the Shehensha of Hindustan. He had so much power but did not have the power to save his dying wife and baby. Jalal held Jodha's baby and said "Jodha I wont let anything happen to you." "Promise me Jalal that nothing would happen to her baby." She said in pain. "Jodha I can't promise you that." The doctor spoke out "Shehensha pardon me, but we cannot continue the Queen's treatment until and unless you leave." Jalal slowly got up from the bed and exited the room. He sat on a couch near the room. Everyone around him consoled him that everything is going to be alright.. But Jalal was lost in his world of thoughts. He remembered Jodha breaking the news of her pregnancy to him. {FLASHBACK} 8 MONTHS AGO Jalal had just returned from the war with the Bhagalpur people. It was confirm that Jalal had won the battle. There was no doubt in that. He felt more refreshed because after a month he was back in Agra. His true home Agra. Agra felt more like home when he had realized his love for Jodha and both of them had confessed their love for each other and united that night. But it was really sad that he had to leave her after two days of their reunion. She did the aarti for him and wished him all the luck in the world so he victors in the battlefield. He rushed to Jodha's room where he saw her adorning herself with jewelleries. There was a different glow in her face. Sure she was happy that her husband had won the battle but there was something more to it. Jalal cleared his throat to draw Jodha's attention. Jodha turned around and in split second Jalal found Jodha around his arms. She wrapped her hands tightly against him. "Shehensha! Aap kaise hai??" "Jodha why seem so happy today. What's the reason behind it?" "I have two reasons to be happy. One is that you are back and the other one is that..." "That??" Jodha blushed a little. "Aap pita banne wale hai." She then digs her face in Jalal's chest. Jalal was surprised. This was the best gift anyone had given to him. OH! How much he wanted that he had his own child. "Jodha you're telling me the truth right? Thank you sooo much Jodha. You have filled my life with happiness!" Jalal was teary-eyed. He kissed Jodha on the forehead. "Let me break the news to everyone. Finally! I am going to be a father."Jalal held Jodha's hand and was about to leave the room when Jodha spoke out "Shehensha, let me go and get my duppata first." Jalal was so excited that he forgot Jodha wasn't wearing a duppatta. Suddenly Jodha's head was heavy and her vision became blurry. She held her head and was about to hit the ground when Jalal caught her. He became tensed. He carried Jodha to the bed and carefully placed her on the bed. He called the Hakim Sahiba to treat Jodha. He stood outside the room waiting for the Hakim to tell him what was wrong with Jodha. After about half an hour the Hakim came out with a worried expression. Jalal asked the Hakim "Saab thik hai na?? Is everything alright?? Is Jodha alright? And my baby?? Please doctor answer me.." "Shehensha the thing is... Mallika E hind is alright for now.. But..." "What do you mean???" "I mean to say that Shehensha Jodha Begum's body is weak to handle this pregnancy. There is a high chance that if she gives birth to this child she might... she might..." "SHE MIGHT WHAT???" "She might die Shehensha... So it would be better if she aborts this child." These word were enough to break his heart into small pieces. "Why Allah??? You gave me happiness and just right after that You ruined it... Why do You punish me always?? What harm did I ever cause anyone that You always snatch away my loved ones from me???" "Shehensha control yourself... You are the one who has to be strong in this.. You have to stand by Jodha Begum. I will prepare the medicine, which will abort your child. Shehensha I told Mallika about the baby" then the Hakim went away Jalal entered the room. He was devasted after he saw Jodha. The glow in her face gone. She lay there like a statue. Frozen and all the life sucked out. Jalal tried to stay strong so he went up to Jodha. "Jodha look at me.. You don't have to be sad.. Everything is going to be alright. Jodha lets abort this child. We will try again.. But now your health is more important then this baby??" Tears flowed down her eyes and she gave an angry look to Jalal "You want to abort our child?? How could you even think that I would agree with you. I will die but not let anything happen to MY baby." This triggered Jalal's anger "Do you think that if IT kills you I would be able to love it?? Never! I can't risk your life because of IT!" Jodha shouted out "This baby is not a thing that you're saying IT! it's your Baby.. Our baby... If you try to kill it Jalal then I swear on God that I would end my life at that very second!" Jalal "I will not let anything happen to you Jodha... I will never ever accept It if IT kills you.. THAT IS JALLALLUDDIN'S PROMISE." {FLASHBACK ENDS} It was time for the Fajr prayer (morning prayer) Jalal did the Wajoo and started praying to The Almighty. He finished up his prayers and raised his hands in front of God. "Oh Allah! Please save my wife and the love of my life Jodha. She is the one who taught me how to live and she is the reason behind my happiness. Please don't take away my happiness away from me. Allah if possible then please save my child as well. In front of Jodha I act that I hate my child but only you and I know how much I want this child. The sign of OUR LOVE.. Please Allah don't take away my child away from me..." He bow hid head down and finished up his prayer.. Still no news had come of his baby and Jodha. He could only hear her screams the pain and the suffering in her voice. Jalal could not bear it any longer.Jalal sat on the couch yet again and slipped into a flashback of what had happen few hours ago. {FLASBACK BEGINS} Jodha was sleeping peacefully on the bed and Jalal was sitting beside Jodha looking through maps of his areas. Suddenly Jodha opened her eyes and slowly got up from the bed.. "Jodha are you alright" said Jalal in a tensed voice.. Jodha spoke softly "I need some fresh air. I am going to the balcony." Jodha stepped out of the room "Let me accompany you Jodha." Just when Jalal got up from the bed he heard a shrill scream given out by Jodha "AAAHHH!" Jodha dropped on the ground and she was holding her tummy. Blood was all over the floor. Jalal immediately ran to Jodha "JODHA! Don't worry I am calling the doctor." Jalal placed Jodha on the bed.. By this time everyone arrived in the room. The doctors immediately started their treatments on her. The doctors told Jalal to leave the place and Jalal obeyed them. {FLASHBACK ENDS} Suddenly Jalal heard a baby's cry.. His heart melted.. HIS BABY had entered the world But Jodha's scream stopped for awhile and then it began again. Hamida came out of the room. His baby was in Hamida's arms. Jalal's heart skipped a beat. Hamida had tears in her eyes "Congratulations Jalal you are blessed with a son... But that's not it.. There is another one .It's true Jalal.. There is another baby.. You are blessed with twins.." Jalal's eyes were filled up with tears... "Ammi can I please go inside?? Please Ammi Jaan my wife needs me." Hamida nodded. Jalal dashed inside the room. Jodha lay on the bed with tears and pain. All the energy inside her was drained out of her body. "Jodha you can do this. Push!" said Jodha. All the time Jalal held Jodha's hand. After a couple of minutes came another cry. "Congratulations you are blessed with a healthy baby girl." Jodha smiled and kissed her baby on the forehead. Her vision became blurry. Jalal had called up the best doctor of the Sultanate for her treatment. They started their treatment on Jodha. It took about a week for the doctors to declare that Jodha was finally out of danger. Jalal was relieved... He ran to Jodha's chambers.

This week had brought Jalal and his kids more close to each other. When the babies had cried out for their mother Jalal had calmed them down. He had sleepless nights. He sang lullaby for them. He took great care of them.

Jodha hugged Jalal at once he came close to her. Jalal returned the hug. They were lost in each other when Jodha broke the hug and said "Jalal where are my babies?" "Don't worry Marium uz Zamani they are sleeping peacefully in Ammi's chamber." "Please can you go bring them??" Jalal ordered the bandhis to bring their babies. They brought in the babies. Jodha kissed them again and again.. "They are beautiful!" A tear of happiness escaped her eyes. "No more tears Jodha... From now on we both will always smile." Jalal then spoke "Do you have any names in your mind??" "For our son Salim after the Great Salim Chishti." said Jodha..

Jalal "And for our daughter I would like to keep the name Shehnaz."

"Salim and Shehnaz perfect."

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Air mata mengelas up matanya; Dia tidak bisa tahan lagi. Rasa sakit ... Itu tidak tertahankan. Tubuhnya sakit. Tapi dia tidak bisa menyerah begitu saja. Dia harus menyelamatkan Bayinya atau sebagai suaminya panggilan "IT" Darah memancar keluar dari tubuhnya. Para dokter berteriak kepadanya "PUSH" tubuhnya lemah. Dia berkeringat deras. Dia mulai menangis "Silakan simpan bayi saya. Tolong ... Jangan menyerah." Dia teringat wajah suaminya khawatir. Dia kesakitan. Dia tidak bisa melihat istrinya meninggal karena IT. " Dia pergi ke dokter dan berkata, "Tidak peduli apa yang terjadi Jodha harus hidup. Jodha harus hidup. Saya tidak peduli jika IT meninggal atau tidak tapi menghemat Jodha saya." ia diperintahkan dokter. Jalal sangat takut pada titik waktu. Semuanya terjadi begitu cepat. Jodha runtuh tepat di depan matanya. Darahnya seluruh lantai dan sekarang seluruh kemejanya. Ia memasuki ruangan di mana Jodha itu. Berbaring di tempat tidur, sakit. Air mata mengalir matanya ... Dia adalah Shehensha Hindustan. Dia memiliki begitu banyak kekuasaan tapi tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk menyelamatkan sekarat istri dan bayinya. Jalal menggendong bayi Jodha dan berkata "Jodha I wont membiarkan sesuatu terjadi pada Anda." "Berjanjilah padaku Jalal bahwa tidak akan terjadi kepada bayinya." Dia mengatakan kesakitan. "Jodha Saya tidak bisa menjanjikan Anda bahwa." Dokter berbicara "Shehensha maafkan saya, tapi kita tidak bisa melanjutkan pengobatan Ratu sampai dan kecuali Anda meninggalkan." Jalal perlahan bangkit dari tempat tidur dan keluar ruangan. Dia duduk di sofa dekat ruang. Semua orang di sekelilingnya menghiburnya bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja .. Tapi Jalal hilang dalam dunianya pikiran. Dia ingat Jodha melanggar berita kehamilannya kepadanya. {} KILAS 8 BULAN LALU Jalal baru saja kembali dari perang dengan orang-orang Bhagalpur. Itu mengkonfirmasi bahwa Jalal telah memenangkan pertempuran. Tidak ada keraguan dalam hal itu. Dia merasa lebih segar karena setelah sebulan dia kembali Agra. Rumah sebenarnya Agra. Agra merasa lebih seperti rumah ketika ia menyadari cintanya kepada Jodha dan keduanya telah mengaku cinta mereka satu sama lain dan bersatu malam itu. Tapi itu benar-benar sedih bahwa dia harus meninggalkan setelah dua hari reuni mereka. Dia melakukan aarti untuk dia dan berharap dia semua keberuntungan di dunia sehingga ia pemenang di medan perang. Dia bergegas ke kamar Jodha di mana ia melihatnya menghiasi dirinya dengan perhiasan. Ada cahaya yang berbeda di wajahnya. Tentu dia senang bahwa suaminya telah memenangkan pertempuran, tapi ada sesuatu yang lebih dari itu. Jalal berdeham untuk menarik perhatian Jodha itu. Jodha berbalik dan dalam hitungan detik Jalal menemukan Jodha pada tangannya. Dia membungkus tangannya erat-erat. "Shehensha! Aap Kaise hai ??" "Jodha mengapa tampak begitu senang hari ini. Apa alasan di balik itu?" "Aku punya dua alasan untuk menjadi bahagia. Salah satunya adalah bahwa Anda kembali dan yang lainnya adalah bahwa ..." "Itu ??" Jodha tersipu sedikit. "Aap pita banne wale hai." Dia kemudian menggali wajahnya di dada Jalal itu. Jalal terkejut. Ini adalah hadiah terbaik siapa pun yang diberikan kepadanya. OH! Betapa dia ingin bahwa dia punya anak sendiri. "Jodha kau bilang kebenaran yang benar? Terima kasih sooo banyak Jodha. Anda telah mengisi hidup saya dengan kebahagiaan!" Jalal adalah berlinang air mata. Dia mencium Jodha di dahi. "Biarkan aku menyampaikan kabar kepada semua orang. Akhirnya! Aku akan menjadi seorang ayah." Jalal memegang tangan Jodha dan hendak meninggalkan ruangan ketika Jodha berbicara "Shehensha, biarkan aku pergi dan mendapatkan duppata pertama saya." Jalal begitu gembira bahwa ia lupa Jodha tidak mengenakan duppatta a. Tiba-tiba kepala Jodha adalah berat dan penglihatannya menjadi kabur. Dia memegang kepalanya dan hendak memukul tanah ketika Jalal menangkapnya. Dia menjadi tegang. Dia membawa Jodha ke tempat tidur dan hati-hati menempatkan dia di tempat tidur. Ia menyebut Hakim Sahiba untuk mengobati Jodha. Dia berdiri di luar ruang tunggu untuk Hakim mengatakan kepadanya apa yang salah dengan Jodha. Setelah sekitar setengah jam Hakim keluar dengan ekspresi cemas. Jalal meminta Hakim "Saab thik hai na ?? Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja ?? Apakah Jodha baik-baik saja? Dan bayi saya ?? Silahkan dokter menjawab saya .." "Shehensha masalahnya ... Mallika E belakang baik-baik saja untuk saat ini .. Tapi ... "" apa maksudmu ??? " "Maksudku bahwa tubuh Shehensha Jodha Begum adalah lemah untuk menangani kehamilan ini. Ada kemungkinan besar bahwa jika ia melahirkan anak ini dia mungkin ... dia mungkin ..." "Dia mungkin APA ???" "Dia akan mati Shehensha ... Jadi akan lebih baik jika dia dibatalkan anak ini." Kata ini sudah cukup untuk mematahkan hatinya menjadi potongan-potongan kecil. "Mengapa Allah ??? Anda memberi saya kebahagiaan dan tepat setelah itu Anda hancur itu ... Mengapa Anda menghukum saya selalu ?? Apa salahnya aku pernah menyebabkan siapapun yang Anda selalu merebut orang yang saya cintai dari saya ???" "Shehensha mengendalikan diri ... Anda adalah orang yang harus kuat dalam .. Anda harus berdiri Jodha Begum. Saya akan menyiapkan obat-obatan, yang akan membatalkan anak Anda. Shehensha Aku bilang Mallika tentang bayi" maka Hakim pergi Jalal memasuki ruangan. Dia devasted setelah ia melihat Jodha. Cahaya di wajahnya hilang. Dia berbaring di sana seperti patung. Dibekukan dan semua kehidupan disedot keluar. Jalal mencoba untuk tetap kuat sehingga ia pergi ke Jodha. "Jodha lihat aku .. Anda tidak perlu sedih .. Semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Jodha memungkinkan menggugurkan anak ini. Kami akan mencoba lagi .. Tapi sekarang kesehatan Anda lebih penting maka bayi ini ??" Air mata mengalir matanya dan dia memberi pandangan marah Jalal "Anda ingin membatalkan anak kita ?? Bagaimana mungkin Anda bahkan berpikir bahwa saya akan setuju dengan Anda. Saya akan mati tapi tidak membiarkan sesuatu terjadi pada bayi MY." Hal ini memicu kemarahan Jalal itu "Apakah Anda berpikir bahwa jika IT membunuh kamu, aku akan bisa menyukainya ?? Jangan! Aku tidak bisa mengambil risiko hidup Anda karena IT!" Jodha berteriak "Bayi ini bukan hal yang Anda katakan IT! Itu Bayi Anda .. Bayi kami ... Jika Anda mencoba untuk membunuhnya Jalal maka saya bersumpah pada Tuhan bahwa saya akan mengakhiri hidup saya pada saat itu sangat detik! " Jalal "Aku tidak akan membiarkan sesuatu terjadi pada Anda Jodha ... Aku tidak akan pernah menerima itu jika IT membunuh Anda .. YANG JALLALLUDDIN JANJI." {KILAS SELESAI} Sudah waktunya untuk shalat Fajar (doa pagi) Jalal melakukan Wajoo dan mulai berdoa kepada Yang Maha Kuasa. Dia selesai shalat dan mengangkat tangannya di hadapan Tuhan. "Ya Allah! Silakan simpan istri saya dan cinta dalam hidup saya Jodha. Dia adalah orang yang mengajari saya bagaimana untuk hidup dan dia adalah alasan di balik kebahagiaan saya. Tolong jangan mengambil kebahagiaan dariku. Allah jika memungkinkan maka silakan menyelamatkan anak saya juga. Di depan Jodha saya bertindak bahwa aku benci anak saya tapi hanya kau dan aku tahu betapa aku ingin anak ini. Tanda CINTA KITA .. Harap Allah tidak mengambil anak saya jauh dari aku ... "Dia menundukkan kepala hid bawah dan selesai doanya .. Masih ada berita datang dari bayinya dan Jodha. Dia hanya bisa mendengar dia berteriak dengan rasa sakit dan penderitaan dalam suaranya. Jalal tidak tahan setiap longer.Jalal duduk di sofa lagi dan menyelinap ke kilas balik dari apa yang telah terjadi beberapa jam yang lalu. {} FLASBACK DIMULAI Jodha sedang tidur nyenyak di tempat tidur dan Jalal sedang duduk di samping Jodha melihat melalui peta nya daerah. Tiba-tiba Jodha membuka matanya dan perlahan-lahan bangkit dari tempat tidur .. "Jodha kau baik-baik saja" kata Jalal dengan suara tegang .. Jodha berbicara pelan "Aku butuh udara segar. Saya akan ke balkon." Jodha melangkah keluar dari ruangan "Biarkan aku menemani Anda Jodha." Hanya ketika Jalal bangun dari tempat tidur dia mendengar jeritan melengking yang diberikan oleh Jodha "Aaahhh!" Jodha jatuh di tanah dan ia memegang perutnya. Darah adalah seluruh lantai. Jalal segera berlari ke Jodha "Jodha! Jangan khawatir saya memanggil dokter." Jalal ditempatkan Jodha di tempat tidur .. Pada saat ini semua orang tiba di ruangan. Para dokter segera mulai perawatan mereka pada dirinya. Para dokter mengatakan kepada Jalal untuk meninggalkan tempat dan Jalal mematuhi mereka. {KILAS SELESAI} Tiba-tiba Jalal mendengar tangisan bayi .. Hatinya luluh .. BABY HIS telah memasuki dunia Tapi jeritan Jodha berhenti untuk sementara dan kemudian mulai lagi. Hamidah keluar dari ruangan. Bayinya berada dalam pelukan Hamidah itu. Hati Jalal berdebar keras. Hamidah meneteskan air matanya "Selamat Jalal Anda diberkati dengan anak ... Tapi bukan itu .. Ada satu .Itu lain Jalal benar .. Ada bayi lagi .. Anda diberkati dengan kembar .." mata Jalal itu diisi dengan air mata ... "Ammi bisa saya silakan masuk ke dalam ?? Silahkan Ammi Jaan istri saya membutuhkan saya." Hamidah mengangguk. Jalal berlari di dalam ruangan. Jodha berbaring di tempat tidur dengan air mata dan rasa sakit. Semua energi dalam dirinya terkuras dari tubuhnya. "Jodha Anda dapat melakukan hal ini. Dorong!" kata Jodha. Sepanjang waktu Jalal memegang tangan Jodha itu. Setelah beberapa menit datang menangis lagi. "Selamat Anda diberkati dengan seorang bayi perempuan yang sehat." Jodha tersenyum dan mencium bayinya di dahi. Visinya menjadi kabur. Jalal telah dipanggil dokter terbaik dari Kesultanan untuk perawatannya. Mereka memulai pengobatan mereka pada Jodha. Butuh waktu sekitar satu minggu untuk dokter untuk menyatakan bahwa Jodha akhirnya keluar dari bahaya. Jalal merasa lega ... Dia berlari ke ruang Jodha itu. Minggu ini telah membawa Jalal dan anak-anaknya lebih dekat satu sama lain. Ketika bayi menangis untuk ibu mereka Jalal telah menenangkan mereka. Dia tidak bisa tidur. Dia menyanyikan lagu pengantar tidur bagi mereka. Dia mengambil perhatian besar dari mereka. Jodha memeluk Jalal sekaligus ia datang dekat dengannya. Jalal kembali memeluk. Mereka hilang dalam satu sama lain ketika Jodha pecah memeluk dan berkata "Jalal mana bayi saya?" "Jangan khawatir Marium uz Zamani mereka tidur dengan tenang di ruang Ammi itu." "Silakan Anda dapat pergi membawa mereka ??" Jalal memerintahkan bandhis untuk membawa bayi mereka. Mereka membawa bayi. Jodha mencium mereka lagi dan lagi .. "Mereka indah!" Air mata kebahagiaan lolos matanya. "Tidak ada lagi air mata Jodha ... Mulai sekarang kami berdua akan selalu tersenyum." Jalal kemudian berbicara "Apakah Anda memiliki nama dalam pikiran Anda ??" "Untuk anak kami Salim setelah Great Salim Chishti." kata Jodha .. Jalal "Dan untuk putri kami saya ingin menjaga nama Shehnaz." "Salim dan Shehnaz sempurna."

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