The Eager Beavers and Mr. OldkoolOnce upon a time, there was a wonderf terjemahan - The Eager Beavers and Mr. OldkoolOnce upon a time, there was a wonderf Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Eager Beavers and Mr. OldkoolOn

The Eager Beavers and Mr. Oldkool
Once upon a time, there was a wonderful class of very hard-working and well-educated boys and girls in an amazing school in a far, far, far away fairytale land. Definitely not couch potatoes, these boys and girls were, in fact, full of beans. Their teacher, Mr. Oldkool, admired them, however, for their hard work and often called them his eager beavers. The eager beavers loved to learn. They spelled, they read and they wrote. They added, they subtracted and they multiplied. When Mr. Oldkool told them about a new and fascinating subject, like the apple snail, they were all ears. When he gave them assignments to do, they took them home eagerly and were as busy as bees. One day, Mr. Oldkool surprised the eager beavers with a math test. It was 10 pages long and had the most difficult questions on it that you could imagine. He handed out the test papers and told the boys and girls to put their thinking caps on. “Break a leg” he said to the students as he walked back to his desk and started working on another lesson plan on the fascinating world of the apple snail. Looking at the math tests, the children’s faces, surprisingly, did not look troubled. Remaining cool as a cucumber, they picked up their pencils and went to work. It turned out that all of the eager beavers passed the test and, for some, it was even a piece of cake. To celebrate, the kids got to watch a two-hour movie on the apple snail as an aquarium pet. Who would have thought that their hard work would pay off so well and that apple snails could be as big as 15 cm in diameter? The answer to that question would have to be: Mr. Oldkool.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Eager Beavers and Mr. Oldkool
Once upon a time, there was a wonderful class of very hard-working and well-educated boys and girls in an amazing school in a far, far, far away fairytale land. Definitely not couch potatoes, these boys and girls were, in fact, full of beans. Their teacher, Mr. Oldkool, admired them, however, for their hard work and often called them his eager beavers. The eager beavers loved to learn. They spelled, they read and they wrote. They added, they subtracted and they multiplied. When Mr. Oldkool told them about a new and fascinating subject, like the apple snail, they were all ears. When he gave them assignments to do, they took them home eagerly and were as busy as bees. One day, Mr. Oldkool surprised the eager beavers with a math test. It was 10 pages long and had the most difficult questions on it that you could imagine. He handed out the test papers and told the boys and girls to put their thinking caps on. “Break a leg” he said to the students as he walked back to his desk and started working on another lesson plan on the fascinating world of the apple snail. Looking at the math tests, the children’s faces, surprisingly, did not look troubled. Remaining cool as a cucumber, they picked up their pencils and went to work. It turned out that all of the eager beavers passed the test and, for some, it was even a piece of cake. To celebrate, the kids got to watch a two-hour movie on the apple snail as an aquarium pet. Who would have thought that their hard work would pay off so well and that apple snails could be as big as 15 cm in diameter? The answer to that question would have to be: Mr. Oldkool.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berang-berang Bersemangat dan Mr Oldkool
Sekali waktu, ada kelas yang indah sangat pekerja keras dan anak laki-laki terdidik dan anak perempuan di sekolah luar biasa di tanah jauh, jauh, jauh dongeng. Jelas bukan sofa kentang, anak laki-laki dan perempuan ini, pada kenyataannya, penuh dengan kacang. Guru mereka, Mr. Oldkool, mengagumi mereka, namun, atas kerja keras dan sering disebut mereka berang-berang bersemangat nya. Berang-berang ingin mencintai belajar. Mereka dieja, mereka membaca dan menulis mereka. Mereka menambahkan, mereka dikurangi dan mereka dikalikan. Ketika Pak Oldkool mengatakan kepada mereka tentang topik baru dan menarik, seperti keong, mereka semua telinga. Ketika ia memberi mereka tugas yang harus dilakukan, mereka membawa mereka pulang dengan penuh semangat dan sibuk seperti lebah. Suatu hari, Pak Oldkool terkejut berang-berang bersemangat dengan tes matematika. Itu 10 halaman dan memiliki pertanyaan yang paling sulit di atasnya yang Anda bisa bayangkan. Ia membagikan kertas tes dan mengatakan anak laki-laki dan perempuan untuk menempatkan topi berpikir mereka. "Break kaki" katanya kepada siswa sambil berjalan kembali ke mejanya dan mulai bekerja pada rencana pelajaran lain di dunia menarik dari keong. Melihat tes matematika, wajah anak-anak, mengejutkan, tidak terlihat bermasalah. Sisa sedingin mentimun, mereka mengambil pensil dan mulai bekerja. Ternyata semua berang-berang bersemangat lulus tes dan, untuk beberapa, itu bahkan sepotong kue. Untuk merayakan, anak-anak harus menonton film dua jam pada keong sebagai hewan peliharaan akuarium. Siapa yang akan berpikir bahwa kerja keras mereka akan melunasi dengan baik dan bahwa siput apel bisa menjadi sebesar 15 cm diameter? Jawaban atas pertanyaan itu akan menjadi: Mr. Oldkool.

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