“What are you doing here?” Theresa paused on the threshold to the kitc terjemahan - “What are you doing here?” Theresa paused on the threshold to the kitc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“What are you doing here?” Theresa

“What are you doing here?” Theresa paused on the threshold to the kitchen and stared at the big man who stood in front of the open refrigerator wearing only baggy sweatpants, without shoes or a shirt. He turned around slowly to meet her eyes and she swallowed past the huge lump in her suddenly dry throat, God he was so much more beautiful than she remembered. She, however, felt unattractive and sloppy in the Sylvester the Cat silk shortie pyjamas she was wearing. She knew that she had a sleep crease down the side of her face and her hair looked like a bird’s nest.
“I live here,” he replied casually, one hand grasping a carton of orange juice and the other lazily rubbing back and forth over the rippled contours of his abdomen. Her fascinated gaze fell to that hand and she imagined her own hand replacing his. She shook herself slightly to rid herself of the erotic image and focused on her outrage at seeing him so casually standing in the kitchen.
“You’re usually at work by this time,” she pointed out.
“Yes, I am,” he agreed. “But since you go to great pains to not be around when I head out in the mornings or come home at night, I figured the only way I’d know what the hell was going on with you was to stay at home today.”
“You can’t simply stay at home,” she was appalled by that notion. “You’re the boss.”
“Exactly and if the boss can’t take the occasional day off then there’s really no point in being the boss,” his voice was casual, light even but his eyes roamed over her small figure almost hungrily, taking in every single detail of her fuller face and rounder figure. They had been living past each other for nearly three months, with Theresa deliberately evading him when he was in the house. She tended to ignore his text messages and let the machine take his calls. He left little notes for her, sometimes asking her to dinner, sometimes asking after her health, he had recently stuck a Post-it on the fridge reminding her to buy new prenatal vitamins because he’d noticed that she was running out! When she’d forgotten to buy the vitamins despite his reminder, she’d found a new bottle on the kitchen table and a Post-it, with a half-dozen exclamation marks drawn on it, stuck to the lid.
He never entered her bedroom uninvited and she never did any inviting. They still shared the bathroom that connected the two bedrooms which was how he had known that her vitamins were running low but Theresa took great care to shower after he left in the morning or before he returned in the evenings. Now, after successfully avoiding him for nearly three months, finding him so casually standing in the kitchen, half naked and gorgeous, was a bit traumatic to say the least.
“Why are you even interested in what’s going on with me?” She finally asked.
“We live in the same house, you’re pregnant with my baby and I have no idea how you are. The situation is a bit abnormal to say the least, don’t you think?”
“It works for me,” she dismissed, casually turning away from him and toward a cabinet to fetch a cereal bowl.
“So it would seem,” she heard the fridge door closing and tensed as she sensed him padding towards her, he came to a standstill directly behind her and reached up for another bowl. He was standing so close to her that she could feel the heat coming off of his naked chest and his warm, musky scent enveloped her. She shut her eyes and tried to regain her equilibrium in the face of such overwhelming sexuality. He lingered behind her for much longer than he should have before abruptly moving away and leaving her feeling bereft. When she turned back to face him, he was sitting at the wooden table in the sunny breakfast nook and shaking a huge amount of corn flakes into his bowl and when he realised that she was watching him, he lifted the box enquiringly. She sighed before carrying her bowl to the table where she sat down opposite him and watched as he sprinkled the flakes into her bowl, topping the dry cereal with strawberry halves and banana slices that he must have cut before she came downstairs.
It was the housekeeper’s day off so Theresa hadn’t planned on anything fancier than cereal anyway but the company was unwelcome and unexpected. She watched as Sandro poured a generous amount of milk over her cereal and filled a glass with orange juice, which he nudged over to her. She nodded her thanks before lifting her spoon and awkwardly starting her meal. Sandro tucked in enthusiastically and was done before she was halfway through. He leaped up and over to the fridge, digging around in there before triumphantly producing a grapefruit which he halved, put into bowls and carried back over to where Theresa was sitting. He placed one half in front of her before he sat down, grimaced to himself and proceeded on his own half.
“I thought you didn’t like grapefruit,” she suddenly broke the silence between them and he grinned over at her while his hair, which was in serious need of cutting, flopped over his forehead endearingly.
“I don’t,” he admitted. “But I thought I’d give it a try anyway.”
“Why?” She asked curiously. He merely shrugged and she decided that she really didn’t want to know and didn’t push for a response.
“So has the morning sickness completely finished?” He asked after another short silence and she made a noncommittal sound which he could interpret any way he wanted to. He lifted his eyes to hers and something in his expression made her sigh and shake her head.
“Not completely, no…” she admitted. “But it’s a lot better than it was before.”
“What are your plans for today?” He asked keeping his eyes glued to hers.
“I was going to spend the morning with Lisa and the baby,” her cousin had given birth to her beautiful son, Rhys, just a couple of days after Theresa had had her own pregnancy confirmed.
“Mind if I tag along?” He asked casually and she frowned slightly, disturbed by the notion of her husband “tagging along” with her all morning.
“Well…” she began reluctantly.
“I wanted to discuss some business with Elisa,” he added.
“What business?” She asked flatly.
“It’s about her loan,” he elaborated.
“What about her loan?” Her voice rose in alarm but his face remained impassive. “I won’t have you upsetting her, Sandro.”
“Well, I either tell her today, while you’re there as moral support… or I tell her sometime when she’s alone and vulnerable,” he shrugged disinterestedly.
“What are you going to tell her?” She asked in a panic.
“I don’t believe that’s any of your business, Theresa,” he dismissed in an annoying casual voice. “Now why don’t you hop into the shower while I clean up down here? I’ll use one of the guest bathrooms this morning.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Apa yang Anda lakukan di sini?" Theresa berhenti di ambang pintu dapur dan menatap orang besar yang berdiri di depan kulkas terbuka mengenakan hanya longgar celana olahraga, tanpa sepatu atau kemeja. Ia berbalik perlahan-lahan untuk memenuhi matanya dan ia menelan melewati besar benjolan di tenggorokan kering tiba-tiba, Tuhan dia jauh lebih cantik daripada Dia teringat. Dia, bagaimanapun, merasa menarik dan ceroboh dalam Sylvester kucing sutra piyama shortie ia mengenakan. Ia tahu bahwa ia memiliki tidur lipatan bawah sisi wajahnya dan rambutnya tampak seperti sarang burung."Aku tinggal di sini," jawabnya santai, satu tangan menggenggam sekotak jus jeruk dan lain malas menggosok bolak lebih dari kontur bergelombang perutnya. Pandangan matanya terpesona jatuh ke tangan itu dan Dia membayangkan tangannya sendiri menggantikan nya. Dia mengguncang dirinya sedikit untuk membebaskan dirinya dari gambar erotis dan berfokus pada nya kemarahan di melihat dia begitu santai berdiri di dapur."Kau biasanya bekerja pada saat ini," Dia menunjuk keluar."Ya, aku," dia setuju. "Tetapi karena Anda pergi ke berusaha keras untuk tidak akan sekitar ketika saya pergi di pagi hari atau pulang ke rumah di malam hari, saya pikir satu-satunya cara yang saya akan tahu apa sih yang terjadi dengan Anda adalah untuk tinggal di rumah hari ini.""Anda tidak bisa hanya tinggal di rumah," ia tercengang gagasan itu. "Kau bos."“Exactly and if the boss can’t take the occasional day off then there’s really no point in being the boss,” his voice was casual, light even but his eyes roamed over her small figure almost hungrily, taking in every single detail of her fuller face and rounder figure. They had been living past each other for nearly three months, with Theresa deliberately evading him when he was in the house. She tended to ignore his text messages and let the machine take his calls. He left little notes for her, sometimes asking her to dinner, sometimes asking after her health, he had recently stuck a Post-it on the fridge reminding her to buy new prenatal vitamins because he’d noticed that she was running out! When she’d forgotten to buy the vitamins despite his reminder, she’d found a new bottle on the kitchen table and a Post-it, with a half-dozen exclamation marks drawn on it, stuck to the lid.He never entered her bedroom uninvited and she never did any inviting. They still shared the bathroom that connected the two bedrooms which was how he had known that her vitamins were running low but Theresa took great care to shower after he left in the morning or before he returned in the evenings. Now, after successfully avoiding him for nearly three months, finding him so casually standing in the kitchen, half naked and gorgeous, was a bit traumatic to say the least.“Why are you even interested in what’s going on with me?” She finally asked.“We live in the same house, you’re pregnant with my baby and I have no idea how you are. The situation is a bit abnormal to say the least, don’t you think?”“It works for me,” she dismissed, casually turning away from him and toward a cabinet to fetch a cereal bowl.“So it would seem,” she heard the fridge door closing and tensed as she sensed him padding towards her, he came to a standstill directly behind her and reached up for another bowl. He was standing so close to her that she could feel the heat coming off of his naked chest and his warm, musky scent enveloped her. She shut her eyes and tried to regain her equilibrium in the face of such overwhelming sexuality. He lingered behind her for much longer than he should have before abruptly moving away and leaving her feeling bereft. When she turned back to face him, he was sitting at the wooden table in the sunny breakfast nook and shaking a huge amount of corn flakes into his bowl and when he realised that she was watching him, he lifted the box enquiringly. She sighed before carrying her bowl to the table where she sat down opposite him and watched as he sprinkled the flakes into her bowl, topping the dry cereal with strawberry halves and banana slices that he must have cut before she came downstairs.Pengurus rumah tangga di hari itu sehingga Theresa tidak merencanakan apa pun pengujian dari sereal tetap tetapi perusahaan ini tidak diinginkan dan tak terduga. Dia menyaksikan Sandro dituangkan murah jumlah susu sereal dan dipenuhi segelas jus jeruk, yang ia mendorong lebih dari padanya. Dia mengangguk nya terima kasih sebelum mengangkat sendok nya dan canggung mulai makanannya. Sandro terselip di antusias dan dilakukan sebelum dia sudah setengah jalan melalui. Dia melompat keatas untuk kulkas, menggali sekitar di sana sebelum kemenangan produksi jeruk yang dibelah dua, dimasukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan dibawa kembali ke mana Theresa duduk. Dia meletakkan satu setengah depannya sebelum dia duduk, grimaced sendiri dan melanjutkan nya sendiri setengah."Saya pikir Anda tidak suka grapefruit," Dia tiba-tiba pecah diam antara mereka dan Dia tersenyum selama padanya saat rambutnya, yang serius memerlukan pemotongan, gagal atas dahinya endearingly."Saya tidak," akunya. "Tapi saya pikir saya akan mencobanya tetap.""Kenapa?" Dia bertanya anehnya. Ia hanya mengangkat dan dia memutuskan bahwa dia benar-benar tidak mau tahu dan tidak mendorong untuk respon."Jadi morning sickness sepenuhnya selesai?" Ia bertanya setelah keheningan pendek yang lain dan dia membuat suara yang datar yang dia bisa menafsirkan cara apapun yang dikehendakinya. Ia mengangkat mukanya ke miliknya dan sesuatu dalam ekspresi membuatnya mendesah dan kocok kepalanya.“Not completely, no…” she admitted. “But it’s a lot better than it was before.”“What are your plans for today?” He asked keeping his eyes glued to hers.“I was going to spend the morning with Lisa and the baby,” her cousin had given birth to her beautiful son, Rhys, just a couple of days after Theresa had had her own pregnancy confirmed.“Mind if I tag along?” He asked casually and she frowned slightly, disturbed by the notion of her husband “tagging along” with her all morning.“Well…” she began reluctantly.“I wanted to discuss some business with Elisa,” he added.“What business?” She asked flatly.“It’s about her loan,” he elaborated.“What about her loan?” Her voice rose in alarm but his face remained impassive. “I won’t have you upsetting her, Sandro.”“Well, I either tell her today, while you’re there as moral support… or I tell her sometime when she’s alone and vulnerable,” he shrugged disinterestedly.“What are you going to tell her?” She asked in a panic.“I don’t believe that’s any of your business, Theresa,” he dismissed in an annoying casual voice. “Now why don’t you hop into the shower while I clean up down here? I’ll use one of the guest bathrooms this morning.”
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