As early as Oct. 26th, 2012, the committee made anonymous ballot on the renewal of the employment contract with 12 faculties (including Xia Yeliang) on the expiration of their contracts. 22 of 33 members of the committee were present for the anonymous ballot. The result for Xia Yeliang was: 11 ballots against the renewal of his contract, 10 affirmative ones, and one abstention. It indicated that the contract with Xia Yeliang could not be renewed. Xia Yeliang was notified of the result in time. In order to provide Xia Yeliang with an opportunity to improve his performance, the School decided to revisit the issue of the renewal of his contract in one school year, with the approval of the University. On Oct. 11th this year, the committee reconvened to decide “if the result of the last year’s anonymous ballot should be sustained”. 34 of 37 members of the committee were present (with four new members, including two newly-promoted full professors and two professors who returned as overseas visiting scholars). The result was 30 ballots against the renewals of his contract, three ballots for it, and one abstention, indicating far stronger opinion against Xia’s renewal. The notification was officially sent to Xia Yeliang on Oct. 18th, 2013.
The reason that most members of the committee voted against the renewal of Xia Yeliang’s contract lies in the performance of his teaching and research. With regard to his teaching, the result of annual teaching assessments since 2008 showed that he ranked lowest among the School faculties three times, the third lowest once, the fourth lowest once. His best performance was the sixth from the bottom twice. During the same period, more than 340 pieces of students’ complaints and criticism on his teaching were received, including a letter of request signed by over 20 students to demand replacing Xia Yeliang. Such a demand is extremely rare at Peking University. The students mostly complained about his digressive talks and excessive waste of time on materials irrelevant to the course. Some of the comments are sharp criticism, for example “Please teach economics in class; don’t bullshit!” “You put the cart before the horse.” “Too much superficial digression.” “His words are full of garbage.” Some of the students’ comments described his teaching as extremely shallow, for example, “We need genuine knowledge”, “You teach too little as academic study.” The rumor on the internet that Xia Yelaing’s courses are “popular” is simply untrue. On the registration record of the School of Economics , for the three courses that Xia Yeliang proposed to teach in this school year, one was chosen by seven students, one by eight, and one by only three, which was cancelled because the three applicants failed to reach the minimum requirement of the University.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sedini 26 Oktober 2012, Komite dibuat anonim pemungutan suara pembaruan kontrak kerja dengan 12 Fakultas (termasuk Xia Yeliang) pada berakhirnya kontrak mereka. 22 dari 33 anggota Komite hadir suara anonim. Hasilnya untuk Xia Yeliang: 11 suara terhadap pembaruan kontrak, yang afirmatif 10, dan satu pantangan. Itu menunjukkan bahwa kontrak dengan Xia Yeliang tidak akan diperpanjang. Xia Yeliang diberitahu hasil dalam waktu. Untuk memberikan Xia Yeliang kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kinerja nya, sekolah memutuskan untuk meninjau kembali masalah pembaruan kontrak dalam satu tahun sekolah, dengan persetujuan dari Universitas. Pada 11 Oktober tahun ini, Komite berkumpul kembali untuk memutuskan "Jika hasil dari tahun lalu anonim pemungutan suara harus dipertahankan". 34 dari 37 anggota Komite yang hadir (dengan empat anggota baru, termasuk dua baru dipromosikan profesor penuh dan dua profesor yang kembali sebagai sarjana mengunjungi luar negeri). Hasilnya adalah 30 suara terhadap perpanjangan kontrak, tiga suara untuk itu dan satu pantangan, menunjukkan pendapat jauh lebih kuat terhadap pembaharuan Xia's. Pemberitahuan secara Ofisial dikirim ke Xia Yeliang pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2013. Alasan bahwa sebagian besar anggota Komite memilih menentang pembaruan kontrak Xia Yeliang terletak di kinerja nya pengajaran dan penelitian. Dalam ajarannya, hasil dari penilaian ajaran tahunan sejak tahun 2008 menunjukkan bahwa dia peringkat terendah antara Fakultas sekolah tiga kali, sekali terendah, sekali keempat terendah. Penampilannya yang terbaik adalah keenam dari bawah dua kali. Selama periode yang sama, potongan-potongan lebih dari 340 siswa keluhan dan kritik pada pengajaran-Nya diterima, termasuk surat permohonan yang ditandatangani oleh lebih dari 20 siswa untuk permintaan menggantikan Xia Yeliang. Permintaan seperti ini sangat jarang di Peking University. Siswa kebanyakan mengeluh tentang digressive pembicaraan dan membuang-buang waktu pada bahan-bahan yang relevan untuk kursus yang berlebihan. Beberapa komentar yang tajam kritik, misalnya "Silakan mengajar ekonomi dalam kelas; tidak omong kosong!" "Anda meletakkan kereta di depan kuda." "Terlalu dangkal penyimpangan." "Kata-kata penuh dengan sampah." Beberapa komentar siswa dijelaskan ajaran-nya sangat dangkal, misalnya, "Kita perlu asli pengetahuan", "Anda mengajar studi sebagai akademik terlalu sedikit." Desas-desus di internet bahwa kursus Xia Yelaing "populer" tidak benar. Pada catatan registrasi School of Economics, tiga kursus yang diusulkan Xia Yeliang mengajar tahun sekolah ini, satu adalah dipilih oleh tujuh siswa, satu oleh delapan dan satu oleh hanya tiga, yang dibatalkan karena pelamar tiga gagal mencapai persyaratan minimum Universitas.
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