On their 57th date together (she always counts), the sky is covered wi terjemahan - On their 57th date together (she always counts), the sky is covered wi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

On their 57th date together (she al

On their 57th date together (she always counts), the sky is covered with clouds. It is starting to rain even though the weather was pretty nice just moments ago, but she doesn't really mind because he is holding her hand and pulls her closer to him whenever he could as they look for a temporary shelter.

"Why does it have to rain at a time like this?" he protests to no one in particular when they finally found a huge tree and stand underneath its leaves. "I'm so hungry. Ichiraku better not close!"

He sulks, pouting, and Hinata softly laughs at his funny face.

"I hope it lets up soon," she says with a smile. Naruto smiles back as he agrees with her, and she thinks under the canopy of pale green his eyes look all the more blue.

His smile grows just a bit bigger, breaking into a toothy grin when he takes a step forward. He turns to look at her with a gleaming face, and she doesn't have a clue as to why his eyes twinkle or why he gently, carefully pulls her hand which makes her also take a small stride. She doesn't know why he looks up, letting a stray raindrop that slips through the little clefts between the leaves lands on his forehead.

"Hinata," he utters. "Do you want to have some fun?"

Before she could process what he means by that, she is suddenly pulled away from their current shelter and into the rain.

She feels his grip loosened, and watches as Naruto (her Naruto, she tells herself happily with tingles all over her heart) drenches himself amidst the downpour, drips of water rapidly falling down the tips of his hair. But he laughs and twirls and jumps like it doesn't matter, stepping on puddles and spraying water at every direction.

"Naruto-kun, you'll catch a cold!" she chides.

He replies her worried look with a big grin. "Then we'd catch the cold together," he says, and she thinks it makes sense, somehow, because she is also standing under the rain with her clothes soaked just the same. Still, she wanted to object, but he catches her hands in a swift motion. It doesn't help that he is also peering at her intently with his face standing so, so close—

"Dance with me."

And he moves her along before she even knows it.

She can hear his laugh loud and clear even in the middle of the rain's harsh sounds. She is taken into his rhythm, again, her thoughts completely dissolved in everything about him.

He takes her into a different world, always does. He washes away her worries in mere seconds when she herself can't. He fills her up with courage and makes her believe, like she can really stand up strong or do anything she wants.

He makes her feel the happiest.

Sometimes, she likes to imagine being with him for all her life; for her to have him as the first person she sees in her mornings, to have those dazzling, enchanting pair of eyes accompany her 365 days times infinity. She wants to build a small-but-comfortable house, one day, and have lots of beautiful children to tell stories to—she wants to watch shooting stars, to take walks in the park, to laugh, to live, to grow old together with him.

She loves him.

Then in the middle of falling crystal drops, the center of the world, she blurts out her thoughts through shivering lips almost accidentally—her words tumbling, her voice uncharacteristically louder than usual:



"P-Please marry me, Naruto-kun!"



(—step, step, stop.)

Naruto pauses, no longer moving around with the pitter-patter's rhythm, and looks at her with wide, vivid azure eyes that she has always loved.

She feels her heart pounding as she gasps for air, breathless. Her cheekbones are dusted with scarlet colours and there is this huge urge to simply cover her mouth and flee.

A part of her regrets her sudden (probably awkward) proposal, because what she said was too daring and silly and it was anything but romantic, certainly not like how she had always imagined it to be. She is not even the one who is supposed to ask his hand in marriage—it should be the other way around, shouldn't it? The man proposing, not the girl!

But the other part of her wants him to accept her deepest wishes, so it hopes.

Hinata is afraid but curious as she tries to read his seemingly startled expression, the silence becoming a tiny bit more unbearable every millisecond. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, perhaps still trying to process her earlier statement, but his eyes never leave hers. She wonders if he feels uncomfortable, or angry, or embarrassed, or perhaps she should just take everything back and leave—

Then suddenly, he laughs a strident, unrestrained laughter that makes his nose crinkle and his whisker-marked cheeks flush.

Hinata can't help but feel a little embarrassed—well, really embarrassed. Here she is, standing under the rain and soaked to the skin, shivering yet feeling a little warm from the rush of blood that runs through her veins.

"Hi—Hinata," Naruto mutters in between mirth. "You're really weird, you know?"

The girl feels a fleeting pang in her chest, a brief pinch on her heart. She should have expected this, she thinks, since her proposal was so sudden and had no preparations whatsoever. But he grins, which makes her question if he is really rejecting her (or maybe it's just his way of politely refusing, she figures).

Then slowly, he approaches her.

(—step, step, stop.)

He closes their distance until he is only a hairsbreadth away. His lips are curled up in a big grin, his radiant eyes searching, shimmering; they are all that she can see under the grey-white sky. She feels flustered, baffled, and with Naruto, she begins to learn that she should always expect the unexpected, because his every action always manages to surprise her—

—like now, as he suddenly wraps his arms around her petite figure.

"Really," Naruto chuckles. He pulls her tighter into his arms as he whispers, affectionately, in her ears:

"You're the only weird person in this world that I would marry."



Hinata found herself lost, then, in this sort of indescribable bliss.

Through the relieved, happy tears on the corner of her eyes, she sees her world explode in bursts of kaleidoscope colours.

On their last date, it is raining sakura petals.

The trees are blooming, beautifully swaying and rustling from the touches of wind. There are a lot of people around her today—her dearest ones. But despite the joyful gazes and vivid surroundings, however full her little heart may be, at this moment she can see only him.

His whisker-marks are the slightest shade of crimson. The glowing smile upon his face and the sparkles in his eyes tells her that he is truly happy. She feels the warmth that his calloused hands emit collide against her own, which is comforting in a way since her heartbeat is almost erratic from the nervousness and sheer, pure happiness.

"I do."

He tells the world that she is his, and she feels her lips turn into the widest smile.

She looks at him with all the love she can give.

"I do."

I do, I do, I do.

And she knows that their every moment is a treasure; a unique blend of a thousand colours that make an unforgettable journey. All the wait, the sorrow, the joy, the fun, the littlest bits of happiness—

Everything is worth it.



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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pada 57 tanggal mereka bersama-sama (dia selalu menghitung), langit ditutupi dengan awan. Itu mulai hujan meskipun cuaca yang cukup bagus hanya beberapa saat yang lalu, tapi dia tidak benar-benar keberatan karena dia memegang tangannya dan menarik dia lebih dekat kepadanya setiap kali dia bisa seperti mereka mencari tempat penampungan sementara."Mengapa ia memiliki hujan pada waktu seperti ini?" dia membantah kepada siapa pun khususnya ketika mereka akhirnya menemukan pohon besar dan berdiri di bawah daun. "Saya begitu lapar. Ichiraku lebih baik tidak menutup!"Ia sulks, cemberut, dan Hinata lembut tertawa di wajahnya yang lucu."Saya berharap ini memungkinkan segera," katanya sambil tersenyum. Naruto tersenyum kembali seperti ia setuju dengan dia, dan dia berpikir di bawah kanopi hijau pucat mata terlihat lebih biru.Senyumnya tumbuh hanya sedikit lebih besar, menembus senyum toothy ketika ia mengambil langkah maju. Ia berubah menjadi memandangnya dengan wajah berkilau, dan dia tidak memiliki petunjuk mengenai mengapa matanya binar atau mengapa ia lembut, hati-hati menarik tangannya yang membuat dia juga mengambil langkah kecil. Dia tidak tahu mengapa dia mendongak, membiarkan titisan hujan liar yang slip melalui liang-liang kecil antara daun tanah pada dahinya."Hinata," melatarbelakanginya. "Apakah Anda ingin memiliki beberapa menyenangkan?"Sebelum dia bisa proses apa yang ia maksudkan dengan itu, dia tiba-tiba ditarik dari tempat penampungan mereka saat ini dan ke dalam hujan.Dia merasa pegangannya kendor, dan jam tangan seperti Naruto (Naruto nya, dia menceritakan dirinya bahagia dengan tingles seluruh hatinya) drenches dirinya di tengah-tengah hujan, menetes air dengan cepat jatuh ke bawah ujung rambutnya. Tapi dia tertawa dan twirls dan melompat seperti itu tidak masalah, melangkah di genangan air dan penyemprotan air pada setiap arah."Naruto-kun, Anda akan menangkap dingin!" dia chides.Ia menjawab tampak khawatir dengan senyum lebar. "Kemudian kita akan menangkap dingin bersama-sama," katanya, dan dia berpikir masuk akal, entah bagaimana, karena dia juga berdiri di bawah hujan dengan pakaian basah sama. Namun, ia ingin objek, tapi ia menarik tangannya bergerak cepat. Itu tidak membantu bahwa ia adalah juga peering padanya dengan sungguh-sungguh dengan wajahnya yang berdiri begitu, begitu dekat —"Dance with me."Dan ia bergerak dia sepanjang sebelum dia bahkan tahu itu.Dia bisa mendengar tertawa keras dan jelas bahkan di tengah hujan suara keras. Dia dibawa ke irama nya, sekali lagi, pikirannya larut dalam segala hal tentang dirinya.Dia membawanya ke dunia yang berbeda, selalu Apakah. Ia mencuci kaki kekhawatirannya dalam hitungan detik, bila ia sendiri tidak bisa. Dia mengisi dirinya dengan keberanian dan membuat dia percaya, seperti dia benar-benar dapat berdiri kuat atau melakukan apa pun yang diinginkannya.Dia membuat dirinya merasa paling bahagia.Kadang-kadang, dia suka untuk Bayangkan dengannya untuk sepanjang hidupnya; baginya untuk memiliki dia sebagai orang pertama yang ia lihat dalam pagi nya, memiliki orang-orang yang menyilaukan, mempesona sepasang mata menemani nya 365 hari kali tanpa batas. Dia ingin membangun sebuah rumah kecil-tapi-nyaman, suatu hari, dan memiliki banyak anak-anak yang indah untuk menceritakan kisah-kisah untuk — dia ingin menonton bintang jatuh, untuk berjalan-jalan di Taman, untuk tertawa, untuk hidup, untuk menjadi tua sama dengannya.Dia mencintainya.Kemudian di jatuh kristal tetes, Pusat dunia, dia blurts pikirannya melalui menggigil bibir hampir tidak sengaja — kata-katanya berjatuhan, suaranya seperti biasanya lebih keras daripada biasa:.."P-Harap menikah denganku, Naruto-kun!"..(— langkah, langkah, berhenti.)Naruto berhenti, tidak bergerak dengan irama ketipak-derai, dan memandang dirinya dengan mata azure lebar, jelas bahwa dia selalu mencintai.Dia merasa dia jantung berdebar keras saat ia terengah-engah udara, terengah-engah. Tulang pipi nya ditaburi dengan warna-warna merah dan ada dorongan ini besar untuk hanya menutup mulutnya dan melarikan diri.Bagian dari penyesalan nya proposal (mungkin canggung) nya tiba-tiba, karena apa yang dia katakan adalah terlalu berani dan konyol dan itu adalah apa-apa tapi romantis, pasti tidak seperti bagaimana dia telah selalu membayangkan. Dia adalah tidak bahkan orang yang seharusnya meminta tangannya dalam pernikahan-itu harus sebaliknya, seharusnya bukan? Laki-laki yang mengusulkan, bukan gadis!Tetapi bagian lain dari dia ingin dia menerima keinginannya terdalam, sehingga diharapkan.Hinata takut tapi penasaran saat dia mencoba untuk membaca ekspresi tampak terkejut, keheningan menjadi sedikit lebih tak tertahankan setiap milidetik. Dia bergeser berat badannya dari satu kaki ke yang lain, mungkin masih mencoba untuk memproses pernyataan itu sebelumnya, tapi matanya pernah meninggalkan miliknya. Dia bertanya-tanya jika dia merasa tidak nyaman, atau marah, atau malu, atau mungkin dia hanya harus mengambil semuanya kembali dan meninggalkan —Lalu tiba-tiba, dia tertawa melengking, tak terkendali tawa yang membuat hidung crinkle dan flush pipi kumis yang ditandai nya.Hinata tidak bisa membantu tapi merasa sedikit malu-baik, benar-benar malu. Di sini dia adalah, berdiri di bawah hujan dan direndam ke kulit, menggigil namun merasa sedikit hangat dari aliran darah yang mengalir melalui vena nya."Hai — Hinata," Naruto mutters di antara kegembiraan. "Anda benar-benar aneh, kau tahu?"Gadis merasa pang sekilas di dadanya, sejumput singkat hatinya. Dia telah diharapkan ini, menurutnya, sejak proposal nya begitu tiba-tiba dan tanpa persiapan apapun. Tetapi dia grins, yang membuat pertanyaan nya jika ia adalah benar-benar menolak dia (atau mungkin memang hanya cara sopan menolak, dia angka).Kemudian perlahan-lahan, dia mendekati dirinya.(— langkah, langkah, berhenti.)He closes their distance until he is only a hairsbreadth away. His lips are curled up in a big grin, his radiant eyes searching, shimmering; they are all that she can see under the grey-white sky. She feels flustered, baffled, and with Naruto, she begins to learn that she should always expect the unexpected, because his every action always manages to surprise her——like now, as he suddenly wraps his arms around her petite figure."Really," Naruto chuckles. He pulls her tighter into his arms as he whispers, affectionately, in her ears:"You're the only weird person in this world that I would marry."..Hinata found herself lost, then, in this sort of indescribable bliss.Through the relieved, happy tears on the corner of her eyes, she sees her world explode in bursts of kaleidoscope colours.On their last date, it is raining sakura petals.The trees are blooming, beautifully swaying and rustling from the touches of wind. There are a lot of people around her today—her dearest ones. But despite the joyful gazes and vivid surroundings, however full her little heart may be, at this moment she can see only him.His whisker-marks are the slightest shade of crimson. The glowing smile upon his face and the sparkles in his eyes tells her that he is truly happy. She feels the warmth that his calloused hands emit collide against her own, which is comforting in a way since her heartbeat is almost erratic from the nervousness and sheer, pure happiness."I do."He tells the world that she is his, and she feels her lips turn into the widest smile.She looks at him with all the love she can give."I do."I do, I do, I do.And she knows that their every moment is a treasure; a unique blend of a thousand colours that make an unforgettable journey. All the wait, the sorrow, the joy, the fun, the littlest bits of happiness—Everything is worth it...Fin.
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