141201:12:33,680 --> 01:12:35,205(GIRLS LAUGHING)141301:12:35,400 -->  terjemahan - 141201:12:33,680 --> 01:12:35,205(GIRLS LAUGHING)141301:12:35,400 -->  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

141201:12:33,680 --> 01:12:35,205(G

01:12:33,680 --> 01:12:35,205

01:12:35,400 --> 01:12:37,243

01:12:37,440 --> 01:12:38,441
BOY: Wanna dance?

01:12:38,640 --> 01:12:40,051
COOPER: Captain Emmett.

01:12:40,880 --> 01:12:43,121
- Cooper, what are you doing here?
- I'm glad you're here.

01:12:43,320 --> 01:12:45,766
- I knew you would believe me.
- I told you to go home.

01:12:46,160 --> 01:12:48,367
No, you're not gonna need
your weapon right now.

01:12:49,400 --> 01:12:50,606
What are you doing?

01:13:01,920 --> 01:13:03,251

01:13:04,840 --> 01:13:06,205
You don't follow orders, do you?

01:13:06,760 --> 01:13:09,286
Well, maybe you will now.
Outside, quickly and quietly.

01:13:09,560 --> 01:13:11,927
- I don't believe this.
- Just relax.

01:13:13,120 --> 01:13:14,451
I trusted you.

01:13:15,160 --> 01:13:16,889
My father trusted you.

01:13:17,120 --> 01:13:19,964
We're just going outside
to find someplace to talk.

01:13:21,040 --> 01:13:23,088
Don't make me use this.

01:13:23,840 --> 01:13:27,401
Ladies and gentleman,
Miss Teresa Cortez!

01:13:27,600 --> 01:13:29,568

01:13:33,000 --> 01:13:34,604
- Come on.
- Aah!

01:13:40,520 --> 01:13:41,521

01:13:42,600 --> 01:13:44,170

01:13:47,440 --> 01:13:50,250
TERESA: First of all,
I want to thank everyone for coming.

01:13:50,480 --> 01:13:53,086
Second, Elsa Muñez,
I hope you're watching on Youtube...

01:13:53,320 --> 01:13:57,291
because you weren't invited. And you
won't be until you apologize to Patricia.

01:13:57,760 --> 01:14:01,321
HOST: All right, party people.
Now it's time for the surprise dance.

01:14:02,240 --> 01:14:03,605

01:14:04,240 --> 01:14:05,765
Let's go. Let's go.

01:14:06,160 --> 01:14:07,685

01:14:10,600 --> 01:14:11,886
BOY: Teresa!

01:14:12,080 --> 01:14:13,923
WOMAN: Hey, what do you think you're doing?

01:14:19,880 --> 01:14:21,041

01:14:28,400 --> 01:14:29,447
Are we alone?

01:14:30,680 --> 01:14:32,125
Where are your men?

01:14:32,360 --> 01:14:33,361
Enjoying the party.

01:14:33,560 --> 01:14:34,561

01:14:37,560 --> 01:14:38,800
Out of the way!

01:14:40,680 --> 01:14:43,126
- Aah!
- Shouldn't have been this hard.

01:14:43,320 --> 01:14:45,129
You were supposed to go to Riva's...

01:14:45,320 --> 01:14:47,687
write in your little notebook,
and leave.

01:14:47,920 --> 01:14:49,490
But you just had to show up early.

01:14:49,680 --> 01:14:52,331
You're working for a drug lord.
You're killing people.

01:14:52,520 --> 01:14:53,726
See, that's your problem.

01:14:53,960 --> 01:14:55,769
You're too by-the-book.

01:14:55,960 --> 01:14:58,531
There are cops that understand
the gray area...

01:14:58,760 --> 01:15:00,603
and cops who have to be eliminated.

01:15:00,800 --> 01:15:02,325
And not everybody wants to die...

01:15:02,560 --> 01:15:05,166
a poor, happy Boy Scout
like your father.

01:15:08,960 --> 01:15:10,200

01:15:10,440 --> 01:15:12,841
- That make you feel better?
- No, but this does!

01:15:13,040 --> 01:15:15,088

01:15:17,560 --> 01:15:19,403
You just got Coopered, bitch!

01:15:20,440 --> 01:15:22,442

01:15:26,440 --> 01:15:28,408
What do you think that you're...?

01:15:30,640 --> 01:15:32,085
Get out of the way!

01:15:32,720 --> 01:15:35,041
Come on. Relax, cariño.

01:15:35,920 --> 01:15:38,287

01:15:43,160 --> 01:15:46,209
(IN ENGLISH) You could be anywhere
in the world right now.

01:15:47,160 --> 01:15:48,810
Why did you come back?

01:15:51,400 --> 01:15:52,526

01:15:55,600 --> 01:15:56,965
like you said:

01:15:57,920 --> 01:15:59,649
"Family is everything."

01:16:02,680 --> 01:16:04,569
And you took mine away from me.

01:16:04,760 --> 01:16:06,125
You killed my brother...

01:16:08,160 --> 01:16:11,448
Well, the good news is
you're about to see him again.

01:16:11,960 --> 01:16:13,007
Drop your weapon!

01:16:25,360 --> 01:16:26,486

01:16:32,040 --> 01:16:34,281
Your brother was a coward...

01:16:34,840 --> 01:16:36,808
crying like a baby.

01:16:39,560 --> 01:16:41,722
He begged for his life.

01:16:43,240 --> 01:16:45,129
Now you will do the same.

01:16:47,360 --> 01:16:48,486

01:16:52,160 --> 01:16:53,207

01:16:53,560 --> 01:16:55,528

01:17:04,640 --> 01:17:07,041
Vicente Cortez, you're under arrest...

01:17:07,400 --> 01:17:11,371
for murder and attempted murder,
and I'll figure out the rest later.

01:17:16,040 --> 01:17:17,246
Miss Riva.

01:17:17,600 --> 01:17:18,761
Put the gun down.

01:17:20,600 --> 01:17:23,968
If you pull that trigger, you'll go
to jail for the rest of your life.

01:17:26,520 --> 01:17:28,170
Think about what you're doing.

01:17:30,640 --> 01:17:32,529
He killed my brother.

01:17:33,000 --> 01:17:35,128
He killed the only family I had.

01:17:35,960 --> 01:17:37,644
I can't let him live.

01:17:43,000 --> 01:17:44,843
And I can't let you kill him.

01:17:45,480 --> 01:17:47,084
Don't make me stop you.

01:17:47,800 --> 01:17:49,928
I'm asking you for the last time.

01:17:50,840 --> 01:17:52,569
Put the gun down.

01:18:07,240 --> 01:18:08,605

01:18:10,560 --> 01:18:12,164
You won't regret this. I promise.

01:18:15,200 --> 01:18:16,690

01:18:19,360 --> 01:18:20,361

01:18:26,560 --> 01:18:28,164

01:18:29,600 --> 01:18:33,127
- Are you kidding me?
- What?

01:18:34,360 --> 01:18:37,807
You made me not kill him
so that you get to kill him?

01:18:38,000 --> 01:18:39,570
I get to kill him?

01:18:39,760 --> 01:18:40,966
I just saved your life!

01:18:41,160 --> 01:18:43,970
I have been waiting for six years
for this moment...

01:18:44,160 --> 01:18:46,003
and you come at the last second
and ruin it?

01:18:46,240 --> 01:18:47,810
I just took a bullet for you!

01:18:48,000 --> 01:18:50,890
You took a bullet for me?
It went right through you and hit me!

01:18:51,120 --> 01:18:54,203
Because your stupid little skinny
arms cannot even stop a bullet!

01:18:54,400 --> 01:18:55,447
- Wait a second.
- What?
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
141201:12:33,680 --> 01:12:35,205(GIRLS LAUGHING)141301:12:35,400 --> 01:12:37,243(INDISTINCT CHATTER)141401:12:37,440 --> 01:12:38,441BOY: Wanna dance?141501:12:38,640 --> 01:12:40,051COOPER: Captain Emmett.141601:12:40,880 --> 01:12:43,121- Cooper, what are you doing here?- I'm glad you're here.141701:12:43,320 --> 01:12:45,766- I knew you would believe me.- I told you to go home.141801:12:46,160 --> 01:12:48,367No, you're not gonna needyour weapon right now.141901:12:49,400 --> 01:12:50,606What are you doing?142001:13:01,920 --> 01:13:03,251(IN SPANISH)142101:13:04,840 --> 01:13:06,205You don't follow orders, do you?142201:13:06,760 --> 01:13:09,286Well, maybe you will now.Outside, quickly and quietly.142301:13:09,560 --> 01:13:11,927- I don't believe this.- Just relax.142401:13:13,120 --> 01:13:14,451I trusted you.142501:13:15,160 --> 01:13:16,889My father trusted you.142601:13:17,120 --> 01:13:19,964We're just going outsideto find someplace to talk.142701:13:21,040 --> 01:13:23,088Don't make me use this.142801:13:23,840 --> 01:13:27,401Ladies and gentleman,Miss Teresa Cortez!142901:13:27,600 --> 01:13:29,568(CHEERING)143001:13:33,000 --> 01:13:34,604- Come on.- Aah!143101:13:40,520 --> 01:13:41,521(SPEAKS IN SPANISH)143201:13:42,600 --> 01:13:44,170(CORTEZ SPEAKS IN SPANISH)143301:13:47, 440--> 01:13:50, 250TERESA: pertama-tama,Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang untuk datang.143401:13:50, 480--> 01:13:53, 086Kedua, Elsa Muñez,Saya berharap Anda menonton di Youtube...143501:13:53, 320--> 01:13:57, 291karena Anda tidak diundang. Dan Andatidak akan sampai Anda minta maaf kepada Patricia.143601:13:57, 760--> 01:14:01, 321HOST: Baiklah, Partai orang-orang.Sekarang saatnya untuk mengiringi Tari kejutan.143701:14:02, 240--> 01:14:03, 605(TARI MUSIK BERMAIN KERAS)143801:14:04, 240--> 01:14:05, 765Ayo. Ayo.143901:14:06, 160--> 01:14:07, 685(WANITA NAPAS)144001:14:10, 600--> 01:14:11, 886Anak laki-laki: Teresa!144101:14:12, 080--> 01:14:13, 923Wanita: Hei, apa yang Anda pikir Anda lakukan?144201:14:19, 880--> 01:14:21, 041(REJAN)144301:14:28, 400--> 01:14:29, 447Apakah kita sendirian?144401:14:30, 680--> 01:14:32, 125Dimana ada orang-orang Anda?144501:14:32, 360--> 01:14:33, 361Menikmati pesta.144601:14:33, 560--> 01:14:34, 561(DEDEN TERKEKEH)144701:14:37, 560--> 01:14:38, 800Keluar dari jalan!144801:14:40, 680--> 01:14:43, 126-Aah!-Tidak boleh telah ini keras.144901:14:43, 320--> 01:14:45, 129Anda harus pergi ke Riva...145001:14:45, 320--> 01:14:47, 687menulis dalam notebook Anda kecil,dan meninggalkan.145101:14:47, 920--> 01:14:49, 490Tetapi Anda hanya harus menunjukkan bangun pagi.145201:14:49, 680--> 01:14:52, 331You're working for a drug lord.You're killing people.145301:14:52,520 --> 01:14:53,726See, that's your problem.145401:14:53,960 --> 01:14:55,769You're too by-the-book.145501:14:55,960 --> 01:14:58,531There are cops that understandthe gray area...145601:14:58,760 --> 01:15:00,603and cops who have to be eliminated.145701:15:00,800 --> 01:15:02,325And not everybody wants to die...145801:15:02,560 --> 01:15:05,166a poor, happy Boy Scoutlike your father.145901:15:08,960 --> 01:15:10,200(CHUCKLES)146001:15:10,440 --> 01:15:12,841- That make you feel better?- No, but this does!146101:15:13,040 --> 01:15:15,088(GRUNTING)146201:15:17,560 --> 01:15:19,403You just got Coopered, bitch!146301:15:20,440 --> 01:15:22,442(INDISTINCT CHATTER)146401:15:26,440 --> 01:15:28,408What do you think that you're...?146501:15:30,640 --> 01:15:32,085Get out of the way!146601:15:32,720 --> 01:15:35,041Come on. Relax, cariño.146701:15:35,920 --> 01:15:38,287(IN SPANISH)146801:15:43,160 --> 01:15:46,209(IN ENGLISH) You could be anywherein the world right now.146901:15:47,160 --> 01:15:48,810Why did you come back?147001:15:51,400 --> 01:15:52,526Well...147101:15:55,600 --> 01:15:56,965like you said:147201:15:57,920 --> 01:15:59,649"Family is everything."147301:16:02,680 --> 01:16:04,569And you took mine away from me.147401:16:04,760 --> 01:16:06,125You killed my brother...147501:16:08,160 --> 01:16:11,448Well, the good news isyou're about to see him again.147601:16:11,960 --> 01:16:13,007Drop your weapon!147701:16:25,360 --> 01:16:26,486(IN SPANISH)147801:16:32,040 --> 01:16:34,281(IN ENGLISH)Your brother was a coward...147901:16:34,840 --> 01:16:36,808crying like a baby.148001:16:39,560 --> 01:16:41,722He begged for his life.148101:16:43,240 --> 01:16:45,129Now you will do the same.148201:16:47,360 --> 01:16:48,486Never.148301:16:52,160 --> 01:16:53,207(IN SPANISH)148401:16:53,560 --> 01:16:55,528(GRUNTING)148501:17:04,640 --> 01:17:07,041Vicente Cortez, you're under arrest...148601:17:07,400 --> 01:17:11,371for murder and attempted murder,and I'll figure out the rest later.148701:17:16,040 --> 01:17:17,246Miss Riva.148801:17:17,600 --> 01:17:18,761Put the gun down.148901:17:20,600 --> 01:17:23,968If you pull that trigger, you'll goto jail for the rest of your life.149001:17:26,520 --> 01:17:28,170Think about what you're doing.149101:17:30,640 --> 01:17:32,529He killed my brother.149201:17:33,000 --> 01:17:35,128He killed the only family I had.149301:17:35,960 --> 01:17:37,644I can't let him live.149401:17:43,000 --> 01:17:44,843And I can't let you kill him.149501:17:45,480 --> 01:17:47,084Don't make me stop you.149601:17:47,800 --> 01:17:49,928I'm asking you for the last time.149701:17:50,840 --> 01:17:52,569Put the gun down.149801:18:07,240 --> 01:18:08,605(SPEAKS IN SPANISH)149901:18:10,560 --> 01:18:12,164You won't regret this. I promise.150001:18:15,200 --> 01:18:16,690(GROANS)150101:18:19,360 --> 01:18:20,361(THUDDING)150201:18:26,560 --> 01:18:28,164(SIGHS)150301:18:29,600 --> 01:18:33,127- Are you kidding me?- What?150401:18:34,360 --> 01:18:37,807You made me not kill himso that you get to kill him?150501:18:38,000 --> 01:18:39,570I get to kill him?150601:18:39,760 --> 01:18:40,966I just saved your life!150701:18:41,160 --> 01:18:43,970I have been waiting for six yearsfor this moment...150801:18:44,160 --> 01:18:46,003and you come at the last secondand ruin it?150901:18:46,240 --> 01:18:47,810I just took a bullet for you!151001:18:48,000 --> 01:18:50,890You took a bullet for me?It went right through you and hit me!151101:18:51,120 --> 01:18:54,203Because your stupid little skinnyarms cannot even stop a bullet!151201:18:54,400 --> 01:18:55,447- Wait a second.- What?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
01: 12: 33.680 -> 01: 12: 35.205 (Girls Tertawa) 1413 01: 12: 35.400 -> 01: 12: 37.243 (tidak jelas CHATTER) 1414 01: 12: 37.440 -> 01: 12: 38.441 BOY : tari Wanna? 1415 01: 12: 38.640 -> 01: 12: 40.051 COOPER : Kapten Emmett. 1416 01: 12: 40.880 -> 01: 12: 43.121 ? - Cooper, apa yang kau lakukan di sini - saya m senang kau di sini. 1417 01: 12: 43.320 -> 01: 12: 45.766 - Aku tahu kau akan percaya padaku. - Aku bilang pulang. 1418 01: 12: 46.160 -> 01:12: 48.367 Tidak, Anda tidak akan membutuhkan senjata Anda sekarang. 1419 01: 12: 49.400 -> 01: 12: 50.606 Apa yang kau lakukan? 1420 01: 13: 01.920 -> 01: 13: 03.251 (IN SPANISH ) 1421 01: 13: 04.840 -> 01: 13: 06.205 Anda tidak mengikuti perintah, kan? 1422 01: 13: 06.760 -> 01: 13: 09.286 . Nah, mungkin Anda sekarang akan luar, cepat dan . tenang 1423 01: 13: 09.560 -> 01: 13: 11.927 - Saya tidak percaya ini. - Santai saja. 1424 01: 13: 13.120 -> 01: 13: 14.451 . Saya dipercaya Anda 1425 01:13 : 15160 -> 01: 13: 16.889 Ayahku dipercaya Anda. 1426 01: 13: 17.120 -> 01: 13: 19.964 Kami hanya akan luar untuk menemukan tempat untuk berbicara. 1427 01: 13: 21.040 -> 01: 13: 23.088 Jangan membuat saya menggunakan ini. 1428 01: 13: 23.840 -> 01: 13: 27.401 wanita dan pria, Nona Teresa Cortez! 1429 01: 13: 27.600 -> 01: 13: 29.568 ( bersorak) 1430 01: 13: 33.000 -> 01: 13: 34.604 . - Ayo - Aah! 1431 01: 13: 40.520 -> 01: 13: 41.521 (BERBICARA DI SPANYOL) 1432 01: 13: 42.600 - > 01: 13: 44.170 (CORTEZ BERBICARA DI SPANYOL) 1433 01: 13: 47.440 -> 01: 13: 50.250 TERESA : Pertama-tama, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang untuk datang. 1434 01: 13: 50.480 -> 01 : 13: 53.086 Kedua, Elsa Munez, saya harap Anda sedang menonton di Youtube ... 1435 01: 13: 53.320 -> 01: 13: 57.291 karena Anda tidak diundang. Dan Anda tidak akan sampai Anda meminta maaf kepada Patricia. 1436 01: 13: 57.760 -> 01: 14: 01.321 HOST : Baiklah, orang-orang partai. Sekarang saatnya untuk tari kejutan. 1437 01: 14: 02.240 - > 01: 14: 03.605 (DANCE musik keras) 1438 01: 14: 04.240 -> 01: 14: 05.765 Mari kita pergi. Mari kita pergi. 1439 01: 14: 06.160 -> 01: 14: 07.685 (WOMAN Terengah-engah) 1440 01: 14: 10,600 -> 01: 14: 11.886 BOY : Teresa! 1441 01: 14: 12.080 -> 01: 14: 13.923 WANITA : Hei, apa yang Anda pikir Anda lakukan? 1442 01: 14: 19.880 -> 01: 14: 21.041 (rejan) 1443 01: 14: 28,400 -> 01: 14: 29.447 Apakah kita sendirian ? 1444 01: 14: 30.680 -> 01: 14: 32.125 Di mana orang-orang Anda? 1445 01: 14: 32.360 -> 01: 14: 33.361 Menikmati partai. 1446 01: 14: 33.560 -> 01:14 : 34561 (Daniella terkekeh) 1447 01: 14: 37.560 -> 01: 14: 38.800 Keluar dari jalan! 1448 01: 14: 40.680 -> 01: 14: 43.126 ! - Aah - Jika tidak mungkin ini sulit . 1449 01: 14: 43.320 -> 01: 14: 45.129 Anda harus pergi ke Riva dunia ... 1450 01: 14: 45.320 -> 01: 14: 47.687 menulis dalam buku catatan kecil Anda, . dan meninggalkan 1.451 01 : 14: 47.920 -> 01: 14: 49.490 Tapi Anda hanya harus datang lebih awal. 1452 01: 14: 49.680 -> 01: 14: 52.331 Anda bekerja untuk seorang raja obat bius. Kau membunuh orang. 1453 01: 14: 52.520 -> 01: 14: 53.726 Lihat, itu masalah Anda. 1454 01: 14: 53.960 -> 01: 14: 55.769 Kau terlalu by-the-book. 1455 01: 14: 55.960 -> 01: 14: 58.531 Ada polisi yang memahami daerah abu-abu ... 1456 01: 14: 58.760 -> 01: 15: 00.603 dan polisi yang harus dihilangkan. 1457 01: 15: 00.800 -> 01: 15: 02.325 Dan tidak semua orang ingin mati ... 1458 01: 15: 02.560 -> 01: 15: 05.166 miskin, bahagia Pramuka seperti ayahmu. 1459 01: 15: 08.960 -> 01:15 : 10.200 (terkekeh) 1460 01: 15: 10.440 -> 01: 15: 12.841 - Bahwa membuat Anda merasa lebih baik? - Tidak, tapi ini tidak! 1461 01: 15: 13.040 -> 01: 15: 15.088 (mendengus) 1462 01: 15: 17.560 -> 01: 15: 19.403 Anda baru saja coopered, jalang! 1463 01: 15: 20.440 -> 01: 15: 22.442 (tidak jelas CHATTER) 1464 01: 15: 26.440 -> 01: 15: 28.408 Apa yang Anda berpikir bahwa Anda ...? 1465 01: 15: 30.640 -> 01: 15: 32.085 Dapatkan keluar dari jalan! 1466 01: 15: 32.720 -> 01: 15: 35.041 Datang pada. Tenang, cariño. 1467 01: 15: 35.920 -> 01: 15: 38.287 (IN SPANISH) 1468 01: 15: 43.160 -> 01: 15: 46.209 (DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS) Anda bisa di mana saja di dunia sekarang. 1469 01: 15: 47.160 -> 01: 15: 48.810 Kenapa kau kembali? 1470 01: 15: 51.400 -> 01: 15: 52.526 Yah ... 1471 01: 15: 55,600 -> 01:15 : 56965 seperti yang Anda katakan: 1472 01: 15: 57.920 -> 01: 15: 59.649 "Keluarga adalah segalanya." 1473 01: 16: 02.680 -> 01: 16: 04.569 . Dan Anda mengambil saya dari saya 1474 01 : 16: 04.760 -> 01: 16: 06.125 Kau membunuh adikku ... 1475 01: 16: 08.160 -> 01: 16: 11.448 Nah, kabar baiknya adalah . Anda akan melihat dia lagi 1476 01 : 16: 11.960 -> 01: 16: 13.007 Jatuhkan senjata! 1477 01: 16: 25.360 -> 01: 16: 26.486 (IN SPANISH) 1478 01: 16: 32.040 -> 01: 16: 34.281 (IN ENGLISH) Kakakmu adalah seorang pengecut ... 1479 01: 16: 34.840 -> 01: 16: 36.808 menangis seperti bayi. 1480 01: 16: 39.560 -> 01: 16: 41.722 . Dia memohon untuk hidupnya 1481 01: 16: 43.240 -> 01: 16: 45.129 Sekarang Anda akan melakukan hal yang sama. 1482 01: 16: 47.360 -> 01: 16: 48.486 . Jangan 1483 01: 16: 52.160 -> 01: 16: 53.207 (IN SPANISH) 1484 01: 16: 53.560 -> 01: 16: 55.528 (mendengus) 1485 01: 17: 04.640 -> 01: 17: 07.041 Vicente Cortez, kau ditangkap ... 1486 01:17 : 07400 -> 01: 17: 11.371 untuk pembunuhan dan percobaan pembunuhan, dan aku akan mencari tahu sisa kemudian. 1487 01: 17: 16.040 -> 01: 17: 17.246 Nona Riva. 1488 01: 17: 17,600 - -> 01: 17: 18.761 Pasang menembak jatuh. 1489 01: 17: 20.600 -> 01: 17: 23.968 Jika Anda menarik pelatuk itu, Anda akan pergi . ke penjara selama sisa hidup Anda 1490 01:17: 26.520 -> 01: 17: 28.170 Pikirkan tentang apa yang Anda lakukan. 1491 01: 17: 30.640 -> 01: 17: 32.529 Dia membunuh saudaraku. 1492 01: 17: 33.000 -> 01: 17: 35.128 Dia membunuh satu-satunya keluarga yang aku punya. 1493 01: 17: 35.960 -> 01: 17: 37.644 Saya tidak bisa membiarkan dia hidup. 1494 01: 17: 43,000 -> 01: 17: 44.843 Dan aku tidak bisa membiarkan Anda membunuhnya. 1495 01: 17: 45.480 -> 01: 17: 47.084 Jangan membuat saya menghentikan Anda. 1496 01: 17: 47.800 -> 01: 17: 49.928 Saya meminta Anda untuk terakhir kalinya. 1497 01: 17: 50.840 -> 01: 17: 52.569 Pasang menembak jatuh. 1498 01: 18: 07.240 -> 01: 18: 08.605 (BERBICARA DI SPANYOL) 1499 01: 18: 10.560 -> 01:18 : 12164 Anda tidak akan menyesal ini. Aku berjanji. 1500 01: 18: 15.200 -> 01: 18: 16.690 (erangan) 1501 01: 18: 19.360 -> 01: 18: 20.361 (berdebar) 1502 01: 18: 26.560 -> 01:18: 28.164 (Mendesah) 1503 01: 18: 29,600 -> 01: 18: 33.127 - Apakah Anda bercanda? - Apa? 1504 01: 18: 34.360 -> 01: 18: 37.807 Anda membuat saya tidak membunuhnya sehingga Anda bisa membunuhnya? 1505 01: 18: 38.000 -> 01: 18: 39.570 Saya bisa membunuhnya? 1506 01: 18: 39.760 -> 01: 18: 40.966 ! Aku baru saja menyelamatkan hidup Anda 1507 01:18: 41.160 -> 01: 18: 43.970 Saya telah menunggu selama enam tahun untuk saat ini ... 1508 01: 18: 44.160 -> 01: 18: 46.003 dan Anda datang pada detik terakhir dan merusaknya? 1509 01: 18: 46.240 -> 01: 18: 47.810 Saya hanya mengambil peluru untuk Anda! 1510 01: 18: 48,000 -> 01: 18: 50.890 ? Anda mengambil peluru untuk saya ! Ia pergi kanan melalui Anda dan memukul saya 1511 01: 18: 51.120 -> 01: 18: 54.203 Karena kurus sedikit bodoh Anda lengan bahkan tidak bisa berhenti peluru! 1512 01: 18: 54.400 -> 01: 18: 55.447 - Tunggu sebentar. - Apa?

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