After one hour, in 7 war­ships al­to­gether 1400 + dark month spir­its terjemahan - After one hour, in 7 war­ships al­to­gether 1400 + dark month spir­its Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After one hour, in 7 war­ships al­t

After one hour, in 7 war­ships al­to­gether 1400 + dark month spir­its al­most com­pletely have be­come the cap­tive of palace guard, the bow ar­rows in their hand had been dis­armed com­pletely, strongly de­tains in tent that in our coast es­tab­lishes, the rope ties up, this I am also ac­tu­ally an ex­pert, has not felt all right with the South Ko­rean deep pool ties up to­gether.
In order to guard these dark month spir­its dis­patched the 2 W palace guard to be sta­tioned on the coast­line es­pe­cially, the bat­tal­ion be con­tin­u­ous sev­eral li (0.5km), the lights il­lu­mi­nated the coastal for­est just like the day­time, I was lead­ing Han Yuan, Xiao Li in the bat­tal­ion pa­trolled, be­cause fi­nally has been de­feated dark month spirit one time, ob­tained 210 mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues and 25% this level em­pir­i­cal value re­wards, was the har­vest not poor.
Is pulling the god fierce fine horse, my mark time in the sand beach, asked: „What kind , did the mil­i­tary of­fi­cers in this crowd of dark month spir­its look?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Looked, but dark month spirit not that stern mil­i­tary rank es­tab­lish­ment, but in every 100 peo­ple had a pla­toon leader, in every 1000 peo­ple had a squadron com­man­der, then in every 10,000 peo­ple had a chief”
I in con­ster­na­tion: „Then 100,000 peo­ple of com­mand­ing were five bar super teams leader, told me quickly is?!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool is also stunned: „Gen­eral, their 100,000 peo­ple com­mand are dark month spirit queen Feiouna”
My face joy­fully: „Luck­ily, does not have the dog blood”
South Ko­rean deep pool: „”
Xiao Lidao: „Sir, in this crowd of dark month spir­its al­to­gether has 14 pla­toon leader and 1 squadron com­man­der, has sent under cus­tody in the bed­room ac­count of Sir, what­ever the Sir pun­ishes, hey!”
I re­view to stare him: „What mean­ing your this hey is, am I that per­son? Per­son who I have the girl­friend, do not tell me the dark month spirit stature to seize the human, my girl­friend Cang Tong stature ap­proves ac­tu­ally”
Xiao Li: „When brings to us has a look, oth­er­wise does not be­lieve!”
„Is beau­ti­ful you!” I smile, these NPC AI were too as­ton­ish­ing, then said with a smile: „Walks, your sev­eral pass with me to­gether, ex­am­ines these pla­toon leader and squadron com­man­ders, has a look the dark month spirit ac­tu­ally to want, in Tian Ling Em­pire, looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate and in the iron skull city to do any­thing.”
Shuai Zhangnei, 15 dark month spirit young girls tied up there, the mouth is fill­ing the bro­ken cot­ton fiber, on faces has been full of the anger, but one passes shortly truly is out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful, the skin snow white, the lon­g­leg wasp­waist and twin peaks are tall and straight, and cheek is clear, but, this group of dark month spirit young girls, once ob­tains the na­ture, pos­si­bly the next quar­ter will com­mand, Yorozuo long to shoot the hedge­hog sev­eral of us.
I walk to go for­ward, asked: „Which is a squadron com­man­der?”
A South Ko­rean deep pool di­rec­tion chest spe­cially is big, said: „Is this!”
I step, in her side sink­ing lower part of the body, has a look on her shoul­der, two bars, she has not alerted vis­its me, on the face is hav­ing the spunk, a two stars pupil passes is killing in­tent, when I take down in her mouth the cot­ton fab­ric, she to my face on is being one!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After one hour, in 7 war­ships al­to­gether 1400 + dark month spir­its al­most com­pletely have be­come the cap­tive of palace guard, the bow ar­rows in their hand had been dis­armed com­pletely, strongly de­tains in tent that in our coast es­tab­lishes, the rope ties up, this I am also ac­tu­ally an ex­pert, has not felt all right with the South Ko­rean deep pool ties up to­gether.In order to guard these dark month spir­its dis­patched the 2 W palace guard to be sta­tioned on the coast­line es­pe­cially, the bat­tal­ion be con­tin­u­ous sev­eral li (0.5km), the lights il­lu­mi­nated the coastal for­est just like the day­time, I was lead­ing Han Yuan, Xiao Li in the bat­tal­ion pa­trolled, be­cause fi­nally has been de­feated dark month spirit one time, ob­tained 210 mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues and 25% this level em­pir­i­cal value re­wards, was the har­vest not poor.Is pulling the god fierce fine horse, my mark time in the sand beach, asked: „What kind , did the mil­i­tary of­fi­cers in this crowd of dark month spir­its look?”The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Looked, but dark month spirit not that stern mil­i­tary rank es­tab­lish­ment, but in every 100 peo­ple had a pla­toon leader, in every 1000 peo­ple had a squadron com­man­der, then in every 10,000 peo­ple had a chief”I in con­ster­na­tion: „Then 100,000 peo­ple of com­mand­ing were five bar super teams leader, told me quickly is?!”The South Ko­rean deep pool is also stunned: „Gen­eral, their 100,000 peo­ple com­mand are dark month spirit queen Feiouna”
My face joy­fully: „Luck­ily, does not have the dog blood”
South Ko­rean deep pool: „”
Xiao Lidao: „Sir, in this crowd of dark month spir­its al­to­gether has 14 pla­toon leader and 1 squadron com­man­der, has sent under cus­tody in the bed­room ac­count of Sir, what­ever the Sir pun­ishes, hey!”
I re­view to stare him: „What mean­ing your this hey is, am I that per­son? Per­son who I have the girl­friend, do not tell me the dark month spirit stature to seize the human, my girl­friend Cang Tong stature ap­proves ac­tu­ally”
Xiao Li: „When brings to us has a look, oth­er­wise does not be­lieve!”
„Is beau­ti­ful you!” I smile, these NPC AI were too as­ton­ish­ing, then said with a smile: „Walks, your sev­eral pass with me to­gether, ex­am­ines these pla­toon leader and squadron com­man­ders, has a look the dark month spirit ac­tu­ally to want, in Tian Ling Em­pire, looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate and in the iron skull city to do any­thing.”
Shuai Zhangnei, 15 dark month spirit young girls tied up there, the mouth is fill­ing the bro­ken cot­ton fiber, on faces has been full of the anger, but one passes shortly truly is out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful, the skin snow white, the lon­g­leg wasp­waist and twin peaks are tall and straight, and cheek is clear, but, this group of dark month spirit young girls, once ob­tains the na­ture, pos­si­bly the next quar­ter will com­mand, Yorozuo long to shoot the hedge­hog sev­eral of us.
I walk to go for­ward, asked: „Which is a squadron com­man­der?”
A South Ko­rean deep pool di­rec­tion chest spe­cially is big, said: „Is this!”
I step, in her side sink­ing lower part of the body, has a look on her shoul­der, two bars, she has not alerted vis­its me, on the face is hav­ing the spunk, a two stars pupil passes is killing in­tent, when I take down in her mouth the cot­ton fab­ric, she to my face on is being one!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah satu jam, di 7 kapal perang sama sekali 1.400 + roh bulan gelap hampir sepenuhnya telah menjadi tawanan dari pengawal istana, panah busur di tangan mereka telah dilucuti benar, sangat menahan di tenda yang di pantai kami menetapkan, ikatan tali, ini saya juga benar-benar ahli, tidak merasa baik-baik saja dengan kolam renang dalam hubungan Korea Selatan bersama-sama.
dalam rangka untuk menjaga roh-roh bulan gelap dikirim 2 W pengawal istana untuk ditempatkan di garis pantai terutama, batalyon terus menerus beberapa li (0.5km), lampu menerangi hutan pantai seperti siang hari, saya memimpin Han Yuan, Xiao Li di batalion berpatroli, karena akhirnya telah dikalahkan gelap semangat bulan satu kali, diperoleh 210 nilai berjasa dan 25% tingkat ini empiris . nilai imbalan, itu panen tidak miskin
Apakah menarik dewa sengit kuda baik-baik saja, waktu tanda saya di pasir pantai, bertanya: "jenis apa, apakah para perwira militer dalam kerumunan ini roh bulan gelap terlihat?"
Korea Selatan dalam kolam mengangguk: "Tampak, tapi semangat bulan gelap tidak bentuk usaha pangkat militer tegas, tetapi dalam setiap 100 orang memiliki pemimpin peleton, di setiap 1000 orang memiliki komandan skuadron, maka di setiap 10.000 orang memiliki kepala"
saya dalam ketakutan: "lalu 100.000 orang dari komandan lima super bar pemimpin tim, mengatakan kepada saya dengan cepat adalah ?! "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan juga tertegun:" General, 100.000 orang mereka perintah gelap queen semangat bulan Feiouna "
Wajahku gembira:" Untungnya, tidak memiliki darah anjing "
Korea Selatan dalam kolam:" "
Xiao Lidao:" Sir, dalam kerumunan ini roh bulan gelap sama sekali telah 14 pemimpin peleton dan 1 komandan skuadron, telah mengirimkan bawah tahanan di akun kamar tidur Sir, apa pun Sir menghukum !, hey "
saya meninjau menatap dia:" Apa artinya Anda ini hey adalah, aku orang itu? Orang yang aku punya pacar, jangan bilang gelap bertubuh semangat bulan untuk merebut manusia, pacar saya Cang Tong bertubuh menyetujui sebenarnya "
Xiao Li:" Ketika membawa kami memiliki melihat, dinyatakan tidak percaya "!
" Apakah yang indah ! Anda "aku tersenyum, ini NPC AI terlalu mengherankan, kemudian berkata sambil tersenyum:" Walks, Anda beberapa lulus dengan saya bersama-sama, meneliti pemimpin pleton dan skuadron komandan tersebut, memiliki melihat semangat bulan gelap benar-benar ingin, di Tian Ling Empire, terlihat di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama dan di kota besi tengkorak melakukan apa-apa. "
" Ya! "
Shuai Zhangnei, 15 gelap semangat bulan gadis-gadis muda diikat di sana, mulut adalah mengisi rusak serat kapas, di wajah telah penuh kemarahan, tapi satu melewati tak lama benar-benar adalah luar biasa indah, putih salju kulit, yang waspwaist longleg dan puncak kembar yang tinggi dan lurus, dan pipi jelas, tapi, kelompok ini semangat bulan gelap . gadis-gadis muda, setelah memperoleh sifat, mungkin kuartal berikutnya akan perintah, Yorozuo lama untuk menembak landak beberapa dari kami
aku berjalan untuk maju, bertanya: "yang merupakan komandan skuadron?"
sebuah kolam yang dalam arah dada Korea Selatan khusus yaitu besar, mengatakan: "Apakah ini!"
aku melangkah, di sisinya tenggelam bagian bawah tubuh, memiliki tampilan di bahunya, dua bar, dia tidak waspada kunjungan saya, pada wajah adalah memiliki keberanian itu, dua bintang murid melewati membunuh niat, ketika saya mengambil di mulutnya kain katun, dia ke wajah saya di adalah menjadi salah satu!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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