“Nurse!” Corbin yells. He walks into the kitchen, and Miles is followi terjemahan - “Nurse!” Corbin yells. He walks into the kitchen, and Miles is followi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Nurse!” Corbin yells. He walks int

“Nurse!” Corbin yells. He walks into the kitchen, and Miles is following behind him. Corbin steps aside and points toward Miles. His hand is covered in blood. It’s dripping. Miles is looking at me like I’m supposed to know what to do. This isn’t an ER. This is my mom’s kitchen.
“A little help here?” Miles says, gripping his wrist tightly. His blood is dripping all over the floor.
“Mom!” I yell. “Where’s your first-aid kit?” I’m opening cabinets, trying to find it.
“Downstairs bathroom! Under the sink!” she yells.
I point toward the bathroom, and Miles follows me. I open the cabinet and pull out the kit. Closing the lid on the toilet, I direct Miles to take a seat, then I sit on the edge of the tub and pull his hand to me. “What’d you do?” I begin to clean it and inspect the cut. It’s deep, right across the center of his palm.
“Grabbed the ladder. It was falling.”
I shake my head. “You should have just let it fall.”
“I couldn’t,” he says. “Corbin was on it.”
I look up at him, and he’s watching me with those contrastingly intense blue eyes of his. I look back down at his hand. “You need stitches.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” I say. “I can drive you to the ER.”
“Can’t you just stitch it up here?”
I shake my head. “I don’t have the right supplies. I need sutures. It’s pretty deep.”
He uses his other hand to rifle through the first-aid kit. He pulls out a spool of thread and hands it to me. “Do your best.”
“It’s not like I’m sewing on a damn button, Miles.”
“I’m not spending the whole day in an emergency room for a cut. Just do what you can. I’ll be fine.”
I don’t want him to spend the day in an emergency room, either. That means he wouldn’t be here. “If your hand gets infected and you die, I’m denying any part in this.”
“If my hand gets infected and I die, I’d be too dead to blame you.”
“Good point,” I say. I clean his wound again, then take the supplies I’ll need and lay them out on the counter. I can’t get a good angle with how we’re positioned, so I stand up and prop my leg on the edge of the tub. I put his hand on my leg.
I put his hand on my leg.
Oh, hell.
This isn’t gonna work with his arm draped across my leg like this. If I want my hands to remain calm and not shake, I’m going to need to reposition us.
“This won’t work,” I say, turning to face him. I take his hand and rest it on the counter, then stand directly in front of him. The other way worked better, but I can’t have him touching my leg while I do this.
“It’s gonna hurt,” I warn.
He laughs as though he knows pain and to him, this isn’t pain.
I pierce his skin with the needle, and he doesn’t even flinch.
He doesn’t make a sound.
He watches me work quietly. Every now and then, he looks up from my hand and watches my face. We don’t speak, like always.
I try to ignore him. I try to focus on his hand and his wound and how it desperately needs to be closed, but our faces are so close, and I can feel his breath on my cheek every time he exhales. And he begins to exhale a lot.
“You’ll have a scar,” I say in a quiet whisper.
I wonder where the rest of my voice went.
I push the needle in for the fourth time. I know it hurts, but he doesn’t let it show. Every time it pierces his skin, I have to stop myself from wincing for him.
I should be focusing on his injury, but the only thing I can sense is the fact that our knees are touching. The hand of his that I’m not stitching is resting on top of his knee. One of the tips of his fingers is touching my knee.
I have no idea how so much can be going on right now, but all I can focus on is the tip of that finger. It feels as hot against my jeans as a branding iron. Here he is with a serious gash, blood soaking into the towel beneath his hand, my needle piercing his skin, and all I can focus on is that tiny little contact between my knee and his finger.
It makes me wonder what that touch would feel like if there wasn’t a layer of material between us.
Our eyes lock for two seconds, and then I quickly look back down at his hand. He’s not looking at his hand at all now. He stares at me, and I do my best to ignore the way he’s breathing. I can’t tell if his breathing has sped up because of how close I’m standing to him or because I’m hurting him.
Two of the tips of his fingers are touching my knee.
I inhale again and try to focus on finishing his stitches.
I can’t.
This is deliberate. This touch isn’t an accidental graze. He’s touching me because he wants to be touching me. His fingers trail around my knee, and his hand slips to the back of my leg. He lays his forehead against my shoulder with a sigh, and he squeezes my leg with his hand.
I have no idea how I’m still standing.
“Tate,” he whispers. He says my name painfully, so I pause what I’m doing and wait for him to tell me it hurts. I wait for him to ask me to give him a minute. That’s why he’s touching me, isn’t it? Because I’m hurting him?
He doesn’t speak again, so I finish the last stitch and knot the thread.
“It’s over,” I say, replacing the items on the counter.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Nurse!” Corbin yells. He walks into the kitchen, and Miles is following behind him. Corbin steps aside and points toward Miles. His hand is covered in blood. It’s dripping. Miles is looking at me like I’m supposed to know what to do. This isn’t an ER. This is my mom’s kitchen.“A little help here?” Miles says, gripping his wrist tightly. His blood is dripping all over the floor.“Mom!” I yell. “Where’s your first-aid kit?” I’m opening cabinets, trying to find it.“Downstairs bathroom! Under the sink!” she yells.I point toward the bathroom, and Miles follows me. I open the cabinet and pull out the kit. Closing the lid on the toilet, I direct Miles to take a seat, then I sit on the edge of the tub and pull his hand to me. “What’d you do?” I begin to clean it and inspect the cut. It’s deep, right across the center of his palm.“Grabbed the ladder. It was falling.”I shake my head. “You should have just let it fall.”“I couldn’t,” he says. “Corbin was on it.”I look up at him, and he’s watching me with those contrastingly intense blue eyes of his. I look back down at his hand. “You need stitches.”“You sure?”“Yeah,” I say. “I can drive you to the ER.”“Can’t you just stitch it up here?”I shake my head. “I don’t have the right supplies. I need sutures. It’s pretty deep.”He uses his other hand to rifle through the first-aid kit. He pulls out a spool of thread and hands it to me. “Do your best.”“It’s not like I’m sewing on a damn button, Miles.”“I’m not spending the whole day in an emergency room for a cut. Just do what you can. I’ll be fine.”I don’t want him to spend the day in an emergency room, either. That means he wouldn’t be here. “If your hand gets infected and you die, I’m denying any part in this.”“If my hand gets infected and I die, I’d be too dead to blame you.”“Good point,” I say. I clean his wound again, then take the supplies I’ll need and lay them out on the counter. I can’t get a good angle with how we’re positioned, so I stand up and prop my leg on the edge of the tub. I put his hand on my leg.I put his hand on my leg.Oh, hell.This isn’t gonna work with his arm draped across my leg like this. If I want my hands to remain calm and not shake, I’m going to need to reposition us.“This won’t work,” I say, turning to face him. I take his hand and rest it on the counter, then stand directly in front of him. The other way worked better, but I can’t have him touching my leg while I do this.“It’s gonna hurt,” I warn.He laughs as though he knows pain and to him, this isn’t pain.I pierce his skin with the needle, and he doesn’t even flinch.He doesn’t make a sound.He watches me work quietly. Every now and then, he looks up from my hand and watches my face. We don’t speak, like always.I try to ignore him. I try to focus on his hand and his wound and how it desperately needs to be closed, but our faces are so close, and I can feel his breath on my cheek every time he exhales. And he begins to exhale a lot.“You’ll have a scar,” I say in a quiet whisper.I wonder where the rest of my voice went.I push the needle in for the fourth time. I know it hurts, but he doesn’t let it show. Every time it pierces his skin, I have to stop myself from wincing for him.I should be focusing on his injury, but the only thing I can sense is the fact that our knees are touching. The hand of his that I’m not stitching is resting on top of his knee. One of the tips of his fingers is touching my knee.I have no idea how so much can be going on right now, but all I can focus on is the tip of that finger. It feels as hot against my jeans as a branding iron. Here he is with a serious gash, blood soaking into the towel beneath his hand, my needle piercing his skin, and all I can focus on is that tiny little contact between my knee and his finger.It makes me wonder what that touch would feel like if there wasn’t a layer of material between us.Our eyes lock for two seconds, and then I quickly look back down at his hand. He’s not looking at his hand at all now. He stares at me, and I do my best to ignore the way he’s breathing. I can’t tell if his breathing has sped up because of how close I’m standing to him or because I’m hurting him.Two of the tips of his fingers are touching my knee.Three.I inhale again and try to focus on finishing his stitches.I can’t.This is deliberate. This touch isn’t an accidental graze. He’s touching me because he wants to be touching me. His fingers trail around my knee, and his hand slips to the back of my leg. He lays his forehead against my shoulder with a sigh, and he squeezes my leg with his hand.I have no idea how I’m still standing.“Tate,” he whispers. He says my name painfully, so I pause what I’m doing and wait for him to tell me it hurts. I wait for him to ask me to give him a minute. That’s why he’s touching me, isn’t it? Because I’m hurting him?He doesn’t speak again, so I finish the last stitch and knot the thread.“It’s over,” I say, replacing the items on the counter.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Perawat!" Corbin berteriak. Dia berjalan ke dapur, dan Miles mengikuti di belakangnya. Corbin menepi dan mengarah ke Miles. Tangannya berlumuran darah. Ini menetes. Miles menatapku seperti aku seharusnya tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Ini bukan ER. Ini adalah dapur ibu saya.
"Sebuah bantuan di sini?" Kata Miles, mencengkeram pergelangan tangannya erat. Darahnya menetes seluruh lantai.
"Mom!" Aku berteriak. "Di mana pertolongan pertama Anda?" Saya membuka lemari, mencoba untuk menemukannya.
"Di lantai bawah kamar mandi! Di bawah wastafel! "Dia berteriak.
Aku menunjuk ke arah kamar mandi, dan Miles mengikutiku. Aku membuka lemari dan mengeluarkan kit. Menutup tutup di toilet, aku langsung Miles untuk duduk, maka aku duduk di tepi bak mandi dan menarik tangannya untuk saya. "Apa yang kau lakukan?" Saya mulai membersihkan dan memeriksa luka. Ini dalam, tepat di seberang pusat telapak tangannya.
"Meraih tangga. Itu jatuh. "
Aku menggeleng. "Anda harus memiliki hanya membiarkannya jatuh."
"Aku tidak bisa," katanya. "Corbin di atasnya."
Aku melihat ke arahnya, dan dia mengawasiku dengan mata biru contrastingly intens nya. Aku melihat kembali turun di tangannya. "Anda perlu dijahit."
"Kau yakin?"
"Ya," kataku. "Aku bisa mengantarmu ke UGD."
"Kau tak bisa menjahitnya di sini?"
Aku menggeleng. "Saya tidak memiliki persediaan yang tepat. Saya perlu jahitan. Ini cukup mendalam. "
Dia menggunakan tangan yang lain untuk senapan melalui kit pertolongan pertama. Dia mengeluarkan segulung benang dan tangan ke saya. "Lakukan yang terbaik."
"Ini tidak seperti aku menjahit pada tombol sialan, Miles."
"Aku tidak menghabiskan sepanjang hari di ruang gawat darurat untuk memotong. Hanya melakukan apa yang Anda bisa. Aku akan baik-baik saja. "
Saya tidak ingin dia menghabiskan hari di ruang gawat darurat, baik. Itu berarti dia tidak akan berada di sini. "Jika tangan Anda terinfeksi dan mati, aku menyangkal bagian dalam ini."
"Jika tangan saya terinfeksi dan aku mati, aku akan terlalu mati untuk menyalahkan Anda."
"Bagus," kataku. Aku membersihkan lukanya lagi, kemudian mengambil persediaan aku akan membutuhkan dan berbaring mereka di meja. Saya tidak bisa mendapatkan angle yang baik dengan bagaimana kita diposisikan, jadi aku berdiri dan menopang kaki saya di tepi bak mandi. Aku meletakkan tangannya di kaki saya.
Saya meletakkan tangannya di kaki saya.
Oh, neraka.
Ini tidak akan bekerja dengan lengannya disampirkan di kaki saya seperti ini. Jika saya ingin tangan saya untuk tetap tenang dan tidak goyang, aku akan perlu untuk memposisikan kami.
"Ini tidak akan bekerja," kataku, berbalik untuk menghadapinya. Aku mengambil tangannya dan beristirahat di atas meja, kemudian berdiri langsung di depannya. Cara lain bekerja lebih baik, tapi aku tidak bisa memiliki dia menyentuh kaki saya sementara saya melakukan ini.
"Ini akan menyakiti," aku memperingatkan.
Dia tertawa seolah-olah dia tahu rasa sakit dan dia, ini bukan rasa sakit.
Saya menembus nya kulit dengan jarum, dan ia bahkan tidak gentar.
dia tidak membuat suara.
ia menonton saya bekerja dengan tenang. Sesekali, ia mendongak dari tanganku dan jam tangan wajahku. Kami tidak berbicara, seperti biasa.
Aku mencoba untuk mengabaikannya. Saya mencoba untuk fokus pada tangannya dan lukanya dan bagaimana sangat perlu ditutup, tapi wajah kami begitu dekat, dan aku bisa merasakan napasnya di pipi saya setiap kali dia mengembuskan napas. Dan ia mulai menghembuskan banyak.
"Anda akan memiliki bekas luka," kataku dalam bisikan tenang.
Aku ingin tahu di mana sisa suara saya pergi.
Saya mendorong jarum di untuk keempat kalinya. Aku tahu ini menyakitkan, tapi dia tidak membiarkan hal itu menunjukkan. Setiap kali itu menembus kulitnya, aku harus menahan diri dari meringis untuknya.
Saya harus fokus pada cederanya, tapi satu-satunya hal yang saya bisa merasakan adalah kenyataan bahwa lutut kami bersentuhan. Tangan-Nya bahwa aku tidak jahitan sedang beristirahat di atas lututnya. Salah satu ujung jemarinya menyentuh lutut saya.
Saya tidak tahu bagaimana begitu banyak yang dapat terjadi sekarang, tapi semua saya bisa fokus pada adalah ujung jari itu. Rasanya panas terhadap celana jeans saya sebagai cap besi. Ini dia dengan luka serius, darah membasahi handuk di bawah tangannya, jarum saya menusuk kulitnya, dan semua saya bisa fokus pada adalah bahwa kontak kecil kecil antara lutut saya dan jarinya.
Itu membuat saya bertanya-tanya apa yang menyentuh akan merasa seperti jika tidak ada lapisan bahan antara kami.
mata kami selama dua detik, dan kemudian aku cepat melihat kembali turun di tangannya. Dia tidak melihat tangannya sama sekali sekarang. Dia menatapku, dan aku melakukan yang terbaik untuk mengabaikan cara dia bernapas. Saya tidak bisa mengatakan jika napasnya telah mempercepat karena seberapa dekat aku berdiri untuk dia atau karena aku menyakitinya.
Dua dari ujung jari-jarinya menyentuh lutut saya.
Aku menarik napas lagi dan mencoba untuk fokus untuk menyelesaikan jahitan nya.
aku tidak bisa.
ini disengaja. Sentuhan ini bukan merumput disengaja. Dia menyentuh saya karena dia ingin menyentuh saya. Jari-jarinya jejak di sekitar lutut saya, dan tangannya slip ke belakang kaki saya. Dia meletakkan dahinya di bahu saya sambil mendesah, dan dia meremas kaki saya dengan tangannya.
Aku tidak tahu bagaimana aku masih berdiri.
"Tate," bisiknya. Dia mengatakan nama saya menyakitkan, jadi saya berhenti apa yang saya lakukan dan menunggu dia untuk memberitahu saya sakit. Aku menunggu dia untuk meminta saya untuk memberinya satu menit. Itu sebabnya dia menyentuh saya, bukan? Karena aku menyakitinya?
Dia tidak berbicara lagi, jadi aku menyelesaikan jahitan terakhir dan simpul benang.
"Ini lebih," kataku, mengganti barang-barang di meja.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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