Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
In electrical terms,a difference in potential energy is defined as voltage.In general,the amount of energy required to separate charges depends on the voltage developed and the amount of charge moved. By definition,the voltage between two points is one volt if it requires one joule of energy to move one coulomb of charge from one point to the other6 Measuring Voltage and Current Voltageandcurrentaremeasuredinpracticeusinginstrumentscalledvoltmetersandammeters.Whilevoltmetersandammetersareavailableas individualinstruments,theyaremorecommonlycombinedintoamultipurposeinstrumentcalledamultimeterorVOM(volt-ohm-milliammeter). Figure 2–20 shows both digital and analog multimeters. Analog instruments
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