Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
S - kesedihan tercermin dalam mataN-sarada Anda Sharingan AndaS-i bertaruh bahkan lebih jadi jika Anda memiliki sharinganN-sasuke tidak memakai kacamata tetapi Anda mengunci seperti dia Terutama di sekitar mata Aku benar-benar tidak ingin terlihat seperti dia pada waktu seperti ini Jadi apa yang Anda ingin lakukanS - ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan Anda ketujuh! Aku akan melanjutkan perjalanan saya sendirian. Saya tidak berpikir saya akan retuning untuk konoha gakure atau desa Kalau begitu terima untuk semuanya! Apa?N - Maaf tapi saya hanya mendengar tentang ini beberapa saat yang lalu Tetapi untuk mengatakan bahwa hal itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan saya Aku tidak bisa membiarkannya pergi seperti ituS - Anda mendengar sehingga Anda memahami Kebenaran adalah thatit tidak ada hubungannya dengan AndaN - itu adalah seperti saya selalu mengatakan boruto S - untuk seorang hokage seluruh desa ini memiliki keluargaGenerasi N-prevous, seperti ketiga sering sedih jadiS - jadi apa? Itulah hanya lip service Papa pernah di desa... ia bahkan tidak mengenali wajah daughther sendiriN-mama berbohong kepada saya semua waktu iniS - dan apa lain... Kami bahkan tidak... Darah releted... Aku hanya Datang untuk memahami reaaaaaaaally baik itu, tidak memiliki keluarga nyata dan juga... Anda tidak saya ketujuh... kebenaran adalah obvios, bukan?N - dan saya menabung Tidak presome apa yang ada dalam hatikuS - Anda... Anda tidak keluarga sayaN-squeece Untuk Anda, untuk sambungan ke ayah dan ibu Anda... Tidak banyak seperti itu?S- !?N-koneksi tidak hanya dibangun oleh waktu dan darah mereka There are stronger thing's than thoseS- fine What is it you want to say then N- thoughrs/feelings That's all you need Just ance more... try and confirm that for your self"""""S- hey... where's my dad?Ss- he's off on an important mission once that's finished, he'll be backS- hey mom When's dad coming back?Ss- it's a really difficult mission so it's gonna take a while S- doesn't he care about you thought?Ss- huh...? ....of course he does!S- well then why doesn't he come back to us?Ss- sarada You and i are very important to papa. That's exactly why he can't come home You might not understand it right now but you'll defenitely understand it some dayS- too tight mama SorrySs- just... you were So cute i coundn't help mt selfS- did you ever kiss dad Ss- huh Emmm Heh Heh HehS- what What wrong? Ss- It's just i remembered something better than thatS- mama's dirty?Ss- nono! Not that!S- hey... Then what's better than a kissSs- i'll tell you next time S- you'll understand when you meet your papa""""S- mom... I guess i do... Want to help momN- i seeS- but... how can i ever... return to how things used to be?N- real thing's fake thing's those don't matter at all if you feel like you want to help S- yeah Su- where have you guys been Got lost, didn't they? It's kinda complicated in hereN- i'm gonna Have words with you ofter this Su- what about?N- later First we have to go help sakura-chanO- she might've al ready been killed, thought.Su- my wife isn't a week women When we get ther we might find she's tiedied up the place ...we know where it is i'm taking everyone with me Finally my eye powers have come back N- you... your eye powers weakened Be realonableSu- i seacrhed for the place in. Kaguya's dimension it's in there Takes a lot of chakra O-... no... you have no right to gromble at me What was that fight back there?O- don't up set the kids like thatN- no way i don't wanna be told that by you No about up setting the kids C- sarada What exctly is your dad?S- he might not be the best guy ...but he's definitely impressive M- to stamp out the genes of idiot peacelovers like you lot To exterminate these genes that get in my way... And you're one of them Ss- pppt.. Who are you to go plutting thing's wonthing to know about my hushand I was just biding my time listening to you understand? To rish the fist of growling wife
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