Scientific nameAxonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.SynonymsAxonopus aff terjemahan - Scientific nameAxonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.SynonymsAxonopus aff Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Scientific nameAxonopus fissifolius

Scientific name
Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.

Axonopus affinis Chase
Paspalum fissifolium Raddi

Family: Poaceae (alt. Gramineae) subfamily: Panicoideae tribe: Paniceae.

Common names
caratao grass, carpet grass, common carpet grass, Louisiana grass (USA); mat grass, narrow-leaved (narrowleaf) carpet grass, durrington grass (Australia); teppichrasengras (German); grama-missioneira (Brazil); zacate amargo (Mexico).

Morphological description
Shallow-rooted (>90 % of roots in the 0-5 cm layer) perennial, initially forming shortly rhizomatous tufts that quickly develop vigorous stolons with relatively short, glabrous oval-section (± 2 x 1.5 mm) internodes; forms a dense mat with foliage 15-30 cm tall, and flowering culms mostly 30-60 cm; can be mowed to a turf. Leaf sheath compressed, keeled, largely glabrous; ligule a fringed membrane 0.5 mm long; blades 4-6 (-8) mm wide, and 5-15 (-28) cm long, flat or folded, glabrous except for sparse spreading hairs on the lower margins of young leaves, bluntly acute at the tip. Inflorescence a panicle comprising 2 or 3 (rarely 4-7) slender, spikelike racemes, paired or sub-digitately arranged on a long slender peduncle; racemes (2-) 3-7 (-10) cm long; spikelets, 1.7-2.8 mm long, 1 mm broad, inserted alternately either side of a flattened rachis; caryopsis tan to pale brown, compressed-ellipsoid to lenticular , 1.4-1.8 mm long. 2.5-3 million seeds per kg.
Differs from A. compressus in having more slender culms and stolons, narrower leaves and shorter, more obtuse spikelets.

Native to:
North America: South and central USA, Mexico.
Central America and Caribbean: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama.
South America : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Occurs on low, flat areas in humid and sub-humid warm temperate to tropical woodland and savannah .

Naturalised in:
Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Used as a permanent pasture, ground cover and turf in moist, low fertility soils. It is generally too low growing to be useful in cut-and-carry systems or for fodder conservation .

Soil requirements
Adapted to well to moderately drained sandy or sandy-loam soils, but also to light clays and peats, flourishing in soils too infertile for Paspalum dilatatum . Best in acid soils with pH (4.3-) 5-6 (-7), becoming chlorotic above pH 7. Low tolerance of salinity (3,000 m asl, and from near the equator to about 35° latitude, representing a significant range in average annual temperatures from (13-) 17-27°C. Top growth is greatest between 27 and 32°C, and with a day length of 15 hours. Temperatures below 13°C inhibit flowering. Although found in the tropics, it appears to be best adapted to the subtropics. It is found further south than A. compressus in Australia. Tops are burnt off by heavy frost, but plants recover with the onset of warmer, moist conditions.

Moderately shade tolerant but less so than A. compressus .

Reproductive development
A. fissifolius flowers over a wide range of daylengths, flowering throughout the growing season in most environments, with a peak between 12 and 14 hours.

It thrives under heavy grazing, giving reduced yields under infrequent or high cutting. Frequent grazing also helps to maintain it in a vegetative state.


Although mostly growing in areas where fire is not a problem, it recovers quickly from fire.

Guidelines for the establishment and management of sown pastures.

A. fissifolius can be established vegetatively from runners/sprigs, or from seed. Seedlings develop fairly slowly, so seed is best broadcast onto, or shallowly sown into, a well-prepared seedbed to give the best chance of establishment. Subsequent rolling helps maintain soil moisture and ensures close contact between soil and seed. Choice of sowing rate depends on quality of seedbed and the rate of ground cover required. With a good seedbed where rate of cover is not an issue, 2-3 kg/ha of seed is adequate, while with a less well prepared seedbed or where rapid cover is important, 6-12 kg/ha may be necessary.

Low rates of nitrogen can help to extend the otherwise fairly short growing season, and to maintain the sward in a vegetative state. It does not appear to be very responsive to phosphorus, growing well in low P soils. A. fissifolius is less responsive to applied nitrogen than is Paspalum dilatatum with which it is often found growing. Mixed swards of the two species become P. dilatatum dominant with continued applications of nitrogen.

Compatibility (with other species)
As soil nitrogen levels decline and under regular defoliation , A. fissifolius can successfully invade pastures based on more fertility demanding species such as Paspalum dilatatum , Cynodon dactylon , and Setaria sphacelata . It is not very competitive, and can be grown with stoloniferous or rhizomatous legumes.

Companion species

Grasses: Paspalum dilatatum .
Legumes: Aeschynomene falcata , A. villosa , Arachis glabrata , A. pintoi , Lotus uliginosus , Trifolium repens, T. semipilosum , Vigna parkeri .

Pests and diseases
It is not subject to any major diseases or insect pests, although it is attacked by grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), usually during rainy weather, and is affected by Axonopus chlorotic streak, a leaf hopper transmitted virus in New Guinea. Nematodes including Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus pratensis and Radopholus similis can cause serious injury in stands on well-drained soils.

Ability to spread
A. fissifolius produces abundant light seed that is readily spread by water movement and vehicles, and through the dung of grazing animals. Under favourable conditions, it spreads rapidly by stolons.

Weed potential
It is usually insufficiently aggressive to be considered a serious weed in fertile soils. However, it has become a weed in some areas by virtue of its ability to colonise low fertility soils.

Feeding value
Nutritive value

Nutritive value is generally much poorer than that of Paspalum dilatatum . When mature, it provides only poor-quality roughage. Crude protein, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre levels in 6 and 20 week old material have been measured at (10.3, 67.4, and 41.2) and (6.3, 69.6 and 43.4)% respectively.

It is fairly palatable while leafy, but palatability declines with the onset of flowering. Horses eat the masses of seed-heads avoided by cattle.

No record of toxicity.

Production potential
Dry matter
DM yields are mostly in the range of 1-5 t/ha/yr, even in fertilised grass .

Animal production

Animal live-weight gains are low compared with other grasses, with live-weight losses occurring in winter. Live-weight gains from unfertilised A. fissifolius are usually
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nama ilmiahAxonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.SinonimAxonopus affinis ChasePaspalum fissifolium RaddiKeluarga sukuKeluarga: Subfamili Poaceae (alt. Gramineae): suku Panicoideae: Paniceae.Nama umumcaratao rumput, rumput karpet, rumput karpet umum, Louisiana rumput (AS); Mat rumput, rumput karpet berdaun sempit (narrowleaf), rumput durrington (Australia); teppichrasengras (Jerman); Grama-missioneira (Brasil); zacate amargo (Meksiko).Deskripsi morfologiBerakar dangkal (> 90% dari akar di 0-5 cm lapisan) abadi, awalnya membentuk gumpalan segera rhizomatous yang cepat berkembang kuat stolons dengan relatif pendek, glabrous oval-bagian (± 2 x 1.5 mm) internodes; bentuk padat tikar dengan dedaunan 15-30 cm tinggi, dan berbunga culms sebagian besar 30-60 cm; dapat dipangkas rumput. Daun selubung terkompresi, keeled, sebagian besar glabrous; lidah daun membran fringed 0.5 mm panjang; lebar pisau 4-6-(8) mm, dan 5-15 (-28) cm panjang, datar atau dilipat, glabrous kecuali jarang menyebar rambut pada margin yang lebih rendah dari daun muda, blak-blakan akut di ujung. Perbungaan Malai terdiri dari 2 atau 3 (jarang 4-7) ramping, spikelike racemes, berpasangan atau sub digitately diatur di pedunculus lama ramping; racemes (2-) 3-7 (-10) cm panjang; spikelets, 1.7-2,8 mm panjang, 1 mm luas, dimasukkan bergantian kedua sisi rachis rata; caryopsis tan untuk cokelat pucat, dikompresi-ellipsoid untuk lenticular, 1.4-1.8 mm panjang. 2,5-3 juta benih per kg.Berbeda dari A. adanya memiliki culms yang lebih ramping dan stolons, daun yang sempit dan lebih pendek, lebih tumpul spikelets.DistribusiAsli:Amerika Utara: Selatan dan Amerika Tengah, Meksiko.Amerika Tengah dan Karibia: Belize, Kosta Rika, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Nikaragua, Panama.Amerika Selatan: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Kolombia, Ekuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela.Terjadi di daerah-daerah yang rendah, datar lembab dan lembab sub hangat yang beriklim hutan tropis dan savannah.Dinaturalisasikan pada:Afrika, Asia, Australia dan Kepulauan Pasifik.Penggunaan/aplikasiDigunakan sebagai permanen rumput, penutup tanah, dan rumput di lembab, rendah kesuburan tanah. Hal ini umumnya terlalu rendah tumbuh menjadi berguna dalam memotong-dan-membawa sistem atau pakan konservasi.EkologiTanah persyaratanDisesuaikan dengan baik untuk tanah berpasir atau lempung berpasir yang cukup dikeringkan, tetapi juga untuk cahaya tanah liat dan peats, berkembang di tanah terlalu subur untuk Paspalum dilatatum. Terbaik dalam asam tanah dengan pH (4.3-) 5-6 (-7), menjadi chlorotic di atas pH 7. Rendah toleransi salinitas (< 4 dS/m).KelembabanAtasKebanyakan ditemukan di daerah dengan curah hujan tahunan (750-) mm 1.000-2.000 (-4,000). Tidak sangat kekeringan-toleran, meskipun lebih dari adanya A., menjajahi berbukit, serta sebagai negara datar. Sementara memilih tanah lembab, itu tidak menahan banjir berkepanjangan atau kondisi yang permanen rawa.SuhuTerjadi dari permukaan laut untuk > 3.000 m dpl, dan dari dekat khatulistiwa ke sekitar 35 ° lintang, mewakili berbagai signifikan dalam suhu rata-rata tahunan dari (13-) 17-27° C. Atas pertumbuhan terbesar antara 27 dan 32 ° C, dan dengan panjang hari 15 jam. Suhu di bawah 13° C menghambat berbunga. Meskipun ditemukan di daerah tropis, tampaknya menjadi terbaik disesuaikan subtropis. Hal ini ditemukan lebih Selatan daripada A. adanya di Australia. Puncak dibakar oleh frost berat, tapi tanaman pulih dengan terjadinya kondisi yang hangat dan lembab.CahayaCukup naungan toleran tapi kurang begitu daripada A. adanya.Pengembangan reproduksiA. fissifolius bunga atas berbagai macam daylengths, berbunga sepanjang musim tanam dalam kebanyakan lingkungan, dengan puncaknya antara 12 dan 14 jam.DefoliationTanaman ini tumbuh subur di bawah berat merumput, memberikan penurunan hasil di bawah memotong jarang atau tinggi. Merumput sering juga membantu untuk menjaga dalam keadaan vegetatif.ApiAtasMeskipun kebanyakan tumbuh di daerah mana api itu tidak masalah, itu pulih cepat dari api.AgronomiPedoman untuk pengembangan dan pengelolaan ditaburkan rumput.PendirianA. fissifolius dapat dibentuk secara vegetatif pelari tangkai atau dari biji. Bibit mengembangkan cukup lambat, sehingga benih terbaik disiarkan ke, atau shallowly ditaburkan ke dalam, persemaian dipersiapkan dengan baik untuk memberikan kesempatan terbaik untuk pendirian. Berikutnya bergulir membantu menjaga kelembapan tanah dan menjamin hubungan erat di antara tanah dan biji. Pilihan menabur tingkat tergantung pada kualitas dari persemaian dan tingkat penutup tanah yang diperlukan. Dengan baik persemaian mana tingkat penutup bukanlah suatu masalah, 2-3 kg/ha benih memadai, sementara dengan persemaian disiapkan kurang baik atau mana sampul cepat penting, 6-12 kg/ha mungkin diperlukan.PupukRendah tingkat nitrogen dapat membantu untuk memperpanjang musim tanam jika tidak cukup pendek, dan mempertahankan padang rumput dalam keadaan vegetatif. Tidak muncul untuk menjadi sangat responsif terhadap fosfor, tumbuh baik di tanah P yang rendah. A. fissifolius kurang responsif terhadap Terapan nitrogen daripada Paspalum dilatatum dengan yang sangat sering ditemukan tumbuh. Campuran swards spesies menjadi P. dilatatum dominan dengan terus aplikasi nitrogen.Kompatibilitas (dengan spesies lain)Seperti tingkat nitrogen tanah menurun dan di bawah reguler defoliation, A. fissifolius berhasil dapat menyerang rumput berdasarkan kesuburan lain menuntut spesies seperti Paspalum dilatatum, Cynodon dactylon dan Setaria sphacelata. Ini bukanlah sangat kompetitif dan dapat tumbuh dengan kacang-kacangan stoloniferous atau rhizomatous.Pendamping spesiesAtasRumput: Paspalum dilatatum.Kacang-kacangan: Aeschynomene falcata, A. villosa, Arachis glabrata, A. pintoi, Lotus uliginosus, Trifolium repens, T. semipilosum, Vigna parkeri.Hama dan penyakitHal ini tidak setiap penyakit utama atau serangga hama, walaupun itu diserang oleh webworm rumput (Herpetogramma licarsisalis, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), biasanya selama cuaca hujan, dan dipengaruhi oleh Axonopus chlorotic beruntun, daun hopper ditransmisikan virus di New Guinea. Nematoda termasuk Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus pratensis dan Radopholus similis dapat menyebabkan cedera serius di terletak di tanah yang dikeringkan.Kemampuan untuk menyebarkanA. fissifolius menghasilkan berlimpah cahaya benih yang mudah tersebar oleh gerakan air dan kendaraan, dan melalui kotoran dari merumput hewan. Di bawah kondisi yang menguntungkan, itu menyebar dengan cepat oleh stolons.Gulma potensialHal ini biasanya tidak cukup agresif untuk dianggap serius gulma dalam tanah subur. Namun, hal ini telah menjadi gulma di beberapa daerah berdasarkan kemampuannya untuk menjajahi tanah kesuburan rendah.Makan nilaiNilai gizinya paling sedikitAtasNilai gizi umumnya jauh lebih buruk daripada Paspalum dilatatum. Ketika dewasa, menyediakan hanya buruknya kualitas roughage. Protein kasar, serat deterjen netral dan serat deterjen asam tingkat 6 dan 20 minggu lama bahan yang telah diukur di (10.3, 67.4 dan 41,2) dan (6.3, 69.6 dan 43,4) % masing-masing.Palatabilitas penerimaanItu cukup lezat sementara berdaun, tapi palatabilitas menurun dengan onset berbunga. Kuda makan massa benih-kepala dihindari oleh ternak.ToksisitasTidak ada catatan toksisitas.Potensi produksiBahan keringDM hasil yang sebagian besar dalam kisaran 1-5 t/ha/th, bahkan di rumput fertilised.ProduksiAtasHewan hidup-berat keuntungan rendah dibandingkan dengan rumput lain, dengan hidup-berat kerugian yang terjadi di musim dingin. Live-berat keuntungan dari unfertilised A. fissifolius yang biasanya < 100 kg/ha/th, tetapi fertilised dan dengan kacang-kacangan baik komponen dapat mendekati 700 kg/ha/th.Genetika pemuliaan2N = 20, 40, 60, 80.Produksi benihBenih komersial sebagian besar diproduksi di sub tropis lembab, sebagian besar sebagai "peluang" tanaman. Sementara kebanyakan rumput benih tanaman lain, berdiri "dihapus dari" menghasilkan tanaman sinkron, dan pupuk nitrogen yang diterapkan untuk mempromosikan tillering, ini umumnya tidak diikuti untuk benih tanaman jenis ini. Tanaman matang tidak merata dan sebagian besar dipanen non-destruktif, menyediakan sekitar 50 kg/ha biji per tiket. Benih segar harus dikeringkan di tidak lebih dari 35ºC, untuk menghindari kerusakan benih.Herbisida efekRentan terhadap DSMA, bentazon, bromoxynil, 2,2-DPA dan metsulfuron metil. Toleran terhadap metil diclofop.KekuatanTumbuh pada tanah yang buruk.Penutup tanah yang baik.Mentolerir merumput berat.KeterbatasanAtasToleransi kekeringan miskin.Nilai gizi yang sangat rendah.Rendah dry-hal hasil.Pendek musim tanam.Komentar lainnya ReferensiBarnard, spesies tanaman C. Herbage (1969). Otoritas registrasi Australia Herbage tanaman; Canberra, CSIRO Australia, Divisi tanaman industri.Bogdan, Tropical A.V. (1977) padang rumput dan tanaman pakan ternak. Halaman 44-45. (Longman Inc, New York).Campbell, dilatatum Paspalum L.R.V. (1999) dan Axonopus affinis di Australia. Dalam: Loch, DS dan Ferguson, Volume produksi Bibit hijauan J.E. (eds) 2: tropis dan subtropis spesies. (CAB International, Oxon., Inggris).Cassidy, G.J. (1971) respon rumput tikar - paspalum padang rumput untuk aplikasi pupuk. Padang rumput tropis, 5, 11-22.Evans, D.O., sukacita, R.J. dan Chia, tanaman penutup C.L. (1988) untuk kebun di Hawaii. Hawaii Institute tropis pertanian dan sumber daya manusia, University of Hawaii di Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, Amerika Serikat. Halaman 14.Jones, R.M. dan banyak pengalaman G.A. (2003) dengan peternakan padang rumput di bekas CSIRO Samford Research Station, Queensland tenggara dan bagaimana hubungannya dengan hasil dari 40 tahun penelitian. Padang rumput tropis, 37, 151-164.Lima, L.M.S., Alquini, Y., Brito, C.J.F.A. de, Deschamps, Degradação F.C. (2001) ruminal dos tecidos vegetais e composição bromatolÓgica de cultivares de Axonopus scoparius (Flüegge) Kuhlm. E Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm. Ciência pedesaan, 31, 509-515.Link internet
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Scientific name
Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.

Axonopus affinis Chase
Paspalum fissifolium Raddi

Family: Poaceae (alt. Gramineae) subfamily: Panicoideae tribe: Paniceae.

Common names
caratao grass, carpet grass, common carpet grass, Louisiana grass (USA); mat grass, narrow-leaved (narrowleaf) carpet grass, durrington grass (Australia); teppichrasengras (German); grama-missioneira (Brazil); zacate amargo (Mexico).

Morphological description
Shallow-rooted (>90 % of roots in the 0-5 cm layer) perennial, initially forming shortly rhizomatous tufts that quickly develop vigorous stolons with relatively short, glabrous oval-section (± 2 x 1.5 mm) internodes; forms a dense mat with foliage 15-30 cm tall, and flowering culms mostly 30-60 cm; can be mowed to a turf. Leaf sheath compressed, keeled, largely glabrous; ligule a fringed membrane 0.5 mm long; blades 4-6 (-8) mm wide, and 5-15 (-28) cm long, flat or folded, glabrous except for sparse spreading hairs on the lower margins of young leaves, bluntly acute at the tip. Inflorescence a panicle comprising 2 or 3 (rarely 4-7) slender, spikelike racemes, paired or sub-digitately arranged on a long slender peduncle; racemes (2-) 3-7 (-10) cm long; spikelets, 1.7-2.8 mm long, 1 mm broad, inserted alternately either side of a flattened rachis; caryopsis tan to pale brown, compressed-ellipsoid to lenticular , 1.4-1.8 mm long. 2.5-3 million seeds per kg.
Differs from A. compressus in having more slender culms and stolons, narrower leaves and shorter, more obtuse spikelets.

Native to:
North America: South and central USA, Mexico.
Central America and Caribbean: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama.
South America : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Occurs on low, flat areas in humid and sub-humid warm temperate to tropical woodland and savannah .

Naturalised in:
Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Used as a permanent pasture, ground cover and turf in moist, low fertility soils. It is generally too low growing to be useful in cut-and-carry systems or for fodder conservation .

Soil requirements
Adapted to well to moderately drained sandy or sandy-loam soils, but also to light clays and peats, flourishing in soils too infertile for Paspalum dilatatum . Best in acid soils with pH (4.3-) 5-6 (-7), becoming chlorotic above pH 7. Low tolerance of salinity (<4 dS/m).


Mostly found in areas with an annual rainfall of (750-) 1,000-2,000 (-4,000) mm. It is not very drought -tolerant, although more so than A. compressus , colonising hilly, as well as flat country. While preferring moist soils, it does not withstand prolonged flooding or permanently swampy conditions.

Occurs from sea level to >3,000 m asl, and from near the equator to about 35° latitude, representing a significant range in average annual temperatures from (13-) 17-27°C. Top growth is greatest between 27 and 32°C, and with a day length of 15 hours. Temperatures below 13°C inhibit flowering. Although found in the tropics, it appears to be best adapted to the subtropics. It is found further south than A. compressus in Australia. Tops are burnt off by heavy frost, but plants recover with the onset of warmer, moist conditions.

Moderately shade tolerant but less so than A. compressus .

Reproductive development
A. fissifolius flowers over a wide range of daylengths, flowering throughout the growing season in most environments, with a peak between 12 and 14 hours.

It thrives under heavy grazing, giving reduced yields under infrequent or high cutting. Frequent grazing also helps to maintain it in a vegetative state.


Although mostly growing in areas where fire is not a problem, it recovers quickly from fire.

Guidelines for the establishment and management of sown pastures.

A. fissifolius can be established vegetatively from runners/sprigs, or from seed. Seedlings develop fairly slowly, so seed is best broadcast onto, or shallowly sown into, a well-prepared seedbed to give the best chance of establishment. Subsequent rolling helps maintain soil moisture and ensures close contact between soil and seed. Choice of sowing rate depends on quality of seedbed and the rate of ground cover required. With a good seedbed where rate of cover is not an issue, 2-3 kg/ha of seed is adequate, while with a less well prepared seedbed or where rapid cover is important, 6-12 kg/ha may be necessary.

Low rates of nitrogen can help to extend the otherwise fairly short growing season, and to maintain the sward in a vegetative state. It does not appear to be very responsive to phosphorus, growing well in low P soils. A. fissifolius is less responsive to applied nitrogen than is Paspalum dilatatum with which it is often found growing. Mixed swards of the two species become P. dilatatum dominant with continued applications of nitrogen.

Compatibility (with other species)
As soil nitrogen levels decline and under regular defoliation , A. fissifolius can successfully invade pastures based on more fertility demanding species such as Paspalum dilatatum , Cynodon dactylon , and Setaria sphacelata . It is not very competitive, and can be grown with stoloniferous or rhizomatous legumes.

Companion species

Grasses: Paspalum dilatatum .
Legumes: Aeschynomene falcata , A. villosa , Arachis glabrata , A. pintoi , Lotus uliginosus , Trifolium repens, T. semipilosum , Vigna parkeri .

Pests and diseases
It is not subject to any major diseases or insect pests, although it is attacked by grass webworm (Herpetogramma licarsisalis, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), usually during rainy weather, and is affected by Axonopus chlorotic streak, a leaf hopper transmitted virus in New Guinea. Nematodes including Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus pratensis and Radopholus similis can cause serious injury in stands on well-drained soils.

Ability to spread
A. fissifolius produces abundant light seed that is readily spread by water movement and vehicles, and through the dung of grazing animals. Under favourable conditions, it spreads rapidly by stolons.

Weed potential
It is usually insufficiently aggressive to be considered a serious weed in fertile soils. However, it has become a weed in some areas by virtue of its ability to colonise low fertility soils.

Feeding value
Nutritive value

Nutritive value is generally much poorer than that of Paspalum dilatatum . When mature, it provides only poor-quality roughage. Crude protein, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre levels in 6 and 20 week old material have been measured at (10.3, 67.4, and 41.2) and (6.3, 69.6 and 43.4)% respectively.

It is fairly palatable while leafy, but palatability declines with the onset of flowering. Horses eat the masses of seed-heads avoided by cattle.

No record of toxicity.

Production potential
Dry matter
DM yields are mostly in the range of 1-5 t/ha/yr, even in fertilised grass .

Animal production

Animal live-weight gains are low compared with other grasses, with live-weight losses occurring in winter. Live-weight gains from unfertilised A. fissifolius are usually <100 kg/ha/yr, but fertilised and with a good legume component can approach 700 kg/ha/yr.

2n = 20, 40, 60, 80.

Seed production
Commercial seed is mostly produced in the humid sub-tropics, mostly as "opportunity" crops. While in most other grass seed crops, stands are "cleared off" to produce a synchronous crop, and nitrogen fertiliser applied to promote tillering, this is generally not followed for seed crops of this species. Crops ripen unevenly and are mostly harvested non-destructively, providing about 50 kg/ha of seed per pass. Fresh seed should be dried at no more than 35ºC, to avoid damage to the seed.

Herbicide effects
Susceptible to DSMA, bentazon, bromoxynil, 2,2-DPA and metsulfuron methyl. Tolerant of diclofop methyl.

Grows on poor soil.
Good ground cover.
Tolerates heavy grazing.

Poor drought tolerance.
Very low nutritive value.
Low dry-matter yield.
Short growing season .
Other comments

Selected references
Barnard, C. (1969) Herbage Plant Species. Australian Herbage Plant Registration Authority; Canberra, CSIRO Australia, Division of Plant Industries.
Bogdan, A.V. (1977) Tropical Pasture and Fodder Plants. pp. 44-45. (Longman Inc., New York).
Campbell, L.R.V. (1999) Paspalum dilatatum and Axonopus affinis in Australia. In: Loch, D.S. and Ferguson, J.E. (eds) Forage Seed Production Volume 2: Tropical and Subtropical Species. (CAB International, Oxon., UK).
Cassidy, G.J. (1971) Response of a mat grass - paspalum sward to fertilizer application. Tropical Grasslands, 5, 11-22.
Evans, D.O., Joy, R.J. and Chia, C.L. (1988) Cover Crops for orchards in Hawaii. Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. p. 14.
Jones, R.M. and Bunch, G.A. (2003) Experiences with farm pastures at the former CSIRO Samford Research Station, south-east Queensland, and how these relate to results from 40 years of research. Tropical Grasslands, 37, 151-164.
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