I one thump, the fa­cial color said as usual: „Does not have, after ge terjemahan - I one thump, the fa­cial color said as usual: „Does not have, after ge Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I one thump, the fa­cial color said

I one thump, the fa­cial color said as usual: „Does not have, after get­ting drunk, one­self rest.”
Where I dare to speak the truth, if said that I was hold­ing Shen Bing­shui last night a night, god knows that night has her traces, said that per­haps I must break the win­dow to be thrown from the sec­ond floors.
Also, the body has not feared the shadow to be slant­ing, I truly have not had any­thing with Shen Bing, this has not re­lated.
The Dong Cheng month asked: „Wiped the tea not to say on a few words?”
I: „Um, she can­not pass at heart this pass, if she came back at this time, that [Zhan Long] every­body will see her? Even if Li Mu, Wang Jian, small wolf and we did not mind that she dis­carded Dragon’s den this mat­ter, but [Zhan Long] will 10 W reg­is­ter other player play­ers to see her? Ok, she is the small mon­ster, al­ways has own hag­gling over, waits for her to re­turn”
Qin Wen said with a smile: „Gen­er­ally speak­ing the small mon­ster or the heart are [Zhan Long], not?”
I clap, say with a smile: „Right, is this prin­ci­ple, has this ex­is­tence, that any­thing did not need to worry, she will come back, gave back to our [Zhan Long] more per­fect wip­ing tea.”
Tang Qi shows a faint smile, said: „Wipes the tea CBN to fight the net sec­ond per­son, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple cre­ator, can say that her fight skill­ful and per­sonal abil­ity was rides to fight NO.1 of de­part­ment in the Chi­nese war zone, didn't such tal­ented per­son which trade union want? Ac­tu­ally was open about the facts you say­ing that Q Sword and hun­dred li (0.5km), if the winds and Jian Feng Han these peo­ple had to send for seek­ing for and re­lat­ing the small mon­ster, what a pity had not con­tacted, it seems like Li Xiao Yao com­par­i­son ad­van­tage of being close to some­body first month.”
The Dong Cheng month groans smiles: „Isn't this per­haps an ad­van­tage of being close to some­body? But wipes the tea the heart from the start ram­ble elder brother here, has not left, right, do we incur the ram­ble elder brother who the girl likes spe­cially?”
I only think creepy feel­ing: „Said that which words, do I only like our fam­ily Wan Er being good? More­over I and wipe the tea am most nor­mal that part­ner­ship, she called my Boss, I her, when the work room mem­ber same re­garded with the younger sis­ter, had any wrong”
Qin Wen raised in side cor­ners of the mouth: „Di­vides the leg to start from elder brother younger sis­ter”
I twitch, am grasp­ing nearby Lin Wan Er small hands: „Did Sis­ter Cang Tong, have to think that yes­ter­day evening I think can't sleep?”
A Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye vis­its me: „Um!”
Dong Cheng month: „Was in­cur­able”
At this time, noon meal left pot, two MM were busy going to the kitchen to serve food, I and a Tang Qi per­son opened one bot­tle of red wines, does not know that to cel­e­brate any­thing, ok, used tem­porar­ily as is cel­e­brates me and palace guard is ex­pelled the reg­i­ment to be sys­tem­atic by Tian Ling Em­pire!
Also good, the cen­tral gov­ern­ment pow­er­less in local, brushes the dif­fer­ent demon army in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den much, the re­ward that ob­tains is also other player wants un­able to think the fire that for ex­am­ple we yes­ter­day at­tained burns the sword and god to be the same the wris­ter and match for ten thou­sand skill book, this equip­ment and skill book in the Tian Ling Em­pire map has lit­tle met, how­ever kills BOSS in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, these are ac­tu­ally not very rare.
Eats meal, I while said: „What im­por­tant mat­ter in last night and this morn­ing played has not had?”
„Does not have ba­si­cally.” The Dong Cheng month said.
Lin Wan Er adds: „Had one 200 peo­ple to roll the ex­tin­guished group be­sides Ran Min last night.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I one thump, the fa­cial color said as usual: „Does not have, after get­ting drunk, one­self rest.”Where I dare to speak the truth, if said that I was hold­ing Shen Bing­shui last night a night, god knows that night has her traces, said that per­haps I must break the win­dow to be thrown from the sec­ond floors.Also, the body has not feared the shadow to be slant­ing, I truly have not had any­thing with Shen Bing, this has not re­lated.The Dong Cheng month asked: „Wiped the tea not to say on a few words?”I: „Um, she can­not pass at heart this pass, if she came back at this time, that [Zhan Long] every­body will see her? Even if Li Mu, Wang Jian, small wolf and we did not mind that she dis­carded Dragon’s den this mat­ter, but [Zhan Long] will 10 W reg­is­ter other player play­ers to see her? Ok, she is the small mon­ster, al­ways has own hag­gling over, waits for her to re­turn”Qin Wen said with a smile: „Gen­er­ally speak­ing the small mon­ster or the heart are [Zhan Long], not?”I clap, say with a smile: „Right, is this prin­ci­ple, has this ex­is­tence, that any­thing did not need to worry, she will come back, gave back to our [Zhan Long] more per­fect wip­ing tea.”Tang Qi shows a faint smile, said: „Wipes the tea CBN to fight the net sec­ond per­son, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple cre­ator, can say that her fight skill­ful and per­sonal abil­ity was rides to fight NO.1 of de­part­ment in the Chi­nese war zone, didn't such tal­ented per­son which trade union want? Ac­tu­ally was open about the facts you say­ing that Q Sword and hun­dred li (0.5km), if the winds and Jian Feng Han these peo­ple had to send for seek­ing for and re­lat­ing the small mon­ster, what a pity had not con­tacted, it seems like Li Xiao Yao com­par­i­son ad­van­tage of being close to some­body first month.”The Dong Cheng month groans smiles: „Isn't this per­haps an ad­van­tage of being close to some­body? But wipes the tea the heart from the start ram­ble elder brother here, has not left, right, do we incur the ram­ble elder brother who the girl likes spe­cially?”I only think creepy feel­ing: „Said that which words, do I only like our fam­ily Wan Er being good? More­over I and wipe the tea am most nor­mal that part­ner­ship, she called my Boss, I her, when the work room mem­ber same re­garded with the younger sis­ter, had any wrong”Qin Wen raised in side cor­ners of the mouth: „Di­vides the leg to start from elder brother younger sis­ter”I twitch, am grasp­ing nearby Lin Wan Er small hands: „Did Sis­ter Cang Tong, have to think that yes­ter­day evening I think can't sleep?”A Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye vis­its me: „Um!”Dong Cheng month: „Was in­cur­able”At this time, noon meal left pot, two MM were busy going to the kitchen to serve food, I and a Tang Qi per­son opened one bot­tle of red wines, does not know that to cel­e­brate any­thing, ok, used tem­porar­ily as is cel­e­brates me and palace guard is ex­pelled the reg­i­ment to be sys­tem­atic by Tian Ling Em­pire!Also good, the cen­tral gov­ern­ment pow­er­less in local, brushes the dif­fer­ent demon army in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den much, the re­ward that ob­tains is also other player wants un­able to think the fire that for ex­am­ple we yes­ter­day at­tained burns the sword and god to be the same the wris­ter and match for ten thou­sand skill book, this equip­ment and skill book in the Tian Ling Em­pire map has lit­tle met, how­ever kills BOSS in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, these are ac­tu­ally not very rare.Eats meal, I while said: „What im­por­tant mat­ter in last night and this morn­ing played has not had?”„Does not have ba­si­cally.” The Dong Cheng month said.Lin Wan Er adds: „Had one 200 peo­ple to roll the ex­tin­guished group be­sides Ran Min last night.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya salah satu Buk, mengatakan warna wajah seperti biasa: ". Tidak memiliki, setelah mabuk, diri beristirahat"
Di mana saya berani berbicara kebenaran, jika mengatakan bahwa saya memegang Shen Bingshui semalam malam, Tuhan tahu malam itu memiliki jejak nya, mengatakan bahwa mungkin saya harus memecahkan jendela untuk dilempar dari lantai kedua.
Juga, tubuh belum takut bayangan yang akan miring, saya benar-benar tidak punya apa-apa dengan Shen Bing, ini tidak terkait.
The Dong Cheng bulan bertanya: "Mengusap teh tidak mengatakan pada beberapa kata?"
I: "Um, dia tidak bisa lewat di hati ini berlalu, jika dia kembali saat ini, bahwa [Zhan panjang] semua orang akan melihatnya? Bahkan jika Li Mu, Wang Jian, serigala kecil dan kami tidak keberatan bahwa ia dibuang Dragon den hal ini, tapi [Zhan Panjang] akan 10 W daftar pemain pemain lain untuk melihatnya? Ok, dia adalah rakasa kecil, selalu memiliki sendiri tawar-menawar, menunggu dia untuk kembali "
kata Qin Wen sambil tersenyum:"? Secara umum rakasa kecil atau jantung yang [Zhan Panjang], bukan "
aku bertepuk tangan, mengatakan dengan senyum: "Benar, adalah prinsip ini, memiliki eksistensi ini, bahwa apa pun tidak perlu khawatir, dia akan kembali, memberi kembali ke kami [Zhan panjang] teh menyeka lebih sempurna."
Tang Qi menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan: "Wipes CBN teh untuk melawan orang kedua bersih, pemotongan riak pencipta, dapat mengatakan bahwa dia berjuang kemampuan terampil dan pribadi itu wahana untuk melawan NO.1 departemen di zona perang Cina, tidak orang berbakat seperti yang perdagangan serikat ingin? Sebenarnya terbuka tentang fakta-fakta Anda mengatakan bahwa Q Pedang dan seratus li (0.5km), jika angin dan Jian Feng Han orang-orang ini harus mengirim untuk mencari dan berhubungan dengan rakasa kecil, apa sayang tidak menghubungi, sepertinya . keuntungan perbandingan Li Xiao Yao menjadi dekat dengan seseorang bulan pertama "
The Dong Cheng bulan erangan tersenyum:" Bukankah ini mungkin sebuah keuntungan menjadi dekat dengan seseorang? Tapi tisu teh jantung dari awal mengoceh kakak di sini, tidak kiri, kanan, kita dikenakan kakak melantur yang gadis suka khusus "?
Saya hanya memikirkan perasaan menyeramkan:" Kata yang mana kata-kata, apakah saya hanya menyukai keluarga kami Wan Er terbaik? Selain itu saya dan menyeka teh am paling normal bahwa kemitraan, dia disebut Boss saya, saya padanya, ketika anggota ruang kerja yang sama dipandang dengan adik, punya salah "
Qin Wen dibesarkan di sudut-sudut sisi mulut:" Membagi kaki mulai dari kakak adik "
aku berkedut, saya menggenggam terdekat Lin Wan Er tangan kecil:"? Apakah Suster Cang Tong, telah berpikir bahwa kemarin malam saya pikir tidak bisa tidur "
sepasang Lin Wan Er mata indah mengunjungi saya : "Um!"
Dong Cheng bulan: "Apakah bisa disembuhkan"
pada saat ini, siang makan meninggalkan panci, dua MM sibuk akan ke dapur untuk melayani makanan, saya dan orang Tang Qi membuka satu botol anggur merah, tidak tahu bahwa untuk merayakan sesuatu, ok, digunakan sementara sebagaimana adanya merayakan saya dan penjaga istana dikeluarkan resimen menjadi sistematis oleh Tian Ling Empire!
Juga baik, pemerintah pusat tak berdaya di lokal, sikat tentara setan berbeda dalam dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den banyak , pahala yang mendapatkan juga pemain lain menginginkan dapat berpikir api itu misalnya kita kemarin mencapai luka bakar pedang dan dewa menjadi sama wrister dan cocok untuk sepuluh ribu buku keterampilan, peralatan ini dan buku keterampilan di Tian Ling Empire . peta telah sedikit bertemu, namun membunuh BOSS di wilayah setan yang berbeda, ini sebenarnya tidak sangat langka
Santapan makan, saya sementara mengatakan: "Apa hal yang penting dalam semalam dan pagi ini dimainkan tidak memiliki?"
"tidak memiliki dasarnya. "kata Dong Cheng bulan.
Lin Wan Er menambahkan:". Memiliki satu 200 orang untuk menggulung kelompok dipadamkan selain Ran Min tadi malam "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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