“He called you a whore,” he mutters, the fury in his eyes igniting to  terjemahan - “He called you a whore,” he mutters, the fury in his eyes igniting to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“He called you a whore,” he mutters

“He called you a whore,” he mutters, the fury in his eyes igniting to full-on flame. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry.
“Lots of guys call me a whore,” I say, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. It’s true and I hate it, but I’ve made my own whorish bed and on occasion, I have to lie in it.
“I won’t fucking stand for it, Fable.” Hearing him say my name sends pleasure washing through me, leaving me weak-kneed. I’ve missed him so bad and to have him here, standing in front of me, despite the crappy circumstances, fills me with so much happiness tears threaten to spring.
I blink them back, feeling infinitely stupid.
“I don’t need a knight in shining armor.” Funny that’s the second reference tonight to noble knights. And I’m lying. I do need someone to come and rescue me. I still want it to be him.
“Right. Of course you don’t. You’re stronger than the rest of us, right? Sure as hell stronger than me.” He turns away and leaves me without another word. I stare, gaping at his retreating back, wondering what the hell spurred that comment on. What did I do to deserve his anger? Isn’t he the one who ditched me?
I refuse to feel guilty. I refuse to chase after him and ask him why. Ask him if he’s okay. Ask him if he’s still talking to that horrendous bitch who fucked up his head so thoroughly.
Furious, I grab my empty tray and gather beer bottles, stacking them onto the tray until they’re rolling back and forth, clanking against one another. Jen finally enters the room, oblivious to the ruckus that just played out only minutes earlier, and I smile in relief when she approaches.
“Why is it so quiet in here?” she asks.
“A couple of them almost got into a fight.” I decided not to mention the fight was about me.
Jen rolls her eyes and starts to help me clear the tables. “Figures. Get a bunch of testosterone-laden men in close proximity and watch them beat their chests until they prove who’s the mightiest of them all.”
I don’t answer, continue to clean up and then stalk out of the room toward the bar, where I dump everything in the trash, the bottles again clanking together so loudly the sound satisfies me immensely. Irritation makes me want growl at anyone who so much as looks in my direction.
Shit. I’m dying for a smoke.
“What’s your problem?” T appears out of nowhere, startling me.
“Uh…” I don’t know what to say. Don’t want to bitch for fear of looking like I can’t handle my job. Don’t want to tell her what happened either since she might ask me why they were fighting and how I became involved.
So instead, I shrug. “Men suck.”
Well. That’s close enough to the truth.
Her expression changes to pure sympathy. “Yeah, they do. Listen. Go cool off for a few. You look ready to blow a gasket.”
“But I just took a break—”
“I’ll cover for you. You’ve got five minutes.” T smiles, pats my arm and heads for the private party room.
And I dart outside for that much needed smoke.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“He called you a whore,” he mutters, the fury in his eyes igniting to full-on flame. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry.“Lots of guys call me a whore,” I say, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. It’s true and I hate it, but I’ve made my own whorish bed and on occasion, I have to lie in it.“I won’t fucking stand for it, Fable.” Hearing him say my name sends pleasure washing through me, leaving me weak-kneed. I’ve missed him so bad and to have him here, standing in front of me, despite the crappy circumstances, fills me with so much happiness tears threaten to spring.I blink them back, feeling infinitely stupid.“I don’t need a knight in shining armor.” Funny that’s the second reference tonight to noble knights. And I’m lying. I do need someone to come and rescue me. I still want it to be him.Drew.“Right. Of course you don’t. You’re stronger than the rest of us, right? Sure as hell stronger than me.” He turns away and leaves me without another word. I stare, gaping at his retreating back, wondering what the hell spurred that comment on. What did I do to deserve his anger? Isn’t he the one who ditched me?I refuse to feel guilty. I refuse to chase after him and ask him why. Ask him if he’s okay. Ask him if he’s still talking to that horrendous bitch who fucked up his head so thoroughly.Furious, I grab my empty tray and gather beer bottles, stacking them onto the tray until they’re rolling back and forth, clanking against one another. Jen finally enters the room, oblivious to the ruckus that just played out only minutes earlier, and I smile in relief when she approaches.“Why is it so quiet in here?” she asks.“A couple of them almost got into a fight.” I decided not to mention the fight was about me.Jen rolls her eyes and starts to help me clear the tables. “Figures. Get a bunch of testosterone-laden men in close proximity and watch them beat their chests until they prove who’s the mightiest of them all.”I don’t answer, continue to clean up and then stalk out of the room toward the bar, where I dump everything in the trash, the bottles again clanking together so loudly the sound satisfies me immensely. Irritation makes me want growl at anyone who so much as looks in my direction.Shit. I’m dying for a smoke.“What’s your problem?” T appears out of nowhere, startling me.“Uh…” I don’t know what to say. Don’t want to bitch for fear of looking like I can’t handle my job. Don’t want to tell her what happened either since she might ask me why they were fighting and how I became involved.So instead, I shrug. “Men suck.”Well. That’s close enough to the truth.Her expression changes to pure sympathy. “Yeah, they do. Listen. Go cool off for a few. You look ready to blow a gasket.”“But I just took a break—”“I’ll cover for you. You’ve got five minutes.” T smiles, pats my arm and heads for the private party room.And I dart outside for that much needed smoke.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Dia menelepon Anda pelacur," ia bergumam, kemarahan di matanya memicu untuk penuh pada api. Saya tidak berpikir saya pernah melihat dia marah ini.
"Banyak orang menyebut saya pelacur," kataku, pipiku pemanasan dengan malu. Memang benar dan aku benci itu, tapi aku sudah membuat tempat tidur whorish saya sendiri dan pada kesempatan, saya harus berbaring di dalamnya.
"Saya tidak akan sialan berdiri untuk itu, Fable." Mendengar dia mengatakan nama saya mengirimkan kesenangan mencuci melalui saya , meninggalkan aku lembek. Aku sudah merindukannya begitu buruk dan untuk memiliki dia di sini, berdiri di depan saya, meskipun keadaan jelek, mengisi saya dengan air mata kebahagiaan begitu banyak mengancam untuk musim semi.
Aku berkedip mereka kembali, merasa jauh bodoh.
"Saya tidak perlu seorang ksatria berbaju baja. "Lucu itu referensi kedua malam ini untuk ksatria mulia. Dan aku berbaring. Aku membutuhkan seseorang untuk datang dan menyelamatkan saya. Aku masih ingin menjadi dirinya.
"Benar. Tentu saja Anda tidak. Kau lebih kuat dari kita semua, kan? Yakin sekali lebih kuat dari saya. "Dia berbalik dan meninggalkan saya tanpa kata lain. Aku menatap, menganga di nya mundur kembali, bertanya-tanya apa sih mendorong komentar yang di. Apa yang saya lakukan untuk layak kemarahannya? Bukankah dia orang yang membuang saya?
Saya menolak untuk merasa bersalah. Saya menolak untuk mengejarnya dan bertanya mengapa. Bertanya apakah dia baik-baik saja. Tanyakan padanya apakah dia masih berbicara dengan yang jalang menghebohkan yang kacau kepalanya sehingga secara menyeluruh.
Furious, saya ambil nampan kosong dan mengumpulkan botol bir, susun mereka ke baki sampai mereka bergulir bolak-balik, clanking terhadap satu sama lain. Jen akhirnya memasuki ruangan, tidak menyadari keributan yang hanya dimainkan beberapa menit sebelumnya, dan saya tersenyum lega ketika ia mendekati.
"Mengapa begitu tenang di sini?" ia bertanya.
"Beberapa dari mereka hampir terlibat perkelahian . "Saya memutuskan untuk tidak menyebutkan laga tentang saya.
Jen memutar matanya dan mulai membantu saya jelas tabel. "Angka. Dapatkan sekelompok pria testosteron-sarat di dekat dan menonton mereka memukul dada mereka sampai mereka membuktikan siapa yang terkuat dari mereka semua. "
Aku tidak menjawab, terus membersihkan dan kemudian tangkai keluar dari ruangan menuju bar, di mana Aku membuang segala sesuatu di tempat sampah, botol lagi berdenting bersama begitu keras suara memenuhi saya sangat. Iritasi membuat saya ingin menggeram siapa saja yang begitu banyak seperti terlihat dalam arah saya.
Sial. Saya ingin merokok.
"Apa masalah Anda?" T muncul entah dari mana, mengejutkan saya.
"Eh ..." Aku tidak tahu harus berkata apa. Tidak ingin menggerutu karena takut tampak seperti saya tidak bisa menangani pekerjaan saya. Tidak ingin menceritakan apa yang terjadi baik karena dia mungkin bertanya mengapa mereka berjuang dan bagaimana saya terlibat.
Jadi, aku mengangkat bahu. "Pria mengisap."
Yah. Itu cukup dekat dengan kebenaran.
Ekspresinya berubah menjadi simpati murni. "Ya, mereka lakukan. Mendengarkan. Pergi dingin selama beberapa. Anda melihat siap untuk meniup paking. "
"Tapi aku hanya mengambil break"
"Aku akan menutupi Anda. Anda punya lima menit. "Senyum T, menepuk-nepuk lengan dan kepala saya untuk ruang pesta pribadi.
Dan saya melesat luar untuk itu sangat dibutuhkan asap.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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