1. IntroductionThe period of the mid-seventies saw a new development r terjemahan - 1. IntroductionThe period of the mid-seventies saw a new development r Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. IntroductionThe period of the mi

1. Introduction
The period of the mid-seventies saw a new development reorientation with a vital policy transformation in regional development planning. The focus switched from the notion of industrialization and inter-regional inequalities to inter-sectoral imbalances. Under the influence of this new direction, the general policy of the early seventies shifted towards poverty reduction and employment, and gave a greater priority to rural development. In
conjunction with that, the new strategies were formulated as part of the regional development models with a prominent concern for integrated rural development. One such strategy of fostering rural development within the framework of regional development planning is the introduction of the Traditional Village Development Approach in the regions of Malaysia. The purpose of this paper is to examine the overall Malaysian regional development policy which have been adopted over the last thirty years, and to determine how far this approach is considerably successful, by taking PERDA (Penang Regional Development Authority) as a case, in achieving the stated objectives.
1.1 Regional Planning in Malaysia
The pursuit of national development in Malaysia was fundamentally prompted and spurred by the desire to promote and enhance the social and economic well-being of the people. The major objective of regional development is the reduction of disparities in development among regions. The policy statements have spelled this out in every one of Malaysia’s five-year development plans, since The Second Malaysia Plan (1971-1975) until to date.
To achieve the various goals of regional development, a number of strategies have been adopted in Malaysia. Basically four important strategies can be identified as; resource and new land development, in-situ rural development, industrial dispersal, and rural urbanization and creation of new growth centres (Alden & Awang, 1985). The main focus of regional development has been on the opening of new land development schemes in the poorest states. A system of growth centres and corridor development was to be used to decentralize industrial development and dispersion into the less developed states (Salih & Young, 1988). The question of why regional
development had limited success is certainly correlated with the problems of the growth pole strategy. When the empirically untested concept was translated into plans and policies, there was great lack of precision, and even the type of propulsive industries to be located at the growth pole was not known (Friedmann & Weaver, 1979). One mistake which came out of this experience was that the hinterland had to be developed in order that the growth pole succeeds, rather than the other way around. Therefore the concept that the growth centre will have
spread effects to the peripheral areas is not always right.
The establishments of new townships in all the Regional Development Authority areas are also unsuccessful. There were not enough facilities, and limited off-farm employment opportunities. There was also a mismatch between physical development, such as high-standard buildings and infrastructural facilities with the needs of the local environment. In some areas there was no balance between the number of residential units and commercial facilities provided. At this stage it also became clear that the population of the traditional villages surrounding
the Regional Development Authorities were not attracted to these new townships as expected.
Choguill (1985) analyzed the potential and limitations of the new towns in generating economic growth in the KETENGAH region. Even with the availability of basic infrastructure facilities, the study showed that the new towns have still not reached the stage of self-generating growth which was expected of them. In order to enhance the new towns, Choguill further suggested the need for an appropriate agricultural policy as well as adequate consideration of their economic base. Noorizan (1992), examined the actual problems of implementing the new land development scheme in the JENGKA region. The study concluded that the regional development projects did improve the socio-economic conditions of the settlers, including their income and standard of living.
However the study also indicated that the younger generation intends to migrate to other areas for better job opportunities rather than to continue their parents’ work. However it is not entirely true that the regional development and growth centre strategies adopted by Malaysia
did not have any significant impact especially on urbanization and regional decentralization. The Penang case is an outstanding example of a natural growth pole, through labor immigration and other inter-urban linkages with its hinterland region (Salih & Young, 1985).
Another successful impact of regional strategies is the growth of small towns resulting from developments in a hinterland region. An immediate case is the impact of the Muda Agricultural Development Authority which is concerned with irrigation and double-cropping of rice on the growth of lower-order centres, essentially central places, in the MADA region. Therefore the overall assessment of regional development strategies and their impact in Malaysia seem to be rather mixed. However, in general, it is clear that regional development strategies cannot have the expected results unless sustained by, and integrated with the overall development strategies.
2. The Traditional Village Development Approach
The approach was first implemented at the end of 1984. Under this concept, there are three main aspects that have been emphasized to increase the quality and agricultural productivity through consolidation of individual small farms and paddy fields using the modern production techniques and management; to create the village industries, small industries and other non-agriculture economic activities and to restructure and regroup the scattered village into one proper settlement and equipped with basic facilities. As a result, a new growth centre is created in the rural area.
The conceptual development approach was to be implemented to achieve two main objectives; to enhance the income and standard of living and also to restructure the rural society. PERDA has already identified 26 areas inclusive of a few villages to be modernized and develop by using this strategy. PERDA has also identified five specific programmes that have to be coordinated in each village in order to accomplish the two main objectives of the approach; i) agricultural development, ii) infrastructure development, iii) housing development and urbanization, iv) industrial development and investment, v) training and community development.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. Introduction
The period of the mid-seventies saw a new development reorientation with a vital policy transformation in regional development planning. The focus switched from the notion of industrialization and inter-regional inequalities to inter-sectoral imbalances. Under the influence of this new direction, the general policy of the early seventies shifted towards poverty reduction and employment, and gave a greater priority to rural development. In
conjunction with that, the new strategies were formulated as part of the regional development models with a prominent concern for integrated rural development. One such strategy of fostering rural development within the framework of regional development planning is the introduction of the Traditional Village Development Approach in the regions of Malaysia. The purpose of this paper is to examine the overall Malaysian regional development policy which have been adopted over the last thirty years, and to determine how far this approach is considerably successful, by taking PERDA (Penang Regional Development Authority) as a case, in achieving the stated objectives.
1.1 Regional Planning in Malaysia
The pursuit of national development in Malaysia was fundamentally prompted and spurred by the desire to promote and enhance the social and economic well-being of the people. The major objective of regional development is the reduction of disparities in development among regions. The policy statements have spelled this out in every one of Malaysia’s five-year development plans, since The Second Malaysia Plan (1971-1975) until to date.
To achieve the various goals of regional development, a number of strategies have been adopted in Malaysia. Basically four important strategies can be identified as; resource and new land development, in-situ rural development, industrial dispersal, and rural urbanization and creation of new growth centres (Alden & Awang, 1985). The main focus of regional development has been on the opening of new land development schemes in the poorest states. A system of growth centres and corridor development was to be used to decentralize industrial development and dispersion into the less developed states (Salih & Young, 1988). The question of why regional
development had limited success is certainly correlated with the problems of the growth pole strategy. When the empirically untested concept was translated into plans and policies, there was great lack of precision, and even the type of propulsive industries to be located at the growth pole was not known (Friedmann & Weaver, 1979). One mistake which came out of this experience was that the hinterland had to be developed in order that the growth pole succeeds, rather than the other way around. Therefore the concept that the growth centre will have
spread effects to the peripheral areas is not always right.
The establishments of new townships in all the Regional Development Authority areas are also unsuccessful. There were not enough facilities, and limited off-farm employment opportunities. There was also a mismatch between physical development, such as high-standard buildings and infrastructural facilities with the needs of the local environment. In some areas there was no balance between the number of residential units and commercial facilities provided. At this stage it also became clear that the population of the traditional villages surrounding
the Regional Development Authorities were not attracted to these new townships as expected.
Choguill (1985) analyzed the potential and limitations of the new towns in generating economic growth in the KETENGAH region. Even with the availability of basic infrastructure facilities, the study showed that the new towns have still not reached the stage of self-generating growth which was expected of them. In order to enhance the new towns, Choguill further suggested the need for an appropriate agricultural policy as well as adequate consideration of their economic base. Noorizan (1992), examined the actual problems of implementing the new land development scheme in the JENGKA region. The study concluded that the regional development projects did improve the socio-economic conditions of the settlers, including their income and standard of living.
However the study also indicated that the younger generation intends to migrate to other areas for better job opportunities rather than to continue their parents’ work. However it is not entirely true that the regional development and growth centre strategies adopted by Malaysia
did not have any significant impact especially on urbanization and regional decentralization. The Penang case is an outstanding example of a natural growth pole, through labor immigration and other inter-urban linkages with its hinterland region (Salih & Young, 1985).
Another successful impact of regional strategies is the growth of small towns resulting from developments in a hinterland region. An immediate case is the impact of the Muda Agricultural Development Authority which is concerned with irrigation and double-cropping of rice on the growth of lower-order centres, essentially central places, in the MADA region. Therefore the overall assessment of regional development strategies and their impact in Malaysia seem to be rather mixed. However, in general, it is clear that regional development strategies cannot have the expected results unless sustained by, and integrated with the overall development strategies.
2. The Traditional Village Development Approach
The approach was first implemented at the end of 1984. Under this concept, there are three main aspects that have been emphasized to increase the quality and agricultural productivity through consolidation of individual small farms and paddy fields using the modern production techniques and management; to create the village industries, small industries and other non-agriculture economic activities and to restructure and regroup the scattered village into one proper settlement and equipped with basic facilities. As a result, a new growth centre is created in the rural area.
The conceptual development approach was to be implemented to achieve two main objectives; to enhance the income and standard of living and also to restructure the rural society. PERDA has already identified 26 areas inclusive of a few villages to be modernized and develop by using this strategy. PERDA has also identified five specific programmes that have to be coordinated in each village in order to accomplish the two main objectives of the approach; i) agricultural development, ii) infrastructure development, iii) housing development and urbanization, iv) industrial development and investment, v) training and community development.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1 Pendahuluan
Periode pertengahan tahun tujuh puluhan melihat perkembangan reorientasi baru dengan transformasi kebijakan penting dalam perencanaan pembangunan daerah. Fokusnya beralih dari gagasan industrialisasi dan antar-regional ketidaksetaraan ketidakseimbangan antar-sektoral. Di bawah pengaruh arah baru ini, kebijakan umum awal tahun tujuh puluhan bergeser ke arah pengurangan kemiskinan dan lapangan kerja, dan memberikan prioritas yang lebih besar untuk pembangunan pedesaan. Dalam
hubungannya dengan itu, strategi baru dirumuskan sebagai bagian dari model pembangunan daerah dengan perhatian utama untuk pembangunan pedesaan terpadu. Salah satu strategi tersebut membina pembangunan pedesaan dalam rangka perencanaan pembangunan daerah adalah pengenalan Pendekatan Pembangunan Desa Tradisional di wilayah Malaysia. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menguji kebijakan pembangunan secara keseluruhan Malaysia daerah yang telah diadopsi selama tiga puluh tahun terakhir, dan untuk menentukan seberapa jauh pendekatan ini cukup berhasil, dengan mengambil PERDA (Penang Pembangunan Daerah Authority) sebagai sebuah kasus, dalam mencapai tujuan lain.
1.1 Perencanaan Regional di Malaysia
Mengejar pembangunan nasional di Malaysia pada dasarnya diminta dan didorong oleh keinginan untuk mempromosikan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan utama dari pembangunan daerah adalah pengurangan kesenjangan pembangunan antar daerah. Laporan kebijakan telah menandaskan ini dalam setiap rencana pembangunan lima tahun Malaysia, sejak Rencana Malaysia Kedua (1971-1975) hingga saat ini.
Untuk mencapai berbagai tujuan pembangunan daerah, sejumlah strategi telah diadopsi di Malaysia . Pada dasarnya empat strategi penting dapat diidentifikasi sebagai; sumber daya dan pengembangan lahan baru, in-situ pembangunan pedesaan, penyebaran industri, dan urbanisasi pedesaan dan penciptaan pusat-pusat pertumbuhan baru (Alden & Awang, 1985). Fokus utama dari pembangunan daerah telah di pembukaan skema pengembangan lahan baru di negara-negara termiskin. Sebuah sistem pusat-pusat pertumbuhan dan pengembangan koridor itu harus digunakan untuk mendesentralisasikan pengembangan industri dan dispersi ke negara-negara yang kurang berkembang (Salih & Young, 1988). Pertanyaan mengapa daerah
keberhasilan pembangunan telah membatasi tentu berkorelasi dengan masalah strategi tiang pertumbuhan. Ketika konsep secara empiris belum teruji diterjemahkan ke dalam rencana dan kebijakan, ada kekurangan besar presisi, dan bahkan jenis industri pendorong yang berlokasi di kutub pertumbuhan tidak diketahui (Friedmann & Weaver, 1979). Satu kesalahan yang keluar dari pengalaman ini adalah bahwa pedalaman harus dikembangkan agar tiang pertumbuhan berhasil, bukan sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu konsep bahwa pusat pertumbuhan akan
menyebar efek ke daerah perifer tidak selalu benar.
The pendirian kota-kota baru di semua daerah Otorita Pengembangan Daerah juga berhasil. Ada tidak cukup fasilitas, dan terbatas off-farm kesempatan kerja. Ada juga ketidaksesuaian antara pembangunan fisik, seperti bangunan tinggi standar dan fasilitas infrastruktur dengan kebutuhan lingkungan setempat. Di beberapa daerah tidak ada keseimbangan antara jumlah unit perumahan dan fasilitas komersial yang tersedia. Pada tahap ini juga menjadi jelas bahwa penduduk desa-desa tradisional sekitar
Otoritas Pembangunan Daerah tidak tertarik ini kota-kota baru seperti yang diharapkan.
Choguill (1985) menganalisis potensi dan keterbatasan kota-kota baru dalam menghasilkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan ketengah . Bahkan dengan ketersediaan sarana prasarana dasar, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kota-kota baru masih belum mencapai tahap pertumbuhan diri menghasilkan yang diharapkan dari mereka. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kota-kota baru, Choguill lanjut mengusulkan perlunya kebijakan pertanian yang tepat serta pertimbangan yang memadai basis ekonomi mereka. Noorizan (1992), meneliti masalah aktual pelaksanaan skema pengembangan lahan baru di wilayah JENGKA. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa proyek-proyek pembangunan daerah tidak meningkatkan kondisi sosial-ekonomi dari para pemukim, termasuk pendapatan dan standar hidup mereka.
Namun studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa generasi muda bermaksud untuk bermigrasi ke daerah lain untuk peluang pekerjaan yang lebih baik daripada untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan orang tua mereka. Namun hal ini tidak sepenuhnya benar bahwa pembangunan dan pusat pertumbuhan strategi regional yang diadopsi oleh Malaysia
tidak memiliki dampak yang signifikan terutama pada urbanisasi dan desentralisasi daerah. Kasus Penang adalah sebuah contoh luar biasa dari tiang pertumbuhan alami, melewati imigrasi tenaga kerja dan hubungan antar-perkotaan lainnya dengan wilayah hinterland-nya (Salih & Young, 1985).
dampak keberhasilan lain strategi regional adalah pertumbuhan kota-kota kecil yang dihasilkan dari perkembangan daerah pedalaman. Kasus langsung adalah dampak dari Otoritas Pembangunan Pertanian Muda yang berkaitan dengan irigasi dan double-tanam padi pada pertumbuhan pusat-pusat yang lebih rendah-order, tempat pusat dasarnya, di wilayah MADA. Oleh karena itu penilaian secara keseluruhan dari strategi pembangunan daerah dan dampaknya di Malaysia tampaknya agak dicampur. Namun, secara umum, jelas bahwa strategi pembangunan daerah tidak dapat memiliki hasil yang diharapkan kecuali ditopang oleh, dan terintegrasi dengan strategi pembangunan secara keseluruhan.
2. Pengembangan Desa Tradisional Pendekatan
Pendekatan ini pertama kali dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 1984 Melalui konsep ini, ada tiga aspek utama yang telah ditekankan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas pertanian melalui konsolidasi peternakan kecil individu dan sawah menggunakan teknik produksi modern dan manajemen; untuk menciptakan industri desa, industri kecil dan kegiatan ekonomi non-pertanian lainnya dan untuk merestrukturisasi dan berkumpul kembali desa yang tersebar ke dalam satu penyelesaian yang layak dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas dasar. Akibatnya, pusat pertumbuhan baru dibuat di daerah pedesaan.
Pendekatan pembangunan konseptual adalah untuk dilaksanakan untuk mencapai dua tujuan utama; untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan taraf hidup dan juga untuk merestrukturisasi masyarakat pedesaan. PERDA telah mengidentifikasi 26 bidang termasuk beberapa desa harus dimodernisasi dan berkembang dengan menggunakan strategi ini. PERDA juga telah mengidentifikasi lima program khusus yang harus dikoordinasikan di setiap desa untuk mencapai dua tujuan utama dari pendekatan; i) pembangunan pertanian, ii) pembangunan infrastruktur, iii) pembangunan perumahan dan urbanisasi, iv) pengembangan industri dan investasi, v) pelatihan dan pengembangan masyarakat.
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