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Berita online meminjam dari keduanya, tetapi karena itu adalah media di mana pengguna yang aktif pembaca, scannability adalah kunci untuk efektif online jurnalisme. Ada beberapa teknik yang meningkatkan scannability dari setiap halaman web:• Jelas, tidak mendua berita: pembaca pemindaian ke bawah daftar hasil pencarian tidak selalu akan bersedia untuk men-decode samar atau punny utama. Mereka hanya ingin tahu apa artikel tentang. Juga, penonton secara online adalah penonton internasional. Mereka tidak dapat memahami budaya-spesifik pun atau permainan kata pintar, sehingga tetap utama Anda online jelas, fungsional dan tidak ambigu. Lebih ke titik, jika Anda menggunakan kata kunci atau frase dalam judul-seperti nama subjek cerita-itu akan meningkatkan peringkat mesin pencari Anda untuk kata atau frase. Sebagai contoh, New York Times artikel cetak 'Untuk the Young, politik adalah sosial' reheadlined 'Menemukan politik berita Online, muda Pass It On' karena orang lebih cenderung untuk mencari 'mencari berita politik online'.• Intro-sebagai-ringkasan: suara menjadi lonceng kematian drop tertunda. Setelah pertama Anda par meringkas apa cerita adalah tentang berguna untuk banyak alasan: kemungkinan akan ditampilkan bersama dengan link ke cerita dalam hasil pencarian; menggunakan pembaca layar pembaca akan tahu dengan cepat jika cerita relevan dengan mereka; dan pembaca yang menggunakan RSS pembaca akan dapat melihat sekilas Apakah cerita ini layak dibaca. Juga, pencari mementingkan lebih paragraf pertama halaman web, sehingga termasuk kata kunci tidak akan meningkatkan peringkat mesin pencari Anda.• Subpos: melanggar pasal setiap beberapa paragraf dengan subpos yang menunjukkan konten datang pembaca memberikan banyak titik masuk ke dalam teks. Sekali lagi, membuat mereka sejelas mungkin.• Bullet atau nomor daftar: Lihat bagaimana daftar peluru ini tertangkap mata Anda segera setelah Anda melihat halaman? Ini bekerja cemerlang online – kesempatan Anda mendapatkan, menggunakan mereka.• Indentasi kutipan: pengguna sering mencari tanda kutip langsung. Membantu mereka dengan indentasi kutipan apapun yang berjalan lebih dari satu baris (blogs melakukan ini sangat baik).• Hyperlink: konvensional biru, teks bergaris bawah jeritan 'Klik saya' dan, di blog Konvensi, menunjukkan Anda mendukung argumen Anda. Anda mungkin khawatir bahwa menghubungkan berarti orang akan meninggalkan situs Anda. Well, tentu mereka akan: hal ini web, bodoh. Tapi karena Anda memberi mereka link yang indah, berguna, mereka akan datang kembali waktu dan waktu lagi. Sampai Anda berhenti menghubungkan.• Emboldened or highlighted words: this is a good way of highlighting key phrases or words in your piece and again gives the user entry points into the text. Use it sparingly or it loses its impact (note: some websites render links as highlights, in which case avoid. And never underline text for emphasis – it will look like a link and frustrate the user).Accessibility and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)There is a further benefit to making your online journalism scannable: accessibility.People with limited vision or blindness who use screen reading software will generally browse a webpage by setting it to read out headings and links first (in HTML there are six levels of headings, from h1 to h6. These indicate the level of importance of the heading, with h1 being most important). Adding clear headlines and subheadings means they won’t have to listen to 300 words before they hit the part they want.If you’re a hard-nosed business type who couldn’t care less about users with screen readers, consider this: the biggest blind users of the web are search engines.Search engines, quite logically, place higher importance on headings, subheadings, links, and bold text. It helps them index your content, so the more effectively you use these the higher you are likely to be listed, and the more visitors you will have. They also place a lot of importance on your page title (that bit across the blue bar at the top of your browser), which is usually generated from your article headline, so the headline is actually doubly important (if it only says the name of the publication, kick someone).If you really want to make your headlines optimised for search engines you might also want to consider using something like Google’s Keyword Tool, which will suggest the most popular searches based on the word or phrase you type in (by the way, try a search for your own newspaper and scroll down to ‘Additional keywords to be considered’ to find out what other things your readers are searching for).The first two words are crucialJakob Nielsen has done a lot of work looking at how website users read webpages. In particular, he has found that users read in an F-shaped pattern – the implications of which it’s worth quoting in full:“Users won’t read your text thoroughly in a word-by-word manner. Exhaustive reading is rare […] Yes, some people will read more, but most won’t.“The first two paragraphs must state the most important information. There’s some hope that users will actually read this material, though they’ll probably read more of the first paragraph than the second."Mulai subjudul, paragraf dan poin-poin dengan membawa informasi kata-kata yang pengguna akan melihat ketika pemindaian di sisi kiri konten Anda di batang akhir F-perilaku mereka. Mereka akan membaca kata ketiga pada baris jauh lebih sering daripada dengan dua kata pertama."Karena titik terakhir, Nielsen juga menulis bahwa pasif menulis karya-karya lebih baik dalam berita online, karena memungkinkan Anda untuk "front-load kata kunci penting dalam judul, blurbs, dan memimpin kalimat. Hal ini meningkatkan scannability dan dengan demikian efektivitas SEO".Ini bertentangan pelatihan dasar dalam menulis judul, dan jadi it's worth menambahkan beberapa kualifikasi.Pertama, aman untuk mengatakan klasik 'Manusia gigitan anjing' masih lebih baik daripada 'Anjing digigit pria' online, karena singkat, dan pemindaian pembaca akan masih 'mengerti'. Tapi apa-apa lagi beruang pertimbangan cermat. Nielsen sendiri contoh adalah:"Yahoo Finance mengikuti pedoman desain 13 semua untuk kontrol tab, tetapi kegunaan menderita karena AJAX berlebihan dan kustomisasi sulit."Perubahan:"pedoman desain 13 untuk kontrol tab semua diikuti oleh Yahoo Finance, tetapi kegunaan menderita karena AJAX berlebihan dan kustomisasi sulit."Untuk mengambil sebuah contoh yang lebih khusus berbasis berita:'Tesco punggung larangan murah alkohol'akan bekerja lebih baik sebagai'Ban murah alkohol didukung oleh Tesco'.Pada dasarnya pertanyaannya menjadi "kata-kata pembukaan dua atau tiga yang akan paling menarik dan berguna untuk pemindaian pembaca?"In this case ‘Cheap alcohol ban’ is more useful and relevant than ‘Tesco backs ban’.By the same logic, ‘Man bites…’ is more useful than ‘Dog bitten…’, which is why ‘Man Bites Dog’ still wins out.And the principle extends to standfirsts, first pars and subheadings too.Nielsen also says:“Given that users often read only a couple of words from each text element, you should reduce duplication of salient keywords.“Don’t use the same initial keywords in your headline and summary. You have 4 words to make your point, so use 4 different words.“Avoid repeating any headline words in the summary, except for the most important one or two keywords. You can repeat these halfway through the summary to reinforce them for people who scanned past them in the headline.”One final note: if that use of the numeral “4” annoyed you as it did me (old editing instincts die hard), Nielsen also writes that numbers work best as numerals online:“numerals often stop the wandering eye and attract fixations, even when they’re embedded within a mass of words that users otherwise ignore.”Why? Because numbers represent facts, he argues. And users’ eyes locate numerals more easily“The shape of a group of digits is sufficiently different from that of a group of letters to stand out to users’ peripheral vision before their foveal vision fixates on them. 2415 looks different than four, even though both consist of 4 characters.”“Digits enhance the scannability of Web content. It’s that simple.”Linking effectivelyLinks are the lifeblood of the web – and one of the first things people look for when they visit a page: not because they want to leave your site (yet), but because they want to see what value your webpage offers in terms of resources and guidance.What they don’t want to see as they scan down the page is this:Click hereIt doesn’t matter what sits either side of those two words – “Click here to read..” or “…to find out more click here” – because that’s not what users will immediately see.A link should make sense on its own. It should be succinct, and unambiguous. Overheid.nl’s guidelines on ‘Writing good link text‘ gives the bad example:“The SP refers to statements which the mayor made in March.”Is this linking to the SP? The referral? Or the statements? They instead suggest:“The SP refers to statements which the mayor made in March.”For the same reason you should deep link wherever possible – that is, link to a specific page within a site, not its homepage. Homepages are updated frequently, so the headline story you link to today will be gone tomorrow. For example:“The BBC reports today on rising gas profits” (link to http://news.bbc.co.uk/)is bad.“The BBC reports today on rising gas profits” (link to http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7256096.stm)is good (and more succinct, too).Finally, if you are linking to anything other than a webpage – e.g. PDFs, images, Word documents, spreadsheets – it should be made clear, e.g. “In the report (PDF)“.This will avoid frustrating users who would otherwise wonder why their browser is booting up Word/crashing/displaying an error message: remember that the user may not have the software to open that document – particularly as more people use mobile phones to browse the web.You might also add information about file size and download times. More information on this at Overheid.nl’s Web guidelines on
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