Late at night, was the night in re­al­ity, the Tian Ling Em­pire playe terjemahan - Late at night, was the night in re­al­ity, the Tian Ling Em­pire playe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Late at night, was the night in re­

Late at night, was the night in re­al­ity, the Tian Ling Em­pire player ma­jor­ity of al­ready the wind­ing, re­main­ing was also the player who sparse going out prac­ticed the level, more­over only opened the door, the main front door has shut tightly, every night in the main city was this.
I stand in the city gate, looked at the past from afar, a out­side fer­tile plain dark­ness, any­thing could not see, but in silent faintly has ac­tu­ally heard the hoof­beat, 5000 that Jing Yin led rode the camp palace guard to come again!
In the whip­ping wing sound of warhawk, a warhawk rides to search falls slowly, said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, our peo­ple came, Sir Jing Yin sends me to no­tify one, once in the city holds up the flare, in our peo­ple im­me­di­ately clash enter a city.”
I nod silently.
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looked under the city, knit the brows say­ing: „Mother, how also 200 peo­ple of pa­trol teams pa­trol tonight in the Dong Cheng gate, is not our peo­ple.”
„Whose per­son?”
„Im­pe­r­ial guard, but by Situ fire­wood con­trol, prob­a­bly is not the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple that some armor health/guard holds the post is long.”
„Did not have Cooldown.”
I had a look at Cooldown, dis­tance 12 point also a half min­utes, there­fore lifted the arm, cor­ners of the mouth said with a smile: „After I kill this mul­ti­tude of peo­ple length, you im­me­di­ately the ver­bal com­mand opens the city gate, puts the palace guard to come.”
The roar­ing flame of body week is sud­denly tur­bu­lent, I enter the god shape in­stan­ta­neously change the body con­di­tion, the but­ter­fly sword and pure hon­ored sword come out of the sheath to­gether, from air­borne dives sud­denly, eats del­i­ca­cies lowly, rides the wind to cut + rides, when thou­sand anger cut on that mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long body, he dials the horse to turn around hur­riedly, the shield in the front, loudly shouted to clear the way hor­i­zon­tally: „What per­son, dares to as­sas­si­nate this gen­eral?”
My sword blade edge al­ready passed his chest Ar­mour, under the flame of but­ter­fly sword shines, sneers say­ing: „Kills your this per­son also to need to as­sas­si­nate? Re­lieved dies!”
The long sword wields, shuts off the chest cav­ity, di­rectly his head chop­ping.
The blood sprays, one crowd of im­pe­r­ial guards hurry to hold up the pointed weapons, is point­ing to me, loudly shouted to clear the way: „What per­son, dares to as­sas­si­nate the de­fense mil­i­tary of­fi­cer?”
The flare holds up, shines on my face, I turn over to the sheath the long sword slowly, said: „Is I, what issue has?”
One group of sol­diers are dumb­founded, kneels down: „Your high­ness! Why do your you want to kill this Xu Jiang khaki cloth?”
„Now I an­nounced that Tian Ling Em­pire major reg­i­ment high­est in­struc­tions: Elim­i­nates all armor health/guard! Your mat­ters, have not drawn back.”
Re­ally, tac­tic that my this takes ac­tion first and ex­plains later is very rea­son­able.
The city gate opens abruptly, the in­nu­mer­able palace guards ride the sol­dier in camp to enter a city under lead­er­ship of scenery sound again, her sad­dle horse is quite quick, after speedy ap­proach, said: „Sir, our peo­ple en­tered a city, now what to do?”
„Han did Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye go to the im­pe­r­ial palace per­son­ally?”
„Al­ready sky over im­pe­r­ial palace, when we enter that mo­ment of im­pe­r­ial palace im­me­di­ately to de­scend to pro­tect your majesty.”
„Good, holds up flare, en­ters the im­pe­r­ial palace!”
One group of palace guards have held up flare, just likes the day­time ac­cord­ing to the city, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also jumps down the city wall, the sol­dier who leads sev­eral hun­dred strong wind from afar armed forces gal­lops to go with us, the night of king main road did not have the past tran­quil­ity, lives the com­mon peo­ple in city to shut tightly the main house gate, for fear that this tur­bu­lence will af­fect them.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Late at night, was the night in re­al­ity, the Tian Ling Em­pire player ma­jor­ity of al­ready the wind­ing, re­main­ing was also the player who sparse going out prac­ticed the level, more­over only opened the door, the main front door has shut tightly, every night in the main city was this.I stand in the city gate, looked at the past from afar, a out­side fer­tile plain dark­ness, any­thing could not see, but in silent faintly has ac­tu­ally heard the hoof­beat, 5000 that Jing Yin led rode the camp palace guard to come again!„”In the whip­ping wing sound of warhawk, a warhawk rides to search falls slowly, said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, our peo­ple came, Sir Jing Yin sends me to no­tify one, once in the city holds up the flare, in our peo­ple im­me­di­ately clash enter a city.”I nod silently.Yanzhao un­par­al­leled looked under the city, knit the brows say­ing: „Mother, how also 200 peo­ple of pa­trol teams pa­trol tonight in the Dong Cheng gate, is not our peo­ple.”„Whose per­son?”„Im­pe­r­ial guard, but by Situ fire­wood con­trol, prob­a­bly is not the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple that some armor health/guard holds the post is long.”„Did not have Cooldown.”I had a look at Cooldown, dis­tance 12 point also a half min­utes, there­fore lifted the arm, cor­ners of the mouth said with a smile: „After I kill this mul­ti­tude of peo­ple length, you im­me­di­ately the ver­bal com­mand opens the city gate, puts the palace guard to come.”„OK!”The roar­ing flame of body week is sud­denly tur­bu­lent, I enter the god shape in­stan­ta­neously change the body con­di­tion, the but­ter­fly sword and pure hon­ored sword come out of the sheath to­gether, from air­borne dives sud­denly, eats del­i­ca­cies lowly, rides the wind to cut + rides, when thou­sand anger cut on that mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long body, he dials the horse to turn around hur­riedly, the shield in the front, loudly shouted to clear the way hor­i­zon­tally: „What per­son, dares to as­sas­si­nate this gen­eral?”My sword blade edge al­ready passed his chest Ar­mour, under the flame of but­ter­fly sword shines, sneers say­ing: „Kills your this per­son also to need to as­sas­si­nate? Re­lieved dies!”The long sword wields, shuts off the chest cav­ity, di­rectly his head chop­ping.The blood sprays, one crowd of im­pe­r­ial guards hurry to hold up the pointed weapons, is point­ing to me, loudly shouted to clear the way: „What per­son, dares to as­sas­si­nate the de­fense mil­i­tary of­fi­cer?”The flare holds up, shines on my face, I turn over to the sheath the long sword slowly, said: „Is I, what issue has?”One group of sol­diers are dumb­founded, kneels down: „Your high­ness! Why do your you want to kill this Xu Jiang khaki cloth?”„Now I an­nounced that Tian Ling Em­pire major reg­i­ment high­est in­struc­tions: Elim­i­nates all armor health/guard! Your mat­ters, have not drawn back.”„Yes!”Re­ally, tac­tic that my this takes ac­tion first and ex­plains later is very rea­son­able.The city gate opens abruptly, the in­nu­mer­able palace guards ride the sol­dier in camp to enter a city under lead­er­ship of scenery sound again, her sad­dle horse is quite quick, after speedy ap­proach, said: „Sir, our peo­ple en­tered a city, now what to do?”„Han did Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye go to the im­pe­r­ial palace per­son­ally?”„Al­ready sky over im­pe­r­ial palace, when we enter that mo­ment of im­pe­r­ial palace im­me­di­ately to de­scend to pro­tect your majesty.”„Good, holds up flare, en­ters the im­pe­r­ial palace!”„Yes!”One group of palace guards have held up flare, just likes the day­time ac­cord­ing to the city, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also jumps down the city wall, the sol­dier who leads sev­eral hun­dred strong wind from afar armed forces gal­lops to go with us, the night of king main road did not have the past tran­quil­ity, lives the com­mon peo­ple in city to shut tightly the main house gate, for fear that this tur­bu­lence will af­fect them.Move
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Larut malam, adalah malam dalam kenyataannya, Tian Ling Empire pemain mayoritas sudah berkelok-kelok, yang tersisa juga pemain yang jarang keluar dipraktekkan tingkat, apalagi hanya membuka pintu, pintu depan utama telah menutup erat, setiap malam di kota utama adalah ini.
aku berdiri di pintu gerbang kota, melihat masa lalu dari jauh, di luar subur gelap polos, apa pun bisa tidak melihat, tetapi dalam diam samar-samar telah benar-benar mendengar hoofbeat, 5000 bahwa Jing Yin menyebabkan naik kamp ! pengawal istana untuk datang lagi
dalam suara sayap mencambuk dari warhawk, warhawk sebuah wahana untuk mencari jatuh perlahan, kata hormat: "perintah Sir, orang-orang kita datang, Sir Jing Yin mengirim saya untuk memberitahu satu, sekali di kota memegang up suar, pada orang kami segera bentrokan masukkan kota ".
aku mengangguk diam-diam.
Yanzhao tertandingi melihat di bawah kota, merajut alis mengatakan:" Ibu, bagaimana juga 200 orang dari tim patroli patroli malam di Dong Cheng gerbang, tidak orang-orang kami. "
" siapa orang? "
" penjaga Imperial, tetapi dengan Situ kontrol kayu bakar, mungkin bukan banyak orang bahwa beberapa armor kesehatan / penjaga memegang pos panjang. "
" tidak memiliki Cooldown. "
saya telah melihat di Cooldown, jarak 12 poin juga setengah menit, oleh karena itu mengangkat lengan, sudut mulut berkata sambil tersenyum: "Setelah saya membunuh banyak orang ini panjang, Anda segera perintah lisan membuka gerbang kota, menempatkan pengawal istana untuk datang. "
" OK! "
api mengaum minggu tubuh tiba-tiba bergolak, saya masukkan bentuk dewa seketika mengubah kondisi tubuh, pedang kupu-kupu dan pedang dihormati murni keluar dari sarungnya bersama-sama, dari penyelaman udara tiba-tiba, makan makanan lezat rendah , naik angin untuk memotong + rides, ketika ribu kemarahan dipotong pada yang banyak orang tubuh yang panjang, ia memanggil kuda untuk berbalik buru-buru, perisai di depan, berteriak keras untuk membersihkan jalan horizontal: "Apa orang, berani membunuh umum ini "?
saya tepi bilah pedang sudah lulus Armour dadanya, di bawah nyala pedang kupu-kupu bersinar, menyeringai mengatakan:" membunuh Anda orang ini juga perlu untuk membunuh? ! Mati lega "
. The pedang panjang wields, menutup rongga dada, langsung kepalanya memotong
The semprotan darah, salah satu kerumunan kekaisaran penjaga terburu-buru untuk menahan senjata runcing, menunjuk ke saya, berteriak keras untuk membersihkan jalan:" apa orang, berani untuk membunuh perwira militer pertahanan "
flare memegang up, bersinar di wajah saya, saya beralih ke sarungnya pedang panjang perlahan-lahan, mengatakan:" Apakah aku, apa masalah memiliki "?
satu kelompok tentara tercengang , berlutut: "Yang Mulia! Mengapa Anda ingin membunuh kain khaki Xu Jiang ini "?
" Sekarang saya mengumumkan bahwa Tian Ling Empire resimen utama petunjuk tertinggi: Menghilangkan semua armor kesehatan / penjaga! Hal Anda, belum ditarik kembali. "
" Ya! "
Benar-benar, taktik yang saya ini mengambil tindakan pertama dan menjelaskan kemudian sangat wajar.
Gerbang kota terbuka tiba-tiba, para penjaga istana tak terhitung naik tentara di kamp memasuki sebuah kota di bawah kepemimpinan suara pemandangan lagi, pelana kudanya cukup cepat, setelah pendekatan cepat, mengatakan: "Sir, orang-orang kami memasuki sebuah kota, sekarang apa yang harus dilakukan?"
"Han melakukan Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye pergi ke kekaisaran istana pribadi? "
" Sudah langit di atas istana kekaisaran, ketika kita memasuki momen istana kekaisaran segera turun untuk melindungi paduka. "
" Baik, memegang suar, memasuki istana kekaisaran! "
" Ya! "
satu kelompok penjaga istana telah mengangkat flare, hanya suka siang hari sesuai dengan kota, Yanzhao tertandingi juga melompat turun tembok kota, prajurit yang memimpin beberapa ratus angin yang kuat dari angkatan jauh bersenjata gallop untuk pergi dengan kami, malam raja jalan utama tidak memiliki ketenangan masa lalu, kehidupan rakyat biasa di kota untuk menutup erat gerbang rumah utama, karena takut bahwa turbulensi ini akan mempengaruhi mereka.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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