Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Auburn."Saya mengerang, belum siap untuk bangun, tetapi seseorang tangan pada bahuku, gemetar saya.Kasar."Auburn, bangun." Ini adalah suara Emory's. "Polisi di sini."Aku segera roll ke sisi saya dan melihat dia berdiri atas saya. Dia punya maskara di bawah matanya dan rambutnya pirang mencuat di segala penjuru. Penampilan yang tak terduga, berantakan membuatku lebih dari kenyataan bahwa dia hanya mengatakan polisi di sini. Aku duduk langsung sampai tempat tidur. Saya mencoba untuk menemukan saya jam alarm untuk memeriksa waktu, tapi mata tidak terbuka cukup bagi saya untuk melihatnya. "Apa waktu itu?""Setelah sembilan," katanya. "... Apakah Anda mendengar saya? Saya mengatakan ada seorang polisi di sini. Dia meminta untuk Anda."Aku scoot diriku tidur dan mencari jeans. Saya menemukan mereka kusut di lantai di sisi lain dari tempat tidur saya. Segera setelah saya mendapatkan mereka kancing, aku meraih ke dalam lemari untuk kemeja."Apakah Anda dalam beberapa jenis masalah?" Emory bertanya, berdiri di pintu saya sekarang.Kotoran. Aku lupa dia tidak tahu apa-apa tentang saya."Hal ini tidak polisi," saya mengatakan padanya. "Ini adalah hanya Trey, ipar saya."Aku bisa melihat dia masih bingung, dan itu masuk akal karena ia tidak benar-benar ipar saya. Hal ini hanya lebih mudah untuk merujuk kepadanya itu kadang-kadang. Saya juga memiliki tidak tahu mengapa dia ada di sini. Aku membuka pintu kamar dan melihat Trey berdiri di dapur, membuat sendiri secangkir kopi."Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja?" Aku bertanya kepadanya. Ia berputar dan segera setelah saya melihat Dia tersenyum, aku tahu segala sesuatu baik. Dia adalah di sini hanya untuk kunjungan.“All good,” he says. “Shift just ended and I was in the neighborhood. Thought I’d bring you breakfast.” He holds up a sack and tosses it toward me on the counter. Emory walks around me and grabs the bag, opening it.“Is it true?” she asks, looking up at Trey. “Do cops really get all the free doughnuts they want?” She grabs one of the pastries and shoves it in her mouth while making her way toward the living room. Trey is looking at her with contempt, but she doesn’t notice. I wonder if she’s aware that she hasn’t looked in a mirror today. I doubt she cares. I love that about her.“Thank you for the breakfast,” I tell him. I take a seat at the bar, confused as to why he would think it’s okay to just stop by without notice. Especially this early in the morning. But I don’t say anything, because I’m sure it’s just me being cranky due to my late night and lack of sleep. “Is Lydia coming home today?”He shakes his head. “Tomorrow morning.” He sets his cup on the bar. “Where were you last night?”I cock my head, wondering why he would even ask that. “What do you mean?”He glances back at me. “She says you called over an hour late.”Now I get why he’s here. I sigh. “Did you really want to bring me breakfast or are you using it as an excuse to check up on me?”The offended look he shoots me makes me regret my comment. I blow out an exasperated breath and rest my arms on the bar. “I was working,” I say. “I filled in at an art gallery for extra money.”Trey is standing in the exact spot Owen was standing in last night. Trey and Owen are probably the same height, but for some reason Trey just appears more intimidating. I don’t know if it’s because he’s always in a police uniform, or if it’s the hardened facial features. His dark eyes always seem to be frowning, whereas Owen can’t seem to help smiling. Just thinking about Owen and the fact that I’ll see him again tonight instantly puts me in a better mood.“An art gallery? Which one?”“The one on Pearl, near my work. It’s called Confess.”Trey’s jaw tenses and he sets his cup of coffee on the counter. “I know the one,” he says. “Callahan Gentry’s son owns that building.”“Am I supposed to know who Callahan Gentry is?”He shakes his head and pours his coffee in the sink. “Cal’s an attorney,” he says. “And his son is trouble.”I wince at his insult, because I don’t understand it. Owen is the last person I would associate with the word trouble. Trey grabs his keys off the bar and begins making his way out of the kitchen. “I don’t like the idea of you working for him.”Not that Trey’s opinion matters to me in any way, but I’m a little put off that he even made that comment. “You don’t have to worry about it,” I say. “I was fired last night. Not what he was looking for in an employee, I guess.” I fail to tell him the true reason I was fired last night. I’m sure that would upset him even more.“Good,” he says. “You coming to dinner Sunday night?”
I follow him to the door. “Haven’t missed it yet, have I?”
Trey turns to face me after he opens the door. “Well, you’ve also never missed a phone call, and look what happened last night.”
Touché, Trey.
I hate confrontation, and my attitude is going to start one if I don’t backtrack. The last thing I need is tension with Trey or Lydia. “Sorry,” I mutter. “It was a late night last night with working two jobs yesterday. Thank you for the breakfast. I’ll be nicer next time you show up unannounced.”
He smiles and reaches up to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear.
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