Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
34200:18:05, 800--> 00:18:08, 087Tapi Anda sedang memaksa sayauntuk mengambil langkah-langkah ekstrem.34300:18:15, 160 00:18:16, 810-->Ini adalah misi saya untuk melindungi Anda.34400:18:17, 600--> 00:18:19, 921Ini adalah misi saya untuk mendapatkan Anda ke Dallasoleh 8:00 pagi34500:18:20, 160 00:18:22, 049-->Dan aku akan menyelesaikan misi saya.34600:18:22, 280--> 00:18:25, 090Kau kecil tapi freaking intens!34700:18:25, 840--> 00:18:27, 968Aku punya untuk menghubungi kantor saya.34800:18:31, 040--> 00:18:32, 201Mohon.34900:18:39, 520--> 00:18:40, 567COOPER: Ya, Mbak.35000:18:40, 800--> 00:18:42, 370Ada dua set penembak.35100:18:43, 320--> 00:18:47, 006Masing-masing tampak terkejut melihat satu sama lain.Satu set Latino, mungkin kartel.35200:18:47, 200--> 00:18:49, 248Satu set Kaukasia...35300:18:49, 480--> 00:18:50, 641dalam masker.35400:18:50, 840--> 00:18:53, 571Anda memiliki seorang perwira ke bawahdan empat tersangka teridentifikasi.35500:18:53, 760--> 00:18:55, 410-Mendapatkannya.-No. Berpendapat bahwa.35600:18:55, 600--> 00:18:58, 570Ada satu tanda identifikasipada salah satu laki-laki Kaukasia.35700:18:58, 760--> 00:19:00, 967Ia itu pada pergelangan tangan kirinya.35800:19:01, 200--> 00:19:03, 123Dan aku menarik gambar itu di I.R.L. saya35900:19:03, 320--> 00:19:05, 163Notebook. Itu adalah sebuah notebook.36000:19:05, 360--> 00:19:07, 761Dan itulah mobil sayatidak kendaraan pribadi.36100:19:08, 000--> 00:19:09, 968"Tetap di kendaraan pribadi Anda."36200:19:10, 200--> 00:19:12, 646-Saya di telepon dengan pengiriman.-Ini adalah mobil. Berkata, "Mobil."36300:19:12, 880--> 00:19:15, 486-Pipa.-Itu membuatku gila, cara Anda bicara.36400:19:15, 680--> 00:19:18, 251Tampaknya menjadi seorang Buddha,duduk di sebuah gelombang.36500:19:18, 600--> 00:19:21, 410Atau botol saus barbekyudijaga oleh dua ular.36600:19:21, 600--> 00:19, 24, 444Atau manusia salju, mencair dalam hujan.36700:19, 24, 680--> 00:19:26, 444Mungkin kacang di genangan air.36800:19:26, 680--> 00:19:27, 727Itu adalah sapi.36900:19:27, 920--> 00:19:29, 206Aku sedang berbicara di telepon.37000:19:29, 400--> 00:19:30, 640Ianya longhorn.37100:19:30, 840--> 00:19:32, 842Mereka dianggap membuathewan negara...37200:19:33, 040--> 00:19:35, 441tetapi mereka pergi untuk armadillo sebaliknya.37300:19:38, 000--> 00:19:40, 526Apa? Wanita cokelat tidak dapat membaca sebuah buku?37400:19:41, 760--> 00:19:42, 807Scratch itu.37500:19:43, 000--> 00:19:44, 650Tampaknya menjadi longhorn.37600:19:44, 840--> 00:19:46, 080Tato adalah longhorn.37700:19:46, 280--> 00:19:49, 090Oke, kami akan mengirimkan petugasuntuk membawa Anda dalam segera.37800:19:49, 280--> 00:19:50, 645Ya, Mbak. Kita akan duduk ketat.37900:19:51, 080--> 00:19:54, 527Bagus. Baik polisi bekerja,Tn. Cherlocks Holmes.38000:19:54, 720--> 00:19:56, 609Bagus. Heh.38100:19:59, 760--> 00:20:01, 524(SIRENE BERKICAU)38200:20:01,760 --> 00:20:04,240Oh, thank God. Here come the cavalry.38300:20:11,160 --> 00:20:12,446HAUSER: Damn, Coop.38400:20:13,160 --> 00:20:14,969You done got thrown in the fire today.38500:20:15,160 --> 00:20:17,891Detective Hauser.I'm so glad y'all are here.38600:20:18,080 --> 00:20:19,286It was a mess in there.38700:20:19,520 --> 00:20:22,091But I have recorded all the details,and tried to follow protocol.38800:20:22,280 --> 00:20:24,089He, hey. Coop, we got this.38900:20:24,320 --> 00:20:26,687You're just lucky to be alive.The good news is...39000:20:26,880 --> 00:20:29,963local police got shell casings and DNAback at the compound.39100:20:30,240 --> 00:20:31,810You saved this old lady's life.39200:20:32,040 --> 00:20:33,804"Old lady"? Su madre.39300:20:34,160 --> 00:20:36,731I'm gonna go and assume that means,"Thanks for saving my life."39400:20:36,960 --> 00:20:38,405And you are welcome, Mrs. Riva.39500:20:38,680 --> 00:20:41,047Why don't y'all hop in the back?We'll all ride together.39600:20:41,240 --> 00:20:42,287Yes, sir.39700:20:43,800 --> 00:20:45,529Pretty good for a secretary.39800:20:46,440 --> 00:20:47,646DIXON: Don't worry, Miss Riva.39900:20:48,160 --> 00:20:50,401We'll have you in Dallas in three hours.40000:21:00,880 --> 00:21:01,961It's Hauser.40100:21:02,560 --> 00:21:05,530I called dispatch 20 minutes ago.If they were leaving from the precinct...40200:21:05,720 --> 00:21:08,724they must've been driving 180 milesper hour to get here that fast.40300:21:09,480 --> 00:21:10,845Who are you talking to?40400:21:12,040 --> 00:21:14,202They got three quarters a tank of gas.40500:21:14,800 --> 00:21:16,325At a Max of 90 miles per hour...40600:21:16,520 --> 00:21:19,524that means they were 30 miles away,which means they probably came...40700:21:19,720 --> 00:21:21,290(GASPS)40800:21:22,160 --> 00:21:23,605Hauser!40900:21:24,080 --> 00:21:25,366Okay, I gotta go.41000:21:28,520 --> 00:21:30,045Yeah.41100:21:30,680 --> 00:21:33,365Fist bump. For all that goodpolice work, good buddy.41200:21:39,200 --> 00:21:41,362We have to get out now.They're gonna kill us both.41300:21:41,560 --> 00:21:42,686- Dixon, let's go.- What?41400:21:42,880 --> 00:21:44,564They're the gunmen.The guys in the masks.41500:21:44,760 --> 00:21:46,728- Who?- Just trust me. Follow my lead.41600:21:47,080 --> 00:21:51,244No, ma'am, I do not haveany feminine toiletries on me.41700:21:51,440 --> 00:21:52,771Feminine what?41800:21:55,480 --> 00:21:56,527What's the problem?41900:21:57,680 --> 00:22:01,685Uh, Mrs. Riva is having someproblems with some lady business.42000:22:03,320 --> 00:22:05,800Of the tampon variety.42100:22:08,000 --> 00:22:11,766- Seriously?- Yeah. My comadre is here.42200:22:11,960 --> 00:22:13,121Her comadre is here.42300:22:15,440 --> 00:22:16,851Can't you just hold it?42400:22:17,680 --> 00:22:20,251No, it does not work that way, detective.It does not.42500:22:20,480 --> 00:22:24,087No, you see, once a month,my uterus sheds its lining.42600:22:24,320 --> 00:22:25,560It sheds. Once a month.42700:22:25,760 --> 00:22:27,683- So that the eggs...- And the eggs.42800:22:27,880 --> 00:22:29,245...descend into the puss.42900:22:29,440 --> 00:22:31,442- Oh, my God.- The puss put...43000:22:31,640 --> 00:22:32,766- No, there are fluids...- God.43100:22:32,960 --> 00:22:35,486- Other fluids go in there.- Whoa. What is she talking about?43200:22:35,680 --> 00:22:38,490DANIELLA: So please take meto a bathroom right now...43300:22:38,680 --> 00:22:41,650or the back of this caris gonna be the second crime scene...43400:22:41,880 --> 00:22:43,928that you guysare gonna be cleaning today.43500:22:44,120 --> 00:22:46,964- You don't need to paint a picture.- You're used to that, no? Heh.43600:22:47,160 --> 00:22:48,605Please, please. Stop.43700:22:49,840 --> 00:22:51,444(SIGHS)43800:22:55,400 --> 00:22:58,131- Okay, Coop, I'll let you out.- All right. Let's go.43900:22:59,040 --> 00:23:00,769There's a lining in there?44000:23:00,960 --> 00:23:02,405(ROCK MUSIC PLAYING ON SPEAKERS)44100:23:02,600 --> 00:23:04,204- We'll be right back.- Yeah.44200:23:10,320 --> 00:23:12,049Hey, mamacita, where you going?44300:23:12,280 --> 00:23:14,487- Mamacita?- We have our periods!44400:23:16,600 --> 00:23:17,761You don't wanna know.44500:23:34,760 --> 00:23:36,330There's a window. I'll go first.44600:23:36,560 --> 00:23:37,686You go, go, go.44700:23:38,560 --> 00:23:39,561(GRUNTS)44800:23:40,040 --> 00:23:43,203- Oh. Okay, I can't do it.- Push there with the legs!44900:23:44,400 --> 00:23:46,528- With the legs! With the legs!- I can't!45000:23:46,720 --> 00:23:48,324Why is your body like that?45100:23:48,520 --> 00:23:52,241- I gotta get a toehold.- Where's the toehold? I can't find the toehold.45200:23:53,000 --> 00:23:54,764I just need some upper-body strength.45300:23:54,960 --> 00:23:56,610- Push!- Okay, hold on.45400:23:56,800 --> 00:23:59,565I'm gonna pull my body up,and push it out the window.45500:23:59,760 --> 00:24:00,841Go, go, go!45600:24:01,080 --> 00:24:02,684Go, go, go! I'm gonna help you.45700:24:02,920 --> 00:24:03,921Go, go, go.45800:24:04,120 --> 00:24:05,451(GRUNTS THEN PANTING)45900:24:07,480 --> 00:24:08,891- Put me down.- No, no!46000:24:09,080 --> 00:24:11,287- What?- Dixon's out there.46100:24:11,480 --> 00:24:14,245- Why didn't you shoot him?
- I'm not gonna shoot an officer!
00:24:14,440 --> 00:24:15,805
They'll be happy to shoot us.
00:24:16,280 --> 00:24:17,486
- That gives me an idea.
- What?
00:24:17,720 --> 00:24:19,051
- This is gonna be loud.
- What?
00:24:20,280 --> 00:24:21,281
00:24:22,040 --> 00:24:23,963
00:24:24,680 --> 00:24:26,125
00:24:26,640 --> 00:24:28,449
Go, go, go! You help us.
00:24:28,640 --> 00:24:30,130
Help her! Get her up!
00:24:30,360 --> 00:24:31,885
- DIXON: What was that?
- Dixon, let's go!
00:24:32,080 --> 00:24:33,127
Lift me up on two!
00:24:33,360 --> 00:24:35,089
- What? On one?
- One! Two! Go!
00:24:35,320 --> 00:24:37,322
- No, wait, I mean go on one then two...
- Now?
00:24:37,520 --> 00:24:38,965
Shut up! Go up!
00:24:39,200 --> 00:24:40,247
I'm going up.
00:24:42,680 --> 00:24:44,569
- Okay, do me, do me.
- All right.
00:24:44,760 --> 00:24:45,761
Do me!
00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:47,490
00:24:47,680 -->
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