Product specialization (focus) strategy, on the other hand, is charact terjemahan - Product specialization (focus) strategy, on the other hand, is charact Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Product specialization (focus) stra

Product specialization (focus) strategy, on the other hand, is characterized by a more concentrated approach towards segmenting the market and targeting a narrowly defined niche market with fewer and more specialized products (consistent with the more current service dominant logic ([69] Lusch et al. , 2007; [101] Vargo and Lusch, 2004a, [102] b, [103] 2008), the term product is henceforth used to represent the entire range of offering - products, services, and the resultant solutions). For channel members, this strategy may translate into a shrinking business volume. Although the increased focus on segmentation and focused targeting may prove to be a significant investment of effort and resources, the outcomes may not be commensurate with the enhanced resource allocation, especially with a shrinking scope of operation and business volume. Surely, this is not a promising picture of the firm's future in that the shrinking business may not bode very well for the relationalism amongst channel members. In fact, the literature suggests that the narrow product and market focus may be more congruent with strong and close administrative control. [67] Lasser and Kerr (1996) found that firms offering differentiated and highly specialized products tended to rely more on highly involved control relationship with very close monitoring of behavior. A similar result was found by [94] Slater and Olson (2000). Thus, relationalism, while conducive for aggressive market strategy, may not be as conducive for product specialization strategy. We speculate that a product specialization (focus) strategy will be negatively associated with relationalism in marketing channels:

H2. The level of relationalism in the marketing channels will be negatively associated with product specialization (focus) strategy.

Finally, price leadership strategy requires a shift in focus to lower margins and high volumes. Price leadership strategy may require intensive distribution with a focus on larger markets resembling mass marketing strategy. While [94] Slater and Olson (2000) found that mass marketing strategy is congruent with analyzer strategy, [67] Lasser and Kerr (1996) found the cost leaders to be low in behavioral control, contractual restriction, and manufacturer coordination with medium levels of manufacturer support. While this strategy is not likely to yield significant results in the short run, it may have a bright future due to the enhanced market coverage. Therefore, to encourage the channel members to go along with a low price strategy, managers may need to rely heavily on relational norm among channel partners with a promise of a successful future. This approach is more likely to succeed than a strong bureaucratic stance which is typically more transactional and short term in orientation. An obvious example would be Wal-Mart, which is known as a price leader and is known to use closer ties with its channel partners to achieve its objectives. Thus, we speculate that price leadership strategy will be positively associated with channel relationalism:

H3. The level of relationalism in the marketing channels will be positively associated with price leadership strategy.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Product specialization (focus) strategy, on the other hand, is characterized by a more concentrated approach towards segmenting the market and targeting a narrowly defined niche market with fewer and more specialized products (consistent with the more current service dominant logic ([69] Lusch et al. , 2007; [101] Vargo and Lusch, 2004a, [102] b, [103] 2008), the term product is henceforth used to represent the entire range of offering - products, services, and the resultant solutions). For channel members, this strategy may translate into a shrinking business volume. Although the increased focus on segmentation and focused targeting may prove to be a significant investment of effort and resources, the outcomes may not be commensurate with the enhanced resource allocation, especially with a shrinking scope of operation and business volume. Surely, this is not a promising picture of the firm's future in that the shrinking business may not bode very well for the relationalism amongst channel members. In fact, the literature suggests that the narrow product and market focus may be more congruent with strong and close administrative control. [67] Lasser and Kerr (1996) found that firms offering differentiated and highly specialized products tended to rely more on highly involved control relationship with very close monitoring of behavior. A similar result was found by [94] Slater and Olson (2000). Thus, relationalism, while conducive for aggressive market strategy, may not be as conducive for product specialization strategy. We speculate that a product specialization (focus) strategy will be negatively associated with relationalism in marketing channels:H2. The level of relationalism in the marketing channels will be negatively associated with product specialization (focus) strategy.Finally, price leadership strategy requires a shift in focus to lower margins and high volumes. Price leadership strategy may require intensive distribution with a focus on larger markets resembling mass marketing strategy. While [94] Slater and Olson (2000) found that mass marketing strategy is congruent with analyzer strategy, [67] Lasser and Kerr (1996) found the cost leaders to be low in behavioral control, contractual restriction, and manufacturer coordination with medium levels of manufacturer support. While this strategy is not likely to yield significant results in the short run, it may have a bright future due to the enhanced market coverage. Therefore, to encourage the channel members to go along with a low price strategy, managers may need to rely heavily on relational norm among channel partners with a promise of a successful future. This approach is more likely to succeed than a strong bureaucratic stance which is typically more transactional and short term in orientation. An obvious example would be Wal-Mart, which is known as a price leader and is known to use closer ties with its channel partners to achieve its objectives. Thus, we speculate that price leadership strategy will be positively associated with channel relationalism:H3. The level of relationalism in the marketing channels will be positively associated with price leadership strategy.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Produk spesialisasi (fokus) strategi, di sisi lain, ditandai dengan pendekatan yang lebih terkonsentrasi terhadap segmentasi pasar dan menargetkan ceruk pasar sempit didefinisikan dengan lebih sedikit dan lebih khusus produk (konsisten dengan layanan yang lebih saat logika dominan ([69] Lusch . et al, 2007; [101] Varga dan Lusch, 2004a, [102] b, [103] 2008), produk istilah selanjutnya digunakan untuk mewakili seluruh rentang korban - produk, jasa, dan solusi yang dihasilkan). Untuk anggota saluran, strategi ini dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam volume bisnis menyusut. Meskipun peningkatan fokus pada segmentasi dan fokus menargetkan mungkin terbukti menjadi investasi yang signifikan dari usaha dan sumber daya, hasil mungkin tidak sepadan dengan alokasi sumber daya yang disempurnakan, terutama dengan lingkup menyusut operasi dan volume usaha. Tentunya, ini bukan gambaran yang menjanjikan masa depan perusahaan dalam bisnis menyusut mungkin bukan pertanda sangat baik untuk relationalism antara anggota saluran. Bahkan, literatur menunjukkan bahwa produk dan pasar yang sempit fokus mungkin lebih kongruen dengan kontrol administrasi yang kuat dan dekat. [67] Lasser dan Kerr (1996) menemukan bahwa perusahaan yang menawarkan produk dibedakan dan sangat khusus cenderung lebih mengandalkan hubungan kontrol yang sangat terlibat dengan pemantauan sangat dekat dari perilaku. Hasil serupa ditemukan oleh [94] Slater dan Olson (2000). Dengan demikian, relationalism, sementara kondusif untuk strategi pasar yang agresif, mungkin tidak kondusif untuk strategi spesialisasi produk. Kami berspekulasi bahwa spesialisasi produk (fokus) strategi akan berhubungan secara negatif dengan relationalism di saluran pemasaran:

H2. Tingkat relationalism di saluran pemasaran akan berhubungan secara negatif dengan spesialisasi produk (fokus) strategi.

Akhirnya, strategi kepemimpinan harga membutuhkan pergeseran fokus untuk margin yang lebih rendah dan volume tinggi. Harga strategi kepemimpinan mungkin memerlukan distribusi intensif dengan fokus pada pasar yang lebih besar menyerupai strategi pemasaran massal. Sementara [94] Slater dan Olson (2000) menemukan bahwa strategi pemasaran massal adalah kongruen dengan strategi analyzer, [67] Lasser dan Kerr (1996) menemukan pemimpin biaya menjadi rendah dalam kontrol perilaku, pembatasan kontrak, dan koordinasi produsen dengan tingkat menengah dari produsen dukungan. Sementara strategi ini tidak mungkin untuk menghasilkan hasil yang signifikan dalam jangka pendek, mungkin memiliki masa depan yang cerah karena cakupan pasar ditingkatkan. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendorong anggota saluran untuk pergi bersama dengan strategi harga rendah, manajer mungkin perlu bergantung pada norma relasional antara mitra saluran dengan janji masa depan yang sukses. Pendekatan ini lebih mungkin untuk berhasil daripada sikap birokrasi yang kuat yang biasanya lebih transaksional dan jangka pendek dalam orientasi. Sebuah contoh yang jelas akan Wal-Mart, yang dikenal sebagai pemimpin harga dan diketahui menggunakan hubungan lebih dekat dengan mitra saluran untuk mencapai tujuannya. Dengan demikian, kita berspekulasi bahwa strategi kepemimpinan harga akan terkait secara positif dengan saluran relationalism:

H3. Tingkat relationalism di saluran pemasaran akan terkait positif dengan strategi kepemimpinan harga.
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