#1290: Re - enters the deity alliance ;; „Anything is impossible.” Men terjemahan - #1290: Re - enters the deity alliance ;; „Anything is impossible.” Men Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1290: Re - enters the deity allian

#1290: Re - enters the deity alliance

;; „Anything is impossible.” Meng Hao coldly snorted, his spiritual sense in this moment rumbling the eruption, the mist within all spiritual sense scopes, the complete tumbling, has the bang to be dreadful immediately, each other such as was towed, as if there is invisible big hand to fluctuate, in an instant, the mist within Meng Hao spiritual sense range, bang revolving.
If can look downward from a vertice, as can be seen, the mist of this world, in this rotation huge vortex, all around was broken silent, thunders intermittently the unceasing reverberation, shakes the heavens moves.
The Meng Hao look is tranquil, in this vortex center, his body seems like illusory, may actually the astonishing aura, erupt on him, that is the strength of soul, is the spiritual sense pressure!
Meng Hao spiritual sense, was already intrepid to had 40% Paragon appearances fully, in other words, his spiritual sense, if fully erupts, comparable Paragon 40% strength.
This strength, seems like are not as if many, may in fact, already be in the shocking degree, must know ... Five source Dao Senior the strength of spiritual sense, merely is Paragon 10%, even if major Lord of the Mountain and Sea, most 2-3 tenths, only then six source Dao Senior, and has reached the peak, can achieve 40%-50% appearances.
But now, Meng Hao already had six source Dao Senior spiritual sense, at this moment under erupts, the world discoloration, the starry sky thunders, after all ... Six source Dao Senior, that is in the entire world, under Paragon strongest!
But Paragon, too few are too few, the strength of six source, most times, already were invincible.
Meng Hao spiritual sense thunders, the imposing manner is dreadful, takes a step to walk forward, one step falls, the form shuttle nihility, walks in this vortex, appears meteorite that before that had been found by him!
All these, merely are one step!
In Meng Hao presents the instance by meteorite, roars from all around vortex nihility spreads, a big hand of scarlet scale, fierce outstretch. Pinches toward Meng Hao.
„Is you.” Meng Hao coldly snorted, almost in instant, his both hands that this big hand approaches suddenly lift, in the item reveals the cold glow murderous intention.
„Explodes!” A character exit. Immediately this entire world, the range of as long as by Meng Hao spiritual sense being covered, in this flickers, rumbling explodes, that is the strength of collapse the strength of Meng Hao spiritual sense erupts. From all around edge, is centered on Meng Hao, flash rumbling.
Looks from afar, in the Meng Hao spiritual sense range, this vortex edge, the dreadful collapse, this collapse blinks the spread, layer upon layer thunders, the edge from group surrounding, spread instantaneously the center. But big hand that approaches, hides the stature in nihility, in this moment, by Meng Hao the strength of spiritual sense collapse, completely was covered.
Rumbling rumbling!
The bang is dreadful, the imposing manner is astonishing, the big hand of that scarlet scale, has not waited to bump into Meng Hao, has sad and shrill whooshes spreads, this big naked eye obvious. Was submerged by the strength of spiritual sense collapse directly, an inches (2.54 cm) disruption, direct extinguishes broken.
Meanwhile, in the nihility of Meng Hao distant place. In this collapse, among has revealed a huge form, although is only an outline, cannot see clearly concretely, but this form has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high fully, the top of the head has biangular. The body is red, as if peerless big monster, it sends out sad and shrill whooshing, was collapsed here to cover by Meng Hao spiritual sense, thunders unceasingly.
„I must kill you!!” Roars to spread, this huge form resists Meng Hao the strength of spiritual sense forcefully, takes one step, tries to approach Meng Hao.
The Meng Hao look is indifferent, the right hand lifts slowly, separates spatially toward that huge form presses.
„Go away!” Has a character!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1290: Re - enters the deity alliance <; script >;<; / script >; „Anything is impossible.” Meng Hao coldly snorted, his spiritual sense in this moment rumbling the eruption, the mist within all spiritual sense scopes, the complete tumbling, has the bang to be dreadful immediately, each other such as was towed, as if there is invisible big hand to fluctuate, in an instant, the mist within Meng Hao spiritual sense range, bang revolving.If can look downward from a vertice, as can be seen, the mist of this world, in this rotation huge vortex, all around was broken silent, thunders intermittently the unceasing reverberation, shakes the heavens moves.The Meng Hao look is tranquil, in this vortex center, his body seems like illusory, may actually the astonishing aura, erupt on him, that is the strength of soul, is the spiritual sense pressure!Meng Hao spiritual sense, was already intrepid to had 40% Paragon appearances fully, in other words, his spiritual sense, if fully erupts, comparable Paragon 40% strength.This strength, seems like are not as if many, may in fact, already be in the shocking degree, must know ... Five source Dao Senior the strength of spiritual sense, merely is Paragon 10%, even if major Lord of the Mountain and Sea, most 2-3 tenths, only then six source Dao Senior, and has reached the peak, can achieve 40%-50% appearances.But now, Meng Hao already had six source Dao Senior spiritual sense, at this moment under erupts, the world discoloration, the starry sky thunders, after all ... Six source Dao Senior, that is in the entire world, under Paragon strongest!But Paragon, too few are too few, the strength of six source, most times, already were invincible.Meng Hao spiritual sense thunders, the imposing manner is dreadful, takes a step to walk forward, one step falls, the form shuttle nihility, walks in this vortex, appears meteorite that before that had been found by him!All these, merely are one step!In Meng Hao presents the instance by meteorite, roars from all around vortex nihility spreads, a big hand of scarlet scale, fierce outstretch. Pinches toward Meng Hao.„Is you.” Meng Hao coldly snorted, almost in instant, his both hands that this big hand approaches suddenly lift, in the item reveals the cold glow murderous intention.„Explodes!” A character exit. Immediately this entire world, the range of as long as by Meng Hao spiritual sense being covered, in this flickers, rumbling explodes, that is the strength of collapse the strength of Meng Hao spiritual sense erupts. From all around edge, is centered on Meng Hao, flash rumbling.Looks from afar, in the Meng Hao spiritual sense range, this vortex edge, the dreadful collapse, this collapse blinks the spread, layer upon layer thunders, the edge from group surrounding, spread instantaneously the center. But big hand that approaches, hides the stature in nihility, in this moment, by Meng Hao the strength of spiritual sense collapse, completely was covered.Rumbling rumbling!The bang is dreadful, the imposing manner is astonishing, the big hand of that scarlet scale, has not waited to bump into Meng Hao, has sad and shrill whooshes spreads, this big naked eye obvious. Was submerged by the strength of spiritual sense collapse directly, an inches (2.54 cm) disruption, direct extinguishes broken.Meanwhile, in the nihility of Meng Hao distant place. In this collapse, among has revealed a huge form, although is only an outline, cannot see clearly concretely, but this form has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high fully, the top of the head has biangular. The body is red, as if peerless big monster, it sends out sad and shrill whooshing, was collapsed here to cover by Meng Hao spiritual sense, thunders unceasingly.„I must kill you!!” Roars to spread, this huge form resists Meng Hao the strength of spiritual sense forcefully, takes one step, tries to approach Meng Hao.The Meng Hao look is indifferent, the right hand lifts slowly, separates spatially toward that huge form presses.„Go away!” Has a character!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1290: Re - memasuki aliansi dewa

<; script> ; <; / Script> ; "Apa pun mungkin." Meng Hao dingin mendengus, rasa spiritual pada saat ini gemuruh letusan, kabut di semua lingkup pengertian spiritual, yang Tumbling lengkap, memiliki bang menjadi mengerikan segera, masing-masing seperti lainnya seperti ditarik, seakan ada andil besar terlihat berfluktuasi, dalam sekejap, kabut dalam Meng Hao berbagai rasa spiritual, Bang bergulir.
Jika dapat melihat ke bawah dari vertice, seperti dapat dilihat, kabut dunia ini, di rotasi pusaran besar ini, semua sekitar rusak diam, bergemuruh sebentar-sebentar gema tak henti-hentinya, getar langit bergerak.
The Meng Hao tampilan tenang, di tengah pusaran ini, tubuhnya tampak seperti ilusi, sebenarnya aura menakjubkan, meletus pada dirinya, yang merupakan kekuatan jiwa , adalah spiritual rasa tekanan!
makna spiritual Meng Hao, sudah berani untuk memiliki 40% Paragon penampilan penuh, dengan kata lain, rasa spiritualnya, jika sepenuhnya meletus, sebanding Paragon 40% kekuatan.
kekuatan ini, tampaknya seperti tidak seolah-olah banyak, mungkin sebenarnya, sudah berada di tingkat yang mengejutkan, harus tahu ... Lima sumber Dao Senior kekuatan akal spiritual, hanya merupakan Paragon 10%, bahkan jika utama Lord of the Mountain and Sea, paling 2-3 persepuluh, hanya kemudian enam sumber Dao Senior, dan telah mencapai puncak, bisa mencapai 40% -50% penampilan.
Tapi sekarang, Meng Hao sudah memiliki enam sumber Dao rasa spiritual Senior, saat ini di bawah meletus, perubahan warna dunia, langit bergemuruh berbintang , setelah semua ... enam sumber Dao Senior, yang ada di seluruh dunia, di bawah Paragon terkuat!
Tapi Paragon, terlalu sedikit terlalu sedikit, kekuatan enam sumber, sebagian besar kali, sudah tak terkalahkan.
Meng Hao rasa spiritual guruh, cara mengesankan mengerikan, mengambil langkah untuk berjalan maju, satu langkah turun, nihility bentuk shuttle, berjalan di pusaran ini, muncul meteorit yang sebelumnya telah ditemukan oleh dia!
Semua, hanya satu langkah! ini
dalam Meng Hao hadiah contoh oleh meteorit, mengaum dari seluruh menyebar nihility pusaran, andil besar dari skala merah, outstretch sengit. Mencubit menuju Meng Hao.
"Apakah Anda." Meng Hao dingin mendengus, hampir instan, itu kedua tangan ini pendekatan tangan besar tiba-tiba mengangkat, di item mengungkapkan cahaya dingin niat membunuh.
"Meledak!" A keluar karakter. Segera seluruh dunia ini, kisaran asalkan oleh rasa spiritual Meng Hao sedang dibahas, dalam hal ini berkedip, gemuruh meledak, yang adalah kekuatan runtuhnya kekuatan Meng Hao meletus arti rohani. Dari seluruh tepi, berpusat pada Meng Hao, kilat gemuruh.
Tampak dari kejauhan, di Meng Hao berbagai rasa spiritual, tepi pusaran ini, runtuhnya mengerikan, keruntuhan ini berkedip penyebaran, berlapis-lapis guruh, tepi dari kelompok sekitarnya , menyebar seketika pusat. Tapi tangan besar yang mendekati, menyembunyikan perawakannya di nihility, pada saat ini, dengan Meng Hao kekuatan spiritual akal runtuh, benar-benar tertutup.
Gemuruh gemuruh!
Ledakan mengerikan, dengan cara mengesankan menakjubkan, tangan besar merah yang skala, belum menunggu untuk bertemu Meng Hao, memiliki sedih dan melengking whooshes menyebar, mata telanjang besar ini jelas. Tenggelam oleh kekuatan spiritual rasa runtuhnya langsung, sebuah inci (2,54 cm) gangguan, memadamkan langsung rusak.
Sementara itu, di nihility dari Meng Hao tempat yang jauh. Dalam kehancuran ini, antara telah mengungkapkan bentuk besar, meskipun hanya garis besar, tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas konkret, tetapi bentuk ini memiliki sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m) tinggi sepenuhnya, bagian atas kepala memiliki biangular. Tubuh adalah merah, seakan rakasa besar taranya, ia akan mengirimkan mendesing sedih dan melengking, itu runtuh di sini untuk menutupi oleh rasa spiritual Meng Hao, bergemuruh tak henti-hentinya.
"Aku harus membunuhmu !!" mengaum menyebar, bentuk besar ini menolak Meng Hao kekuatan akal spiritual tegas, mengambil satu langkah, mencoba untuk mendekati Meng Hao.
The Meng Hao tampilan acuh tak acuh, tangan kanan mengangkat perlahan, memisahkan spasial terhadap yang menekan bentuk besar.
"pergi!" Memiliki karakter!
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