Meanwhile, the peripheral these Divine Country god emperors also respo terjemahan - Meanwhile, the peripheral these Divine Country god emperors also respo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meanwhile, the peripheral these Div

Meanwhile, the peripheral these Divine Country god emperors also responded put down the Heavenly God emperor's summons, assembled more military strength to send in Peaceful Heavenly God Country.
The front fort, is also carrying out the work of reconstruction, several God King begin personally, long fort refinement is similar to defends Saint Item to be like that hard.
Heavenly Demon Saint Religion this side, in methodical is carrying on the supplement of military strength, although three big regiment 300,000 armies have the casualties in the war, but the Heavenly Demon Saint Religion military strength actually merely is not nine big regiments.
At the back of nine big regiments, reserve forces, once the soldiers of nine big regiments presented the buckle, is reassigns to supplement from the reserve forces immediately.
Does not know any reason, the population of Heavenly Demon Saint Religion nine big regiments, has maintained at 100,000 people of levels, has not surpassed this digit.
Several days later, Rui Jin et al. the injuries restored most probably, Jian Chen led the people to return to Dong An County immediately.
When embarks, Old Ancestor of Dong An County these superior families came to be many, followed Jian Chen to rush to the fort from Dong An County together.
But this time returns to Dong An County, besides Tianyuan Clan several people, Old Ancestor from Dong An County these superior families, only remained them.
In the flight magic weapon, Jian Chen looks at only Old Ancestor of remaining two Dong An County superior families, in the heart secret sighs, controls the flight magic weapon to go forward silently, sails to Dong An County
The rumor is returned by Tianyuan Patriarch that Heavenly Demon Saint Religion seventh regiment captain Ya Xilian seizes suddenly, this news has first spread over Dong An County.
When flight magic weapon when Jian Chen et al. rode just close Dong An County, the Dong An County city gate place, has then been filled with the human, many people gather at the city gate place warmly welcome.
„Tianyuan Patriarch, but there are the qualifications are on the God Lord tablet certainly generation of God Lord, even if takes a broad view at entire Saint Boundary, in the God Lord domain is also illustrious, has not thought that I can actually with certainly generation of God Lord so close, this is the character in legend”
„It is said generation of God Lord can strike to kill God King boundary Expert certainly, that seventh regiment captain Ya Xilian was also but actually big mildew, annoyed certainly generation of God Lord unexpectedly”
„, Did not hear that captain of seventh regiment, by Tianyuan Patriarch capturing alive, do not look at Tianyuan Patriarch now or God Lord, captured God King to be a cinch”
In the warm cheers, is mixing with much to Jian Chen the sound of praise, mentioned the Tianyuan Patriarch name, reveals the pride in Dong An County on the faces of many people being able not help.
The flight magic weapon carried the people directly to enter Tianyuan Clan. In the family, did the elder to wait there for some time completely, looks at Jian Chen et al. the safe returns, among gaze has the excitement and joy that was hard to conceal.
Jian Chen jumps down the flight magic weapon, just when wanted to say anything, suddenly in his eyes the fine glow dodges, vision swift and fierce is staring at that own residence.
„Inside has the human!” In the Jian Chen heart a cold, clear and bright sensation makes him realize that in own room, there is a thing to move, but his Spiritual Perception actually cannot realize the person's shadow.
„The strength of this person, surpasses me to be too many, my Spiritual Perception cannot induce completely.” In the Jian Chen heart sinks, is bringing several points of confusion, moves toward own residence directly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sementara itu, perifer ini negara ilahi Allah Kaisar juga menanggapi meletakkan panggilan Tuhan surgawi Kaisar, mengumpulkan kekuatan lebih militer untuk mengirim dalam damai negara Tuhan surgawi.Benteng depan, juga melaksanakan pekerjaan rekonstruksi, beberapa dewa raja mulai secara pribadi, perbaikan benteng panjang mirip membela Saint Item seperti itu sulit.Surgawi Saint setan agama sisi ini, di metodis membawa pada suplemen kekuatan militer, meskipun tiga pasukan besar Resimen 300.000 memiliki korban perang, tapi kekuatan militer surgawi Saint setan agama benar-benar hanya adalah tidak sembilan Resimen besar.Bagian belakang sembilan besar Resimen, pasukan cadangan, setelah tentara dari Resimen besar sembilan disajikan gesper, adalah reassigns untuk melengkapi dari pasukan cadangan segera.Tidak tahu alasan apa pun, penduduk Saint setan surgawi agama sembilan besar Resimen, telah dipelihara di 100.000 orang tingkat, bukan telah melampaui angka ini.Beberapa hari kemudian, Rui Jin et al. cedera yang dipulihkan paling mungkin, Jian Chen memimpin umat untuk kembali ke Dong County segera.Ketika memulai, lama leluhur dari Dong County keluarga superior ini datang untuk menjadi banyak, diikuti Jian Chen bergegas ke benteng dari Dong County bersama-sama.Tapi kali ini kembali ke Dong County, selain Tianyuan klan beberapa orang, tua leluhur dari Dong County keluarga ini unggul, hanya tetap mereka.Dalam penerbangan sihir senjata, Jian Chen memandang hanya tua leluhur tersisa dua Dong County superior Keluarga, dalam the secret jantung mendesah, kontrol senjata sihir penerbangan untuk maju diam-diam, layar ke Dong CountyDesas-desus dikembalikan oleh Tianyuan patriak bahwa Resimen ketujuh surgawi Saint setan agama Kapten Ya Xilian merebut tiba-tiba, Berita ini memiliki pertama tersebar Dong County.Ketika penerbangan sihir senjata ketika Jian Chen et al. rode hanya menutup Dong County, tempat gerbang kota Dong County, kemudian diisi dengan manusia, banyak orang berkumpul di pintu gerbang tempat sambutan hangat."Tianyuan patriark, tetapi ada kualifikasi adalah pada tablet Tuhan Allah pasti generasi dari Tuhan Jahweh, bahkan jika mengambil luas lihat di seluruh Saint batas, di domain Tuhan Allah juga terkenal, tidak berpikir bahwa aku bisa benar-benar dengan pasti generasi dari Allah Tuhan begitu dekat, ini adalah karakter dalam legenda""Dikatakan generasi dari Tuhan Allah dapat pemogokan untuk membunuh raja Allah batas ahli tentu saja, yang ketujuh Komandan Resimen Kapten Ya Xilian diduga juga tapi benar-benar besar jamur, jengkel pasti generasi dari Tuhan Allah"", Tidak mendengar bahwa Kapten Resimen ketujuh, oleh Tianyuan patriak menangkap hidup, jangan melihat Tianyuan patriak sekarang atau Tuhan Allah, ditangkap dewa raja harus menang"Dalam hangat, adalah pencampuran dengan banyak Jian Chen suara pujian, disebutkan nama Tianyuan patriark, menyatakan kesombongan di Dong County pada wajah banyak orang bisa tidak membantu.The flight magic weapon carried the people directly to enter Tianyuan Clan. In the family, did the elder to wait there for some time completely, looks at Jian Chen et al. the safe returns, among gaze has the excitement and joy that was hard to conceal.Jian Chen jumps down the flight magic weapon, just when wanted to say anything, suddenly in his eyes the fine glow dodges, vision swift and fierce is staring at that own residence.„Inside has the human!” In the Jian Chen heart a cold, clear and bright sensation makes him realize that in own room, there is a thing to move, but his Spiritual Perception actually cannot realize the person's shadow.„The strength of this person, surpasses me to be too many, my Spiritual Perception cannot induce completely.” In the Jian Chen heart sinks, is bringing several points of confusion, moves toward own residence directly.
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