#1351: First day submitting to! Mountains and Seas Plane, counter-atta terjemahan - #1351: First day submitting to! Mountains and Seas Plane, counter-atta Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1351: First day submitting to! Mou

#1351: First day submitting to!

Mountains and Seas Plane, counter-attacks comprehensively, flames of war are everywhere dreadful, may be different from before, this time, retreating in defeat again and again is not mountain and sea cultivator, but is the alien race.
First Mountain and Sea, Echelon Dao Tian, bringing numerous mountain and sea to cultivate, slaughters before, the place visited, these alien race complete routs, they do not dare at the war, anybody to see, this moment Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, self-confidence in that look, dreadfulness of that Fighting Intent.
Sometimes, in the despair from exploding, could erupt a race the imposing manner, may imposing manner like this, itself be sorrowful, is sad, after erupting, waits for their, will perish.
Such enemy, although is respectable, although is fearful, but actually cannot let the person raising dilutedness.
But ... Has self-confidently, has the spirit at the same time, has this eruption race, is truly fearful existence, present Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, is this!
While awakening, same has its crazy place, is powerful, making the alien race mind shiver in abundance, they have to think crazily, has to think erupts at risk of life, but ... Is useless.
They have to do, under counter-attacking of this mountain and sea cultivator, they also once had from exploding, once had, even if died, must draw in mountain and sea to cultivate perishes together.
But ... Same no helps!
Second Mountain and Sea, slaughters shakes the heavens, in Third Mountain and Sea, the bloody aura, fills the entire starry sky, mountain and sea cultivator, is similar to is being bathed in blood rebirth, their reveals brightly, in that bright ray, is confident, hopeful, there is very ruthless and demented.
Compared with ruthless, they are more ruthless than the alien race, compared with self-confident, they are more self-confident than the alien race, compared with the hope, they forever hopes that has surpassed this moment alien race.
Thunders, the Fourth Mountain and Sea war, is faster, under the direction of Xu Qing, after the return of De Cang, the mountain and sea cultivator army, sweeps away the battlefield.
De Cang act, one such as this moment Meng Hao, he had not had the Paragon puppet again easily freely, although there are six source peak strengths, but same has not continued act.
Hai Meng, that major Lord of the Mountain and Sea, are so, only if in the powerhouse facing alien race, otherwise, they are waiting and seeing.
The qualifications of many act, leaves Mountains and Seas Plane other cultivator, because all people understand, now, is only the start of war, has only committed fornication cultivator of enemy blood, can in the following war, have the qualifications of growth!
Eighth Mountain and Sea, Ninth Mountain sea, equally at war.
All alien races, unceasingly are flinching, but beforehand arrives at Nine Great Mountains and Seas respectively, changes to nine big camps, originally in the alien race occupies in the superior situation, is similar to nine pointed knives, pricks in Mountains and Seas Plane, can play the role of division tearing, the injury to Mountains and Seas Plane is enormous.
But now, such layout, became lets the root that first day the alien race exterminates, because of dispersion, therefore had the encircled aspect, only in that sixth with Seventh Mountain and Sea, in these two pieces of Mountains and Seas Plane, because of the scarcity of mountain and sea cultivator population, making it the camp of alien race, to finally, is became their bases, is the final foothold.
Also is seven days, First Mountain and Sea, Second Mountain and Sea, Third Mountain and Sea as well as Fourth Mountain and Sea, major success one after another, strangles to death the alien race, even under besieging, these four big mountain and sea alien races, extinguished has killed nearly eight.
The starry sky blood fills the air, slaughters dreadfully, but Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, Fighting Intent lets as before, Xu Qing in this fights, sent out to be her radiance with the ray, in these four big mountain and sea, Fourth Mountain and Sea completed to extinguish first kills the alien race, even transferred the direction, entered Third Mountain and Sea to help in the fighting.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1351: pertama hari tunduk kepada! Pegunungan dan laut pesawat, serangan kontra komprehensif, api perang adalah di mana-mana mengerikan, mungkin berbeda dari sebelumnya, kali ini, mundur dalam kekalahan lagi dan lagi tidak beralih gunung dan laut, tetapi adalah ras alien.Pertama gunung dan laut, Echelon Dao Tian, membawa berbagai gunung dan laut untuk menumbuhkan, pembunuhan sebelumnya, tempat yang dikunjungi, ini ras alien lengkap routs, mereka tidak berani di perang, siapa pun untuk melihat, ini saat pegunungan dan laut pesawat beralih, kepercayaan diri dalam yang terlihat, dreadfulness bahwa pertempuran niat.Kadang-kadang, putus asa dari meledak, bisa meletus ras dengan cara yang megah, memaksakan cara seperti ini, mungkin sedih, sedih, setelah meletus, menunggu untuk mereka, akan binasa.Musuh seperti itu, meskipun terhormat, meskipun menakutkan, tetapi sebenarnya tidak bisa membiarkan orang yang mengangkat dilutedness.Tapi... Telah self-confidently, memiliki Roh pada saat yang sama, memiliki ras letusan ini, adalah benar-benar mengerikan keberadaan, pegunungan dan laut pesawat elastis dengan beralih, apakah ini!Sementara kebangkitan, sama memiliki tempat gila, kuat, membuat ras alien pikiran getaran dalam kelimpahan, mereka harus berpikir Ayun, harus memikirkan meletus pada risiko kehidupan, tapi... Ada gunanya.Yang harus mereka lakukan, di bawah berlawanan menyerang beralih ini gunung dan laut, mereka juga pernah punya dari meledak, pernah, bahkan jika meninggal, harus menggambar di gunung dan laut untuk menumbuhkan Bekerjalah bersama-sama.But ... Same no helps!Second Mountain and Sea, slaughters shakes the heavens, in Third Mountain and Sea, the bloody aura, fills the entire starry sky, mountain and sea cultivator, is similar to is being bathed in blood rebirth, their reveals brightly, in that bright ray, is confident, hopeful, there is very ruthless and demented.Compared with ruthless, they are more ruthless than the alien race, compared with self-confident, they are more self-confident than the alien race, compared with the hope, they forever hopes that has surpassed this moment alien race.Thunders, the Fourth Mountain and Sea war, is faster, under the direction of Xu Qing, after the return of De Cang, the mountain and sea cultivator army, sweeps away the battlefield.De Cang act, one such as this moment Meng Hao, he had not had the Paragon puppet again easily freely, although there are six source peak strengths, but same has not continued act.Hai Meng, that major Lord of the Mountain and Sea, are so, only if in the powerhouse facing alien race, otherwise, they are waiting and seeing.The qualifications of many act, leaves Mountains and Seas Plane other cultivator, because all people understand, now, is only the start of war, has only committed fornication cultivator of enemy blood, can in the following war, have the qualifications of growth!Eighth Mountain and Sea, Ninth Mountain sea, equally at war.Semua ras alien, tanpa henti berkedip, tetapi sebelumnya tiba di sembilan besar pegunungan dan laut masing-masing, perubahan ke kamp-kamp besar sembilan, awalnya di ras alien menempati dalam situasi yang unggul, mirip dengan sembilan menunjuk pisau, pricks di pegunungan dan pesawat laut, dapat memainkan peran Divisi merobek, cedera sampai pegunungan dan laut pesawat sangat besar.Tapi sekarang, seperti tata letak, menjadi memungkinkan akar yang hari pertama ras alien exterminates, karena dispersi, sehingga memiliki aspek yang dilingkari, hanya di yang keenam dengan ketujuh gunung dan laut, di potongan-potongan ini dua pegunungan dan laut pesawat, karena kelangkaan gunung dan laut beralih populasi, menjadikannya kamp ras alien, untuk akhirnya, menjadi basis mereka , adalah pijakan akhir.Juga adalah tujuh hari pertama gunung dan laut, kedua gunung dan laut, ketiga gunung dan laut serta keempat gunung dan laut, utama keberhasilan satu demi satu, mencekik kematian ras alien, bahkan di bawah mengepung, ini empat gunung besar dan laut alien ras, dipadamkan telah membunuh hampir delapan.Darah langit berbintang mengisi udara, pembunuhan sangat, tapi pegunungan dan laut pesawat beralih, pertempuran maksud memungkinkan seperti sebelumnya, Xu Qing dalam perkelahian ini, dikirim keluar untuk menjadi nya cahaya dengan sinar, dalam empat gunung besar dan laut, keempat gunung dan laut selesai untuk memadamkan pertama membunuh ras alien, bahkan ditransfer arah, memasuki ketiga gunung dan laut untuk membantu dalam pertempuran.
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