Following Roychowdhury (2006), we use abnormal cash flows from operati terjemahan - Following Roychowdhury (2006), we use abnormal cash flows from operati Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Following Roychowdhury (2006), we u

Following Roychowdhury (2006), we use abnormal cash flows from operations,
abnormal discretionary expenses, and abnormal production costs to measure real
earnings management. We run regressions based on a sample of firms that are likely to
manipulate real activities to avoid reporting annual losses for years 2007-2010. We
document that real earnings management, measured by abnormal cash flows from
operations, abnormal discretionary expenses, or abnormal production costs, is
positively associated with audit committee members’ additional directorships. These
results suggest that audit committee members’ busyness may impair their effectiveness
in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no evidence that the other
four audit committee characteristics can affect real earnings management.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mengikuti Roychowdhury (2006), kami menggunakan arus kas abnormal dari operasi,abnormal discretionary biaya, dan biaya produksi untuk mengukur nyatamanajemen pendapatan. Kami menjalankan regresi berdasarkan sampel dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang cenderungmemanipulasi nyata kegiatan untuk menghindari melaporkan kerugian tahunan untuk tahun 2007-2010. Kamidokumen bahwa manajemen penghasilan nyata, diukur dengan arus kas abnormal darioperasi, abnormal discretionary biaya atau biaya produksi, adalahpositif yang terkait dengan jabatan Direktur tambahan anggota komite audit. IniHasilnya menunjukkan bahwa anggota komite audit kesibukan dapat mengganggu efektivitas merekapemantauan kegiatan nyata manipulasi. Namun, kami menemukan ada bukti bahwa yang lainKomite audit empat karakteristik dapat mempengaruhi real penghasilan manajemen.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Following Roychowdhury (2006), we use abnormal cash flows from operations,
abnormal discretionary expenses, and abnormal production costs to measure real
earnings management. We run regressions based on a sample of firms that are likely to
manipulate real activities to avoid reporting annual losses for years 2007-2010. We
document that real earnings management, measured by abnormal cash flows from
operations, abnormal discretionary expenses, or abnormal production costs, is
positively associated with audit committee members’ additional directorships. These
results suggest that audit committee members’ busyness may impair their effectiveness
in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no evidence that the other
four audit committee characteristics can affect real earnings management.
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