Similar developments have taken place in still other indus¬tries, part terjemahan - Similar developments have taken place in still other indus¬tries, part Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Similar developments have taken pla

Similar developments have taken place in still other indus¬tries, particularly in those areas relating to the planning, schedul¬ing, and control of research and development activities. Here activities tend to be more intellectual and less physical (i.e., more engineering creation and less-manufacturing), although the
"Arch R. Dooley, "Interpretations of PERT," 1-1a:varif Businr. .w, March—
April 1964, p. 161.

The PERT technique is applicable where there is no established system for doing the task and therefore no exact basis for es¬timating the required time to complete each task. Critical-path scheduling, on the other hand, usually is applied to jobs which are established or have been done before and where it is possible to predict performance accurately. Consequently, more sophis¬ticated mathematical models must be used in the PERT technique.
Other Network Techniques
During the past few years the techniques of CPM and PERT have been refined, and other variations have been added. The first developments were concerned principally with a description of a total task, the relationships among various elements, and the cost of performing various segments of the operation. During the 1960s, many variations of CPM and PERT were developed which used features of "minimax" theory in determining the optimum way to complete the job.
One such variation of CPM and PERT it•. _east Cost Estimat¬ing and Scheduling (LESS) which resolves the problem at what time and how fast each and every job should be done so as to complete the project at a minimum cost or in a specified time. This particular technique has deVeloped through three phases of in¬creasing sophistication.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Perkembangan serupa telah terjadi di masih indus¬tries lainnya, terutama di daerah-daerah yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan, schedul¬ing, dan pengawasan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan. Di sini kegiatan cenderung lebih intelektual dan kurang fisik (yaitu, lebih teknik penciptaan dan kurang-manufaktur), meskipun"Arch R. Dooley,"Interpretasi dari PERT,"1-1a:varif Businr..w, Maret —April 1964, ms. 161.Teknik PERT berlaku dimana tidak ada sistem yang didirikan untuk melakukan tugas dan oleh karena itu ada dasar yang tepat untuk es¬timating waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan setiap tugas. Jalur kritis penjadwalan, di sisi lain, biasanya diterapkan untuk pekerjaan yang ditetapkan atau telah dilakukan sebelumnya dan dimana mungkin untuk memprediksi kinerja secara akurat. Akibatnya, lebih sophis¬ticated model-model matematik harus digunakan dalam teknik PERT.Teknik jaringan lainnyaSelama beberapa tahun terakhir teknik-teknik BPT dan PERT telah disempurnakan, dan variasi lainnya telah ditambahkan. Perkembangan pertama prihatin terutama dengan deskripsi a total tugas, hubungan antara berbagai elemen, dan biaya melakukan berbagai segmen operasi. Selama 1960-an, banyak variasi BPT dan PERT dikembangkan yang digunakan fitur "minimax" teori dalam menentukan cara optimal untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan.Satu seperti variasi BPT dan PERT it•. _East biaya Estimat¬ing dan penjadwalan (kurang) yang memecahkan masalah pada apa waktu dan seberapa cepat setiap pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan proyek pada biaya minimum atau di waktu yang ditentukan. Teknik khusus ini telah berkembang melalui tiga tahap in¬creasing kecanggihan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Similar developments have taken place in still other indus¬tries, particularly in those areas relating to the planning, schedul¬ing, and control of research and development activities. Here activities tend to be more intellectual and less physical (i.e., more engineering creation and less-manufacturing), although the
"Arch R. Dooley, "Interpretations of PERT," 1-1a:varif Businr. .w, March—
April 1964, p. 161.

The PERT technique is applicable where there is no established system for doing the task and therefore no exact basis for es¬timating the required time to complete each task. Critical-path scheduling, on the other hand, usually is applied to jobs which are established or have been done before and where it is possible to predict performance accurately. Consequently, more sophis¬ticated mathematical models must be used in the PERT technique.
Other Network Techniques
During the past few years the techniques of CPM and PERT have been refined, and other variations have been added. The first developments were concerned principally with a description of a total task, the relationships among various elements, and the cost of performing various segments of the operation. During the 1960s, many variations of CPM and PERT were developed which used features of "minimax" theory in determining the optimum way to complete the job.
One such variation of CPM and PERT it•. _east Cost Estimat¬ing and Scheduling (LESS) which resolves the problem at what time and how fast each and every job should be done so as to complete the project at a minimum cost or in a specified time. This particular technique has deVeloped through three phases of in¬creasing sophistication.

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