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2Introduction1.4 DelimitationsWe have made interviews with five persons and we have focused on how they have done when they have created their brands and what they have done to sustain them. This way we will provide some general guidelines to how you can do to develop your personal brand.1.5 Definition“A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of these, which is used to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers to differentiate them from those of competitors”. (Kotler,2002, p 469).A personal brand on the other hand is something that every person has. It is not something that you are, but something that you have. A personal brand is those values that a person stands for and communicates to the surroundings. Everything that a person does will contribute to the picture that the surrounding has of that person (Werner Runebjörk,2004).1.6 DispositionThe disposition will give the reader a good overview of this thesis. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters.Chapter 1 – IntroductionIn chapter one we present you to the subject of personal branding. We also present our purpose and research questions.Chapter 2 – Frame of ReferenceIn this chapter we present the different theories that we have used. We start by a section of why brands are important and after that what a personal brand is. Then we introduce different strategies of how to develop a personal brand. In the end we present a research model on how to develop a personal brand and how to sustain it.Bab 5-metodeBab ini termasuk metodologi yang dipilih dan bagaimana kami telah melakukan penelitian kami. Pada akhir bab ini, presentasi dari para peserta wawancara disajikan.Bab 4-analisisDalam bab empat kami menyertakan temuan empiris dan analisis. Kami membahas literatur branding tradisional dan kemudian menerapkan peserta wawancara pada model penelitian kami.Bab 5 – kesimpulanBab ini berisi jawaban atas laporan kami tujuan dan masalah.Bab 6 – akhir diskusiRefleksi, penelitian lebih lanjut dan penghargaan termasuk dalam bab ini.3Kerangka acuan2 kerangka acuanDalam bab ini kami pertama kali hadir satu perspektif tentang merek, dan kemudian apa merek pribadi adalah. Lebih lanjut pada kami hadir empat model yang menjelaskan merek pribadi yang mengembangkan proses. Kemudian model yang menentukan bagaimana kuat adalah merek pribadi Anda dan apa keuntungan yang ada untuk mengembangkan merek pribadi juga disertakan. Akhirnya, model penelitian yang akan meringkas model yang ada dan juga mencakup beberapa aspek lain untuk proses dalam bagaimana merek dikembangkan disajikan.
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