Public health educationIn countries like Bangladesh where Nipah virus  terjemahan - Public health educationIn countries like Bangladesh where Nipah virus  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Public health educationIn countries

Public health education
In countries like Bangladesh where Nipah virus is endemic,
authorities stress the importance of public awareness. An explicit
warning has been made by the Health Minister A.F.M. Ruhal Haque:
“Only by stopping the consumption of the raw sap, can this disease
be stopped. Despite our many attempts at raising awareness, people
are ignoring the warnings and as a result, are getting infected” [41],
underlining the importance of providing information and the difficulties
encountered to obtain behavior changes in target populations.
In the absence of a vaccine, the only way to reduce the risk of
infection in people is by raising awareness of the risk factors and
educating people about the measures they can take to reduce exposure
to the virus.
Public health educational messages should focus on: i) Reducing
the risk of bat-to-human transmission: Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap. Freshly
collected date palm juice should also be boiled and fruits should be
thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption. ii) Reducing the
risk of human-to-human transmission: Close physical contact with
Nipah virus-infected people should be avoided. Masks, gloves and
protective equipment should be worn when taking care of ill people.
Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visiting
sick people. iii) Reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission:
Masks, gloves and other protective clothing should be worn while
handling sick animals or their tissues, and during slaughtering and
culling procedures [42].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Public health educationIn countries like Bangladesh where Nipah virus is endemic, authorities stress the importance of public awareness. An explicit warning has been made by the Health Minister A.F.M. Ruhal Haque: “Only by stopping the consumption of the raw sap, can this disease be stopped. Despite our many attempts at raising awareness, people are ignoring the warnings and as a result, are getting infected” [41], underlining the importance of providing information and the difficulties encountered to obtain behavior changes in target populations.In the absence of a vaccine, the only way to reduce the risk of infection in people is by raising awareness of the risk factors and educating people about the measures they can take to reduce exposure to the virus. Public health educational messages should focus on: i) Reducing the risk of bat-to-human transmission: Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap. Freshly collected date palm juice should also be boiled and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption. ii) Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission: Close physical contact with Nipah virus-infected people should be avoided. Masks, gloves and protective equipment should be worn when taking care of ill people. Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visiting sick people. iii) Reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission: Masks, gloves and other protective clothing should be worn while
handling sick animals or their tissues, and during slaughtering and
culling procedures [42].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat
di negara-negara seperti Bangladesh di mana virus Nipah adalah endemik,
otoritas menekankan pentingnya kesadaran masyarakat. Eksplisit
peringatan telah dibuat oleh Menteri Kesehatan AFM Ruhal Haque:
"Hanya dengan menghentikan konsumsi getah mentah, dapat penyakit ini
dihentikan. Meskipun banyak upaya kita untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, orang
yang mengabaikan peringatan dan sebagai hasilnya, yang terinfeksi "[41],
menggarisbawahi pentingnya memberikan informasi dan kesulitan
yang dihadapi untuk memperoleh perubahan perilaku pada populasi sasaran.
Dengan tidak adanya vaksin , satu-satunya cara untuk mengurangi risiko
infeksi pada orang adalah dengan meningkatkan kesadaran faktor risiko dan
mendidik masyarakat tentang langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi paparan
terhadap virus.
pesan pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat harus fokus pada: i) Mengurangi
risiko kelelawar ke manusia transmisi: Upaya untuk mencegah penularan pertama harus fokus pada mengurangi akses kelelawar untuk getah kurma. Baru
dikumpulkan tanggal sari kurma juga harus direbus dan buah-buahan harus
dicuci dan dikupas sebelum dikonsumsi. ii) Mengurangi
risiko penularan manusia manusia ke: kontak fisik Tutup dengan
Nipah orang yang terinfeksi virus harus dihindari. Masker, sarung tangan dan
peralatan pelindung harus dipakai saat merawat orang sakit.
Mencuci tangan secara teratur harus dilakukan setelah merawat atau mengunjungi
orang sakit. iii) Mengurangi risiko penularan hewan ke manusia:
Masker, sarung tangan dan pakaian pelindung lainnya harus dipakai saat
menangani hewan yang sakit atau jaringan mereka, dan selama pemotongan dan
pemusnahan prosedur [42].
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