Components of a Business Plan1. Introduction. Basic information such a terjemahan - Components of a Business Plan1. Introduction. Basic information such a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Components of a Business Plan1. Int

Components of a Business Plan
1. Introduction. Basic information such as the name, address, and phone number of
the business; the date the plan was issued; and a statement of confidentiality to
keep important information away from potential competitors.
2. Executive Summary. A one- to two-page overview of the entire business plan,
including a justification why the business will succeed.
3. Benefits to the Community. Information on how the business will have an
impact on economic development, community development, and human
4. Company and Industry. The background of the company, choice of the legal
business form, information on the products or services to be offered, and
examination of the potential customers, current competitors, and the
business’s future.
5. Management Team. Discussion of skills, talents, and job descriptions of
management team, managerial compensation, management training needs, and
professional assistance requirements.
6. Manufacturing and Operations Plan. Discussion of facilities needed, space
requirements, capital equipment, labor force, inventory control, and purchasing
7. Labor Force. Discussion of the quality of skilled workers available and the training,
compensation, and motivation of workers.
8. Marketing Plan. Discussion of markets, market trends, competition, market share,
pricing, promotion, distribution, and service policy.
9. Financial Plan. Summary of the investment needed, sales and cash flow forecasts,
breakeven analysis, and sources of funding.
10. Exit Strategy. Discussion of a succession plan or going public. Who will take over
the business?
11. Critical Risks and Assumptions. Evaluation of the weaknesses of the business
and how the company plans to deal with these and other business
12. Appendix. Supplementary information crucial to the plan, such as résumés of
owners and principal managers, advertising samples, organization chart, and any
related information.

and mission of the new venture? (2) Why is this new enterprise a good idea? (3) What
are the businessperson’s goals? (4) How much will the new venture cost?
The great amount of time and consideration that should go into creating a business
plan probably will end up saving time later. For example, Sharon Burch, who was running
a computer software business while earning a degree in business administration,
had to write a business plan as part of one of her courses. Burch has said, “I wish I’d
taken the class before I started my business. I see a lot of things I could have done differently.
But it has helped me since because I’ve been using the business plan as a guide
for my business.” Table 5.4 provides a business plan checklist. Accuracy and realistic
expectations are crucial to an effective business plan. It is unethical to deceive loan
officers, and it is unwise to deceive yourself.

Business Plan Checklist
1. Does the executive summary grab the reader’s attention and highlight the major
points of the business plan?
2. Does the business-concept section clearly describe the purpose of the business,
the customers, the value proposition, and the distribution channel and convey a
compelling story?
3. Do the industry and market analyses support acceptance and demand for the
business concept in the marketplace and define a first customer in depth?
4. Does the management team plan persuade the reader that the team could
implement the business concept successfully? Does it assure the reader that an
effective infrastructure is in place to facilitate the goals and operations of the
5. Does the product/service plan clearly provide details on the status of the
product, the time line for completion, and the intellectual property that will be
6. Does the operations plan prove that the product or service could be produced and
distributed efficiently and effectively?
7. Does the marketing plan successfully demonstrate how the company will create
customer awareness in the target market and deliver the benefit to the customer?
8. Does the financial plan convince the reader that the business model is
sustainable—that it will provide a superior return on investment for the investor
and sufficient cash flow to repay loans to potential lenders?
9. Does the growth plan convince the reader that the company has long-term growth
potential and spin-off products and services?
10. Does the contingency and exit-strategy plan convince the reader that the risk
associated with this venture can be mediated? Is there an exit strategy in place for

The Small Business Administ rat ion
The Small Business Administration (SBA), created by Congress in 1953, is a
governmental agency that assists, counsels, and protects the interests of small businesses
in the United States. It helps people get into business and stay in business. The agency
provides assistance to owners and managers of prospective, new, and established
small businesses. Through more than 1,000 offices and resource centers throughout
the nation, the SBA provides both financial assistance and management counseling.
Recently, the SBA provided training, technical assistance, and education to more than
3 million small businesses. It helps small firms to bid for and obtain government
contracts, and it helps them to prepare to enter foreign markets.
SBA Management Assistance
Statistics show that most failures in small business are related to poor management.
For this reason, the SBA places special emphasis on improving the management ability
of the owners and managers of small businesses. The SBA’s Management Assistance
Program is extensive and diversified. It includes free individual counseling, courses,
conferences, workshops, and a wide range of publications. Recently, the SBA provided
management and technical assistance to nearly 1 million small businesses through its

1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from the Service
Corps of Retired Executives.14
Management Courses and Workshops The management courses offered by the
SBA cover all the functions, duties, and roles of managers. Instructors may be teachers
from local colleges and universities or other professionals, such as management consultants,
bankers, lawyers, and accountants. Fees for these courses are quite low. The
most popular such course is a general survey of eight to ten different areas of business
management. In follow-up studies, businesspeople may concentrate in depth on one
or more of these areas depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses. The
SBA occasionally offers one-day conferences. These conferences are aimed at keeping
owner-managers up-to-date on new management developments, tax laws, and the like.
The Small Business Training Network (SBTN) is an online training network consisting
of 83 SBA-run courses, workshops, and resources. Some of the most requested courses
include Entrepreneurship, Starting and Managing Your Own Business, Developing
a Business Plan, Managing the Digital Enterprise, Identify Your Target Market, and
Analyze Profitability. Find out more at Recently, more than
240,000 small-business owners benefited from SBA’s free online business courses.
SCORE The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), created in 1964, is
a group of more than 13,000 retired and active businesspeople including more than
2,000 women who volunteer their services to small businesses through the SBA. The
collective experience of SCORE volunteers spans the full range of American enterprise.
These volunteers have worked for such notable companies as Eastman Kodak, General
Electric, IBM, and Procter & Gamble. Experts in areas of accounting, finance, marketing,
engineering, and retailing provide counseling and mentoring to entrepreneurs.
A small-business owner who has a particular problem can request free counseling from
SCORE. An assigned counselor visits the owner in his or her establishment and, through
careful observation, analyzes the business situation and the problem. If the problem is
complex, the counselor may call on other volunteer experts to assist. Finally, the counselor
offers a plan for solving the problem and helping the owner through the critical period.
Consider the plight of Elizabeth Halvorsen, a mystery writer from Minneapolis.
Her husband had built up the family advertising and graphic arts firm for 17 years
when he was called in 1991 to serve in the Persian Gulf War. The only one left behind
to run the business was Mrs. Halvorsen, who admittedly had no
business experience. Enter SCORE. With a SCORE management
expert at her side, she kept the business on track. Recently, SCORE
volunteers served more than 523,800 small-business people like
Mrs. Halvorsen through its 389 offices. The 13,000 counselors
provided 203,000 face-to-face counseling sessions, 119,000 online
counseling sessions, and more than 49,500 online workshops to
more than 201,000 workshop participants. Since its inception,
SCORE has assisted more than 9 million small-business people
with online and face-to-face small business counseling.15
Help for Minority-Owned Small Businesses
Americans who are members of minority groups have had
difficulty entering the nation’s economic mainstream. Raising
money is a nagging problem for minority business owners, who
also may lack adequate training. Members of minority groups
are, of course, eligible for all SBA programs, but the SBA makes
a special effort to assist those minority groups who want to
start small businesses or expand existing ones. For example, the
Minority Business Development Agency awards grants to develop
and increase business opportunities for members of racial and
ethnic minorities.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Components of a Business Plan1. Introduction. Basic information such as the name, address, and phone number ofthe business; the date the plan was issued; and a statement of confidentiality tokeep important information away from potential competitors.2. Executive Summary. A one- to two-page overview of the entire business plan,including a justification why the business will succeed.3. Benefits to the Community. Information on how the business will have animpact on economic development, community development, and humandevelopment.4. Company and Industry. The background of the company, choice of the legalbusiness form, information on the products or services to be offered, andexamination of the potential customers, current competitors, and thebusiness’s future.5. Management Team. Discussion of skills, talents, and job descriptions ofmanagement team, managerial compensation, management training needs, andprofessional assistance requirements.6. Manufacturing and Operations Plan. Discussion of facilities needed, spacerequirements, capital equipment, labor force, inventory control, and purchasingrequirement.7. Labor Force. Discussion of the quality of skilled workers available and the training,compensation, and motivation of workers.8. Marketing Plan. Discussion of markets, market trends, competition, market share,pricing, promotion, distribution, and service policy.9. Financial Plan. Summary of the investment needed, sales and cash flow forecasts,breakeven analysis, and sources of funding.10. Exit Strategy. Discussion of a succession plan or going public. Who will take overthe business?11. Critical Risks and Assumptions. Evaluation of the weaknesses of the businessand how the company plans to deal with these and other businessproblems.12. Appendix. Supplementary information crucial to the plan, such as résumés ofowners and principal managers, advertising samples, organization chart, and anyrelated information.and mission of the new venture? (2) Why is this new enterprise a good idea? (3) Whatare the businessperson’s goals? (4) How much will the new venture cost?The great amount of time and consideration that should go into creating a businessplan probably will end up saving time later. For example, Sharon Burch, who was runninga computer software business while earning a degree in business administration,had to write a business plan as part of one of her courses. Burch has said, “I wish I’dtaken the class before I started my business. I see a lot of things I could have done differently.But it has helped me since because I’ve been using the business plan as a guidefor my business.” Table 5.4 provides a business plan checklist. Accuracy and realisticexpectations are crucial to an effective business plan. It is unethical to deceive loanofficers, and it is unwise to deceive yourself.146Business Plan Checklist1. Does the executive summary grab the reader’s attention and highlight the majorpoints of the business plan?2. Does the business-concept section clearly describe the purpose of the business,the customers, the value proposition, and the distribution channel and convey acompelling story?3. Do the industry and market analyses support acceptance and demand for thebusiness concept in the marketplace and define a first customer in depth?4. Does the management team plan persuade the reader that the team couldimplement the business concept successfully? Does it assure the reader that aneffective infrastructure is in place to facilitate the goals and operations of thecompany?5. Does the product/service plan clearly provide details on the status of theproduct, the time line for completion, and the intellectual property that will beacquired?6. Does the operations plan prove that the product or service could be produced anddistributed efficiently and effectively?7. Does the marketing plan successfully demonstrate how the company will createcustomer awareness in the target market and deliver the benefit to the customer?8. Does the financial plan convince the reader that the business model issustainable—that it will provide a superior return on investment for the investorand sufficient cash flow to repay loans to potential lenders?9. Does the growth plan convince the reader that the company has long-term growthpotential and spin-off products and services?10. Does the contingency and exit-strategy plan convince the reader that the riskassociated with this venture can be mediated? Is there an exit strategy in place for

The Small Business Administ rat ion
The Small Business Administration (SBA), created by Congress in 1953, is a
governmental agency that assists, counsels, and protects the interests of small businesses
in the United States. It helps people get into business and stay in business. The agency
provides assistance to owners and managers of prospective, new, and established
small businesses. Through more than 1,000 offices and resource centers throughout
the nation, the SBA provides both financial assistance and management counseling.
Recently, the SBA provided training, technical assistance, and education to more than
3 million small businesses. It helps small firms to bid for and obtain government
contracts, and it helps them to prepare to enter foreign markets.
SBA Management Assistance
Statistics show that most failures in small business are related to poor management.
For this reason, the SBA places special emphasis on improving the management ability
of the owners and managers of small businesses. The SBA’s Management Assistance
Program is extensive and diversified. It includes free individual counseling, courses,
conferences, workshops, and a wide range of publications. Recently, the SBA provided
management and technical assistance to nearly 1 million small businesses through its

1,100 Small Business Development Centers and 13,000 volunteers from the Service
Corps of Retired Executives.14
Management Courses and Workshops The management courses offered by the
SBA cover all the functions, duties, and roles of managers. Instructors may be teachers
from local colleges and universities or other professionals, such as management consultants,
bankers, lawyers, and accountants. Fees for these courses are quite low. The
most popular such course is a general survey of eight to ten different areas of business
management. In follow-up studies, businesspeople may concentrate in depth on one
or more of these areas depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses. The
SBA occasionally offers one-day conferences. These conferences are aimed at keeping
owner-managers up-to-date on new management developments, tax laws, and the like.
The Small Business Training Network (SBTN) is an online training network consisting
of 83 SBA-run courses, workshops, and resources. Some of the most requested courses
include Entrepreneurship, Starting and Managing Your Own Business, Developing
a Business Plan, Managing the Digital Enterprise, Identify Your Target Market, and
Analyze Profitability. Find out more at Recently, more than
240,000 small-business owners benefited from SBA’s free online business courses.
SCORE The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), created in 1964, is
a group of more than 13,000 retired and active businesspeople including more than
2,000 women who volunteer their services to small businesses through the SBA. The
collective experience of SCORE volunteers spans the full range of American enterprise.
These volunteers have worked for such notable companies as Eastman Kodak, General
Electric, IBM, and Procter & Gamble. Experts in areas of accounting, finance, marketing,
engineering, and retailing provide counseling and mentoring to entrepreneurs.
A small-business owner who has a particular problem can request free counseling from
SCORE. An assigned counselor visits the owner in his or her establishment and, through
careful observation, analyzes the business situation and the problem. If the problem is
complex, the counselor may call on other volunteer experts to assist. Finally, the counselor
offers a plan for solving the problem and helping the owner through the critical period.
Consider the plight of Elizabeth Halvorsen, a mystery writer from Minneapolis.
Her husband had built up the family advertising and graphic arts firm for 17 years
when he was called in 1991 to serve in the Persian Gulf War. The only one left behind
to run the business was Mrs. Halvorsen, who admittedly had no
business experience. Enter SCORE. With a SCORE management
expert at her side, she kept the business on track. Recently, SCORE
volunteers served more than 523,800 small-business people like
Mrs. Halvorsen through its 389 offices. The 13,000 counselors
provided 203,000 face-to-face counseling sessions, 119,000 online
counseling sessions, and more than 49,500 online workshops to
more than 201,000 workshop participants. Since its inception,
SCORE has assisted more than 9 million small-business people
with online and face-to-face small business counseling.15
Help for Minority-Owned Small Businesses
Americans who are members of minority groups have had
difficulty entering the nation’s economic mainstream. Raising
money is a nagging problem for minority business owners, who
also may lack adequate training. Members of minority groups
are, of course, eligible for all SBA programs, but the SBA makes
a special effort to assist those minority groups who want to
start small businesses or expand existing ones. For example, the
Minority Business Development Agency awards grants to develop
and increase business opportunities for members of racial and
ethnic minorities.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Komponen dari Rencana Bisnis
1. Pengantar. Informasi dasar seperti nama, alamat, dan nomor telepon dari
bisnis; tanggal rencana itu dikeluarkan; dan pernyataan kerahasiaan untuk
menyimpan informasi penting dari pesaing potensial.
2. Ringkasan bisnis plan. Sebuah gambaran satu sampai dua halaman dari rencana bisnis keseluruhan,
termasuk pembenaran mengapa bisnis ini akan berhasil.
3. Manfaat bagi masyarakat. Informasi tentang bagaimana bisnis akan memiliki
dampak pada pembangunan ekonomi, pengembangan masyarakat, dan manusia
4. Perusahaan dan Industri. Latar belakang perusahaan, pilihan hukum
berupa bisnis, informasi tentang produk atau jasa yang akan ditawarkan, dan
pemeriksaan pelanggan potensial, pesaing saat ini, dan
masa depan bisnis.
5. Tim manajemen. Diskusi keterampilan, bakat, dan deskripsi pekerjaan dari
tim manajemen, kompensasi manajerial, kebutuhan pelatihan manajemen, dan
persyaratan bantuan profesional.
6. Manufaktur dan Rencana Operasi. Diskusi fasilitas yang diperlukan, ruang
persyaratan, peralatan modal, tenaga kerja, pengendalian persediaan, dan pembelian
7. Angkatan kerja. Diskusi kualitas pekerja terampil yang tersedia dan pelatihan,
kompensasi, dan motivasi pekerja.
8. Rencana pemasaran. Diskusi pasar, tren pasar, persaingan, pangsa pasar,
harga, promosi, distribusi, dan kebijakan layanan.
9. Rencana keuangan. Ringkasan dari investasi yang diperlukan, penjualan dan perkiraan arus kas,
analisis impas, dan sumber pendanaan.
10. Keluar Strategi. Diskusi rencana suksesi atau go public. Yang akan mengambil alih
11. Risiko kritis dan Asumsi. Evaluasi kelemahan dari bisnis
dan bagaimana perusahaan berencana untuk menangani ini dan bisnis lainnya
12. Lampiran. Informasi tambahan penting untuk rencana tersebut, seperti riwayat hidup dari
pemilik dan manajer utama, sampel iklan, struktur organisasi, dan setiap
informasi terkait. Dan misi usaha baru? (2) Mengapa perusahaan baru ini ide yang baik? (3) Apa yang tujuan pebisnis itu? (4) Berapa biaya usaha baru? Jumlah besar waktu dan pertimbangan yang harus pergi ke menciptakan bisnis rencana mungkin akan berakhir menghemat waktu kemudian. Misalnya, Sharon Burch, yang menjalankan bisnis perangkat lunak komputer sambil mendapatkan gelar dalam administrasi bisnis, harus menulis rencana bisnis sebagai bagian dari salah satu program nya. Burch mengatakan, "Saya berharap saya telah mengambil kelas sebelum saya memulai bisnis saya. Saya melihat banyak hal yang bisa saya lakukan secara berbeda. Tapi itu telah membantu saya sejak karena saya telah menggunakan rencana bisnis sebagai panduan untuk bisnis saya. "Tabel 5.4 menyediakan daftar rencana bisnis. Akurasi dan realistis harapan sangat penting untuk rencana bisnis yang efektif. Hal ini tidak etis untuk menipu pinjaman petugas, dan itu adalah bijaksana untuk menipu diri sendiri. 146 Rencana Bisnis Daftar Periksa 1. Apakah ringkasan eksekutif menarik perhatian pembaca dan menyoroti utama poin dari rencana bisnis? 2. Apakah bagian bisnis-konsep jelas menggambarkan tujuan bisnis, pelanggan, nilai proposisi, dan saluran distribusi dan menyampaikan cerita yang menarik? 3. Apakah industri dan pasar analisis mendukung penerimaan dan permintaan untuk konsep bisnis di pasar dan menentukan pelanggan pertama secara mendalam? 4. Apakah rencana tim manajemen membujuk pembaca bahwa tim bisa menerapkan konsep bisnis sukses? Apakah itu menjamin pembaca bahwa infrastruktur yang efektif di tempat untuk memfasilitasi tujuan dan operasi dari perusahaan? 5. Apakah rencana produk / jasa secara jelas memberikan rincian tentang status produk, garis waktu untuk penyelesaian, dan kekayaan intelektual yang akan diperoleh? 6. Apakah operasi berencana membuktikan bahwa produk atau jasa dapat diproduksi dan didistribusikan secara efisien dan efektif? 7. Apakah rencana pemasaran berhasil menunjukkan bagaimana perusahaan akan menciptakan kesadaran pelanggan dalam pasar sasaran dan memberikan manfaat kepada pelanggan? 8. Apakah rencana keuangan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa model bisnis yang berkelanjutan-yang akan memberikan pengembalian superior atas investasi untuk investor dan arus kas yang cukup untuk melunasi pinjaman kepada calon pemberi pinjaman? 9. Apakah rencana pertumbuhan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa perusahaan memiliki jangka panjang pertumbuhan potensial dan produk berputar-off dan jasa? 10. Apakah kontingensi dan keluar-strategi rencana meyakinkan pembaca bahwa risiko terkait dengan usaha ini bisa dimediasi? Apakah ada strategi keluar di tempat untuk investor? Usaha Kecil Administ tikus ion The Small Business Administration (SBA), diciptakan oleh Kongres pada tahun 1953, adalah lembaga pemerintah yang membantu, nasihat, dan melindungi kepentingan usaha kecil di Amerika Serikat . Ini membantu orang masuk ke bisnis dan bertahan dalam bisnis. Badan ini memberikan bantuan kepada pemilik dan manajer calon, baru, dan mendirikan usaha kecil. Melalui lebih dari 1.000 kantor dan pusat-pusat sumber daya seluruh bangsa, SBA memberikan bantuan finansial dan konseling manajemen. Baru-baru ini, SBA memberikan pelatihan, bantuan teknis, dan pendidikan untuk lebih dari 3 juta usaha kecil. Ini membantu perusahaan kecil untuk mengajukan tawaran untuk dan mendapatkan pemerintah kontrak, dan itu membantu mereka untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki pasar luar negeri. Bantuan Manajemen SBA Statistik menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan kegagalan dalam bisnis kecil terkait dengan manajemen yang buruk. Untuk alasan ini, SBA menempatkan penekanan khusus pada meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen dari pemilik dan manajer usaha kecil. Bantuan Manajemen SBA Program luas dan beragam. Ini termasuk konseling gratis individual, kursus, konferensi, lokakarya, dan berbagai publikasi. Baru-baru ini, SBA disediakan manajemen dan bantuan teknis untuk hampir 1 juta usaha kecil melalui 147 1100 Pengembangan Pusat Usaha Kecil dan 13.000 relawan dari Dinas Korps Pensiunan Executives.14 Manajemen dan Lokakarya Kursus manajemen yang ditawarkan oleh SBA mencakup semua fungsi , tugas, dan peran manajer. Instruktur mungkin guru dari perguruan tinggi lokal dan universitas atau profesional lainnya, seperti konsultan manajemen, bankir, pengacara, dan akuntan. Biaya untuk program ini cukup rendah. The paling populer tentu saja seperti adalah survei umum delapan sampai sepuluh berbagai bidang bisnis manajemen. Dalam studi tindak lanjut, pengusaha dapat berkonsentrasi secara mendalam pada satu atau lebih dari daerah-daerah tersebut tergantung pada kekuatan tertentu dan kelemahan. The SBA sesekali menawarkan konferensi satu hari. Konferensi ini bertujuan untuk menjaga pemilik-manajer up-to-date pada perkembangan manajemen baru, hukum pajak, dan sejenisnya. The Small Business Jaringan Pelatihan (SBTN) adalah jaringan pelatihan online yang terdiri dari 83 SBA-lari kursus, lokakarya, dan sumber. Beberapa program yang paling diminta termasuk Kewirausahaan, Memulai dan Mengelola Bisnis Anda Sendiri, Mengembangkan Rencana Bisnis, Mengelola Enterprise Digital, Identifikasi Target Pasar Anda, dan Menganalisis Profitabilitas. Cari tahu lebih lanjut di Baru-baru ini, lebih dari 240.000 pemilik usaha kecil manfaat dari program bisnis online gratis SBA. SCORE Layanan Korps Pensiunan Eksekutif (SCORE), dibuat pada tahun 1964, adalah sekelompok lebih dari 13.000 pensiunan dan aktif pebisnis termasuk lebih dari 2.000 perempuan yang sukarela layanan mereka kepada usaha kecil melalui SBA. The pengalaman kolektif relawan SCORE mencakup berbagai perusahaan Amerika. Sukarelawan ini telah bekerja untuk perusahaan seperti terkenal sebagai Eastman Kodak, General Electric, IBM, dan Procter & Gamble. Para ahli di bidang akuntansi, keuangan, pemasaran, teknik, dan ritel memberikan konseling dan pendampingan kepada pengusaha. Seorang pemilik usaha kecil yang memiliki masalah tertentu dapat meminta konseling gratis dari SCORE. Konselor ditugaskan mengunjungi pemilik dalam nya pendirian dan, melalui pengamatan yang cermat, menganalisis situasi bisnis dan masalah. Jika masalahnya adalah kompleks, konselor dapat memanggil ahli relawan lainnya untuk membantu. Akhirnya, konselor menawarkan rencana untuk memecahkan masalah dan membantu pemilik melalui masa kritis. Pertimbangkan nasib Elizabeth Halvorsen, seorang penulis misteri dari Minneapolis. Suaminya telah membangun iklan keluarga dan seni grafis perusahaan selama 17 tahun ketika ia dipanggil pada tahun 1991 untuk melayani dalam Perang Teluk Persia. Satu-satunya yang tertinggal untuk menjalankan bisnis itu Mrs. Halvorsen, yang diakui tidak memiliki pengalaman bisnis. Masukkan SCORE. Dengan manajemen SCORE ahli di sisinya, dia terus bisnis di jalur. Baru-baru ini, SCORE relawan melayani lebih dari 523.800 orang-usaha kecil seperti Mrs. Halvorsen melalui kantor 389-nya. 13.000 konselor disediakan 203.000 sesi tatap muka konseling, 119.000 secara online sesi konseling, dan lebih dari 49.500 lokakarya online untuk lebih dari 201.000 peserta workshop. Sejak awal, SCORE telah membantu lebih dari 9 juta orang-usaha kecil dengan secara online dan tatap muka kecil counseling.15 bisnis Bantuan untuk Usaha Kecil Minoritas Milik Amerika yang menjadi anggota kelompok minoritas memiliki kesulitan memasuki arus utama ekonomi bangsa . Budidaya uang adalah masalah yang mengganggu bagi pemilik bisnis minoritas, yang mungkin juga kurang pelatihan yang memadai. Anggota kelompok minoritas, tentu saja, memenuhi syarat untuk semua program SBA, tapi SBA membuat upaya khusus untuk membantu kelompok-kelompok minoritas yang ingin memulai usaha kecil atau memperluas yang sudah ada. Sebagai contoh, Minoritas Badan Pengembangan Bisnis hibah penghargaan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan peluang bisnis bagi anggota ras dan etnis minoritas. 148

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