“Deer city is not a completely safe place. I need to bring her away.”  terjemahan - “Deer city is not a completely safe place. I need to bring her away.”  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Deer city is not a completely safe

“Deer city is not a completely safe place. I need to bring her away.” Wang Jianru said in a small voice. “In truth, we should have long left. If not for the fact that Xiaojun is willing to risk such a danger to remain to see you, we would not have remained.”
When she spoke, Ye Qingyu could vaguely see in the eyes of this female sword immortal there was indecision and confusion. But in an instant, she became incomparably determined.

Ye Qingyu did not know what to say.

He followed along the area that Wang Jianru was pointing to, passing through a water pavilion long passageway. He came to be in front of an ordinary wooden house.

As he opened the door of the house, the dim light from outside shined in.

Ye Qingyu saw the person he wanted to see in the first instant.

On the willow bed, the little loli Song Xiaojun was leaning against a large pillow, lying down with a delighted smile on her face. Her body was covered with thick quilts, as if she was a gentle and agreeable little kitten that was currently sick. Her eyes that were thin and pallid, brightened with surprise and happiness when she saw Ye Qingyu arriving.

Compared to their last meeting, the little loli was much skinnier.

Her previous baby fat had gone, her face so skinny that bones were able to be seen. Her temple was somewhat sunken in. The originally thick jet black hair that seemed to glimmer with light, was now somewhat yellow and dim, dried out and seeming to curl slightly. The little hand that was exposed outside of the quilts, did not possess it’s usual vitality. It had withered till it was like the claw of a bird, the skin tightly hugging the bones, blue veins clearly able to be seen……….

Ye Qingyu’s heart at this instant tightly clenched together. He felt something painful in his chest.

Just what had happened in these few days on the body of the little body, that made her so haggard? As if her life force was about to be expended, as if she was a flower that was about to wither.

“Brother Qingyu!” On the face of the little loli, there was a joyful expression. “You’ve finally come. I’m too happy.”

She struggled to sit up.

But evidently her body was too weak, without the slightest shred of strength remaining. Only moving slightly made her once again lean back on her pillow, panting for breath.

“Don’t move.” Ye Qingyu quickly rushed beside the bed, supporting the little girl.

As his palm touched this delicate body, he felt as if this did not have any weight behind it. The heart of Demon king Ye could not help grieve. He could not even imagine, in these past days, just what kind of torture the little loli had experienced that would make a martial artist of the Spirit spring stage weaken to such an extent.

“Just what has happened?” Ye Qingyu painfully asked. “Your body….why has it become like this?”

The little loli difficultly used her head to rub against Ye Qingyu’s arm, displaying a dazzling smile. “I’m fine. Don’t be sad brother Qingyu. It’s only that a strange and hateful energy that is activating within my body, wanting to possess my body. I need to expend a great deal of strength to temporarily suppress it……Sister Jianru once said to me, this is a good thing for me. Because once I become used to such a power, I can ascend to heaven with one step, becoming a peerless expert.”

“A strange power?” Ye Qingyu thought of something. “Is it that type of power that appeared within the battlefield?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Deer city is not a completely safe place. I need to bring her away.” Wang Jianru said in a small voice. “In truth, we should have long left. If not for the fact that Xiaojun is willing to risk such a danger to remain to see you, we would not have remained.”When she spoke, Ye Qingyu could vaguely see in the eyes of this female sword immortal there was indecision and confusion. But in an instant, she became incomparably determined.Ye Qingyu did not know what to say.He followed along the area that Wang Jianru was pointing to, passing through a water pavilion long passageway. He came to be in front of an ordinary wooden house.As he opened the door of the house, the dim light from outside shined in.Ye Qingyu saw the person he wanted to see in the first instant.On the willow bed, the little loli Song Xiaojun was leaning against a large pillow, lying down with a delighted smile on her face. Her body was covered with thick quilts, as if she was a gentle and agreeable little kitten that was currently sick. Her eyes that were thin and pallid, brightened with surprise and happiness when she saw Ye Qingyu arriving.Compared to their last meeting, the little loli was much skinnier.Her previous baby fat had gone, her face so skinny that bones were able to be seen. Her temple was somewhat sunken in. The originally thick jet black hair that seemed to glimmer with light, was now somewhat yellow and dim, dried out and seeming to curl slightly. The little hand that was exposed outside of the quilts, did not possess it’s usual vitality. It had withered till it was like the claw of a bird, the skin tightly hugging the bones, blue veins clearly able to be seen……….Ye Qingyu’s heart at this instant tightly clenched together. He felt something painful in his chest.Just what had happened in these few days on the body of the little body, that made her so haggard? As if her life force was about to be expended, as if she was a flower that was about to wither.“Brother Qingyu!” On the face of the little loli, there was a joyful expression. “You’ve finally come. I’m too happy.”She struggled to sit up.But evidently her body was too weak, without the slightest shred of strength remaining. Only moving slightly made her once again lean back on her pillow, panting for breath.“Don’t move.” Ye Qingyu quickly rushed beside the bed, supporting the little girl.As his palm touched this delicate body, he felt as if this did not have any weight behind it. The heart of Demon king Ye could not help grieve. He could not even imagine, in these past days, just what kind of torture the little loli had experienced that would make a martial artist of the Spirit spring stage weaken to such an extent.
“Just what has happened?” Ye Qingyu painfully asked. “Your body….why has it become like this?”

The little loli difficultly used her head to rub against Ye Qingyu’s arm, displaying a dazzling smile. “I’m fine. Don’t be sad brother Qingyu. It’s only that a strange and hateful energy that is activating within my body, wanting to possess my body. I need to expend a great deal of strength to temporarily suppress it……Sister Jianru once said to me, this is a good thing for me. Because once I become used to such a power, I can ascend to heaven with one step, becoming a peerless expert.”

“A strange power?” Ye Qingyu thought of something. “Is it that type of power that appeared within the battlefield?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Kota Rusa bukanlah tempat yang benar-benar aman. Aku harus membawanya pergi. "Wang Jianru berkata dengan suara kecil. "Sebenarnya, kita harus memiliki kiri panjang. Jika tidak untuk fakta bahwa Xiaojun bersedia mengambil risiko bahaya semacam itu untuk tetap melihat Anda, kami tidak akan tetap. "
Ketika dia berbicara, Ye Qingyu samar-samar bisa melihat di mata pedang perempuan ini abadi ada keraguan dan kebingungan. Tapi dalam sekejap, ia menjadi tak terbandingkan bertekad. Ye Qingyu tidak tahu harus berkata apa. Dia mengikuti sepanjang daerah yang Wang Jianru menunjuk ke, melewati lorong panjang paviliun air. Dia datang untuk berada di depan sebuah rumah kayu biasa. Saat ia membuka pintu rumah, cahaya redup dari luar bersinar di. Ye Qingyu melihat orang yang ia ingin melihat di saat pertama. Di tempat tidur willow, kecil loli Lagu Xiaojun bersandar bantal besar, berbaring dengan senyum senang di wajahnya. Tubuhnya ditutupi dengan selimut tebal, seolah-olah dia adalah anak kucing yang lembut dan menyenangkan itu saat sakit. Matanya yang tipis dan pucat, cerah dengan kejutan dan kebahagiaan saat melihat Ye Qingyu tiba. Dibandingkan dengan pertemuan terakhir mereka, loli sedikit jauh lebih kurus. Lemak Bayinya sebelumnya telah pergi, wajahnya begitu kurus yang tulang mampu menjadi terlihat. Pelipisnya agak cekung di. The jet rambut hitam awalnya tebal yang tampaknya secercah dengan cahaya, sekarang agak kuning dan redup, kering dan tampak melengkung sedikit. Tangan kecil yang terkena luar selimut, tidak memiliki itu vitalitas biasa. Ini telah layu sampai itu seperti cakar burung, kulit ketat memeluk tulang, pembuluh darah biru jelas dapat dilihat .......... Jantung Ye Qingyu ini di instan ini erat terkatup bersama-sama. Dia merasakan sesuatu yang menyakitkan di dadanya. Hanya apa yang telah terjadi dalam beberapa hari pada tubuh tubuh kecil, yang membuatnya begitu kuyu? Seolah kekuatan hidupnya akan segera dikeluarkan, seolah-olah dia adalah bunga yang hendak layu. "Saudara Qingyu!" Pada wajah loli kecil, ada ekspresi sukacita. "Kau akhirnya datang. Aku terlalu senang. " Dia berjuang untuk duduk. Tapi ternyata tubuhnya terlalu lemah, tanpa secuilpun sedikit kekuatan yang tersisa. Hanya bergerak sedikit membuatnya sekali lagi bersandar pada bantal, kehabisan napas. "Jangan bergerak." Ye Qingyu cepat bergegas di samping tempat tidur, mendukung gadis kecil. Sebagai telapak tangannya menyentuh tubuh halus, ia merasa seolah-olah ini tidak memiliki berat badan di balik itu. Jantung Setan raja Ye tidak bisa membantu berduka. Dia bahkan tidak bisa membayangkan, pada hari-hari terakhir, hanya apa jenis penyiksaan loli sedikit mengalami yang akan membuat seorang seniman bela diri dari tahap semi Roh melemah sedemikian rupa. "Hanya apa yang telah terjadi?" Ye Qingyu menyakitkan bertanya. "Tubuh Anda ... .Mengapa telah itu menjadi seperti ini?" The loli sedikit difficultly digunakan kepalanya bergesekan lengan Ye Qingyu ini, menampilkan senyum yang mempesona. "Saya baik. Jangan saudara sedih Qingyu. Ini hanya itu energi aneh dan penuh kebencian yang mengaktifkan dalam tubuh saya, ingin memiliki tubuh saya. Saya perlu mengeluarkan banyak kekuatan untuk sementara menekannya ...... Suster Jianru pernah berkata kepada saya, ini adalah hal yang baik bagi saya. Karena setelah saya menjadi terbiasa dengan kekuasaan seperti itu, saya bisa naik ke surga dengan satu langkah, menjadi ahli tak tertandingi. " " Sebuah kekuatan yang aneh? "Ye Qingyu memikirkan sesuatu. "Apakah itu jenis kekuasaan yang muncul dalam medan perang?

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