State Significant Site – former Parramatta Hospital now the Parramatta terjemahan - State Significant Site – former Parramatta Hospital now the Parramatta Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

State Significant Site – former Par

State Significant Site – former Parramatta Hospital now the Parramatta Justice Precinct
The former Parramatta Hospital site (SHR No. 828) was initially identified in the Section 170 Register prepared by the NSW Department of Health in 1992 and subsequently included on the State Heritage Register in 1999. The State Heritage Register (SHR) listing includes the archaeological remains of
the Colonial Hospital (SHR No. 828) and Brislington and landscape (SHR No. 59, included 2 April, 1999, formerly a PCO made in 1983).
The Colonial Hospital archaeological sitewas also included in the Parramatta Historical Archaeological Landscape Management Study (PHALMS) Archaeological Management Unit 2868. PHALMS recognised that the site contained archaeological resources of National and possibly International heritage significance. The PHALMS statement of significance and the study’s recommendation that the resources be retained in situ and interpreted to the public were adopted by the Heritage Council in October 2000.

The historical archaeological remains anticipated at this site for some time, were confirmed by early archaeological work in 1994 by Edward Higginbotham (for the new Blood Bank building) and by a brief testing program by MacLaren North in 2001. In 2003 a Conservation Management Plan prepared by DPWS Heritage Design Services recommended that if the hospital site was subject to redevelopment that future open space areas should be planned to coincide with the probable areas of archaeological remains. That CMP was endorsed by the Heritage Council in May 2003.

In 2003, the assessed significance of the Hospital site was:

The Parramatta Hospital site and associated grounds is historically significant at a national level because it is the oldest continuously occupied site for public health in Australia.
There are a number of buildings which possess aesthetic and historical significance, including Brislington House, the Sulman and Power Building, Kearny House and Jeffrey House. These buildings demonstrate the changing needs of medical facilities and attitudes towards health care for over 100 years.
The Parramatta Hospital site has important historic views of the Parramatta River. The hospital site was selected by Governor Phillip as part of his plan for the township. He envisaged the river as playing an important role in water transport. The design of the buildings made use of fresh air and ventilation, and emphasised their spatial relationship to the water (an important element in convalescing) and aesthetic relationship with the Parramatta River. The landscape on the banks of the river was left undeveloped, and has formed an important green zone for the hospital site and the Kings School opposite. It also has significant spatial relationship to the street boundaries of Marsden and George Streets.

The Parramatta Hospital site has the potential to contain archaeological evidence of the 1818 Convict Hospital and several buildings added to it later in the nineteenth century , as well as evidence dating back to the first hospital of 1790 and evidence of Aboriginal occupation and use of the site.

Further archaeological testing was undertaken in 2003 to determine the extent and condition of the remains of the main Colonial Hospital building. Testing by AHMS Pty Ltd confirmed that the footprint of the main Colonial Hospital Building existed below the Sulman and Power Cottage Hospital and that the areas of the footprint exposed were in good condition.
An archaeological excavation was undertaken in 2004 within the vacant land at the corner of George and O’Connell Streets to investigate the site for the new Children’s Courts. Remains of the Emu Brewery and domestic housing were investigated and recorded by Casey & Lowe.

In 2004 a Masterplan was prepared for the site by the Department of Commerce. The positioning of the major envelopes in the proposed Masterplan created an open area in the centre of the site which anticipated in situ retention of the likely archaeological resource and its interpretation and/or presentation in an ‘archaeology courtyard’ created between the proposed new buildings (Trial Courts and Justice Offices) and the existing Jeffery House.

After demolition of a number of buildings on the site, including the Sulman and Power Hospital, Kearney House and others, an Excavation Permit was sought in relation to the archaeology of the hospital site, including all areas to be affected by the redevelopment of the site for the new Parramatta Justice Precinct. It was agreed that the remains of the Colonial Hospital would be exposed and recorded. State significant pre-1850 remains and sections of the original landform adjoining the river were proposed to be retained in situ. Additional remains anticipated to be present within the site such as outbuildings, wells, cesspits and other elements were to be investigated and recorded. Subject to the Section 60 approval, and after completion of the archaeological investigations and recording, some remains were likely to be removed in areas to be occupied by new buildings.
As part of the S60 Excavation Permit application in 2005 (application 2005/S60/027) Casey & Lowe prepared a revised statement of significance:

‘5.2 Statement of Significance for the Known and Potential Archaeological Remains
The Parramatta Hospital Site contains the known remains of the Third Hospital (1818-1848) built as part of Parramatta’s Colonial Convict Hospital. These substantial structural remains represent the surviving evidence of the 1818 hospital designed by Watts and built under direction from Governor Macquarie.
These remains are one of a group of contemporary structures Watts designed along similar lines and based on existing military practices. These buildings are:
The Military Hospital, Observatory Hill; ‘Rum’ Hospital, Macquarie Street; Lancer Barracks, Parramatta. Part or all of these buildings survive. The Convict Hospital was part of Governor Macquarie’s building programme to provide housing and shelter for convicts, as well as a means to manage their interaction with free society. These buildings include the Convict Barracks, Hyde Park; the Female Factory, Parramatta; the Female Orphan School, Rydalmere as well as many other government buildings. Such practices were criticised by Commissioner Bigge as being too expensive and unsuitable for a penal colony.
The Third Hospital building operated for many years as an important medical facility, initially for convicts and later for residents of Parramatta. Its construction and later use represents a shifting from a colonial society that had to absorb the outcast convicts of British society to a new order, under self-government that rejected the transportation of convicts and demanded its discontinuation. New South Wales no longer wished to bear the stain of being a penal colony.
The other potential remains of the First and Second Hospitals (1789-1818) represent a rare archaeological resource relating to convict accommodation, the early settlement of Parramatta, the provision of convict health services which were an essential component of the survival of the penal settlement itself. The
success of the early colony was dependent on the growing of crops for self sufficiency and the convict labour force at Parramatta was an integral component of the clearing of ground, planting and harvesting of crops. The hospital was therefore an important part of the system which Governor Phillip established as the basis for survival in the early days of the penal colony. It was also one of the few places where convicts were provided with ‘accommodation’ other than the convict huts along George and Macquarie Streets.
The exposure, retention and interpretation of the remains of the three convict hospitals provides an opportunity for exploring and linking to the physical remnants of Parramatta’s colonial landscape. These remains are a rare and seemingly well-preserved element of the early colonial landscape of Parramatta,
which has the potential to make part of the early story readable in the current urban landscape. It also has the potential to connect to other, surrounding elements of that landscape, including Parramatta River, remnants of Governor Macquarie’s town plan (ie. the layout of main streets), Government House and
Domain, and the Barracks at the eastern end of the town.
The remains of the convict huts on Lots 98 and 99 represent aspects of early convict and free life in Parramatta which is an ever diminishing resource. In relation to the hospital they present different aspects of how convicts were managed during the early colony. The analysis and interpretation of the known
and potential archaeological structures, deposits, artefacts and eco-facts at this site may assist with addressing a range of substantive research questions relating to Parramatta convict hospitals and health care for convicts, the nature of convict and free life in colonial Parramatta and the evolving landscape of
colonial Parramatta from Aboriginal, to convict and then a free society.

(Casey & Lowe Pty Ltd, ‘Excavation Permit Application Parramatta Hospital Site, Marsden Street, Parramatta’ (including Archaeological Strategy) for Department of Commerce, March 2005, Section 5.2, page 59-60). Extensive archaeological investigation, including large scale open area excavations occurred at this site in separate stages in 2005 and 2006. The extensive archaeological works undertaken at the hospital site revealed intact deposits, legible structural remains and other significant evidence from the convict era. Major archaeological elements and structures dating from before 1850 were conserved in the ‘Heritage Courtyard’ area. These included footings of the second hospital (1792) and remains of a 1790s convict hut on the Marsden Street frontage. This area also contained artefacts connected with early bone-button manufacturing. Much of the footprint of the third Co
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Negara penting situs-Parramatta bekas rumah sakit sekarang daerah Parramatta keadilanBekas rumah sakit Parramatta tempat (SHR No. 828) awalnya diidentifikasi dalam 170 bagian daftar disiapkan oleh NSW Department of Health pada tahun 1992 dan kemudian dimasukkan pada daftar warisan negara pada tahun 1999. Daftar negara bagian warisan mendaftar (SHR) termasuk sisa arkeologiKolonial rumah sakit (SHR No. 828) dan Brislington dan lanskap (SHR No. 59, termasuk 2 April 1999, sebelumnya PCO yang dibuat pada tahun 1983).Sitewas rumah sakit kolonial arkeologi yang juga termasuk di Parramatta sejarah arkeologi lanskap manajemen studi (PHALMS) arkeologi manajemen Unit 2868. PHALMS diakui bahwa situs berisi arkeologi sumber daya nasional dan internasional mungkin maksudnya. Pernyataan PHALMS makna dan studi tersebut rekomendasi bahwa sumber daya yang disimpan di situ dan ditafsirkan untuk Umum diadopsi oleh Dewan warisan pada Oktober 2000.Peninggalan arkeologi diantisipasi di situs ini untuk beberapa waktu, telah dikonfirmasi oleh awal arkeologi pada tahun 1994 oleh Edward Higginbotham (untuk gedung Bank darah baru) dan program pengujian singkat oleh MacLaren Utara pada tahun 2001. Pada tahun 2003 manajemen rencana konservasi disiapkan oleh DPWS Heritage Design Services direkomendasikan bahwa jika rumah sakit situs tunduk pada pembangunan kembali bahwa area ruang terbuka masa depan harus direncanakan bertepatan dengan daerah yang mungkin dari jasad purbakala. CMP yang didukung oleh Dewan warisan pada Mei 2003.Pada tahun 2003, dinilai pentingnya situs Hospital adalah:Situs Parramatta Hospital dan Taman terkait secara historis signifikan pada tingkat nasional karena situs terus menerus diduduki tertua untuk kesehatan masyarakat di Australia.Ada sejumlah bangunan yang memiliki makna sejarah dan estetika, termasuk Brislington House, Sulman dan bangunan kekuasaan, Kearny House dan Jeffrey House. Bangunan ini menunjukkan perubahan kebutuhan fasilitas medis dan sikap terhadap kesehatan selama lebih dari 100 tahun.Situs Parramatta Hospital memiliki pemandangan bersejarah penting Parramatta River. Rumah sakit situs dipilih oleh Gubernur Phillip sebagai bagian dari rencananya untuk kota. Ia membayangkan sungai sebagai memainkan peran penting dalam transportasi air. Desain bangunan yang dibuat menggunakan udara segar dan ventilasi, dan menekankan hubungan spasial ke air (unsur penting dalam penyembuhannya) mereka dan estetika hubungan dengan Sungai Parramatta. Lanskap di tepi sungai yang tersisa belum berkembang, dan telah membentuk zona hijau penting untuk situs rumah sakit dan sekolah raja berlawanan. Ini juga memiliki hubungan spasial yang signifikan ke batas-batas jalan Marsden dan George Street.Situs Parramatta Hospital memiliki potensi untuk mengandung bukti arkeologi 1818 tahanan rumah sakit dan beberapa bangunan yang ditambahkan ke dalamnya kemudian di abad kesembilan belas, serta bukti dating kembali ke rumah sakit pertama 1790 dan bukti pendudukan Aborigin dan penggunaan situs.Lebih lanjut arkeologi pengujian dilakukan pada tahun 2003 untuk menentukan sejauh mana dan kondisi dari sisa-sisa bangunan kolonial rumah sakit utama. Pengujian oleh AHMS Pty Ltd menegaskan bahwa jejak dari gedung rumah sakit kolonial utama ada di bawah Sulman dan kekuatan Cottage Hospital dan daerah jejak terkena berada dalam kondisi baik.Penggalian arkeologi dilakukan pada tahun 2004 dalam tanah kosong di sudut George dan jalan-jalan O'Connell untuk menyelidiki situs pengadilan anak-anak baru. Sisa-sisa Emu Brewery dan domestik perumahan diselidiki dan direkam oleh Casey & Lowe.Pada tahun 2004 Masterplan disiapkan untuk situs oleh Departemen perdagangan. Posisi amplop utama di Masterplan diusulkan menciptakan area terbuka di pusat situs yang diantisipasi di situ retensi kemungkinan sumber arkeologi dan dengan interpretasi dan/atau presentasi di 'arkeologi halaman' dibuat antara bangunan baru diusulkan (Pengadilan Sidang dan kantor keadilan) dan rumah Jeffery yang sudah ada.After demolition of a number of buildings on the site, including the Sulman and Power Hospital, Kearney House and others, an Excavation Permit was sought in relation to the archaeology of the hospital site, including all areas to be affected by the redevelopment of the site for the new Parramatta Justice Precinct. It was agreed that the remains of the Colonial Hospital would be exposed and recorded. State significant pre-1850 remains and sections of the original landform adjoining the river were proposed to be retained in situ. Additional remains anticipated to be present within the site such as outbuildings, wells, cesspits and other elements were to be investigated and recorded. Subject to the Section 60 approval, and after completion of the archaeological investigations and recording, some remains were likely to be removed in areas to be occupied by new buildings.As part of the S60 Excavation Permit application in 2005 (application 2005/S60/027) Casey & Lowe prepared a revised statement of significance:‘5.2 Statement of Significance for the Known and Potential Archaeological RemainsThe Parramatta Hospital Site contains the known remains of the Third Hospital (1818-1848) built as part of Parramatta’s Colonial Convict Hospital. These substantial structural remains represent the surviving evidence of the 1818 hospital designed by Watts and built under direction from Governor Macquarie.These remains are one of a group of contemporary structures Watts designed along similar lines and based on existing military practices. These buildings are:The Military Hospital, Observatory Hill; ‘Rum’ Hospital, Macquarie Street; Lancer Barracks, Parramatta. Part or all of these buildings survive. The Convict Hospital was part of Governor Macquarie’s building programme to provide housing and shelter for convicts, as well as a means to manage their interaction with free society. These buildings include the Convict Barracks, Hyde Park; the Female Factory, Parramatta; the Female Orphan School, Rydalmere as well as many other government buildings. Such practices were criticised by Commissioner Bigge as being too expensive and unsuitable for a penal colony.The Third Hospital building operated for many years as an important medical facility, initially for convicts and later for residents of Parramatta. Its construction and later use represents a shifting from a colonial society that had to absorb the outcast convicts of British society to a new order, under self-government that rejected the transportation of convicts and demanded its discontinuation. New South Wales no longer wished to bear the stain of being a penal colony.The other potential remains of the First and Second Hospitals (1789-1818) represent a rare archaeological resource relating to convict accommodation, the early settlement of Parramatta, the provision of convict health services which were an essential component of the survival of the penal settlement itself. Thesuccess of the early colony was dependent on the growing of crops for self sufficiency and the convict labour force at Parramatta was an integral component of the clearing of ground, planting and harvesting of crops. The hospital was therefore an important part of the system which Governor Phillip established as the basis for survival in the early days of the penal colony. It was also one of the few places where convicts were provided with ‘accommodation’ other than the convict huts along George and Macquarie Streets.The exposure, retention and interpretation of the remains of the three convict hospitals provides an opportunity for exploring and linking to the physical remnants of Parramatta’s colonial landscape. These remains are a rare and seemingly well-preserved element of the early colonial landscape of Parramatta,which has the potential to make part of the early story readable in the current urban landscape. It also has the potential to connect to other, surrounding elements of that landscape, including Parramatta River, remnants of Governor Macquarie’s town plan (ie. the layout of main streets), Government House andDomain, and the Barracks at the eastern end of the town.The remains of the convict huts on Lots 98 and 99 represent aspects of early convict and free life in Parramatta which is an ever diminishing resource. In relation to the hospital they present different aspects of how convicts were managed during the early colony. The analysis and interpretation of the knownand potential archaeological structures, deposits, artefacts and eco-facts at this site may assist with addressing a range of substantive research questions relating to Parramatta convict hospitals and health care for convicts, the nature of convict and free life in colonial Parramatta and the evolving landscape of
colonial Parramatta from Aboriginal, to convict and then a free society.

(Casey & Lowe Pty Ltd, ‘Excavation Permit Application Parramatta Hospital Site, Marsden Street, Parramatta’ (including Archaeological Strategy) for Department of Commerce, March 2005, Section 5.2, page 59-60). Extensive archaeological investigation, including large scale open area excavations occurred at this site in separate stages in 2005 and 2006. The extensive archaeological works undertaken at the hospital site revealed intact deposits, legible structural remains and other significant evidence from the convict era. Major archaeological elements and structures dating from before 1850 were conserved in the ‘Heritage Courtyard’ area. These included footings of the second hospital (1792) and remains of a 1790s convict hut on the Marsden Street frontage. This area also contained artefacts connected with early bone-button manufacturing. Much of the footprint of the third Co
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Negara signifikan Site - Mantan Rumah Sakit Parramatta sekarang Parramatta Keadilan Precinct
Mantan situs Rumah Sakit Parramatta (SHR No. 828) awalnya diidentifikasi dalam Bagian 170 Daftar yang disusun oleh Departemen Kesehatan NSW pada tahun 1992 dan kemudian disertakan pada State Heritage Register pada tahun 1999 . Negara Heritage Register (SHR) daftar termasuk sisa-sisa arkeologi dari
Rumah Sakit Kolonial (SHR No. 828) dan Brislington dan lansekap (SHR No. 59, termasuk 2 April, 1999, mantan PCO dibuat pada tahun 1983).
The Hospital Kolonial sitewas arkeologi juga termasuk dalam Parramatta Sejarah Arkeologi Landscape Manajemen Studi (PHALMS) Unit Pengelolaan Arkeologi 2868. PHALMS mengakui bahwa situs tersebut terdapat sumber daya arkeologi Nasional dan warisan penting mungkin International. The PHALMS Pernyataan signifikansi dan rekomendasi studi bahwa sumber daya yang disimpan di situ dan diinterpretasikan untuk umum diadopsi oleh Dewan Warisan pada Oktober 2000. Sisa-sisa arkeologi sejarah diantisipasi pada situs ini untuk beberapa waktu, yang dikonfirmasi oleh pekerjaan arkeologi awal 1994 oleh Edward Higginbotham (untuk gedung Bank Darah baru) dan dengan program pengujian singkat oleh MacLaren Utara pada tahun 2001. Pada tahun 2003 Rencana Pengelolaan Konservasi disiapkan oleh Jasa Desain Heritage DPWS merekomendasikan bahwa jika situs rumah sakit tunduk pada pembangunan kembali bahwa masa depan ruang terbuka daerah harus direncanakan bertepatan dengan daerah kemungkinan peninggalan arkeologis. . Bahwa CMP disahkan oleh Dewan Warisan Mei 2003 Pada tahun 2003, signifikansi dinilai dari situs Rumah Sakit adalah: Situs Rumah Sakit Parramatta dan alasan terkait secara historis signifikan pada tingkat nasional karena merupakan yang tertua terus diduduki situs untuk kesehatan masyarakat di Australia. Ada sejumlah bangunan yang memiliki makna estetika dan sejarah, termasuk Brislington House, yang Sulman dan Power Building, Kearny rumah dan Jeffrey House. Bangunan-bangunan ini menunjukkan perubahan kebutuhan fasilitas medis dan sikap terhadap perawatan kesehatan selama lebih dari 100 tahun. Situs Rumah Sakit Parramatta memiliki pemandangan bersejarah penting dari Sungai Parramatta. Situs rumah sakit dipilih oleh Gubernur Phillip sebagai bagian dari rencananya untuk perkampungan. Dia digambarkan sungai sebagai memainkan peran penting dalam transportasi air. Desain bangunan memanfaatkan udara segar dan ventilasi, dan menekankan hubungan mereka spasial untuk air (unsur penting dalam masa penyembuhan) dan hubungan estetika dengan Sungai Parramatta. Pemandangan di tepi sungai yang tersisa berkembang, dan telah membentuk zona hijau penting bagi situs rumah sakit dan sebaliknya Kings School. Ia juga memiliki hubungan spasial yang signifikan terhadap batas-batas jalan Marsden dan George Street. Situs Rumah Sakit Parramatta memiliki potensi mengandung bukti arkeologi dari Rumah Sakit 1818 Narapidana dan beberapa bangunan yang ditambahkan ke dalamnya kemudian di abad kesembilan belas, serta bukti dating kembali ke rumah sakit pertama 1790 dan bukti pendudukan Aborigin dan penggunaan situs. pengujian arkeologi lebih lanjut dilakukan pada tahun 2003 untuk menentukan luas dan kondisi sisa-sisa bangunan Rumah Sakit kolonial utama. Pengujian oleh AHMS Pty Ltd menegaskan bahwa jejak utama Kolonial Rumah Sakit Gedung ada di bawah Sulman dan Power Cottage Hospital dan bidang tapak terkena berada dalam kondisi baik. Sebuah penggalian arkeologi yang dilakukan pada tahun 2004 dalam lahan kosong di sudut George dan O'Connell Street untuk menyelidiki situs untuk Pengadilan Anak baru. Sisa-sisa Emu Brewery dan perumahan domestik diselidiki dan dicatat oleh Casey & Lowe. Pada tahun 2004 sebuah Masterplan disiapkan untuk situs oleh Departemen Perdagangan. Posisi amplop utama dalam Masterplan diusulkan menciptakan area terbuka di tengah lokasi yang diantisipasi dalam retensi situ sumber daya arkeologi kemungkinan dan interpretasi dan / atau presentasi dalam 'arkeologi halaman' dibuat antara bangunan baru yang diusulkan ( Percobaan Pengadilan dan Kantor Keadilan) dan ada Jeffery House. Setelah pembongkaran sejumlah bangunan di situs, termasuk Sulman dan Rumah Sakit Power, Kearney rumah dan lain-lain, Izin Penggalian dicari sehubungan dengan arkeologi dari situs rumah sakit, termasuk semua wilayah yang akan terkena dampak pembangunan kembali situs untuk baru Parramatta Keadilan Precinct. Disepakati bahwa sisa-sisa Rumah Sakit Kolonial akan terkena dan dicatat. Negara tetap pra-1850 yang signifikan dan bagian dari bentuk lahan asli berbatasan sungai diusulkan untuk dipertahankan in situ. Sisa-sisa tambahan diantisipasi untuk hadir dalam situs seperti bangunan luar, sumur, cesspits dan elemen lain yang harus diselidiki dan dicatat. Tunduk pada Bagian 60 persetujuan, dan setelah selesai penyelidikan arkeologi dan rekaman, beberapa tetap kemungkinan besar akan dihapus di daerah yang akan ditempati oleh bangunan baru. Sebagai bagian dari aplikasi S60 Penggalian Izin tahun 2005 (aplikasi 2005 / S60 / 027 ) Casey & Lowe menyiapkan pernyataan revisi penting: '5.2 Pernyataan Signifikansi untuk Dikenal dan Potensi Arkeologi Tetap The Parramatta Rumah Sakit Situs berisi sisa-sisa diketahui dari Rumah Sakit Ketiga (1818-1848) dibangun sebagai bagian dari Rumah Sakit Parramatta Colonial Narapidana. Ini sisa-sisa struktur besar merupakan bukti hidup dari 1818 rumah sakit yang dirancang oleh Watts dan dibangun di bawah arahan dari Gubernur Macquarie. Sisa-sisa ini adalah salah satu kelompok struktur kontemporer Watts dirancang sepanjang garis yang sama dan berdasarkan praktek militer yang ada. Bangunan-bangunan ini adalah: Rumah Sakit Militer, Observatory Hill; 'Rum' Hospital, Macquarie Street; Lancer Barracks, Parramatta. Sebagian atau seluruh bangunan ini bertahan hidup. Rumah Sakit Narapidana adalah bagian dari program pembangunan Gubernur Macquarie untuk menyediakan perumahan dan tempat tinggal bagi narapidana, serta sebagai sarana untuk mengelola interaksi mereka dengan masyarakat bebas. Bangunan-bangunan ini termasuk Narapidana Barracks, Hyde Park; Pabrik Perempuan, Parramatta; Female Orphan Sekolah, Rydalmere serta banyak gedung-gedung pemerintah lainnya. Praktek-praktek seperti yang dikritik oleh Komisaris Bigge sebagai terlalu mahal dan tidak cocok untuk koloni hukuman. Bangunan Rumah Sakit Ketiga beroperasi selama bertahun-tahun sebagai fasilitas medis yang penting, awalnya untuk narapidana dan kemudian untuk penduduk Parramatta. Konstruksi dan kemudian digunakan merupakan pergeseran dari masyarakat kolonial yang harus menyerap narapidana terbuang dari masyarakat Inggris ke orde baru, di bawah pemerintahan sendiri yang menolak transportasi narapidana dan menuntut penghentian nya. New South Wales tidak lagi ingin menanggung noda menjadi koloni hukuman. Sisa-sisa potensial lainnya dari Pertama dan Kedua Rumah Sakit (1789-1818) merupakan sumber daya yang langka arkeologi yang berkaitan dengan menghukum akomodasi, penyelesaian awal Parramatta, penyediaan menghukum pelayanan kesehatan yang merupakan komponen penting dari kelangsungan hidup pemukiman pidana itu sendiri. The Keberhasilan koloni awal tergantung pada tumbuhnya tanaman untuk swasembada dan tenaga kerja narapidana di Parramatta adalah komponen integral dari pembukaan tanah, tanam dan panen tanaman. Oleh karena itu rumah sakit adalah bagian penting dari sistem yang Gubernur Phillip ditetapkan sebagai dasar untuk kelangsungan hidup di hari-hari awal dari koloni. Itu juga salah satu dari beberapa tempat di mana narapidana diberi 'akomodasi' selain gubuk terpidana bersama George dan Macquarie Street. Pemaparan, retensi dan interpretasi dari sisa-sisa tiga rumah sakit narapidana memberikan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi dan menghubungkan ke sisa-sisa fisik lanskap kolonial Parramatta. Sisa-sisa ini adalah elemen langka dan tampaknya terawat baik dari lanskap kolonial awal Parramatta, yang memiliki potensi untuk membuat bagian dari cerita awal dibaca dalam lanskap perkotaan saat ini. Hal ini juga memiliki potensi untuk terhubung ke yang lain, sekitar elemen lanskap itu, termasuk Parramatta River, sisa-sisa rencana Gubernur Macquarie kota (mis. Tata letak jalan-jalan utama), Government House dan Domain, dan Barak di ujung timur kota. Sisa-sisa gubuk terpidana pada Banyak 98 dan 99 merupakan aspek narapidana awal dan hidup bebas di Parramatta yang merupakan sumber daya pernah berkurang. Sehubungan dengan rumah sakit mereka hadir aspek yang berbeda dari bagaimana narapidana dikelola selama koloni awal. Analisis dan interpretasi dikenal dan potensi arkeologi struktur, deposito, artefak dan eco-fakta di situs ini dapat membantu mengatasi berbagai pertanyaan penelitian substantif yang berkaitan dengan rumah sakit Parramatta narapidana dan perawatan kesehatan bagi narapidana, sifat terpidana dan hidup bebas di Parramatta kolonial dan lanskap berkembang Parramatta kolonial dari Aborigin, untuk menghukum dan kemudian masyarakat yang bebas. (Casey & Lowe Pty Ltd, "Penggalian Izin Aplikasi Parramatta Rumah Sakit Site, Marsden Street, Parramatta '(termasuk Strategi Arkeologi) untuk Departemen Perdagangan , Maret 2005, Bagian 5.2, halaman 59-60). Penyelidikan arkeologi yang luas, termasuk skala besar penggalian daerah terbuka terjadi pada situs ini dalam tahap terpisah pada tahun 2005 dan 2006. karya arkeologi luas yang dilakukan di lokasi rumah sakit mengungkapkan deposito utuh, sisa-sisa struktur terbaca dan bukti penting lainnya dari era narapidana. Unsur arkeologi utama dan struktur dari masa sebelum 1850 yang dilestarikan di daerah 'Warisan Courtyard'. Ini pondasi termasuk rumah sakit kedua (1792) dan sisa-sisa gubuk 1790s narapidana di depan Marsden Street. Daerah ini juga berisi artefak terhubung dengan awal tulang-tombol manufaktur. Sebagian besar jejak dari Co ketiga

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