„Patriarch that at that time, now closed up, pledged personally, this  terjemahan - „Patriarch that at that time, now closed up, pledged personally, this  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Patriarch that at that time, now c

„Patriarch that at that time, now closed up, pledged personally, this Nirvana fruit, when Hao'er return, belongs his, will be him!”
„Although he just returned to the family, although his also not familiar family, although his Cultivation also insufficiently fuses, although he has not made the contribution for the family!”
„ But ... He is the direct descendant Division eldest grandson, he once was my Fang Clan scorching sun, his these years have had many pain outside, this kind of younger generation, he returned to the family, all that moment of although, in him coming back, did not exist!
That two Nirvana fruits, are his! ”
„Today the old man takes responsibility, gives back to him the Nirvana fruit directly, if Patriarch one day goes out, inquired this matter, an old man strength undertook!” When Great Elder to open mouth, the look was decidedly serious, mentions these once past events, sobbed very much. ~≥ went against ~≥ ~≥ small ~≥ saying that
In all around elder, many people reveal the surprise, some direct descendant Division people have also gawked, but reveals the excited meaning afterward.
The Meng Hao breath shortness, he is looking at Great Elder, the words of opposite party, are very warm, he has not thought that the opposite party will be in front of these many people unexpectedly, said such words.
„... My error in judgment, is really impossible, later his here, has other words surely.” Meng Hao breathes deeply, making oneself tranquil.
„Fang Hao!” At this moment, Great Elder suddenly to open mouth, is blazing with anger, is looking at Meng Hao.
„You must remember, no matter, you are the Fang Clan person, your within the body is flowing the bloodline of Fang Clan, you can decide your future, but you were unable to decide your birth!”
„You, surnamed Fang!”
„ We were old, these Patriarch. Is ancient. Although we are also living. When the human has finally falls from the sky, but you ... Is my Fang Clan future scorching sun, future hope.
You must try hard practicing, must early a day, grow to the lofty tree! ” Great Elder side exceedingly high look is somewhat excited, during the words his both hands lift, deeply does obeisance toward the behind home main hall.
„Patriarch, Japan is now exceedingly high. Asked the clansman to witness, gave back to Fang Hao Nirvana fruit!” He said that when sets out right hand lifts, grasps toward the sky.
Immediately the sky thunders, when sound shakes the heavens, reverberates eight laws, huge vortex, suddenly appears in Vault of Heaven, this vortex bang in the rotation, among has revealed a day of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals slowly.
There. Is tall Ta, this tower is forever glorious. Widely-noted, outside Fang Clan clansman, after seeing this high tower, calls out in alarm in abundance.
„Is ancestor pagoda!!”
„our Fang Clan, only has most precious object to deposit the ancestor pagoda!!”
„That is the most precious object of first-generation ancestor!!”
„This ancestor pagoda, the world extinguishes it not to extinguish, even if Great Elder, can control simply, the goods that may take, must say the name, the pagoda will put out voluntarily.”
Meng Hao is unable to believe that he looks at present with his judgment, presented the clearly opposite two different results, this lets Meng Hao, innermost feelings intense reacted.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Patriarch that at that time, now closed up, pledged personally, this Nirvana fruit, when Hao'er return, belongs his, will be him!”„Although he just returned to the family, although his also not familiar family, although his Cultivation also insufficiently fuses, although he has not made the contribution for the family!”„ But ... He is the direct descendant Division eldest grandson, he once was my Fang Clan scorching sun, his these years have had many pain outside, this kind of younger generation, he returned to the family, all that moment of although, in him coming back, did not exist!That two Nirvana fruits, are his! ”„Today the old man takes responsibility, gives back to him the Nirvana fruit directly, if Patriarch one day goes out, inquired this matter, an old man strength undertook!” When Great Elder to open mouth, the look was decidedly serious, mentions these once past events, sobbed very much. ~≥ went against ~≥ ~≥ small ~≥ saying thatIn all around elder, many people reveal the surprise, some direct descendant Division people have also gawked, but reveals the excited meaning afterward.The Meng Hao breath shortness, he is looking at Great Elder, the words of opposite party, are very warm, he has not thought that the opposite party will be in front of these many people unexpectedly, said such words.„... My error in judgment, is really impossible, later his here, has other words surely.” Meng Hao breathes deeply, making oneself tranquil."Fang Hao!" Pada saat ini, penatua besar tiba-tiba untuk membuka mulut, menyala dengan kemarahan, melihat Meng Hao."Anda harus ingat, tidak peduli, Anda adalah Fang klan orang, Anda dalam tubuh mengalir garis keturunan marga Fang, Anda dapat memutuskan masa depan Anda, tetapi Anda tidak dapat memutuskan lahir Anda!""Anda, Fang bermarga!""Kami sudah tua, patriak ini. Kuno. Meskipun kita juga hidup. Ketika manusia memiliki akhirnya jatuh dari langit, tapi Anda... Adalah Marga Fang masa depan terik matahari, harapan masa depan.Anda harus mencoba keras harus berlatih, dini hari, tumbuh pohon tinggi! "Penatua besar sisi tampak sangat tinggi agak bersemangat, selama kata-kata yang mengangkat tangan kedua, sangat menyembah ke arah belakang rumah aula utama."Patriark, Jepang sekarang sangat tinggi. Meminta clansman untuk menyaksikan, memberikan kembali ke Fang Hao Nirvana buah!" Dia mengatakan bahwa ketika menetapkan Lift tangan kanan, grasps ke arah langit.Segera langit guruh, ketika suara bergetar langit, bergema delapan hukum, vortex besar, tiba-tiba muncul di Vault surga, ini bang vortex di rotasi, antara telah mengungkapkan hari tempat tinggal Abadi Buddha perlahan-lahan.Di sana. Adalah tinggi Ta, menara ini selamanya mulia. Luas-mencatat, di luar clansman Fang klan, setelah melihat Menara ini tinggi, panggilan keluar di alarm dalam kelimpahan."Apakah pagoda leluhur!!""Kami Fang klan, hanya memiliki paling berharga objek untuk deposit pagoda leluhur!!""Itu adalah objek yang paling berharga dari generasi pertama leluhur!!""Pagoda leluhur ini, dunia memadamkan tidak untuk memadamkan, bahkan jika besar penatua, dapat mengontrol sederhana, barang-barang yang mungkin memerlukan, harus mengatakan nama, pagoda akan meletakkan keluar rela."Meng Hao tidak bisa percaya bahwa dia terlihat saat ini dengan penghakimannya, mempresentasikan hasil berbeda dua jelas berlawanan, ini memungkinkan Meng Hao, perasaan terdalam intens bereaksi.
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