CorticosteroneCorticosterone (B) RIAs were run on all subjects in the  terjemahan - CorticosteroneCorticosterone (B) RIAs were run on all subjects in the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

CorticosteroneCorticosterone (B) RI

Corticosterone (B) RIAs were run on all subjects in the study and the procedure did
not differ between the genders. An assay kit prepared by ICN Biomedicals was used
to analyze the fecal samples. An anticorticosterone antibody (produced against
corticosterone-3-carboxymethlyoxime BSA) and a 125I-labeled corticosterone tracer
was used in the procedure. Samples were vortexed for 30 sec and incubated at room
temperature for 2 hr. A precipitant solution (0.5 ml) was added to each sample to
terminate the reaction, and all tubes are vortexed and centrifuged (1,000 g) for 15min. The supernatant was then decanted and the test tubes were placed in a gammacounter
to count the precipitate.
Fecal extracts that were serially diluted and analyzed in the assay corresponded
in parallel to the corticosterone standard curve (r¼0.986). Assay sensitivity was 13.9
pg/tube (calculated as mean pg/tube at 90% B/BO, n¼10). The intra-assay
coefficient of variation was 6% and 7% at 20% and 70% binding (n¼18 and 18),
respectively. The interassay coefficient of variation was 4% for 777 ng/tube and 6%
for 131 ng/tube (n¼5). The cross-reactivity of the assay system, as reported by the
provider, was: corticosterone 100%, desoxycorticosterone 0.31%, testosterone
0.14%, aldosterone 0.03%, and cortisol 0.03%. All other steroids tested were below
HPLC separation of the fecal extract showed that radioactive corticosterone
marker eluted one tube (1 min) prior to the major peak of immunoreactive
corticosterone. It was not further identified.
There was no significant difference in average estradiol concentrations among
egg and non-egg-laying birds during the study period (ANOVA, F(1,5)¼0.482,
P¼0.51). However, females that produced eggs exhibited a rise in estradiol beginning
at approximately 30 days prior to sealing in the nest cavity, with levels peaking four
to 10 times above baseline at approximately 12 days prior to nest sealing (Fig. 1).
This differed significantly (ANOVA F(1,4)¼37.46, P¼0.003) from the non-egglaying
females during the breeding season (January 15 to February 10) (Fig. 2).
Individual 28-5, the SDWAP female that hatched a chick, had a mean estradiol
value of 76.75 ng/gm with a maximum value of 333 ng/gm at day –12 before nest
sealing. This pattern was mirrored by the other two females that laid an egg: 24-7
and 195. Female 24-37 had a mean estradiol level of 41.46 ng/gm and had a gradual
rise to 422 ng/gm (day –11). Female 195 showed the most dramatic elevation of
estradiol levels. Her baseline value was 78.9 and peaked to 600 ng/gm (day –17). The
female (1530) from the Denver Zoo that was sealed into a nest but did not lay an egg
showed a rise in estradiol levels in the same time period; however, her levels were less
than half those of the egg-laying birds.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CorticosteroneCorticosterone (B) RIAs were run on all subjects in the study and the procedure didnot differ between the genders. An assay kit prepared by ICN Biomedicals was usedto analyze the fecal samples. An anticorticosterone antibody (produced againstcorticosterone-3-carboxymethlyoxime BSA) and a 125I-labeled corticosterone tracerwas used in the procedure. Samples were vortexed for 30 sec and incubated at roomtemperature for 2 hr. A precipitant solution (0.5 ml) was added to each sample toterminate the reaction, and all tubes are vortexed and centrifuged (1,000 g) for 15min. The supernatant was then decanted and the test tubes were placed in a gammacounterto count the precipitate.Fecal extracts that were serially diluted and analyzed in the assay correspondedin parallel to the corticosterone standard curve (r¼0.986). Assay sensitivity was 13.9pg/tube (calculated as mean pg/tube at 90% B/BO, n¼10). The intra-assaycoefficient of variation was 6% and 7% at 20% and 70% binding (n¼18 and 18),respectively. The interassay coefficient of variation was 4% for 777 ng/tube and 6%for 131 ng/tube (n¼5). The cross-reactivity of the assay system, as reported by theprovider, was: corticosterone 100%, desoxycorticosterone 0.31%, testosterone0.14%, aldosterone 0.03%, and cortisol 0.03%. All other steroids tested were below0.02%.HPLC separation of the fecal extract showed that radioactive corticosteronemarker eluted one tube (1 min) prior to the major peak of immunoreactive
corticosterone. It was not further identified.
There was no significant difference in average estradiol concentrations among
egg and non-egg-laying birds during the study period (ANOVA, F(1,5)¼0.482,
P¼0.51). However, females that produced eggs exhibited a rise in estradiol beginning
at approximately 30 days prior to sealing in the nest cavity, with levels peaking four
to 10 times above baseline at approximately 12 days prior to nest sealing (Fig. 1).
This differed significantly (ANOVA F(1,4)¼37.46, P¼0.003) from the non-egglaying
females during the breeding season (January 15 to February 10) (Fig. 2).
Individual 28-5, the SDWAP female that hatched a chick, had a mean estradiol
value of 76.75 ng/gm with a maximum value of 333 ng/gm at day –12 before nest
sealing. This pattern was mirrored by the other two females that laid an egg: 24-7
and 195. Female 24-37 had a mean estradiol level of 41.46 ng/gm and had a gradual
rise to 422 ng/gm (day –11). Female 195 showed the most dramatic elevation of
estradiol levels. Her baseline value was 78.9 and peaked to 600 ng/gm (day –17). The
female (1530) from the Denver Zoo that was sealed into a nest but did not lay an egg
showed a rise in estradiol levels in the same time period; however, her levels were less
than half those of the egg-laying birds.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
kortikosteron (B) RIA dijalankan pada semua mata pelajaran dalam studi dan prosedur itu
tidak berbeda antara jenis kelamin. Kit uji disiapkan oleh ICN Biomedicals digunakan
untuk menganalisis sampel tinja. Antibodi anticorticosterone (diproduksi terhadap
kortikosteron-3-carboxymethlyoxime BSA) dan kortikosteron tracer 125I-label
digunakan dalam prosedur. Sampel vortexed selama 30 detik dan diinkubasi pada ruang
suhu selama 2 jam. Sebuah solusi endapan (0,5 ml) ditambahkan ke setiap sampel untuk
mengakhiri reaksi, dan semua tabung vortex dan disentrifugasi (1.000 g) selama 15 menit. Supernatan kemudian dituang dan tabung reaksi ditempatkan dalam sebuah gammacounter
untuk menghitung endapan.
ekstrak tinja yang serial diencerkan dan dianalisis dalam uji tersebut berhubungan
secara paralel dengan kurva standar kortikosteron (r¼0.986). Sensitivitas uji adalah 13,9
pg / tabung (dihitung sebagai rata-rata pg / tabung di 90% B / BO, n¼10). Intra-assay
koefisien variasi adalah 6% dan 7% pada 20% dan 70% mengikat (n¼18 dan 18),
masing-masing. Koefisien interassay variasi adalah 4% untuk 777 ng / tabung dan 6%
untuk 131 ng / tabung (n¼5). The reaktivitas silang dari sistem uji, seperti dilansir
penyedia, adalah: kortikosteron 100%, desoxycorticosterone 0,31%, testosteron
0,14%, 0,03% aldosteron, dan kortisol 0,03%. Semua steroid lainnya diuji berada di bawah
pemisahan HPLC dari ekstrak tinja menunjukkan bahwa radioaktif kortikosteron
penanda dielusi satu tabung (1 menit) sebelum puncak utama immunoreactive
kortikosteron. Itu tidak diidentifikasi lebih lanjut.
Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam konsentrasi estradiol rata antara
telur dan non-bertelur burung selama masa studi (ANOVA, F (1,5) ¼0.482,
P¼0.51). Namun, perempuan yang menghasilkan telur dipamerkan kenaikan estradiol dimulai
sekitar 30 hari sebelum penyegelan dalam rongga sarang, dengan tingkat memuncak empat
sampai 10 kali di atas dasar sekitar 12 hari sebelum sarang penyegelan (Gbr. 1).
Ini berbeda secara signifikan (ANOVA F (1,4) ¼37.46, P¼0.003) dari non-egglaying
betina selama musim kawin (15 Januari-10 Februari) (Gambar. 2).
Individu 28-5, yang SDWAP betina yang menetas cewek, memiliki rata-rata estradiol
nilai 76,75 ng / gm dengan nilai maksimum 333 ng / gm di hari -12 sebelum sarang
penyegelan. Pola ini dicerminkan oleh dua perempuan lain yang meletakkan telur: 24-7
dan 195. Perempuan 24-37 memiliki tingkat estradiol rata-rata 41,46 ng / gm dan memiliki bertahap
naik menjadi 422 ng / gm (hari -11). Perempuan 195 menunjukkan ketinggian yang paling dramatis dari
tingkat estradiol. Nilai dasar nya 78,9 dan memuncak 600 ng / gm (hari -17). Para
perempuan (1530) dari kebun binatang Denver yang disegel ke sarang tetapi tidak meletakkan telur
menunjukkan peningkatan kadar estradiol pada periode waktu yang sama; Namun, tingkat nya kurang
dari setengah orang-orang dari burung bertelur.
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